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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 29, 2024 5:05pm-5:35pm MSK

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i believe that we will achieve great success, such a meeting will not be the last, marina plans to visit an educational institution and tell even the youngest researchers in different regions of the country about space. a trip to the homeland of yuri gagarin is planned. the ministry of finance of poland calculated that over 20 years in the european union, warsaw managed to receive 161 billion euros from europe. thus, she managed to become the largest recipient of brussels payments, taking more. of all european funds and overtaking the main recipients italy, spain and france. part of the money polish leaders abandoned agriculture, although later ukrainian transit caused significant damage to it. but the poles spent the bulk of the funds - 65% on the development of transport, energy, and social infrastructure, in particular on the construction of a razor fence on the border with belarus; warsaw, demanding money from the eu, motivated its construction with fears of an influx of illegal migrants. due to the threat of famine in africa.
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spain's prime minister has refused to resign despite an investigation into corruption in his wife's relationship. in his statement pedro sanchez stressed that - quote: he will work on the upcoming revival of spanish democracy. the prime minister's wife is suspected of using her position to lobby private interests. according to investigators, her foundation entered into a sponsorship agreement with a tourism holding company. as a result, the latter received a subsidy for the airline. included in its structure. the subsidy, which amounts to 475 million euros, was allocated as part of the eu program to help businesses during the pandemic. sport as a way of socializing children with psycho-physical disabilities development. today a table tennis tournament was held in brist. more than 50 guys from different regions of the country. vasilishke, in lukovye, borovlyany, rudensk, brez region, participated in competitions. these are five teams from boarding schools that train according to olya’s unique special program. athletes
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of different age groups competed in several divisions, the main principle of the tournament is that there are no losers, all participants received awards from the organizers, this provides an incentive for further training. our event is such a triad, the first is sportsmanship, the second is some kind of communication skills, this is the friendship of the guys, this is communication, and the third, of course, is horizons, this is history, this is a visit to some significant places. on the eve of the great victory holiday, it is no coincidence that the city of brest was chosen to host such a table tennis tournament. guys, there is still an excursion to the brest hero fortress memorial complex, and next month, within the framework of the special olympic project and with the support of the presidential sports club, there will be international football competitions in orsha, and also the opening of a sports ground for sports in the grodno region. more relevant information at 19:00 until the meeting. on the evening
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news. 1127, on the site of a feudal castle founded by the dregovichi, the city of klechesk arose. at that time, it was the center of the principality as part of the turov of the pinsk land, had extensive trade relations with kiev and volyn, and two centuries later became part of the grand duchy of lithuania. i. just didn’t call these lands his own, but the numbers are on the side of the legendary magnate family of rodevils, their reign here is hard to believe, lasted as much as 360 years. we are in the southwest of the minsk region, something tells me that the raderilovsk capital will greet us very cordially. in this case, let’s not waste time , let’s get acquainted with one of the most ancient cities in belarus. this is klesk, welcome.
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the castle hill, the remains of an ancient rampart and a swamp landscape, are really in...
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the church of saint mikalai, which, unfortunately, was destroyed. like in any other city, in there are several versions of the origin of the name: in chronicles the place was initially mentioned as klechesk or klechsk, in the modern version kletsk. local residents can sometimes even say kletsak, but there is a version, scientifically unconfirmed, that the name comes from klece, a tributary of the lan river. okay, with dumplings it’s more or less clear, but as for the river, why lan?
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the disgusting thing is that the original owners of these lands were the grand dukes of lithuania. kleck remembers very well king sigismund i and his wife, the milanese princess bonus forza, in whose biography still has many dark spots. some historians believe that the temperamental italian is not a poisoner-in-law; she did not treat the first beauty of the grand duchy of lithuania, barbara rodeville , to a poisoned apple, they say. bones forza's daughter-in-law experimented a lot with medications; infertility is considered one of the possible diseases. after the death of the wife of sigismund i, the city passed to the radivils. nicholas the black immediately turned kletsk into one of the centers of reformation in the grand duchy.
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as a preacher, invited here belarusian voltaire, philosopher and humanist simon budtny. it was in kletsk that he wrote his famous catechism, the first. the bloodiest wars in the history of mankind, a shock wave covered the cellulose; with the arrival of the germans , a strict occupation regime, a regime of terror and mass executions was established in the area. about 9.00 residents of the area were victims of a terrible war,
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almost 5,200 were killed by the nazis during the occupation, 1,273 people were tortured in prisoner of war camps, dry numbers, but behind them... there are torn human lives crippled destinies. the nazis destroyed 12 industrial enterprises, plundered 18 collective farms, and destroyed many religious institutions and architectural monuments. for more than a thousand days and nights, kletchin was under nazi occupation. the memory of soldiers and partisans, civilians who died during the liberation of the area, was immortalized in 1975. in the modern historical center of the city there is a memorial monument, on it there is an image of a warrior, a partisan and a woman, a symbol of the unity of the people in the fight against nazism, in front of the pylons there is a rectangular hill-grave, in its slope there is a memorial wall with the names of those whose death is an irreparable loss for loved ones.
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the initiator of the creation of this square and memorial complex was vyacheslav oleshka, a man who worked in the area for a long time and made a significant contribution to its development. by the way, when deciding to build a memorial complex, vyacheslav iosifovich took a great risk with his career. and the grateful residents of kletsk erected this sign in memory of him. the cletsky land gave birth to many talented and famous people. this is where konstantin comes from volasovich, naturalist and geographer, named after. technical developments of khasen alexandrovich.
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in klesk, many streets are named after famous writers. there's even a boss here. the city square is named after vladimir, no, not lenin, mayakovsky, by the way, there was never a monument to the world proletariat in kletsk in pomena, but old-timers remember that in this... place there was another monument, to stalin. the central square was formerly called the market square. special signs remind you of this. generously supplied the city. thanks to them you can find out the historical and modern name of the street. for your information, the first city in belarus where such signs appeared was kletsk, then the neighboring city of baranovichi. tourists should take note: one of
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the largest railway junctions in the country is located 50 km from klejtsk. the center of tourism in belarus is not twenty minutes away, and the capital can be reached by car in 2 hours; from moscow to kletsk is a 10-hour drive and 850 km. in the meantime, let's go back to this city... several centuries ago, i will remind him that almost 900 years old, and it grew up on the site of an ancient feudal castle. these places are a continuous map of battles, because the kletsky lands have seen a lot, the tatar invasion swept through them, the northern war, the war of 1812, the first world war, the great patriotic war, but the city was reborn. the most famous battle of the scoundrel. on august 6, 1506, then an army of ten thousand under the command of prince
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mikhail glinsky crushed the horde of tatars to smithereens; a monument stone and a high cross were erected in memory of the legendary battle. we will prove that. they always wanted bread and circuses, it is for this reason that the mogilev residents once upon a time abandoned themselves
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in the literal sense of the word and built a theater. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country. i love this soup, all because it is very fatty, rich, and after eating a bowl of this soup you can simply not eat it all day. i would like to immediately note the simply fantastic presentation of this dish. if you asked me what haute cuisine is, i would probably say, well, here it is. watch the project, food anywhere on the belarus tv channel 24. there is a main line for the anglo-saxons to maintain global dominance. the only way to maintain global dominance is war in europe. indeed , preparations are underway, the majority of the poles really don’t want to fight, but one thing is...
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we continue our promenade now we are on one of the oldest streets of kletsk, originally it was called the church street, later at...
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the remains of the catholic church of the holy trinity church . documents have not yet been found regarding the exact date of construction of the shrine. probably a temple appeared during the reign of the grand duke of lithuania casimir in the second half of the 15th century. initially, the church was wooden, but over time, by order of albert radivil, a stone one was built in its place. the architect of the temple was giovanni bernardoni himself, a famous italian who also built the church in nesvezha.
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zdymak zrobleny menavіta ўzho pasla vyny, bachytse, hellish day, they are abgarel, magchyma, the germans abstracted the washing caravan. it is reliably known that in front of the church there was a bell tower where four bells hung. behind during the war, parishioners secretly took them out and hid them in different parts of the kletsky district. one was found in a sand
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quarry in the 1980s. descendants can still hear its ringing, only in... in the new temple, which replaced its namesake. in 2000 , a new trinity church began to be built in kletsk. it does not resemble its predecessor in any way, except that at the entrance to the temple, parishioners can see a piece of that very farn church. the reconstruction of the shrine was initiated by vaclav verzbitsky, a native of the nearby one. yanovich, he also helped ksenz at the altar. the whole family went to this old church, he was a minister, that is, he helped the priest at the altar and came out with such an initiative that let’s do something, that is, we will rebuild this church, then these people just came here in ninety-six, the priest erwin, they, together, together with him,
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started this whole initiative, that is , this adventure, one might even say that no one seemed to believe it. that it will be possible to rebuild the church, because this is a huge amount of money. opposite the memorial plaque to vaclav vershbitsky is an icon of st. roch, catholic preacher who gained fame as a defender against the plague. another church in honor of the annunciation of the virgin mary at the end of the 14th century in kletsk appeared, again thanks to the radivils. one of the representatives of the princely family allocated land for construction right in the center. city ​​on the market square. first, a monastery was built on the site of residential buildings, and later a church. dominicans, monks of one of the catholic orders, began to penetrate belarusian lands in the 18th century. they did not have permanent
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housing and were poor. founder of the order spanish monk saint domenic. a sculpture of which stood near the walls of the kletsk dominican monastery. its history begins in 1683. the radivils again turned out to be quite generous and granted the monks an allowance of a thousand gold pieces annually from the family treasury. after 2 centuries , the russian authorities decided to get rid of the few dominicans, in their opinion, by relocating them to nesvizh. the church and monastery began to belong to the military department. settlements for barracks. soon after these events, in 1850, the wife of the kletsky prince sofia radevil proposed rebuilding the catholic church into an orthodox one. on the towers of the building. installed small domes. since then, the former church has belonged to the orthodox community. in 1937 the temple burned.
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many utensils were saved, but the church itself was badly damaged. after 1960 , the authorities located a factory workshop here, and 20 years later the residents of kletsk set about reviving the church. in 1992 , this factory building was handed over to us. it was empty inside, nothing was preserved here, they started with minor repairs and made a typical iconostasis small in size, single-tiered, which we see now, these places were covered with canvas with tablecloths, at christmas in 1994, 2 years later we celebrated the first divine liturgy, the holy resurrection church is the only one... in the complex, only today there is a children's boarding school here. in
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the ancient city there is another orthodox church, notable for the fact that prayers were heard there even during political persecution. we know exactly how to start the morning right. breakfast should not only satiate, but also delight, because food, oh, how it affects our mood. and if you cook in pleasant company, then it’s double the pleasure. together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast. what are we having for breakfast today? oh, today there will be a very interesting breakfast, we will prepare quiche with mussels. i hope we have a great time today. and prepare a real champion’s breakfast and get a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day. well, masha, our breakfast is ready, you have enough energy
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and vigor for the whole day, was it difficult to prepare it? honestly, no, i didn't even expect it that it will be so easy. try this recipe. watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel. they are dedicated to their work, i am.
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the history of the temple begins from the founding of the city, there was a uniad wooden church in honor of the ascension of jesus christ, but after the abolition of the union it was completed, and it was inappropriate to restore it, therefore in 1867 a new stone temple appeared on this site, it was illuminated in honor of the intercession the most holy theotokos, from that moment its chronology begins. second
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the name of the church is orinskaya, because it stood among the arable land on arin, in the belarusian version on mount garyn. later the temple was called irynsky, because its patron was the martyr irina. they honor their memory. may is symbolic that on the same day a century ago the miraculous icon of the mother of god adigitria of smolinskaya was transported to the temple; before that it was in the nesvizh temple. tourists from all over the world come here to bow before her. and one more interesting fact: the pokrovsk church was built in 2-3 years, the preparation for construction itself lasted years 30. at first they would have planned to build a temple for 300 people with a capacity, then for 100 to... 150, but in the end people, having gathered, organized, on their own, with their own efforts, built this temple in the shape of a cross, thanks to the fact that the temple is always
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was located on the territory... it was always active, that is, prayer in this temple never stopped, the temple lives by prayer, as i already said, all confessions in the city coexisted peacefully and around the time when a miraculous shrine appeared in the cemetery church, jewish community preached the most important commandments of judaism. 1921, after the conclusion of the riga peace treaty, the jewish rabbinical school eitzhaim moved from lutsk to kletsk. at that time, kletsk was located on the territory of poland, a lot of jews lived in it, and the city was one of the centers of torah study.
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students often visited this abandoned building on gagarin street. from poland, galicia and other nearby countries. here they not only read the torah, but also taught jewish teaching, taught boys from low-income families, and operated a women's religious school. almost 20 yershiva existed peacefully for years, and then the premises were used as a regional cultural center. 4 years ago, a delegation of ultra-todox jews from the usa, israel, ukraine, belarus and mexico arrived in the cage. and the yeshiva again held a shortened hour-long torah lesson. the locals do not lose hope; representatives of the jewish community will buy the building and create their own museum there. and then on our tourist route there is an object to which excursion groups are brought. monument in art nouveau style with neo-gothic elements. radevely
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did a lot to develop the city's social infrastructure. thanks to the richest princely family , this hospital appeared in kletka during the russian-japanese war. at that time, it could accommodate several dozen patients at the same time. three one-story buildings of the ancient hospital cage were built of red stone under the sponsorship of wojzach. surprised. the hospital was in working order until 1917. then, due to lack of funding, it closed for several years. during the occupation in the building klet technical school was located. in the post-war period, the walls of the city primary school became crowded for students, then the authorities turned the hospital building into a school, and later these properties were transferred to the housing and communal services sector. what is interesting
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is the appearance of the building from that time. remains virtually unchanged and is a beautifully preserved monument of the art nouveau era. we are heading to another architectural monument that was active during the war years. the border guard corps appeared on these lands in 1924. at that time there were many military men in the city, because not far from kletsk the soviet-polish border passed through, so the barracks were used strictly for their intended purpose for a long time. the creation of such a military-police formation was due to the fact that there was unrest on the border, banditry was flourishing, groups of soviet saboteurs and local police were working.
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i simply couldn’t cope. about 25,000 officer soldiers, six brigades, 24 infantry battalions and 20 cavalry squadrons patrolled the lines. and the well-fortified buildings were designed by tadeusz nowakowski. garrison, in addition to headquarters and barracks buildings, included a weapons room, a stable for two.


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