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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 29, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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soviet saboteurs, and the local police simply could not cope. about 25 thousand officer soldiers, six brigades, 24 infantry battalions and 20 cavalry squadrons patrolled the lines. and the well-fortified buildings were designed by tadeusz nowakowski. the garrison, in addition to the headquarters and barracks buildings , included a weapons room, a stable for 200 horses for... cavalry and feed warehouses. this building, the only one in the city at that time, had electricity and even running water. the headquarters were located here until 1939, a year later, departments of the red army. now it is an architectural monument, which is surrounded on all sides by residential buildings. and a tourist path leads us to the village of moroch , kletsky district. just half an hour and we are
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there, or to be more precise, in that very unique place where folk traditions are preserved and revived. i am sure you will be very interested to meet the masters of the linosil center. at first glance, it looks like an ordinary house in the countryside, but you go inside. everything that is truly exotic for residents of large cities. them in the village of moroch they make everything, from small to large, even tourists. ribbon and cross stitch embroidery , unique painting techniques, lard weaving, wood carving. at the crafts center, more than a hundred children are engaged in these types of creativity, some of them learn from elena ababurka. who
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has been fascinated by one of the most ancient crafts , straw weaving, for 20 years, well, i’ll try, i’ll comprehend the ose, we take five straws and try, we turn one away from ourselves, we throw the second up, we repeat the same movements further, try it, so let’s not with the lightest, i would even say, skillful movement of the hands, wheat. new forms, painstaking work, jewelry work, but elena assures me that in all these years i have never had any thoughts of giving up my favorite pastime, i plant the self-born, i grow it, yes, yes, i don’t need a lot of it, then i cut it with a sickle, as before, just like in the second place, yes, we dry it, the weather of course must be appropriate, not wet, because it will be very bad afterwards. keep it dry, then
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clean it. creating a straw masterpiece takes a lot of time, depending on the complexity, from 5 days to several months. i am glad that the shelf life of such products is not limited, the main thing is to treat them with care, however, over time the material may acquire a slightly different shade, but is this really important if you know that the person put his soul into it. as you have already understood, this ancient city, which once formed on the left bank of the lan river, is relatively small, the population is only about 12,000 people, and it attracts tourists primarily for its color, which is the radevil capital, despite...
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everything managed to save it, come to kletsk and discover this city.
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in a mansion located in the kensington area of ​​west london in march 1944, they were waiting for the commander of the home army, leopold okulitsky. the polish government in exile was located here since 1939. the adjutant of general sasankovsky looked at his watch, was already starting to get nervous, it was almost 11, and the commander was still not there. finally, footsteps were heard. behind a closed door, an important conversation between two generals began. the commander of the regional army,
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akulitsky, was about to fly to poland. before this clarifies the tasks. they were changing. now it is threatened by the soviet union. okulitsky indicated on the map the places where reserve headquarters were created in all districts of the regional army. their
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task is to lead the fight against the red army, partisans and those who help them. he was also instructed to bring the information to burkomarovsky. commander of the regional army in poland. in march 1944 , an urgent message from the london station about a secret meeting between akulitsky and sosankovsky in london was sent to the center. the kremlin carefully studied the poles' plans for the ussr. from memo from the head of the first department of the nkgb. june 1944. according to intelligence data received, representatives of the london government on the territory of poland, yankovsky and the commander of the regional army, general komarovsky, gave the following directive. the germans have gone bankrupt and are nothing to be reckoned with. the main enemy is the ussr. all forces are
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against the ussr. in july, when the first stage of operation bagration to liberate belarus ended. the red army was rapidly advancing, pushing the germans out of soviet territory, but the germans were in no hurry to surrender their positions, they left behind not only the conquered land, but also numerous agents created by nationalist organizations and gang formations. their task is to resist the advancing units of the red army, fight partisans, and destroy party and soviet activists. the army of kraev also entered the fight under the slogan of poland within the borders of the thirty-ninth year. blood was shed again in belarus. in 1944, the polish émigré government finally
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took off its masks. units of four districts of the regional army operated on its territory, belostotsky, vilna, novogrudok and polessky, also known as the district. brest over the bug. by 1944, the underground network of akovites in belarus numbered over 57 thousand people. its detachments were replenished by underground armed organizations, the people's organization of the military, the khlopsky battalions, the harness confederation and others. area of ​​responsibility from the western territories. in the novogrudok region. named after the underground nickname of a lieutenant colonel of the former polish army, thrown into the novogrudok region with the task of the london government to lead polish underground in the fight against soviet power. in the region of baranovich and grodno,
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ragner, named after the underground nickname of cheslav zainchkovsky, led the most active organization of the nadnemansky combat battalions. regional army from the south formation. in the north of the baranovichi region is rat. by the name of an underground nickname. ivan borisevich was created during the period of german occupation and fought against partisans in the grodno region. grodno and molodechensk regions, east. led by the polish officer guletsky, underground nickname veter, and more than 600 others small large gangs of groups associated with the anti-soviet underground. from the reports of the leaders of the partisan detachments, we learn that only the detachments of the novogrudok district
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of the regional army during the autumn-summer period of 43-4 carried out 81 operations against the partisans. in more than 200 clashes , 250 civilians were shot for collaborating with partisans . they tried to come to an agreement with the sakovites, including on joint actions against the fascists. the first negotiations were on november 25 , 1943, the second on december 12, but all to no avail. she went to the center intelligence information of particular importance. the command of the polish legions negotiated with the germans and sd in order to receive weapons from them and agree on joint actions against the soviet partisans. during the first half of forty-five it was done. 247 terrorist attacks, 26 sabotage, 125 attacks on government agencies, 554 people were killed, employees
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of the ministry of internal affairs, ministry of state security, officers of the soviet army, party and soviet activists. the punitive operations of the akovites against the civilian population were especially cruel. in reports to the center there are reports of robberies and bloody massacres. the village of lukashi, zaslavsky district, was robbed. 26 peasants were burned alive. on february 24-25 , the villages of tureysk and zaborye, zheludok district, were burned, 350 houses were destroyed, many residents were killed, and such messages are reported almost daily. the response to akovtsev’s action was unequivocal. by 1947, partisan detachments, special forces of the gru, smersh, and the police had defeated
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767 underground rebel organizations, arrested more than 13 thousand participants, and completely liquidated kotvich, ragner, krysya, vostok and other formations. 19 on january 1945, by order of commander-in-chief akulitsky, the regional army was disbanded. but the bloody deeds of the akovites did not end. scattered gang groups continued to operate on the territory of belarus: lone bandits. many were particularly cruel. it was difficult to expose them. the services relied on local agents. the hunt began for
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one of the militants, yan grintsevich, nicknamed bogdan, from the ragner battalion. he is responsible for the murder of police officers, military personnel, activists, and ordinary collective farmers. it's been a barn for 2 years now. khutre, not far from the berm, became a reliable hiding place for the elusive ian. lying on the trestle bed , he once again talked about his life and existence. the day was always a burden. i'm pretty fed up with the society of chickens that keep cackling like dumb sheep. but the night, great deeds and food. my heart was filled with anticipation of the meeting. so peaceful. at 5:00 pm, the door of the barn quietly
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opened, and a woman literally slipped in, carrying a small bundle of milk. with her usual movements, she began to lay out its contents on the box that served as a table. there was no strength to contain my emotions. sneaking up from behind, bogdan was already feeling the beautiful forms , uttering venom. i'm still waiting for mr. palapit. at the most inopportune moment, the door swung open. on the threshold with a club stood yadi’s enraged husband, who was pretty fed up with being in his presence. home of the resistance hero. before he could utter the words, he was pinned down by the police. the fight against polish gangs actually stretched over 10 post-war years; they were finally
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eliminated on the territory of the bssr by may 1953 . lone terrorists in 1954 atrocities ak members against civilians, partisans, and soldiers of the red army became a bloody page in the history of belarus. as the red army rapidly advanced in the western direction, the number of messages from the london station to the center increased. on the polish question: april 16, 1945, top secret, the intentions of the polish émigré government in london to continue the fight for poland by force, obtained through intelligence. the london government intends to significantly increase its army. hundreds of reserves
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thousands of polish people liberated by the allied armies. the swiss government reached an agreement with the german government. anders declared that he would create an army of millions. the poles were not going to give up their plans for the eastern lands. this was reported until 1956 .
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there are streets named after the glorious patriot, the warrior of faith. a terrible day for the soviet people, june 22, 1941, found faith in the city of pilsk. without hesitation, she and her husband joined the partisan detachment. husband, brave the underground worker lost in the first days of the war. he died heroically in battle with the nazis. in august 1942, at the head of a group of underground workers, she went to work in vitebsk, which by that time was overrun by fascist troops. thanks to the data of the underground fighters of the army group, soviet aviation carried out precise strikes on ammunition depots and barracks of the nazis, causing them great damage in manpower and equipment.
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anticipating their imminent defeat, the german fascists intensify the fight against the people's avengers and strive to behead partisan movement. following the denunciation of a traitor, vera falls into the hands of the gestapo, where even under torture she did not betray her comrades, for which she was executed. there is evidence that hitler’s executioners hanged her publicly in the square in vitebsk. vera zakharovna kharuzhie was awarded the order of lenin and the gold star medal, the order of the red banner, and was also awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously. club of editors
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any nation needs bonds, this flight is a bond, a bond of our society. for 3 weeks we lived with this topic, we followed, we worried, but most importantly, we were proud. this is truly a national achievement, mobilizing the entire country, so many people rejoiced at her flight, everyone greeted her with tears in their eyes, let them explode from their bile. no country in the world pays so much attention to a woman as a woman, that is , today a belarusian woman has the opportunity to do everything and even fly into space.
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is it true that in developed countries the male population predominates over the female population? the female population predominates there because men have a higher mortality rate in childhood. how are you what do you think caused this? various factors, my dad threw me into a river when i was a child, and then they brilliantly answer the host’s questions. does anyone know why september is called exactly? not because it's the seventh month, great, it's the seventh month.
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we talked about it while preparing for the olympics and that’s why it’s great that it coincided. watch the intellectual and entertainment project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel. we are going on a trip to belarus. this town was built from 94 to 96 of the last century. it is unique in that it is completely the concept of a pedestrian zone has been implemented. together with us.
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"whoever grinds flour, whoever grinds cereal, if a person comes, prays with faith and turns to this miraculous icon of the mother of god, he begins to see this face very well, she always helps, look in the program, the route is built on the belarus 24 tv channel. in 24 hours you can do a lot in 7 days and even more. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will also be time for entertainment.
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exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films, pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project air 24 on... watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
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the republic of belarus hosted the famous cities of the garad town hall. reconstruction of the city's roads, new buildings have begun and changes to the infrastructure of the city's central highway.


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