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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 29, 2024 6:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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the year opens up opportunities for some harmonization of conditions and standards that could exist between russian-belarusian tourism. belarus is very dynamic, dynamic in terms of the fact that your management decisions, vertically, are carried out quickly. what exactly do people see as the eiffel tower or some other object? yes, it matters, but it’s not essential. with us, all this can be no less interesting, certainly no worse. you are very... you are the only country that has survived. project say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. today, about 120 enterprises in our country receive tourists; of course, there are flows of tourists. differ from enterprise to
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enterprise, we can say that the main flagships of industrial tourism are enterprises of mechanical engineering, food and light industry, there are enterprises that receive tourists in very large flows, for example, enterprises such as belas, which was visited by 51,000 tourists last year, minsk tractor factory, 21 tourists, confectionery factory commune. also about 10 thousand tourists visited this the factory, well, the entire enterprise of the sweet food industry, such as griffer, condensed milk, was visited by about 40,000 people, in general, we estimate the flow of tourists to the enterprise in the range of about 200,000 people in 2023, an increase in flows is noted for all enterprises, but the most...
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what are some unusual excursions in your opinion today? for me, as a lover of industrial tourism, i myself often visit enterprises; the most unusual are not so much excursions as additional offers that you can try in as part of a visit to an enterprise, for example, there is such a granite enterprise, it is located in mikashevichi, as part of an excursion you can dive to the bottom of one of the largest granite quarries in europe, see real waterfalls there, the landscapes there are very different from the typical belarus that we see, and this is a person’s job, also, for example, you can ride on belaz if you really want to, at a tractor factory you can take part in assembling a tractor, and enterprises are now conducting various interactive events, this...
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tourism is rather a tool for popularizing our brands, a tool for building trust in our products, not all belarusian enterprises will be of interest to a foreigner, they are interested in those enterprises that glorify our country throughout the world, agreements have already been concluded with these enterprises, travel agencies , their excursions are available on the websites... online booking,
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there are package offers, industrial tourism is also used in may with tourism when receiving delegations. a year of quality for our company is in first of all, an increase in the model. series to fill the sales markets and satisfy our consumers at the minsk atlant refrigerator plant, i came to the refrigerator assembly shop in 2001 as a fitter. today i am the head of the refrigerator assembly department. in 2001 to me. i was 19 years old
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, i probably decided for myself that i would like to see how a large production works, i probably still wanted to work, from the introduction of this equipment it improved by an order of magnitude when a new line was released of any of our products, in any case, it is natural to be proud of both ourselves and the enterprises, but the most important thing is the team that produces this product. in the future, we are
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introducing an extensive line of refrigerators, this is a primary task as the head of the implementation of these new lines, refrigerators, but again. i repeat, this is the automation of the process, when we have more than at least 50-70% of our production automated, it will make our life easier, our brand is respected by people and appreciated for the fact that this is an enterprise has been working for a very long time, so just for the name atlant people are ready, in principle , to purchase our equipment. childlike curiosity and genuine interest, absolute honesty and sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute
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a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our hero? why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions. famous people answer tricky questions of the younger generation. how are you different at work from yourself at home? i think, solely by appearance. i'm turning from some kind of grinza into a cute cat. no, i'm either a grinza everywhere, or a kitty everywhere. how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? extremely categorically negative.
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the hero of our program - the issuing features buried in the pile, go on to the right and think about what to do so that it has such a sound so that it is high. perhaps we will have such an area, we will try to do it, it would be nice if this museum was combined with a workshop, so that it would not just be people who came to the museum, but also they came to see how it’s done, and to let the fool understand the soul of the belarusian people, my only dream is that we are all healthy, that there is peace, and of course
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live and work and do something else for the people, even if it’s a small one, the belarusian project on our tv channel.
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