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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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hello, live news, lyudmila kazak is with you, watch this evening episode. the president heard a report from the deputy chairman of the supreme council, chief of the secretariat. what tasks did the chairman of the all-belarus people's assembly set for building further work? the georgian parliament supported the bill on foreign agents. supporters are gathering in the city center. in
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support of the law. poland has become the largest recipient of brussels payments over the past 20 years, spending tens of billions from the eu. represented by telecom operators and offer new parcel services. another telephone scam scheme. carefully. the president of belarus, chairman of the all-belarusian people's assembly, alexander lukashenko, listened via intercom. it is necessary to work within the framework of the new belarusian leader set a number of tasks, outlining the main issues that the constitutional body is working on. firstly, alexander of the seventh all-belarus people's assembly lukashenko instructed to build a system of work with the delegates of the supreme people's assembly vertically, the chairman, the deputy secretariat of the delegates of the supreme people's assembly. in the meeting consists of about 1200 delegates.
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the head of state set the task for every delegate of the all-belarusian people's assembly to participate in its work daily, every part, these are not the previous meetings that were held from one congress to another, the seventh congress, which held its first meeting, discussed all issues of an organizational nature, approved doctrines, the concept of national...
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speaker of the lower house of parliament at a working meeting in the wake of the supreme national assembly. igor sergeenko emphasizes the task of parliamentarians, as in including delegates, the all-belarus people's assembly to implement the instructions of the head of state in the localities of the provisions of the adopted documents. in addition to outreach, it is extremely important to receive feedback from the public. during meetings with labor collectives and voters, deputies will pay more attention to studying the assessments of belarusians about the socio-economic situation, socio-political, as well as those problematic issues. we talked about the fact that the meeting is a consolidating body that develops strategic issues development of our state, of course, ahead is a discussion of the economic development of the country, approval of the foundations of foreign and domestic
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policy, that is , the formation of our bodies, such as the courts, is on the agenda, so we must convey all this to both pre-voters, and of course, receive feedback. igor sergeenko also emphasized: belarusians must understand that they are not outside observers, peace in the country, the fight against the threats of terrorism and extremism depend on everyone. therefore, another important emphasis in the work of parliamentarians is to convey to citizens
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information about existing risks and threats that need to be actively resisted, and to be united in defending the interests of our country. sochi will purchase more electric vehicles from belarus, this was discussed at a meeting between city mayor alexei kapaygorodsky and belarusian prime minister roman golovchenko. this year, more than a hundred belarusian -made buses and electric buses have already been purchased for sochi; in the future, the number of electric transport from belarus in the resort city will increase, immediately after the productive meeting, roman golovchenko went to egypt, a government delegation including the heads of our leading enterprises from mechanical engineering to light industry and food products literally just landed in cairo. in 2 days there will be negotiations with the prime minister of egypt, a business forum, and a visit to the service centers of our enterprises is also planned. it is expected that new contracts and bilateral documents will be signed to expand cooperation.
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the georgian parliamentary committee supported the bill on foreign agents in the second reading. how a number of sources report that a rally of supporters of the ruling authorities is beginning near the walls of the georgian parliament in tbilis. previously, dikaneidze headed the national police of ukraine. eight opposition deputies were removed from the hall, and several more left the meeting in protest. the supreme court of ukraine began proceedings on the case of illegal refusal to call presidential elections in the country. the application was submitted by one of
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the residents of chernigov. he demands that the actions, or rather, the absence of parliamentary actions, be recognized as illegal. the supreme court has already demanded the joy of clarification is that the conflict is fraught with a political crisis for ukraine. until may 31, 21 , it will simply become illegitimate; the lawsuit from a chernigov resident cannot be an accident, experts say. it is likely that one of the former, for example, ex-president poroshenko, is preparing an uprising against zelensky. the success or failure of the rebellion depends, of course, not on the supreme court, the choice. for western partners, they will decide to change zelensky or leave him in the chair for the duration of the war. a leopard tank, a british bradley infantry fighting vehicle, and american armored cars took their places on the paving stones worship mountain. all these are trophies obtained by russian soldiers on the fields of the northern military district. the ministry of defense
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specially brought them to moscow. from may 1 , the exhibits will be displayed at an open-air exhibition. western armor does not look at all as menacing as it is presented in foreign and ukrainian news. meanwhile, the leader of the kiev regime does not stop asking for military assistance from the so -called allies. the head of nato, who visited kiev today, criticized the process of military support for ukraine from the outside. poda and expressed optimism about future supplies. despite everything, soltenberg admitted, nato will not agree on ukraine’s accession in the near future. the ministry of finance of poland calculated that over 20 years in the european union, warsaw managed to receive 161 billion euros from europe. thus, it managed to become the largest recipient of brussels payments, taking more than 13% of all euro funds and overtaking the main recipients: italy, spain and france. poland’s leaders spent part of the money on agriculture, although later ukrainian transit caused significant damage to it,
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the poles spent the bulk of their funds, 65%, on the development of transport, energy and social infrastructure, in particular on the construction of a razor fence on the border with belarus, which requires money; warsaw motivated its construction with fears of an influx of illegal migrants due to the threat of famine in africa. thieves from washington and corruption. in war, what happens when evil crosses the border, how the white house robbed and destroyed the state, why today belarusians need to be strong, the bitter taste of american freedom, tragedy millions and chaos after the invasion, in a clear policy about those from whom the west stole the world for a long time, watch today after the panorama. we want to live on our land, our belarusian people have suffered for this right, and we
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will not allow it to be given away to anyone.
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to preserve the true history of our state, the memory of its heroes, to preserve national values ​​and traditions, and most importantly, to convey true information about the events of the past to the younger generation. in particular, these theses were voiced today at the first “fair history” seminar. the capital's palace of culture has become a dialogue platform for teachers, scientists, deputies, and the house of representatives of the city council. during the discussion, we also touched upon the sacred topic of an immortal feat that unites a generation and brings together a patriotic...
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now it is very important that we, historians, together with history teachers, that is, those people who bring knowledge to the younger generation, who, in fact, are at the forefront of this ideological struggle, we must all become a united front to counteract attempts to rewrite history, primarily the history of the great patriotic war, because these events are very important in terms of the history of belarusian statehood, victory day is our day, ours, our victory, no other holidays or... there are no events around this date should obscure the fact that it was the soviet
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union, the soviet people, who won the victory over fascism. in this regard , there will be a conversation with the teachers of our, our schools , so that after all, this, this emphasis on the eve of may 9, sacred for our belarusian people of the day, became the main leitmotif in the lessons. we plan to hold seminars in this format on an ongoing basis, every meeting. the speakers will be different, they will be experts in the field of history, belarusian political scientists and journalists. the dialogue with the first female cosmonaut of sovereign belarus took place at the presidential academy of management. in the format of a friendly conversation, marina vasilevskaya talked with students and teachers of the higher school, told in detail what the preparation was like, what life is like on the iss and what the astronauts feel during the flight and after, she also shared space photos, as a souvenir for the autograph participants, an entry in the book of honored guests. marina vasilevskaya is a living example
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of the courage of scientific achievements and female strength. it is very interesting that having an economic education. “she came to space, and for me this has some kind of resonance, so honestly, it’s very interesting to find out how, why and why? it’s very important for me to be here today with students, with management and share my experience, we are already considered a space power, and we are moving towards this direction very rapidly, and of course, i would like for all this to develop even faster, and i believe that with this project, which has opened the door for us to this space power, of course it will be very symbolic for our country to popularize this and master it even faster, i believe that we will achieve great success. this is not the last meeting; marina plans to visit an educational institution and tell even the youngest researchers in different
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regions of the country about space. a trip to the homeland of yuri gagarin is planned. another victim of the lithuanian thorn. smorgon border guards discovered a roe deer that had become entangled in the wire of a european pagrand fence. this happened on april 26, the neighboring side was informed about the incident, an hour later lithuanian services arrived at the scene. judging by the video. observation, the roe deer died from its wounds, the animal’s carcass was simply loaded into a car trailer, it’s hard to say what benefit the concertina brings to lithuania, the damage it caused to nature can be assessed: 27 wild animals died on the lithuanian border, 16 moose, 10 roe deer, one deer. be careful, a new scheme of deception, scammers introduce themselves
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as employees of bel telecom, a pensioner from minsk fell for the scammers, strangers called the woman in the messenger and... introduced themselves as telecom operators, she was offered to extend the package of services for television, but the woman assumed that scammers were calling her and i hung up, and agreed to follow the link that came in the sms message, namely download, install the application, i’ll try, then i received an sms on my phone from beltelecom that i need to download file, i downloaded it, my phone began to work poorly, then they called me from the financial police and said that my money had been written off, and in order to secure my money, i had to go to the bank, they named the bank for me and completely supervised , where to go, what to do to secure the remaining funds, the woman was advised to declare them. the pensioner took her savings of more than $16,000 from the bank and opened a new account where she deposited the entire amount.
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through a previously installed application, the scammers received all logins and passwords. if you have any doubts, end the call and call back to the official number of the single telecom customer service center 123. a criminal case has been opened for theft. do not click on links sent by strangers and do not install the application on your mobile phone at the request of third parties. tasks of any complexity will be completed with filigree precision, promptly responding to rapidly changing circumstances, not a single detention is similar to the previous one and it is important to make a decision without delay,
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there can be no mistakes. all this has already been proven showed the soldiers of the special police detachment. meaning from gomel. theory and practice of special forces work. today , amon works in the new series of the tv news agency project. on the evening broadcast. high quality work. an exhibition of scientific works of women doctors of science opened at bsu;
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the exhibition includes about 120 books, monographs, and textbooks. their authors are 22 employees of bsu from the primary organization of the women's union, awarded the high scientific title of doctor of science. at the exhibition you can get acquainted with works in the field humanitarian, technical and natural.
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textbooks, teaching aids, scientific articles, only a highly qualified specialist today can fulfill the tasks that the state sets before us, and all modern times in the field of science and education set before us. the exposition is located in the scientific hall of the fundamental library; students and employees of bsu can visit the exhibition until may 3 inclusive. today in brest a table tennis tournament was held for more than 50 children from different regions of the country. vasilishke, ulukovye, borovlyany, rudensk, brest
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region participated in the competition. these are five teams from boarding schools, which train under the unique special olympics program. athletes of different age groups competed in several divisions. the main principle of the tournament is that there are no losers. all participants received awards from the organizers, this provides an incentive for further training. we went, not for the first time, we are participating in this event, we went to the special olympics in swimming, bowling, and even went to a seminar this year, so how we were selected, we decided to participate, we always prepare before competitions and don’t worry, the main thing is not victory, but the main thing is participation, our event is such a triad, this is the first sportsmanship, the second is some kind of communication skills, this is the friendship of the guys, this is communication t... of course, this is horizons, this is history, this is a visit to some significant places on the eve of the great victory holiday, and the city of brest was not chosen by chance to
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host such a table tennis tournament. the guys still have an excursion to memorial complex brez fortress hero, and next month, within the framework of the special olympics project and with the support of the presidential sports club , international football competitions will be held in orsha, as well as the opening of a sports ground. in bochesport in the grodno region. i have all the information for today, the sports review will continue to air. the results of the day will be summed up by elena nasacheva in a panorama. have a nice evening. the prest hockey club announced that sergei pushkov will continue to lead the team next season. it is known that a contract with a specialist signed for one season. in november 2023, pushkov took charge of brest and not only led the team to the extra playoffs. on the way to the title confrontation, brest pushkova knocked out the two best teams of the regular season, shakhtar vitebsk. previously, the mentor was recognized three times
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as the best coach of the extra league, became a three-time winner of the president's cup and twice the ruslan salei cup. krasnodar today missed the chance to overtake zenit in the russian premier league standings in the match of the twenty-sixth round. southerners in samara were unable to hit the goal of the wings of the soviets, although in the very at the beginning, sergei volkov scored a goal that...


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