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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 29, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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and this model has a chance of success and expansion of participants. i emphasize, no violence and no agreement. key decisions in sovereign history in dialogue with the people. military doctrine and concept of national security, response to geopolitical changes in the world. the development of cooperation between russia and belarus in the field of defense involves the creation of a reliable search.
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from the supply of equipment to the modernization of enterprises participating in the development of the northern sea route, promising areas of interaction between belarus and arkhangelsk areas. a project for the development of the arkhangelsk transport hub is beginning; a new deep-water area of ​​the arkhangelsk port will be built, which will of course significantly increase the volume of cargo transshipment. it will become easier to explore each other’s potential; minsk and arkhangelsk are connected by a direct flight. when needed. make a difficult choice and a friendship that cannot be broken, a large-scale russian film about the war, would anyone have thought 85 years ago that today we would make a movie about two friends , a russian and a german, where one actor is russian, the second real german from berlin, it doesn’t matter what religion you are, it’s important what ’s inside you, what human concepts you have and... what’s inside you, and this movie,
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this movie is about that. pre-premiere screening of the film dugout in brest. a sovereign state is a strong union, this is the formula for the success of any integration. president alexander lukashenko emphasized this at the all-belarus people's assembly. allied relations between belarus and russia are an example of a peaceful creative agenda, and this. the model has a chance of success and expansion of participants, and of course, a fateful decision by the highest representative body of the people of power, the military doctrine and concept of national security were approved. this is a timely response to geopolitical changes in the world, and this is the main theme of the program. almost 1,700 delegates. now, with this composition, all the most important decisions in belarus, in fact, the development strategy is determined by the all-belarusian people's assembly. the model of political structure
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has been reformatted by strengthening the role and status of the power of people's representatives. their decision from now on, not recommendations, as it was before, but a guide to action, for everyone , including the president. the supreme council has received the exclusive power to suspend the decision of any body or official. thus, the meeting will become a protective buffer against possible dangerous processes going against the grain. with the interests of society and the state. delegates are the voice of the people, their collective intelligence. you are not just a general assembly, you are the national conscience, you, i repeat, are the eyes of the people. symbolically, the meeting begins its work with discussion and adoption of the most important documents ensuring national security. in the current realities, this is both the primary demand of society and the main priority of state policy.
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then russia will have no time for an alliance with china, isn’t that why on the western borders of nato, face to face, in plans, by the way, already approved, to deploy a three-hundred-thousand-strong military group on the eastern flank. poland is the baltic countries, in western europe; nato soldiers seem to be concentrated everywhere. this is a question of what are they capable of? in general, european politicians are essentially at gunpoint from american guns, and what can belarus oppose to them? one thing is clear: they really want to drag us into a war like no one else, and i, as the commander-in-chief, our military and special services see this, while they provoke us, dig trenches, modernize
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the military infrastructure, weapons, i have already said, we are on the other side borders, we are building a peaceful life here, walls are not... not pacifism, i ask you not to be confused, as threats grow, we will take symmetrical measures to increase combat power, and addressing them, i would like i ask you not to push us to asymmetrical measures, we must be strong so that no one dares to bring us to our knees. international law has long been no help in matters of the peaceful agenda for resolving global conflicts, but this does not mean that the planet does not need systems of cooperation and security. alexander lukashenko is convinced that within the framework of greater eurasia, this is promising if it is built on the principles of respect, equality
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and dialogue, because security should be equal and common for everyone. allied belarusian-russian tandem example creative agenda.
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you know, we will not go anywhere to politically prove to our enemies and enemies that we have true democracy, and i am sure that from this all-belarus people’s assembly, a constitutional body, there will be strength. the all-belarusian people's assembly is, in fact , the first platform where the real geopolitical situation on the external contour is openly spoken to the general public, without making a military secret out of it. the world is entering a global conflict, where is america.
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and i have already said more than once, if anything happens, we will become everything is a brest fortress, but we will protect our land, that’s enough, we have gained this independence, so it must be preserved in every possible way, preferably without war. the result of the all-belarus meeting, the adoption of the most important documents, the concept of national security was updated, and seriously by 70%, which is important without a revolution, the concept is both a strategy and tactics at the same time. it provides an answer to the main questions: protection of national interests, which ones and from whom, by what forces and means. a clear analysis of the situation in the world is given in the concept of national security, as once those challenges and threats in the sphere of national security are outlined, which today
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threaten not only belarus, but also the world as a whole, determines strategic national interests, then for the sake of which one must live and exist in general, the main national interests, one of the chapters reveals measures that. .. this does not mean that we completely deny dialogue with her; on the contrary, we say that we do not consider any state, any
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people, as our enemy, but regardless of the actions of their government, on the contrary, we are ready for conversation, consensus, searching for those points of contact in order to ensure peace in our region. accepting the concept and doctrine, belarus does not build offensive strategies, concentrates all forces on defense, open hostility. there is no one in our documents, all this is in order to preserve the belarusian anti-war reality, although there is a remark: open threats, especially actions addressed to us, will not go unanswered. the demand for peace and stability is especially strong now. security of the union state in priority. the adoption of the most important documents in the field of national security in belarus is in the sight of experts. with us. we are talking about
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creating joint operational groups that could quickly respond to any external threats, because we know that nato activity near the borders of the union state is growing by...
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what statements and how to counter provocations? these statements are obviously aimed at putting pressure on the leadership of russia and belarus, and this is nothing more than blackmail, nothing surprising in this no, there is a growing threat, a threat in military terms, because nato countries will indeed increase their potential along the borders of the union state, in this regard , it would be useful for russia and belarus to develop a plan to create a rapid reaction force
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of a mixed russian-belarusian composition, so that more often than not, in the event of a military threat, these forces could be redeployed to the point of the belarusian border opposite which this threat would arise, and of course these forces must undergo combat coordination in order to... in any operational environment, in any situation, act together, skillfully and effectively, well, among other things, it is expected that in the future russia and belarus will create not only a common military security system, but also an information security system, that is, a system of centers for conducting information operations and counter-operations, and these and this system will also be staffed by russian and belarusian specialists. thank you, keep in touch with us. there was a russian expert alexey manoila,
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why do we need an astronaut in space in principle, do we have nothing else to do, a sovereign belarusian in space is pride for the nation, so all other talk is stupid in its essence, in any business there must... be a goal to which one must strive, without this will lead to stagnation, and it is alexander grigorievich, he is the main ideologist of this approach in the country, he says: let’s produce our own car in belarus, we now have our own car, we built a station, although there was also hand-wringing, howling, now the most important thing is, if suddenly we will take on the aircraft construction project, this is already more than enough for development, documents from the robert koch institute were leaked onto the internet, in which it is written in black and white that in germany the government was aware from the very beginning that lockdowns during a pandemic cause more harm than
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good, and alexander lukashenko will also remain in history as a leader who is more effective than anyone else. solved the problem of coronavirus in the world, never suffer from psychosis in anything, just listen to your dad, author’s project of igor turay propaganda, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, you have calculated everything in advance, the best tactician, the best strategist, hate each other, all thoughts are only about the task and an irresistible desire to return, and belarus is canceled for you, a new task has arrived, i wanted to ask if it was possible somehow replay the game so that i’m still someone else in belarus? no, meet archimandrite veniam konstantinov, hello, arina prozarovskaya, veniamin, zoya, bless, the germans are opening churches in the occupied territories, so wait until they will occupy kiev, then you will go to the commandant’s office, two priests, two novice, katya, mother, promise that you will be alive, mother, now
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it’s yours to work for the good of your homeland, you know, soon he will return to you, there is war, there is danger, well, where did you run? i would go to church now, send a note to my mother, sometimes there is only one way out, you have to do what you have to do, come, come to me, quickly, watch the scout series on the belarus 24 tv channel, they were born in different parts of the world, i came from kazakhstan, from the city. you, my husband, sergey, were the first to come here for work, he really liked it here, i was born in tselinograd, that is, so to speak, there is a little history there, first there was telinograd, then akmala, everyone found something here for themselves, here our favorite stage, our home, i can’t even say that this is work,
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this is our home, where we give our soul, our creativity. i came and declared, that is, what i want, that i want to have my own team, i want to develop ballroom dancing in our city, in the city of lida. each hero has his own unique history and your own view of belarus. minsk has very good conditions for living with a family, especially with small children. i love belarus, and i proudly declare that it was here that i acquired my... great happiness, watch on the tv channel belarus 24.
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and let's return to the all-belarusian people's assembly, where they not only sounded. running the academy of management under the president of belarus, worked in the prosecutor's office, including in senior positions, as well as in the banking sector, was elected as a deputy board of representatives of the national assembly of belarus of the seventh convocation, worked as a member of the standing commission on national security, member of the board of the public association belarusian women's union
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, heads the primary organization of the belarusian women's union of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus. awarded certificates of honor from the national assembly of belarus, the administration of the president of belarus, the parliamentary assembly, and the collective security treaty organization. marina alexandrovna, in principle, is a tradition discussion of important issues is not new and was discussed for a five-year period back in the soviet period, but the new status of the all-belarusian people's assembly, these are the strategic tasks, new functions, as far as we can say that the system of government is being improved...
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the first meeting is very significant and very significant sixth meeting in 2022, when the issue was discussed that it is necessary to adopt a new constitution, it is necessary to update it, because we need to keep up with the times, we are talking about changes, having voted for the constitution, our people voted for the present and for the future, for these evolutionary changes, and today, of course, the all-belarusian people's assembly is really acquiring a completely new status, constitutional, precisely in...
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the situation is quite complicated, and today any state cannot survive alone, very cool, that we have allies in russia, we truly have a union state, which is moving forward today, which exists on the foundation of constructive dialogue, parity relationships, this is very important, and today you see, we are talking, we can already announce very serious, highly effective and most importantly mutually beneficial economic projects for both countries, today we are talking about... integration of education, today we are talking about the harmonization of legislation, about other humanitarian projects, which is also very important, of course, this work will continue,
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the main thing is that we are partners, today the president spoke a lot about the economy, that today, too, in order for the economy to develop, it is necessary to be a bloc state, and literally in the summer we will become full members of the shanghai cooperation organization, today we are already moving towards... everyone is important, this is a very serious and important sphere of life, i would probably put the economy in first place, because if the economy works, then there will be material
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different layers, different ages, and civil society, why is there such wide participation and does each of the delegates understand that by participating in the discussion of issues today, we are building our tomorrows? you know, in our national security concept it is strategically the national interest, among other things, is the continuity of generations, and how can we ensure this continuity if we just know, elders, how to sit, make some decisions, and the youth are not around. this is about how, how we work with young people, and indeed different people of different ages were represented, the youngest participant was 18 years old, the oldest participant was 81 years old, this continuity, it is shown in the example of a delegate of the all-belarusian people's assembly, key fateful documents, the concept of national security, military doctrine adopted in belarus, what are we insuring our
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borders against?
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for a timely document, on the contrary, times are difficult, around us, unfortunately, there are neighbors with whom today, well, it’s difficult, including in these same documents we secured allied obligations in the csto in a union state, in order to resist together these challenges and defend themselves if necessary, really only together, today in difficult conditions, when russia is carrying out a special... military operation on the territory of ukraine, and we live, literally on the border with ukraine, this is our closest neighbor, today our president loudly declares that we will stand shoulder to shoulder, back to back in order to protect including our own interests, that is, it also concerns the security of our countries. will our messages still be heard, that we are for peace, because when discussing documents of a military nature, we still call for peace and
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peaceful negotiations. you know, i always remember the first lines of our anthem belarusian, we belarusians are peaceful people, this is in our mentality, we have never attacked anyone, it is very important that the military doctrine is defensive in nature, and today we prescribe in the doctrine that we are ready for dialogue, despite the fact that today the geopolitical situation around us is very difficult; the northern military district and lithuania are in progress in ukraine. and latvia, you see, these are nato countries, they are building up their potential, building fences around the borders of the republic of belarus, fences in poland, there is generally a very serious arms race there, they are increasing their army to enormous sizes, now the figure is 3000, the union state has enough potential to yes, the union state certainly has enough potential to fight back, and today we will see how
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and in order to then we passed on this flag of the state, which we hold tightly in our hands, to a worthy generation, this is very important, in our country we have a program for the patriotic education of youth, which is also being implemented quite successfully, so now, when i went to your studio, i literally met young guys, patriots of belarus, they came, apparently, to you on an excursion, young guys, 14-15 years old,
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in the parliament of the union state there is also such a youth structure, of course we interact, we we interact not only at the level of, say, parliaments, today our belarusian schools are friends with the same children from russian schools, there is communication, it’s very cool, by the way, you remembered the memory train, just this project happened in the past year, not only were there russian and belarusian guys, but there were guys from uzbekistan, from kazakhstan, from kyrgyzstan. this is great, you know, because the war was not won by an uzbek, not a russian, not a belarusian, it was the soviet people who won, and this is something we should be proud of and need to remember, because if we forget, we will simply betray our ancestors, this is very important, this is the message , we
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must definitely send a loud message to the youth environment, but you know, i want to tell you that i am sure that our youth are exactly like this, because i communicate with them. and i see that they are proud, proud of our state symbols, proud that we won this terrible war, they are proud of their ancestors, i really like the project that is taking place in russia, the immortal regiment, when young and old proudly raise high photographs of their grandfathers, great-grandfathers, they walk through the squares of russian cities... with pride in their chests, this is very important. marina aleksandrovna, thank you, and i’ll remind you that the guest of the studio was a deputy of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus, a delegate of the all-belarus people’s assembly marina lynchevskaya. this is belarus main and further in
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the program. and union cooperation in industry, as well as common approaches in education, harmonization of quota legislation. for training the russian film project dugout in cinemas in belarus. we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes. from the supply of equipment to the modernization of enterprises. belarus is not limited to discussing targeted projects with the regions of russia, but proposes to enter into cooperation roadmaps . the arkhangelsk region is an example of this. the regional governor was received in minsk, and she arrived the delegation took the first direct flight connecting minsk and arkhangelsk. now 2.0 km can be covered in 2.5 hours. this means it will become easier to explore each other’s potential, and this is
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the main theme of the program. minsk and arkhangelsk have become closer. the cities were connected by a direct air flight. among the first passengers is the governor of the arkhangelsk region alexander tsybulsky. today we arrived on the first direct flight, i must say that this is the first flight, i specifically looked for almost 30 years, until the year ninety-four we had regular air service between the region and the republic of belarus, we have had this for 30 years now.
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5 years ago we talked about achieving the maximum exchange of goods at that time , approximately 46 million dollars, but already in the twenty -third year we set a corresponding record, which is approximately equal to 85 million dollars in trade turnover, but we are determined and i think that we will catch up in the near future time. arkhangelsk is the capital of the russian north, a century before the appearance of st. petersburg, it was here... that the first window to europe was cut, and it was from here that
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russia turned its face to the arctic. under ivan in grozny, on the banks of the northern dvina , russia's first commercial port, arkhangelsk, was created. today it is a key node in the international maritime transport system. the possibility of using the arkhangelsk port became one of the topics of conversation in minsk. it is very important for us to seriously master the northern sea route. and this is tens of millions of tons of cargo. because . due to sanctions, western countries have closed their ports, so it is very important for us to develop the northern sea route, we have tried our goods in small quantities supplying along this route, especially to the people's republic of china, to the far east of russia, this is a very profitable route for us, so it will be of great interest for us to work with the arkhangelsk region, perhaps even bypassing the ports that we are creating near leningrad and murmansk
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directly to your ports, but i think we will decide with you in the near future what to do. the strategic task for belarus is to find new opportunities for transshipment of export cargo. we know the specifics of the port infrastructure of arkhangelsk, it is not is intended, unfortunately, for our main export product, rut fertilizers, and this is... the capabilities, capabilities of the arkhangelsk sea trade port for transshipment
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of export cargo from the republic of belarus, this issue has now been given a corresponding instruction by the president of the republic and is being developed together with companies in order to look at the formation of the tariff, the cost of transshipment, but i am sure that in the near future the arkhanel port will be very interesting for belarusian exporters, because - in accordance with our decision the government of the russian federation is starting a project to develop the arkhangelsk transport hub; a new deep-water area of ​​the arkhangelsk port will be built, which of course will significantly increase the volume. cargo transshipment, but today we have up to 5 million additional opportunities to transship through our route. the parties continued the dialogue about joint plans at a meeting in the government house. guests from arkhangelsk noticed that there are a lot of electric vehicles in the belarusian capital, and all the equipment is made in belarus. here's another one potential area of ​​cooperation.
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they also talked about cooperation in industry and agriculture. by the way, the arkhangelsk region with its more than 22 million hectares of forests is in great need of special equipment; the belarusian amkador is ready to offer an alternative to western brands that have left the russian market. along with supplies , warranty service can also be arranged. cooperation in the field of repair and construction aroused great interest among the guests, and this interest is mutual. our builders work in the east, and work in the primorsky territory, we build social facilities in voronezh and other russian cities.
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such extensive equipment and the vast amount of equipment that was supplied to this region are sufficient. deliveries will continue, which is why we have gathered in order to maintain this momentum. from global tasks to the implementation of local plans, because it is interregional ties that are the main engine in allied relations. the cooperation roadmap was drawn up and signed by
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the governors of the minsk and arkhangelsk regions, alexander turchin and alexander tsybulsky. the main bet is on close cooperation. we really discussed the topic of interaction across... the region has grown more than fourfold. this year, the parties plan to increase mutual trade indicators. the task was set by the heads of state, supporting the idea of ​​interregional cooperation between belarus and russia. make sure that countries develop, and belarusians and russians become more successful and richer.
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neighbors are also ready for even more effective options for interaction. vitebsk region will host in june eleventh forum of regions. belarus and russia, it will be held in the regional center itself, as well as in polotsk and novopolotsk. a delegation from the smolensk region visited the region, in particular the arshan flax mill, a logistics complex, as well as a center for integrated engineering in the field of water supply and sanitation. the task is to develop a promising mechanism between goods manufacturers and logistics companies. lived in a good sense of the word, the volume of industrial production is also an example of a good one. structure of holdings, in in particular, agricultural holdings , the interaction of agriculture with industrial processing, of course, we will take an active part in the forum of regions, we will bring as much as possible a large delegation of our business, our enterprises, our enterprises are growing, showing good growth rates, it is precisely from the synergy of close interaction,
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there are a huge number of points of contact, starting from cultural education, ending with industrial enterprises, we have already agreed that we will open a huge home and... linen store in the center of smolensk. smolensk we consider us as a gateway to the russian federation, the possibility of entering industrial products, some production projects, and our colleagues consider us as a gateway to the belarusian market. over the past year, the foreign trade turnover of belarus and the smolensk region amounted to more than $4 billion. since the beginning of this year , the export of cargo and passenger equipment, textiles, and machine tools has noticeably intensified. areas that need to be developed: tourism and children's health. on the air, belarus is the main thing. electronic portal. about the prisoners of concentration camps will be created in belarus about the fraternal friendship of peoples on the battlefields, in a large-scale russian film about the war,
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the days of belarusian cinema were held in the novosibirsk region. about the main thing, briefly, further in the program. belarusian-russian partnership and schedule of upcoming events. minister of foreign affairs of belarus sergei aleynik and secretary of state of the union state dmitry mizintsev discussed the implementation of decisions taken following the meeting of the supreme state council. which took place in january in st. petersburg, the focus of the topic was celebrating the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders and the twenty-fifth anniversary of the signing of the treaty on the creation of a union state. a unified electronic portal will be created in belarus, where there will be information about concentration camp workers. the project was started at the national archives. to collect data, belarus will turn to other countries, including russia. the project will help open unknown pages of history.
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156 documentaries commemorating the genocide of the soviet people during the great patriotic war were made by a youth tandem belarus russia. shows within the framework of the project , without a statute of limitations, unconquered, took place in several cities of two countries. 13 works of young filmmakers have been awarded state protection in the russian and belarusian archives of film and photo documents. as a member of the jury, i can say that the works are very serious, very thorough and... the guys placed the emphasis in the right place, which allows these works to be perceived as absolutely truthful. the works will, it seems to me, still be a striking
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example of how the younger generation preserves the memory of the victims of the belarusian genocide people. the pre-premiere screening of the film dugout in brest was presented by the creative team led by director mark gorobets. a film with war, but not about it. the main author's idea is the sincere friendship of young people in our time, russian and german. concept and what is inside you, and this movie, this movie is about it. the days of belarusian cinema were held in the novosibirsk region, presenting
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the works of modern filmmakers and the golden fund of the belarus film studio. the festival was dedicated to the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia. let me remind you that last year during official visit of the delegation of the novosibirsk region to the republic of belarus within the framework of the business cooperation council. firstly, a protocol of intent for cooperation between the ministry of culture of the republic of belarus and the ministry of culture of the novosibirsk region, and 10 agreements were signed between the cultural institutions of the novosibirsk region and the cultural institutions of the republic of belarus. already at the end of may, the days of culture of the novosibirsk region will be held in belarus. route of good deeds with the participation of young doctors from belarus, russia, uzbekistan and kyrgyzstan. the culmination of the action was the improvement of the memorial.
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union approaches to education within the framework of integration programs, applicants have the same rights and opportunities to study at universities in both countries, active work is underway to harmonize the legislation of the two countries on the recognition of diplomas, they are training specialists together, belarusian russian universities are planning new programs, the path to a union diploma at elena puntus.
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russians have several options to get an education in belarus, like foreigners under international contracts, based on the results of ct and eg, from this year, school graduates, having passed the unified state exam in russia, will be able to enter the budget for the first time, about a thousand places have been allocated for this, previously, based on the results
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of the unified state exam, they studied at universities for a fee, the results of the unified state examination.
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another opportunity to get an education at the expense of the republican budget is a grant from the president of belarus. vitalina was born and raised in zheleznogorsk, kursk region, studied linguistics in moscow, but at some point she decided to radically change her life. i saw an advertisement for a grant and applied i am currently finishing my first year at the faculty of international relations of bsu, and dreams of becoming a diplomat. the grant provides me with a lot of opportunities, not only the place of the budget at the faculty, but i also receive.
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olympiads, ct, eg, upon referral to a university, a candidate can apply to six universities at once, training is possible at different levels of training, from secondary specialized to graduate school, the vast majority enters undergraduate and specialist programs, for full-time students a scholarship and a place in a dormitory, there is no work after study, very popular areas related to economics with
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it specialties, very popular, many applications for medical... countries recognize each other's diplomas, interaction between universities is progressing, we are not only talking about internships, scientific research, but about joint educational projects, from the new. the leading universities of the union state, bsu and msu want to launch master's programs in international relations and geography, as well as jointly prepare bachelors in... government audit, graduates will receive double diplomas, and this will increase the competitiveness of ready-made specialists in the labor market. the succulent season in belarus has been
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glorious, we are talking about birch sap. this year , due to the early spring, sap flow was highly active. about places to collect healthy drinks and ways to process them. spring program report. the rays of the spring sun are getting brighter and warmer, and during such walks through the beautiful grove, sometimes you even want to quench your thirst; how to do this, nature itself tells you. birch juice - the best vitamin drink of the season. sap appears on the white trunks, then birches cry, then birches cry, a special place in the repertoire
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of the cult ensemble pesnyary, the birch tree occupies for a reason, this is the original taste of the belarusian soul, from time immemorial a symbol of inspiration and reflection on native places, about loved ones, the first association of bright melancholy around the house. its traces are in folklore, poetry, music and painting. traditionally, the collection of this drink in the central zone of vast russia on the territory of modern belarus began as soon as the snow melted. with the first our ancestors went out through thawed areas in the forest to prepare a healing drink. they made kvass from it with the addition of yeast, even mead, and they drank the pure product because they were well acquainted with its beneficial properties. connoisseurs of birch sap. traditions and today, as soon as the air temperature becomes consistently above zero, in the forestry enterprises of belarus birch groves are filled with special sounds, natural fresh, ringing drink, strict timing, you need to get into a short
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temperature corridor, the juice retains its taste at levels from 5 to 7 ° warm, such weather lasts about 2 weeks on average. ideal conditions for soco movement are a temperature of no more than 10°, light weather, clear, if the temperature does not exceed 10°, it’s like cloudy weather now, this period stretches out, maybe there’s a week or two or three, if the temperature starts rise higher there 10-12-15, the fermentation process immediately begins and the juice begins to sour. getting the maximum birch harvest without harming the tree is a difficult technical process, you need know exactly which birch tree is suitable for tapping, forest workers determine the plots in advance and you... a suitable location for collecting birch trees yourself. real fresh birch should be transparent, as
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here, depending on the quality of the soil and temperature conditions it can be supplemented with a slight tint, but most importantly there should be no sediment left at the bottom, this is worth remembering before buying juice. we bring fresh vitamin collection from the forest to... fresh raw materials go through several mandatory stages of processing on the conveyor, it preserved and after that the products in different packaging options are sent to store shelves. the juice enters containers, undergoes
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incoming control, of course, and then goes on to production. this year we prepared 220 tons, of which we prepared 122 tons under aseptic conditions, that is, aseptic bottling under aseptic conditions, that is , the ability of juice to retain its properties and qualities. for a long period of time, master. they use various ingredients, well, so do we, we have a wide range and birch-orange, birch with rosehip, mint, that is, for every taste. the plan for the 2024 season has been completed. more than 11 thousand tons of birch sap were collected in the country's forestry. weather conditions contributed to a decent harvest. we have two leading regions: breska, where the season for collecting birch sap began earlier than others, and minsk, where it’s already longer.
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we were probably guided by consumer demand, since minsk residents, residents of the minsk region, are quite actively interested in healthy drinks in this regard. the natural gift of our forests is in demand outside the country. for several years now , birch sap under the brand made in belarus has been actively purchased in bulgaria and germany; since last year , china has opened its market for this product. this concludes our episode; we will tell you about the main things in belarus next sunday on the belros tv channel. all the best.
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