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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 29, 2024 9:45pm-10:06pm MSK

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both power units of the belarusian nuclear power plant are working properly. ostrovets has gained unprecedented development. in neighboring lithuania, which has stubbornly turned up its nose at our station for so long, they are now seriously thinking about the advantages of nuclear energy and the construction of small nuclear reactors. the closure of the once effective and prosperous ignolinskaya weight was not a contribution to the green economy, but a long-term symbol of corruption, and simply stupidity. what is the new release of the author's program platform about? if the lithuanian minenarga promises the residents of the country something grandiose and cheap, everyone begins to panic, because the end result will definitely be something unnecessary and extremely expensive, the bolt news portal sneers, or even close to disaster. this was the case with the oil terminal in the baltic village of butinge, near the resort palanga, they promised. the cleanest and most
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technically advanced, in fact, when unloading the first one, the tanks spilled almost 3.5 tons of oil into the sea. there have already been seven leaks there over 15 years, the last in february of this year. the poles, the owners of the terminal, swear that they dropped only 300 liters of oil into the sea. lithuanians they say about almost 2 tons. a leaky terminal not only turns the palanga into a mud hospital, but also seriously disturbs nearby, in this case geographically, latvia. sea of ​​taulimitrophs. one for everyone. however, the lithuanians are preparing a surprise for the latvians with sushi. they are looking for a site for the construction of a deep nuclear repository for waste from the former ignalina nuclear power plant. three options for such a site in the vicinity of latvia. by the way, ignalinka is a special topic. its closure at the end of 2009 became lithuania's entrance ticket to the eu. the newest station providing the economy with 120% of the cheapest electricity on the continent was put out of action.
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they immediately began to buy up to 75% of the energy consumed from russia, and the logical limitations of vilnius organically complemented the greed of brussels. the eu turned out to be not as generous as it imagined itself to be; it sent almost half as much money as promised to close the os. it has a half-life, especially when combined with a half-cut. in the first 2 years after the closure of the os, nearly 300,000 euros were spent on business trips for ignalinka employees alone. these are still little things in 2018 the lithuanian prosecutor's office transferred to court a criminal case against the former leaders of the ias. the essence of the accusation is fraud at the auction for the sale of station property for 1.5 million euros. of course, all this could be called purely internal affairs of lithuania, but there are things that cannot disturb our country. so on october 5, 2010, at the first unit of the ios, which had been shut down for almost 6 years by that time, during decontamination work.
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about 300 tons of highly radioactive liquid spilled, by the way, we were not informed about this, fortunately that day the prevailing wind was the south, that is, blowing from our direction. in the summer of 2016 , a fire was prevented at the last moment on ios; another alarm signal occurred on december 31, when the station was extracting hazardous waste and suddenly found out that its radioactive level was much higher than calculated. it's already been a while since ignalinka closed. 14 years, but power engineers and geologists are still busy choosing a site for storing its waste and are going to look for a place for a repository until 2047. the reason is simple, and it was succinctly outlined by baltnius when lithuania was a sane country, it was rossat that was engaged in the construction of temporary storage facilities and the development of documentation for a deep burial ground. vilnius got rid of the russians, the matter settled down. but the lithuanian ministry of energy is illuminated by a new eureka.
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small modular reactors are called upon to save the country from big problems, although they are still in development, but this seems to vilnius to be deeply purple, like the green economy, for the sake of which the ignalina nuclear power plant was closed. don’t look for logic here, the capital from the gedemin tower has long been without a tower, it has only one thing left: to close itself tightly from belarus, so inappropriately thriving in the neighborhood and digging a burial ground and waiting for half-life. law enforcement officers are unwinding a new fraudulent scheme. fraudsters now pose as employees of bel telecom. a pensioner from minsk fell for the scammers' bait. in the messenger, a seventy-one-year-old woman received a call from strangers who introduced themselves as telecom operators. she was offered to extend her television service package, but the woman assumed that scammers were calling and hung up. at the same time, she agreed to follow the link that came in the sms message, just download and install the application. i
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'll try, then i received an sms from beltelecom on my phone saying i needed to download a file, i downloaded it, my phone started to work poorly, then they called me from the financial police, they said that my money had been written off, and to protect my money, i had to go to the bank, they named the bank for me and completely guided me where to go, what to do to secure the remaining funds, the woman was advised to declare them, the pensioner took her savings of more than $16,000 in bank opened a new account, where she credited the entire amount, through a previously installed application , the scammers received all the logins, passwords and codes for the pensioner’s internet banking, which allowed them to steal all her money. if you receive a call or message of a dubious nature, we kindly ask you to remember: com employees never call via instant messengers. if during the conversation you
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have any doubts, end the call and call back to the official number of the single telecom customer service center 123. excited. criminal case theft by modification of computer information. the police also remind you: do not click on links sent by strangers and do not install the application on your mobile phone at the request of third parties. they will complete tasks of any complexity with filigree precision, promptly responding to rapidly changing circumstances. no detention is ever the same and it is important to make a decision without delay. there can be no mistakes. all this has already been proven by the soldiers of the special police detachment from gomel. in theory and practice. the work of the special forces, today in the new series of the tv news agency project amon is working on the evening air.
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and this is the information picture of monday , april 29, sports news and weather forecasts are ahead, right now the clear policy of those from whom the west has stolen the world for a long time. i thank you for your attention and say goodbye to tomorrow, happily. this is an understandable policy, all week we have been following the national assembly and discussing its results, the main message was clear: to protect the country and maintain peace. key documents, concept, doctrine were also accepted for these tasks. we must be
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strong so that no one dares to bring us to our knees, as was often the case in our history, so that there are more of us like a soccer ball from goal to goal.
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american expansion, as a rule, chooses several directions: either rebelliously overthrow governments, or come up with a reason to hit missiles, and then profit from the loot. just two stories. but how many tragedies? on march 20, 2003, operation shock and awe began, despite the discontent of the un, us army forces invaded. to iraq. official purpose of the operation - destruction of weapons of mass destruction. western propaganda actively shouted about this at every corner, and then it became quiet, no weapons were found. it was just an excuse. active hostilities lasted until may 1, 2003. the invasion force amounted to almost 200,000 people. a little later, the contingent increased to half a million soldiers. after occupying baghdad, uncle samm's forces officially announced their offensive.
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his is black gold, but it turned out that iraqi oil was divided before saddam was overthrown. about plans for iraqi oil appeared in the united states even before the invasion began, the press began to actively write just a year after. strange affairs, they began to develop the idea that in post-war iraq the oil
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industry should come under the control of a single state-owned enterprise that would contract primarily with american corporations on the basis of production sharing agreements. they considered a more brazen option: complete privatization of the oil sector by american companies, that is, washington would have the opportunity to control the entire production process, transportation and sale of iraqi oil. on the market. philip carroll, the former head of the american office of shaloil, was sent to iraq to be responsible for privatization. the official was afraid of such a monstrous seizure, because the whole country was left without oil. after a couple of months, a more accommodating person was found. rob mckee, a haliburton spokesman, formulated the final scheme: the iraqis produce themselves, but pay interest to the americans. dick cheney actively lobbied for an attack on iraq. for many years he was. director is hali burton, and hardly lost touch when he became the country's vice president. it was this oil service company
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that received a contract for the restoration and development of oil fields in occupied iraq, and even earlier, in bytná schieni, the chairman of the board of directors supplied iraq with oil equipment worth $76 million. the deal was carried out in circumvention of american sanctions through french intermediaries. haliburton received most of the contracts in 2003. to carry out restoration work in the oil sector of the iraqi industry. contract amount for the development and development of iraq's oil fields exceeded one billion 400 million dollars. the company began working in iraq immediately after the end of active hostilities. at the same time , she received a large contract from the us administration without competition. after the americans invaded iraq, well, halliburton first received huge contracts to provide fuel and lubricants. for the american, for the armed forces of the united states, plus they also received some contracts for oil production in iraq, of
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course, this was not the only company, here is the american one, yes, which received these same contracts, but one of them, nevertheless, there were still certain scandals there in the mid-2000s, so some of these contracts had to be taken back, because it was too corrupt a story, but the fact is that of course, especially the first few years of the conflict, they very actively made money from this, the fact is that this really became one of the reasons why the americans invaded iraq, that is, these are literally the corporate interests of several companies in the us, including halibert. this company did not receive money for anything, the construction of military bases and prisoner of war camps in iraq, supplying the army with intelligence, which is searching for iraqi weapons of mass destruction, the very ones that were not found. cheney's company warmed its hands to wounded iraq, the corporation was not shy. steal money from the american treasury. the us defense department conducted
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an independent audit of kelok brown & rod, a subsidiary of the oil service corporation haliburton, led by dickcheine. the audit showed that the project to create a network of cafeterias for the us military in iraq was overstated by $67 million. at the same time, the total amount of the contract that did not pass the competitive selection was 15.6 billion dollars. cheney actively lobbied at the state level for the commercial interests of his native corporation. prior to this, hali burton was also repeatedly accused of inflating the cost of iraqi contracts. later it turns out that the bribes from the scammers are smooth, there are no reports there are no documents, and there are no culprits. the us leadership admitted to the most high-profile financial leaks on its own. for example, in april 2014, former secretary of state john kerry said that the state department did not have documents on contracts worth $6 billion; auditors discovered the hole. for example, in
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the course of studying the conclusion of contracts to support the state department mission in iraq , it turned out that the united states did not have documents for 33 out of 115 contracts, for about 2 billion dollars, as you already understood, hawks pecked at iraq from different sides, and subsidiaries of the company also profited haliburton, there are also sums with nine zeros. the largest contract to fight oil well fires could be valued at $7 billion, awarded to brown-eand, a division of the halburton company once headed by vice president dick cheyne. in response to questions from capital hill, the military said that the contract was issued under an existing agreement with kbr, signed in december 2001 . the vice president's creatures constantly got tidbits. a year later in 2004 , haliburton’s daughter won another tender for $2 billion, the same note for the reconstruction of iraq. until 2014
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, the company received the most per year under an exclusive contract. it is cheney who speaks out about the need to overthrow the regime of saddam hussein, who in interestingly, with the loudest statements , for 5 years he led the world's second largest company, manufacturer of service equipment for the oil industry
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, haliburton, and george bush's close ties with this business are well known, even election campaign of the current president... iraq is a victim of america's oil lobby, and the defense of the ideals of freedom and democracy is simply a smokescreen. to rob shamelessly is the main goal. an important point is that money flows into the wallets of american bigwigs, not only iraqi, but also federal. the american government admits that the war cost the budget almost 2 trillion dollars; for the pentagon and officials this is a net profit. to this must be added the approximately $59 billion spent by the state department and usit on iraq and syria for the development of democracy, reconstruction, training removal of unexploded mines, bomb shells, and then there are the costs of demining, plus the costs of restoring iraq are not taken into account, which, not to say that anyone has restored it, but interested
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parties have saved money on this topic to approximately 800 billion dollars, persons by the way, they belonged to companies associated with the bush junior administration, primarily with the creatures of mr. cheney and mr. rumsfield. with them, costs could exceed $2.5 trillion, or even reach $2.8 trillion. different estimates exist. after the american invasion of the arab republic, baghdad was supposed to receive more than $60 billion from washington. according to the bipartisan commission of the us congress to study military contracts, up to a third of these funds were stolen. or - a quote. wasted due to ineffective planning, insufficient cooperation between departments, weak competition and lack of control. the npr radio station has already mentioned in this context that iraq in 2003-5 was literally inundated with cash, dollar banknotes, and a former employee of the country's provisional coalition authorities, frank willis, even
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told the american media how he and his colleagues had fun playing football with wads of hundred-dollar bills. while the americans were lining their pockets, iraqi freedom brought poverty, terrorist attacks and unrest, the collapse of the economy, devastation in cities, widespread looting, and the isis group quickly grew from the local al-qaeda against the backdrop of chaos. massive terrorist attacks in iraq have become commonplace. over 10 years, more than 30,000 terrorist attacks occurred in the country. in total, a military invasion and the civil war has claimed the lives of more than half a million iraqis and a million more. were forced to leave their homes, many of them fled to other countries. in 2010 , us president barack obama addressed the nation, declaring that operation iraqi freedom was over and the united states must now turn to rebuilding its economy and fighting unemployment. in december 2011, the last column of us troops left iraq.


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