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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 29, 2024 10:05pm-11:06pm MSK

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the country's authorities, frank willis, even told the american media how he and his colleagues had fun playing football with stacks of hundred-dollar bills. while the americans were lining their pockets, iraqi freedom brought poverty, terrorist attacks and unrest: the collapse of the economy, devastation in cities, widespread looting, and the isis group quickly grew from the local al-qaeda against the backdrop of chaos. massive terrorist attacks in iraq have become commonplace. over 10 years, more than 30,000 terrorist attacks occurred in the country. in total, the military invasion and civil war claimed the lives of more than half a million iraqis, millions more were forced from their homes, many of them fled to other countries. in 2010 , us president barack obama addressed the nation, declaring that operation iraqi freedom was over and the united states must now turn to rebuilding its economy and fighting unemployment. in december 2011, the last column of us troops left.
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the united states' promises to eradicate terrorism and lead the iraqi people to freedom have never been fulfilled. after the americans left, iraq was a country suffering from extremism, economic backwardness , weakness of state institutions. the americans destroyed and bled an entire state and washed their hands as if nothing had happened. two decades after the invasion, those responsible for war crimes and human rights violations have still not been punished. under the cover of american soldiers , hundreds of left-handed fuel tankers are transporting oil from the field to neighboring iraq. this is footage from last year, another shade of american freedom, but in syria. the net profit from smuggling is estimated at $40 million per month. the money goes to the american shadow state and its associated companies. the americans appeared in the oil fields of syria about 10 years ago, immediately after they started the fire. country into a civil war against
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president assad, pumping terrorist groups with weapons. washington disguises the robbery of a middle eastern country with pompous chatter about the defense of democracy in the person of the kurds and sunnis, whom the dictatorship of damascus allegedly deprives of their rights. and here, too, the americans work like bandits. the military seems to have left syria, but the towers will be guarded. as president, trump openly said without demagoguery: all oil should go to america. by and large , the only military personnel who remain in this territory are those who guard the oil. we have the oil and we can do whatever we want with it. about 90% of syrian production is concentrated on the eastern bank of the euphrates river. previously a stronghold of isis, it is now under the control of the us-allied syrian democratic forces. the richest oil fields are almost a third of the country. the united states wants syria to remain poor, or better yet, broken into... parts engulfed in civil
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war, so that everyone could see what happens to a country that goes against the will of washington and calls on russia for help, when the russian delegation to the un security council issued a statement condemning the robbery of syrian oil, demanding that the americans leave, these demands were simply brushed aside, and are still being brushed aside, well, yes, we are here illegally, as the americans seem to say, but what will you do to us for this? syria is, of course, recovering, but after the american invasion the scale of the plunder. syrian mineral resources huge, the government estimated the damage at more than $100 billion. with the help of the americans, the national natural resources of the syrian arab republic are being plundered. with the participation of american companies , about 220 thousand barrels of oil are produced daily on the eastern bank of the euphrates river, of which 190,000 are sold to other countries, only 30,000 are supplied at inflated prices for the needs of damascus. obtained in this way illegally. income of about 400 million
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dollars a year goes to finance american plans for the autonomy of the trans-euphrates region, that is, at the same time, the united states is also trying to fragment the country into fragments, fragmentation is very beneficial to washington, because it was not possible to overthrow assad, before the american bombing , syria produced almost 400,000 barrels of oil per day, the oil and gas industry brought a fifth of the revenues to the syrian budget, after which damascus lost control over most of the fields, they are now in the hands of the pro... the contract for the export of oil is implemented under the us-controlled company setkab, created under the so-called autonomous administration of eastern syria - konoshenkov said at a briefing. and income from the smuggling of syrian oil through brokerage companies interacting with it goes to the numbered accounts of pmcs and us intelligence services. from this private business , us government agencies earn over $30 million a month for such a continuous period.
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hidden cells of islam. langley states will be ready to guard and defend oil wells in syria from mythical ones indefinitely. china and other countries have repeatedly called on the white house to stop plundering syria like peas against a wall. according to syrian government, in the first half of 2022, more than 80% of the country's daily oil production was smuggled out by the us military, a chinese diplomat said. he noted that us criminal actions are exacerbating the energy crisis and humanitarian catastrophe in syria, and also mercilessly violate the right to life. syrian people. american freedom turned out to be bitter here too. of the 80 million inhabitants , 13 are in need of humanitarian assistance. almost 40% have lost their homes, and over 5.5 million have left their home country. another 6.5 million became refugees inside syria. more than a third were left without
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sources of income. red cross data is constantly changing. before the conflict, syria was one of the leaders in development in the middle east. on the interest of the united states or other western countries in syria. as we see, the west has no other tools than asking for its predatory motives, the desire to dominate and the desire to earn money; there is no place
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for pity in it, only clear and cold calculation. divide conquer, ready to sweep away everyone in your path. the president also spoke about this at all-belarusian people's assembly. preserving the country is the most important task -
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there is no need for competitors, the west needs influence in any way, they don’t care about countries, their interests, local residents, they don’t care about international norms and rules, only an offensive strategy, strike from the outside, split from the inside, so as not to be pecked and were torn apart in this unscrupulous fight of global redistribution, we need to be strong and united, simply because it is impossible to do otherwise today, simply because, if suddenly in a different way, it may turn out to be in the place of belarus scorched earth. happy, sports day is on air, anna eismand is with you, good evening. let's start with football. slavia is the leader of the
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belarusian football championship after six rounds. this is the main result of the football weekend in our country. neman lost again, which the local football players in mozyr did not miss the opportunity to take advantage of. details from stanislav libsky. this is the bright surroundings that football fans in mozyr gave their team the day before. 4,980 fans watched the game with their own eyes at the youth stadium, where slavia hosted derzhinsky arsenal. dross score opened with a cool shot and these numbers on the scoreboard remained until the 89th minute. only in the end is bionchik's squad. victoria over the gunners turned into a rout. grudko scored a double, and slavia won 3:0. oh, how grudko opened up there, the shot, the goal! thanks to this triumph , the mozyrs are first in the championship standings, with a three-point gap over their closest pursuer. torpedo bilas beats smargon 2:0. it is the automobile plant today in the intermediate second position, here we note a goal plus an assist from dmitry lisakovich. i wish there were more moments
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to see goals in the final phase, well, apparently our performing skills are still at this level, but on the other hand, we’ll probably leave it. this is for later, everything is also impossible, there is progress, well done, and a lot of what was planned came true, we understood that the opponent takes points there in the last matches, so our championship is like that, which is the most important thing. we had to approach this game with all the weapons we did, so i congratulate all the fans of the torpeda football club, three teams of bresse and dynamo minsk, as well as neman, have 12 points each. breshchan they played in a match with naftan 2:2, the capital's dynamo was stronger than dnepr 2:0, and neman lost to islach with the same score, this defeat was the second in a row for kovalevich's team. in the next round , the yellow-greens have a chance to correct the situation with an excellent outsider, soligorsk shakhtar. sergei pushkov remains in brest; the head coach of the silver medalist of the president's hockey cup has extended
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his agreement with the team for another season. pushkov took charge of zubrov last november and led the team to the playoff finals for the first time. previously, pushkov confessed three times the best coach of the extra league, won the president's cup three times and the soleil cup twice. elena furman, european champion in rowing, the competition ended in szeged, hungary. belaruskavy. representing the minsk-2 team, he also became the best points driver.
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sergey shevchenko from the minsk-1 cycling club took second place in the overall standings. evgeniy korolek, wearing the belarus national team uniform, came third. let us also note the silver in the junior standings based on the results of the entire multi-day cycling race of our il slisarenko. alexey alferov for the first time in his career won silver at the european boxing championship. previously, belarus became the silver medalist of the world forum. in the final in the weight category up to 86 kg, alferov was supposed to enter the ring against the russian sharapdin ottaev, but the coaching staff of our athlete decided to refuse to participate in the decisive fight due to a hand injury. before the final, alexey emerged victorious in three fights. alferov thus became the only belarusian at the current european championship who made it to the title fight. another bronze award continental forum on the account of our girls arina danilchik and victoria kebikova. tenth place in the super league is an excellent result for the miner. gornyaki head coach viktor beksha said in an exclusive interview with our tv channel.
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the team achieves 19 victories in its debut season, but most importantly, the miners’ game attracts hundreds of fans to the stands, thereby popularizing volleyball in the country. let us remind you that all miner games have free entry to the matches. at the end of the season, i think we performed very well, tenth place, i would like more, but unfortunately, it didn’t work out in the playoff. and higher, but again, 15 matches of the regular season out of thirty won, uh, fight in every match, a lot of pain, well, to the sea, and for me, for us , more, more fans came with each match, and we really enjoyed playing with the stands full. ahead of the miner is the golden series of the belarusian championship against gomel energy, and let’s add that today viktor begshi celebrates his fiftieth birthday, with which we celebrate him... congratulations, arina sabalenka made it to the fourth round of the tennis clay tournament in madrid. in the match at 1:16
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of the final, the belarusian not without difficulty beat the american robin mungomery, who is in 183rd position in the world ranking. the match lasted 2.5 hours and ended in three sets 6 1 6 7 64 in favor of sopolenko. the next rival of the second racket of the world, who, we recall, is defending the title of the winner of madrid, is another representative of the usa, who is not inferior to danielle. for sabalenka. and more details on sports monday in our nightly broadcast, so stay tuned. belarus is alone.
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on the ground in the air and at gunpoint to effectively detain criminals; they are ready to work in any difficult conditions. the gomel special police detachment also takes part in counter-terrorism operations carried out in the region. proximity to the ukrainian border obliges us to be fully armed 24x7.
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how often do you go out in person? it’s not always possible to travel often, but to keep yourself in good shape, in order to understand how the unit works, whether we are moving in the right way, what we have learned, whether everything is used in practice, somewhere some suggest nuances, maybe how best to make this or that movement even, and young people at these moments, your subordinates, how they are more responsible, the commander is always the controlling body behind, the presence of the commander, as in shooting, is this always why?
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open to open the doors of the premises, the address may possibly contain both a child and a wife, this is possible, start, patrol, yes, turned it on,
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turned it on already, yes, about turned on.
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based on operational information, it was received that the person was suspected of committing a crime, could offer active resistance or disobedience, the presence of weapons is also possible, the event was successful, the suspect did not have time to offer resistance, go away, go away!
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completely thoroughly disassemble everything, see how they are placed on helmets, on the chest, on body armor, the special training department, together with employees of the operational combat plant, is working on mistakes, some little things every time in arrests or nuances arise so that in the future they eliminate or prevent, we also analyze what is currently happening on ukraine, we watch all the different videos that are posted on the internet, there is also something to see there. the employee must undergo individual training. in order to confidently and safely become part of the group, because he will be in the group as the first number, second number, third number, the employee shoots a certain control section of exercises in individual training, his
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score there will be excellent, only then can he safely become to a combat group in any, in any number performs any task, ours actually has the ability to simulate. we can create a two-room, one-room, three-room apartment with the help of mobile modules; we also have special lighting that allows you to work at night, twilight, overcoming obstacles, for example, closed doors, broken windows, video cameras are installed that allow you to analyze the work fighters in a group, for example, or individually analyze his mistakes, on what principle they chose weapons for training and in general in work, it is the main weapon of a combat group. pistol and submachine gun - in our urban works. the model of the submachine gun is different for each employee, some may have an mp5, some may have a pp-200, some may have
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a ppk-20. today, as part of a group, we worked on a detention; the task was this: a group of people robbed a jewelry store using firearms. some of our targets were marked with white pens, this is the enemy who surrendered to us, no shooting was carried out at him, any event. connected with organized crime, drug control, criminal investigation, interprets such actions that the use or use of firearms is 70 or 80 percent, so these are the trainings we have in preparation every day in order to go with the guys to events to fulfill our combat mission , today we have a unique opportunity to learn about that arsenal. which amon employees use in their daily work. let's talk about the weapons that we now see in front of us, what they are, in what
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cases uses and why is it unique? it has a special purpose in the squad, which means there is a large arsenal, as you can see, of putrid weapons, we can divide it into several, which means positions, which means the first thing is we ’ll take pistols, they also come in several modifications, which means the first thing is there pistols. russian-made with rubber ammunition, so to speak, a non-lethal weapon, the next one is the same type, a traumatic pistol, you are right, yes, the magazine capacity is 10 rounds, the next osa pistol, 10 mm ammunition, can be used by two types of ammunition in our unit, this is a rubber bullet of light-sound action ammunition, the next weapon we have is a twelve-gauge weapon - this is the mosbert. this is an american weapon, which means this weapon is widely used in our unit, it can be divided into several, which means - stages, the first is for
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mass riots, it is used, which means a rubber bullet, rubber shot, rubber buckshot, there is also uh lethal ammunition, it's a steel bullet, yes, which, basically, we use a steel bullet to install a vehicle, the following weapons: we have a russian pp-200 submachine gun, we have an armament, the magazine capacity is 20 rounds, there is a device for low-shot shooting, let’s call it a silencer, and the employee is already directly i installed for myself a collimator sight and an infrared device for the day and night spectrum, for comparison the pp-2000 and the russian submachine gun ppk-20 and mp5, the german submachine gun, but the difference from... the magazine capacity, the magazine capacity in the pp-200 submachine gun has 20 rounds, these two have 30, the capacity of the magazines has been increased, the device for low-noise stribos
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is removable, and the weapon, it becomes even smaller, and if you take it as a concealed carry, then it becomes just like this a pistol submachine gun, you can hide it under your jacket and you can walk somewhere and then quickly complete the task with a pistol with 20 rounds of ammunition, but as far as i understand, these are no longer the case... yes, that’s absolutely right, this weapon won’t be understood like that, well, it’s dimensions, you see, they are noticeably different, use opened it like that, it won’t work here, the dimensions, if you compare, there is an obvious difference, yes, much smaller, a huge weapon, what is it, yes, um, gm-94, this is a russian grenade launcher, this is the first grenade launcher in the world was developed that could used indoors, its capacity is three shots from above, one barrel is allowed. four shots, range up to 300 m, minimum distance up to 20 m can be fired, we have the range of ammunition in gm 400, this is a light-sonic action and vgm
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200 is a gas grenade.
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when, for example, a dynamic assault is needed, but the entrance door, for example, it is metal, will take a long period of time to open it, in order not to waste time, storm climbing works for this, the first person to go is a person who knows the situation in the apartment, he goes, he goes, he goes, he doesn’t turn over with his head, these are elements of acrobatics, he turned over, he... looked at the stop in the apartment before the assault, he found out if there were people there, where, for example, a criminal was located, if he sees that he can work, he gives the group a command that he can work then returns back to its normal position and begins to walk; each employee involved in assault mountaineering has his
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own direct equipment. your own individual safety system, your own descending devices, their differences, it all depends on the task at hand, if it’s a dynamic arrest, and we use a figure eight with a pin device, if somewhere it’s already under control, there’s some kind of blocking, or hiding a window is working, employee, that means we are working as a trigger source , a safe paratrooper, because he, when you let him go, he stops the rope, you won’t let go anywhere, and the figure eight, if you don’t lock it, will let you go. hand, then the descent will be uncontrolled, you have no right to make a mistake, this is very important, you know how many floors there are in the house, you know how much rope needs to be measured per floor, how much rope needs to be measured with a reserve, how to properly measure it put it in a bag, because the rope has a genetic memory, so that you understand that if you store it for a long time not in a bay, in an infinite knot, or stored incorrectly, it remembers its shape and this then
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even affects the exit from the assault. significant arrests in our country of illegal trafficking in narcotic substances, psychotropic drugs, brewing took place directly, when drug addicts prepared a dose for themselves, but no one will open the door for you, you need to urgently detain them here so that they have time to drain these broths, break glass, enter the premises, detain, it was important not only to detain the criminal, but also so that he did not have time to get rid of the evidence, absolutely true, if we urgently need enter the room through the window, there are employees who break the glass and open it.
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above the address, above the window, it was possible to tie up only by falling on this spire, so we miraculously found a wooden ladder that had been lying there, apparently since the time of the construction of this house, climbed onto this spire, tied up correctly, as we say, and made an assault and nuances , the higher the floor, the more difficult it is to work, now i’ll try to go down from the high-rise. the guys will help me with this, this is a trigger device, yes, you told us about several, what is this, a distancer for it there will be a rope attached, it’s a little scary, no, no lower, let’s get out of here, well, you can do it.
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squeeze the lever, pull the rope a little, now take a small step, step onto the façade of the building, more, more, more, weed, weed, weed, weed. legs wider little by little and in small steps like i showed initially like this, well done to be continued amon works.
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you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films, pearls of belarusian cinema. and of course, online travel. around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project ether 24 on 7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening. getting to know belarusian
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enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. the difference between our equipment is that they have very large capabilities, this is knitting. in a regular way, it's broad drawing capabilities, our technology today is, in fact, very reliable, a colossal margin of safety is built into it, an approach to business that everyone should strive for, we carry out one hundred percent control so that these products comply technically, regulatory legal acts, correspond to the sample standard, through literally 3-4 years to become a leader. in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubt that we will achieve our goals, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel, agency
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tv news is in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. we baked a loaf, what a beautiful loaf, bread has never been and will never be easy for those who raise it, bread obtained in hot sweat and cold mud, torn out by bad weather, oh difficult, priceless. rolls and loaves are baked so that we do not know the fear of hunger, and bread becomes light and familiar to us, the ortel
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field is called a green workshop, happy is the one who is given the right to be the master of this open-air workshop. 280 tons of bread per day feed our city, more and less, not looking at the growth of the population, because the consumption of other high-calorie products has fallen, it is important that pork is small, there has been a decline in attempts at fish and poultry, and salt - 9 tons at the end of the day, eighth august, 10 kalgasau, three enterprises pa perapratsovtsy produktsyi zhivelagadouli. its own project organization, the city's and gardens' plans, branded stores and direct connections with foreign partners and a foreign currency. all this is first ў republic of agrapramyslovy kambіnat zakhodnі bukh. for
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everyone's sake, the land will be a great honor. qi mararyli nekali kamunary ab buduchim. at home, and the sunny day becomes the most satisfying. all your republics
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are right, it’s clear now, thank god, the snow will melt away the damp earth, the blessings of the road will pass, the revelry will pass. the sun is warmer, the ice is thinner, the sun is falling, the gloom of the day we have jumped, everything is clear, the geese are crowing, the spack is spreading on the oak tree, the cranes are crowing, and winter disappeared like smoke.
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therefore, everyone around should be in silence, now in our pharmacy chain we have even developed such a concept as an electronic queue, then, when each person approaches a pharmacy worker alone and solves his own questions, internal, of medicinal assistance, because a pharmacy specialist not only provides medicinal assistance, he also most often provides psychological assistance, there is this electronic queue, there you can also find some... then ask certain questions? of course, you choose an operation, that is, pharmacies
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, we have production pharmacies, that is, those pharmacies that are mini-assistants, i call them, that is, where medications are prepared , what is the difference between manufacturing and factory-made, factory-made drugs have a shelf life of 3-5 years, drugs made in a pharmacy have a shelf life of 10 days, that is, there are no stabilizers, there are no those drugs that, since we preserve cucumbers with preservatives, that is, they are absolutely natural, well we were just talking about silence, i think. that this was done more so that it would be more convenient for the pharmacist or pharmacist, because he not only deals with drugs, he also works with money, well , well, in the store we don’t demand from people, which stand near the cash register, it’s true, yes, of course, well,
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they still call this pharmacy the central one, something has changed since then when it. taught by example with his actions, taught with his actions, so that i could make the right decisions, i am very grateful to her for this, and indeed it was the central pharmacy in those days, people had the impression, even now, if there is no medicinal anywhere in the city drug, come to the pharmacy at eight, they will either
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find it there, or somewhere in the republic we can, we have a function where we can leave a prescription for deferred delivery, within 5 days we... the number of your pharmacy is very interesting, you called it eighth, there is also the number 127 in the number, the pharmacy number 127 is for the region, and the eighth is in the city of bobruisk, well , there is a lot of competition among pharmacies in bobruisk, there are state-owned, there are non-state and there are both forms of ownership, there are about 60 of them, this is enough for enough, we have what is required by social standards, we exceeded the norm by 800.
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where you find them, or they come to you themselves, knocking, so to speak, well, yes, by and large, yes, knocking, but you know, a first-category pharmacy assumes that high-level specialists come there, why, because here we are already they said, this is a manufacturing pharmacy, this is a pharmacy providing medicinal assistance 24x7, in
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general, you know, in our profession, in my profession, there are no random people, these are the people who come into the profession who love people, this is the most important thing why ? because if you don't love people, well, you have nothing to do in this profession, well, it’s interesting, you say, it’s a production pharmacy, pharmacists prepare medicines, tell us how this process happens, that is, you know, like a child always has the idea that a pharmacist goes somewhere in some room and there , some kind of powders are poured, where and how this happens, yes, this is a special room, and of course, a room for the production of medicines, a special specialist sits there.
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who need a dose adjustment, this is where our production comes in - this is salvation for these people, you said an interesting phrase, we mix the ingredients like at home in the kitchen to get something tasty. why are all medicines so tasteless? because it’s not medicines, but products, please tell me, those that are tasty, they are all, let’s say, harmful, and those that are tasteless
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to our taste, yes, they are very healthy, that is, this is the famous saying about that everything healthy, the most tasteless, is, in fact, what it is, you have already said that you have been the head of a pharmacy since ninety-one, but have you become it is, well, let’s say, a second home for you, you know, probably not a second, but a first. even so, yes, why? because i run to work, and after work i don’t want to leave, after work i don’t want to leave, but when does it happen, if it works 24 hours a day? well, i have the first second shift, in general i work in a pharmacy 24x7, it happens that the third shift comes, the one that opens night duty, and i just go home. irina aleksandrovna, how did your love with pharmaceuticals actually happen? it was like that, it wasn’t at first sight. well , you can say by accident, because as a child you dreamed of becoming an investigator, you watched a lot of films about how
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good wins and wanted to be like the good heroes of these films, then a pharmaceutical friend of my mother came and said: initially i wanted to be and really an investigator , she said: this is not a woman's job, why? because there are a lot of dangers there, come on, try it, you have this... note in you when you want to help people, that means, come on, let’s make this desire of yours come true in pharmaceutical work, only then did i pay attention to the fact that there are pharmacies, that there are pharmacists, and if earlier, as it were, although, when i came to see my grandmother, it was to this pharmacy that my grandmother took me as a child and taught me to eat fat, i always bought fish oil so that i had a good appetite, and well...
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but this could probably also be the person who washes the floors in the pharmacy, but here, when a person comes in, even those who talk about it they say they just don’t realize, because you come to a person in a white coat on the other side, ask a secret question, and wait for an answer to the solution to your problem, well , how can you just serve the package, because this is not the presentation of the package when a person serves himself this packaging, he obviously puts everything into this packaging. the effect that it will have, yeah, that is, he meaningfully takes this package and tells you that you need to
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take it, one tablet three times a day, programming that this tablet is a must will help you, well, how can an untrained person, who does not know the pharmacological action of this or that drug, serve and say, well, this is not doctor’s sausage or krakow sausage, but you even said in one interview, you said more harshly, this is not a lever sausage, to say whether it is tasty or tasteless.
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he does not have the right to offer any drug, we have a list of medicines that are dispensed without a prescription, this is exactly the range that a specialist uses before visiting a doctor, that is the patient comes in and the specialist begins to ask advanced questions, like how is the pain?
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two educational institutions - this is the vitebsk state medical university and also a college in mogilev, also the mogilev medical college trains pharmaceutical specialists, this is enough, well , we don’t have enough, we don’t have enough why because you and i emphasized that there are more pharmacies and specialists, of course, where do they study specialists specialists are trained in state-owned pharmacies
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here they learned after distribution they came to us
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, can you explain this, what was it? the fact is that we have not always had import substitution at a high level, what you are talking about was too long ago, why? because our president, as soon as he became president, in his first years he began to talk about the fact that we should put import substitution on a broad track, in principle, then they did not immediately listen to his words, so it caused such , let's say, inconvenience, indignation of our visitors. because as far as imported drugs were concerned, they were more expensive, when it was necessary to provide medicinal assistance, then specialists naturally offered imported drugs, which are expensive, now the situation has changed many times, dozens of times, we have enough, quite a lot of import-substituting drugs that are produced by our belarusian manufacturers, and this is very cool, why, because we can offer our compatriot
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treatment at an affordable price, yeah, well, after all...
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in the head of the pharmacy too, except for hydrogen peroxide, which is for emergencies, there is nothing, why? because my pharmacy really works 24x7 and this makes it possible to purchase what i need at any time, and you live somewhere
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nearby, but not very far, and for now we ’ll take a short break, i remind you of our telegram channel, don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest us new interesting guests, we are in touch! a basic order was issued stating that the membership of the belarusian red cross in the international federation was suspended, but at the same time, everyone who needs our help, migrants.
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economic expansion throughout the world, and i ’m sure we will see how belarusian brands, belarusian cuisine, belarusian dances will be no less recognizable than sushi, kimano and everything else. project markov nothing personal. watch on tv channel belarus 24. children's curiosity and genuine interest, absolute honesty and sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to
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meet our hero? why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions. a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation. watch the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel.


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