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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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rose with the family, we are courageously at home, we have lost the birth , good with you, by the slaughter of your slaughter , we achieve your first word.
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we have lived and won forever, the friendship of the people, the strength of the people, ours for the victorious, the wars , our mountains would be clear. faith is possible, joy is holy, the layer of our land, the bright name,
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in words to the peoples of the ancestral union, our beloved mother, brothers, our dear ones.
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live panorama in elena nasacheva’s studio. hello. the structure for building the work of the vns should be minimal, but effective. the president heard the report of the deputy chairman of the head of the secretariat of the people's assembly set a number of tasks. details to come. when no one is forgotten, about 8,200 veterans have already received payments by victory day. by may 4, the money will reach every recipient, tasks of any complexity will be completed with filigree precision, amon is working, a new series of the tv news agency project will be broadcast in the evening today, my colleagues will complement the picture of the day. sochi cairo, our interests from russian regions to countries of africa and the middle east. official visit delegation of the belarusian government to egypt, day one.
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this is how the american authorities welcome the right of batons, rubber bullets and tear gas, citizens to freedom of speech, a wave of protest. against the destruction of palestine swept across the united states, but ended only with mass arrests, not democratic democracy, let's talk in detail, space photos, autographs as a souvenir, an entry in the book of honored guests, a dialogue with the first female astronaut of sovereign belarus took place at the academy of management, details of the star meeting in reportage: lithuania
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leads on land and sea in terms of the number of problems created by its neighbors. and about this , the new release of the platform program, and now about sports, one thing, gold and an olympic license, such are the results for belarusians at the european rowing championships in hungarian szeges. pushkov remains in brest, the hockey coach of the silver medalists of the president's cup, and extended his contract with the club. belarusian bicycle racers took the entire position following the results of the first stage of the russian cup in road cycling. all details in the sports day project. the president of belarus, chairman of the all-belarusian people's assembly alexander lukashenko, via intercom, received a report from deputy chairman of the all-belarusian national assembly alexander kosins and chief of the secretariat valery mitskevich. in development of the first meeting of the seventh all-belarus people's assembly, the belarusian leader set a number of tasks, outlining the main issues that need to be worked on within the framework of the new
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constitutional body. firstly, alexander lukashenko instructed to build a vertical system of work with delegates of the supreme council. these are the people different social groups, including deputies of local councils, representatives of civil society, a system of working with them should be built, as the president outlined one of the main tasks, not from meeting to meeting, on an ongoing basis, including informing delegates, feedback, meeting schedule, etc. further. the first task is to provide. effective work of the presidium of the all-belarusian people's assembly and the secretariat. the presidium includes 15 people. the only professionally working person i am the only one on this presidium. the rest will carry out their tasks assigned to them on a functional basis, and for the first time this presidium will meet not
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for the sake of voting and to hear some goals and objectives. everyone, based on their professional skills, abilities, and experience, will supervise a certain area. the head of state set the task for every delegate of the all-belarusian people's assembly to participate in its work every day, every part. these are not the previous meetings that were held from one congress to another. the seventh congress, which held its first meeting, discussed. all issues of an organizational nature, approved doctrines, concepts of national security, military, in addition, in the future the presidium will hold an annual meeting, and the presidium at least once every six months, where it will be necessary to discuss the most important issues of the socio-economic development of our state, our
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national security, life of people, building a state for the people, to put on their table a plan, a program of the all-belarusian people's assembly, work presidium, dates, meetings, how people will be loaded, how they will perform their functional responsibilities, projects. as for building a structure for organizing the work of the vns, it should be
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minimal, but certainly effective. due to the fact that the main body involved in the organizational work of the supreme national assembly, its secretariat will be. the task was set to organize a system of interaction with government agencies, governors, local authorities, and civil society actors. and today the president headed to the southeast of the country, to check the progress of the sowing campaign, as planned tomorrow, the head of state will visit the south-east of the mogilev region. deputies will begin intensive work in constituencies literally in the coming days. the priorities for the people's representatives were outlined today by the speaker of the lower house of parliament at a working meeting following the sna. igor sergeenko emphasizes the task of parliamentarians, including delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly, to implement the instructions of the head of state in the localities of the provisions of the adopted documents. during meetings with labor collectives and voters, deputies will pay more attention to studying belarusians’ assessments of the socio-economic,
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socio-political situation, as well as those problematic issues that concern citizens today. the all-belarusian people's assembly does not end there; we talked about the fact that the meeting is a consolidating body that develops strategic issues for the development of our state; of course, there is a discussion ahead of the economic development of the country. approval of the foundations of external internal politics, that is, on the agenda and the formation of our bodies, such as the courts, so we must convey all this to the voter, and of course get feedback on how people perceived the all-belarusian people's assembly, what they emphasized for themselves, and of course to explain, if something is not clear, it is natural that we would like to convey to our voters, to our work collectives, everything that we heard at...
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the main component of increasing the level of medical care, so in the regional center they put into operation the most modern clinic, a project to build the region’s first clinic with a therapeutic focus is being implemented, and district hospitals are being updated. about
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state priority, report by yuri kornilovich. a resident of the alshanka microdistrict, valentina snezhitskaya often comes to see the otolaryngologist. previously, to make an appointment you had to travel halfway across the city. now everything has changed. literally a few steps from the house was built.
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only city dwellers; patients include residents of nearby villages. and this is the largest medical construction project in grodno. here, in in a picturesque place , the second city hospital is being built almost from scratch. the health care facility is designed for 502 beds and will be equipped with the most modern medical equipment. this will be the first clinic in the region with a therapeutic focus, which will provide everything from intensive care to telemedicine rooms. construction for the city is an urgent need. now there is a second hospital. shelter in adapted premises; one of the buildings is located in a former monastery building. the new project is important for the entire healthcare industry in the country. on at the site of the construction of a new city hospital
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, a solemn ceremony of laying the capsule took place, in which the head of state took part. alexander lukashenko noted that a unique message to descendants is not only the text placed in the capsule, but all those numerous objects that were created, built and modernized during the years of independence.
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and regional medicine in lida, the district hospital received the status of an interdistrict center. residents of five districts come here for highly qualified help. doctors carry out unique operations on hip replacement, actively practice minimally invasive surgical interventions, and the material base is developing. the surgical building was repaired and a new ct machine was installed. we expect the delivery of a magnetic resonance imaging device in the near future. now underway. construction work on the construction of a building, a room in which the angiographic building will be located. the fleet of medical equipment and technology is constantly updated. large-scale work to modernize medical institutions takes place throughout the country. there is only one goal - to make healthcare more accessible to people, and the quality of medical care in the capital and regional centers should not be inferior to care in rural areas. yuri kornilovich, victor
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baka, television news agency. much is being done in belarus to support veterans, we are the heirs of the generation of winners, we are worthy of our heroic ancestors and it’s not easy to break us, this idea was voiced during the all-belarus people’s meeting: it is our duty to take care of the living witnesses of those terrible events, the state allocated 10.5 million rubles for material assistance to the heroes of the victory. payments by may 9 already... about 8,200 veterans, by may 4 the money will reach each addressee, and the ceremonial delivery is an occasion to once again say thank you, favorite melodies of the war years, flowers, gifts, sincere words of gratitude and the warmest wish that the young the generation remembered, the heroes knew them, they are respected and grateful to them. this sunny bouquet, thank you, oh, what a bouquet.
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found a fifteen-year-old girl in vitebsk, not wanting to obey in the forty-first year, all about the beginning of the war by the fascist invader, her brothers went to join the partisans, their sister began to be called on a mission and pass on encrypted notes.
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for selfless work and impeccable military service in the rear, financial support in the same amount is provided for blockade survivors and those who built military facilities; thousands will be paid to the families of military personnel, underground partisans, as well as former prisoners of fascism. the generation of heroes then proved in practice that they were united and therefore invincible. of course, today such stories become a rarity, because there are fewer and fewer witnesses to those terrible events every year. remember, be proud and give thanks. those who brought the great victory closer, the task of the current generation: by may 4, payments will reach all recipients, that’s 8,400 people, the funds will go to the card, or they can be picked up at the post office or received with home delivery, there are several options, but the main thing is that no one will forget. alina lopoi, anzor tuzhaev, tv news agency. preserve the true history of our state in memory of its heroes,
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preserve national values. fair history, the capital's palace of culture has become a dialogue platform for... teachers, scientists, deputies of the house of representatives and the city council. during the discussion, they also touched upon the sacred topic of immortal feat, which unites generations, brings together patriotic initiatives and spiritual impulses of belarusians. this is the day of the great victory and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. one of the tasks of the permanent seminar is precisely to counteract falsifications and preserve our historical memory. by the way, the concept of historical memory is mentioned in the concept of national security.
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council of europe written statement on partial derogation from compliance with the european convention for the protection of human rights and freedoms. the document is posted on the council of europe website. we are talking about the alienation of property, the ban on changing place of residence and other restrictions for ordinary ukrainians;
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they may soon forget about human rights in europe, because it is necessary to somehow return to ukraine the men of military age who fled from mobilization. it is noteworthy that the application was sent the council of europe is almost a month old, there is no reaction to it. and no to human rights in ukraine, now officially. kiev submitted a written application to the council of europe for a partial derogation from compliance with the relevant european convention. the document is very interesting; it states that during martial law , human rights provided for in a number of articles of the independence constitution may simply not work. the phrase human rights in ukraine is probably the nominee winner in such a competition. a four-word anecdote, and because what human rights in ukraine , by and large, they were categorically violated, you just finally, back in the fourteenth year, when a gathering of incomprehensible people on the maidan in kiev, but certainly, which
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did not represent the entire population of ukraine, simply took and appropriated the right to control the opinions of all other people, that is, the right of people to elect their own head of state was completely violated, well, everything that happened after that is so completely clear logical... the list of freedoms and rights that ordinary ukrainians are under a convenient pretext was, to put it mildly, deprived, it is impressive, here is the inviolability of housing, secret correspondence, non-interference in personal and family life, freedom of movement, the right to education, entrepreneurial activity, labor, freedom of thought and speech and even free elections, that is, zelensky from now on allowed to forcibly retain his seat and the fact that the supreme court, at the request of a resident of chernigov, began proceedings in the case of illegal refusal of the plebiscite is just dust in the eyes, in one word it’s easier to say, what rights...
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the question is: why does ukraine, which so strives to join the eu, declare to the council of europe that it will not implement such an important convention there, and in general, why should the kiev regime talk so loudly about what it is already doing to its people? it's been a year now. firstly, the kiev regime, naturally, will not do anything for this. and secondly, the scale of violation of the most basic human freedoms in ukraine today has reached such a level that even the council of europe cannot hide and justify what is happening. they asked for a document. the most terrible thing in ukraine now -
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the situation began to heat up after the publication of the sensational report of the us state department, in which all the ukrainian ins and outs were revealed, such as persecution, intimidation of journalists, an attack on a church, lack of freedom of information, illegal catching of citizens on the streets with the aim of transferring them to the front and much more - much more, only 125 pages, and the main conclusion of the state department is the situation in the field of respect for human rights and freedoms.
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of them, torture, abuse by security forces, dangerous degrading conditions of detention in places of deprivation of liberty, as well as groundless arrests, in addition, the state department is alarmed by too strict censorship in the information space. the state department report put an end to the fairy tales that we do not have censorship, that we do not persecute journalists and experts who, so to speak, just because they have a different opinion, their own views, they criticize the government and so on, on they are hunted in different lists, registers,
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enemies, zradniki. of course, washington is forced to justify its puppet regime in his crimes. the country is under martial law, which means that all this, of course, is very bad, but it’s still understandable. at the same time, the american agency emphasizes that the human rights report does not try to list all violations for the year and does not draw legal conclusions, that is, de facto it does not influence anything. surprisingly, over these decades, finally before them. it began to dawn on me that something is happening wrong with human rights in ukraine, there are such phrases there, even people are disappearing, people are being detained without any legal grounds, they are being bullied, such expressions have already appeared in the state department. it is worth remembering that this whole unsavory picture emerged largely thanks to the united states, and just after the coups d'etat in 2014, the situation in ukraine with democracy, corruption and media freedom began to rapidly deteriorate. reaching its apogee in recent years. however, this is what
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they sought overseas. olga davidovich, dmitry astertakh, television news agency. several countries immediately decided to withdraw their gold reserves from american vaults. in particular, we are talking about ghana, cameroon, egypt, south africa, senegal, algeria, nigeria. collectively, these are quite decent volumes. egypt's reserves amount to 125 tons, the same amount has accumulated in ur. actually, the problem for the americans is not even the withdrawal of gold as such. case. the fact that this gives rise to panic, germany also tried to get its gold in the 2000s, but was reminded of its political and economic dependence, the germans, the americans only showed their own gold from afar, this won’t work with african countries, they are less controllable state than berlin. the reason for the withdrawal of gold from storage is simple: american finances have gone into disarray, in addition, they are already practicing the seizure of capital without trial, as was the case with russia, which is precisely the russians. the market remains attractive for western
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financial institutions, as the financial times writes, the largest european banks that maintained a presence in the country last year paid taxes amounting to over 800 million euros to the russian treasury, which is four times more than before the central bank imposed large-scale sanctions, such this way a kind of record was set. the total profit of banks is more than 3 billion euros, most of which is accounted for by the austrian rayfisen bank. in a word, who was smarter, more cunning and more decisive. he won big in the current situation, and most importantly, did not tarnish his reputation. thieves from washington and corruption in war, what happens when evil crosses the border like the white house.
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rights and we will not allow it to be given to anyone.
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waves of protests have rocked the united states and at least 900 peaceful protesters have been arrested over the past 10 days. immediately after washington approved a new aid package for israel, students across america came out with anti-war demonstrations, but their democratic rights to freedom of speech were crushed by american security forces with batons and rubber bullets. at the moment , about forty educational institutions have joined the large-scale university strike. among them are such well-known albummakers as yale, harvard
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, princeton universities, and the massachusetts institute of technology. the situation is aggravated by internal problems of the united states, which seem to have been forgotten in the white house. about strange democracy, author's commentary by maria petrashko. hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, tv news agency. what is american democracy? no, i’m not asking for definitions from books, let’s get to the facts. american democracy is, for example, when, with the help and support of washington , the gas sector is turned into ruins. over 30,000 civilians died, and 25,000 of them were women and children, but those were citizens. free america, who decided to exercise their democratic right to condemn the massacre of palestinians, they were simply beaten and arrested, but could have been shot according to the old american tradition, this is democracy, this is america.
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in 2020, the american authorities condemned the actions of the belarusian security forces, apparently because they were not cruel enough like the american security forces. americans, you are incredible. however, at least 900 people were detained. the police dispersed protests in georgia with tear gas and rubber bullets, but these are just students, peaceful students, they are children. a student tent camp was trampled on the emoli university campus in decatur and the same in atlanta. a few days ago, tent camps were demolished at yale and columbia universities. wait, what about freedom of speech? peaceful protesters were simply expressing their position. beat your own people so that strangers will be afraid, because they beat
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the generation of young, educated americans. i condemn those who do not understand what is happening to the palestinians. i ran the program to parse it. unlike biden, people who really understand politics understand perfectly well that a serious domestic political conflict is flaring up now. crisis, while the white house is dealing with the internal problems of ukraine, the eu countries and the middle east, serious problems of an economic and social nature are flaring up in the states themselves. the washington post collected opinions about what is happening in america now. such actions send chills through academic circles, alienate students, and could reignite tensions between police and protesters that have flared during racial justice demonstrations. the fact that the default response was police force,
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instead of trying to understand the students' grievances, this is the most egregious thing, this is a blatant violation of our right to protest and freedom of speech. organizing color revolutions around the world, washington most often works with the sums, youth, students - this is the most ardent and caring layer of citizens, but... who said that this is a game with only one goal and that the hawks do not use the same method during internal political struggle? constant disputes in congress, record inflation, a viscous unsuccessful ukrainian company are already tired the entire political establishment of america, everyone understands, it’s time to restore order in our country before it’s too late. therefore, biden’s dreams of spending his entire old age in the white house somehow do not coincide with the opinion of other american politicians. there are presidential elections in the usa. so soon, in american wrestling, as you know, all methods are good, we will observe, and even more vital details in
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our telegram channels. today, head of state alexander lukashenko approved a draft agreement between the governments of belarus and egypt on the assistance system mutual trade as a basis for negotiations, just... these days , a delegation of the belarusian government led by the prime minister is on an official visit to cairo. the first negotiations with the country’s leadership have already taken place today, and cooperation in mechanical engineering was discussed in detail at the mas service center site. before cairo there was another stop in sochi, a city that strives to become an environmentally friendly resort, we offer our passenger equipment. what we agreed on in two different markets, svetlana lukinyuk will tell you. for many belarusians, egypt is the place. familiar, but of course, for the most part this is still a resort part, because this is an address for holidays all year round, but business does not always keep up with
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tourists. of course, africa and the middle east are the priority for our export supplies, because the market is huge, for example, more than 110 million people live here, we have something to offer them, we already supply food products, there are joint ventures, but in some areas we are just at the beginning of the journey. official. meets the prime minister of egypt the national anthems of the two countries will be performed live; big negotiations will take place tomorrow; today there will be a short meeting to talk about the main thing. belarus and... egypt can open a new page of cooperation, our prime minister will immediately note, because we have known each other for decades since the times of the great soviet
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country, when our specialists participated here in many projects, the presidents of our countries met several times, between them, as i there seems to be a very high level of mutual understanding and attitude towards strengthening the belarusian
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cooperation is an assembly production, unfortunately, their cars are american poppies, they have already used up their resource, so we are trying to introduce our mazes instead of poppies. before cairo, the delegation had a short stop in sochi, this was an opportunity to talk about our joint projects with the mayor of the city. a government delegation was here last year, as well as the year before, and as a result, belarusian buses and electric buses
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are already in this resort town and are helping both residents and tourists get there. technique withstands hot-humid climates and copes with mountainous terrain. residents of the city of sochi really like all our buses, and accordingly , the service organizations have no complaints, the service is organized accordingly. as for our electric buses, we are finishing the delivery, we expect the arrival of the last ninth electric bus tomorrow, taking into account the need to install the appropriate charging infrastructure, there will be a fully charging infrastructure by june 1. and we expect that in the summer season our electric buses will reach line. our interests today are where we are ready to discuss mutually beneficial projects on equal terms, and that is russia and africa. a joint business forum will open tomorrow in cairo. more than forty companies from belarus flew in to offer theirs and discuss their future together. the program includes b2b negotiations, as well as a presentation of the investment climate of belarus,
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free economic zones and exchange trading, exchange mechanisms. for trade between companies of two countries. they say here that in order to reach an agreement, you need to constantly be in dialogue, and we are ready for this. svetlana lukinyuk, alexey youth and alexander moguchiy, television news agency, sochi, cairo. at the presidential management academy, a dialogue took place today with a belarusian female cosmonaut. in the format of a friendly conversation, the hero of belarus marina vasilevskaya talked with students and teachers of higher education. she shared what the preparation was like, how life works on the iss and what. cosmonauts feel during the flight and after. how the historic flight resonated in the hearts of young people, details of the space meeting in the report by elizaveta senyak. what is most common ask you? round or earth? dozens of questions, space photos, autographs as a souvenir entry in the book of honored guests. this is how the belarusian female cosmonaut was greeted at the academy of management today. and it’s not surprising: marina vasilevskaya became not
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only a hero of belarus, but also an example to follow. build your own space rocket to fly into deep space, will this dream ever become a reality or not, a good question, as practice shows, nothing interferes, does not stop the ordinary ordinary belarusian, to be the first. marina talks about how life works on the iss and what the astronauts feel during the flight and after. there are dozens of such ideologists.


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