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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 7:10am-7:20am MSK

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i will exploit my creativity, dozens of questions, space photos, autographs as a souvenir, an entry in the book of honored guests, so it went. friendly conversation between the hero of belarus
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marina vasilevskaya and students and teachers of the presidential academy of management. the belarusian female cosmonaut shared what her training was like, how life works on the iss and what the astronauts feel during the flight and after. marina vasilevskaya became not only a hero of belarus, but also a role model and even an idol for young people.
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all government organizations because there are a lot of proposals, everyone would be very happy to see me, of course, it would be a great honor for me to visit everyone, we are already considered a space power, and we are moving in this direction very quickly, and of course i would like for this to all develop even faster and i i think that with this project it will be symbolic for our country to popularize this and master it even faster, and i believe that we... will achieve great success. marina vasilevskaya demonstrated once again the ability of belarus to participate in such major projects, including within the framework of the union state. belarusian boxers brought silver and bronze from the european championship. in the weight category up to 86 kg, alexey alfurov emerged victorious in three fights, but in the decisive fight for gold, the coaching staff decided to refuse to participate in the fight due to a hand injury.
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strives for the highest award, for gold, and my coaching staff and i also hoped, well , sport is unpredictable, so you need to be prepared for anything and work, work and work again. in total, participation in the continental forum was attended by more than 300 boxers, the athletes competed for 25 sets of awards. further economic news, let me remind you that the projects of the television news agency are available on all social networks. as well as in our mobile application using the qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you at 8:00. belarus and russia plan to build ships together in may. publish proposed types
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of activities for individual entrepreneurs, experts predict record prices for gold. you are watching economic news, veronica buta is with you. good morning. belarusian export enterprises. which adapted to western sanctions and reoriented their supplies to the markets of friendly countries, so exports to these regions increased over the past year by 20%, including to the countries of latin and central america by two times, asia by 40%. the numbers are stated in the ministry of economics. this is the result of the fact that belarusian enterprises have found niches and are developing new markets with their competitive products. russia will allocate funds for the development of high-tech joint ventures. projects with belarus the countries are currently engaged in addressing issues of import substitution in industry and considering the implementation of a general shipbuilding program. 25 joint projects have been agreed upon with the russian side, and seven more are under consideration. egypt is interested in cooperating with belarus
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in the production of animal feed. in particular , we are talking about using our technologies. there is also interest in the areas of seed production, agricultural engineering and grain storage. in addition, achieved. agreement to sign a memorandum of understanding between the national academy of sciences of belarus and ministry of agriculture and land reclamation of egypt. let me remind you that the belarusian-egyptian business forum will begin in cairo today. tax receipts in the first quarter in minsk increased by 17%. the budget was formed in the amount of 5.2 billion rubles, which is 110% of the planned figure. of these, over 3 billion went to the republican, more than 2 billion instead. budget. more than half of the income comes from income tax. the second most important source is income tax. its revenues increased by 30%, indicating improved financial work results. the number of unprofitable organizations has also decreased. projects with lists of types of activities for
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individual entrepreneurs have already been prepared; they will be published on the national legal portal for discussion on may 15. from october 1, registration of individual entrepreneurs by type of activity will cease. which will not be included in this list. entrepreneurs working today in these types of activities will be able to determine their future status until january 1, 2026. most belarusians work in industry, for which accounts for almost 23.5% of those employed in the economy, data presented by the national statistical committee. wholesale and retail trade, as well as car and motorcycle repairs, took second place with about 14%. in three. from sphere formation 11%. the top five in terms of employment in the economy included rural forestry and fisheries, health care and social services. by the way, more women work in the service sector, 62.5%, while men predominate in production. 67%. now
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about the exchange rates that emerged as a result of trading. russian ruble fell in price, the dollar and yuan rose in price. so, for an american dollar they ask for 3 rubles and 25 kopecks. euro now. at the national bank rate 3 rubles, 49 kopecks. 10 yuan costs 4.45, 3 rubles, 49 kopecks. they ask for 100 russian rubles. rising inflation in the us could lead to a record price for gold before the end of the year, analysts say. earlier in april , the price of gold reached historical highs, exceeding $2,400 per ounce. this growth was due to both the aggravation of the situation in the middle east and expectations regarding changes in the monetary policy. federal policy us reserve system. at the moment , there is a correction in gold prices from record levels due to the strengthening of the dollar, according to the expert community. this was the news of the economy, successful transactions and productivity in business. see you.
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the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with the program “zona aks”. i'm karina pashkova. hello. on valentine's day, she expressed all her feelings accumulated over the years of marriage by stabbing her in the chest. investigators revealed details of the criminal case against. guarded. by according to investigators, the event unfolded on february 14 of this year in the spouses’ apartment. the couple spent the entire day drinking alcohol. this was a common activity for them even outside of holidays. and every
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joint feast did not pass without scandals. this is because a fifty-nine-year-old man, fully capable of work, sat on the neck of the disabled wife’s wife and lived off her allowance. poi occurred, as a rule, when the accused received a payment, which, of course, she categorically did not like. that fateful evening did not except, the situation at home began to escalate when the son went outside. she moved around the apartment on a walker and took a knife from the kitchen.


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