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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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sat on the neck of the wife of a disabled person and lived off her allowance. family binges occurred, as a rule, when the accused received a payment, which, of course, she categorically did not like. that fateful evening was no exception. the situation at home began to escalate when the son went outside. the woman, she moved around the apartment on a walker, took a knife from the kitchen, in her words, to intimidate her husband. he did not hold back in his statements. at some point, the defendant could not stand it and, along with the knife, brought in her offense. and anger right into the man’s chest. lying in blood on the floor the stepfather was soon discovered by the returning stepson. he ran to the neighbors and asked them to call an ambulance. the victim was given timely assistance and survived. the investigation established that the woman had already found herself in a similar situation several years ago. but then her actions were qualified as intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm when exceeding the limits of necessary defense. during interrogations. the accused
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did not deny her guilt, she explained that the feeling of resentment and aggression towards her husband that overwhelmed her, the consequences of excessive use alcohol on this day, the spouses abuse alcohol, both are prone to aggression, neighbors repeatedly called the police to resolve drunken conflicts between them. scandals ended in the family only when the money for drinks ran out. the review of criminal and emergency incidents will continue to be published. vladimir korolev will talk about the latest news. killed for being capricious, a nineteen-year-old medical college student is suspected of murdering her newborn son. the child irritated the young mother by screaming when she could not calm her down, she abandoned the baby, who was 11 days old. according to the investigation, the woman herself called an ambulance and told the doctors that the baby had fallen from the dressing table.
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she told the same version to investigators, but upon detailed questioning, the mother confessed to the murder. an analysis of the phone showed that on the day of the tragedy, the girl was interested on the internet in the details of the transfer of the child to the orphanage, deaths as a result of falls, suffocation under the blanket , flipping through the pages of forums where children's tragedies and other content were discussed. investigators also established that after dropping the baby, the trained medical professional was in no hurry to provide first aid, and the call to the ambulance came only 10 minutes later. a few days after her arrest, the suspect withdrew her confession, citing postpartum depression. investigators questioned more than thirty witnesses, conducted more than ten expert studies, inspections of objects, documents and computer information that confirm the illegality of the attacker’s actions. investigative department of usk for the minsk region, nineteen years old a resident of soligorsk was charged with count two. part two of article 139
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of the criminal code of the republic of belarus, that is, the intentional unlawful deprivation of the life of another person, the murder of an obviously minor person in a helpless state, lost 66 thousand rubles on a pseudo-exchange. a thirty-eight-year-old resident of the derzhinsky district became a victim of internet scammers. on the internet, he saw an advertisement for making money on the stock exchange. the transaction support manager convinced the investor to open a crypto wallet and
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the ruble was lost to a foreigner in minsk, unknown in the messenger he offered to renew the contract for communication services, for this it was necessary to go through the messages in the message and install a new application. the man followed the instructions, thereby giving the scammers remote access to his phone, after which he began receiving sms codes. then the conversation with the foreigner was continued by the supposed law enforcement officer. he demanded that all available cash be placed in a special account. following the interlocutor’s instructions, the man went to the bank. he topped up his bank card, after which he began receiving sms messages indicating that funds had been debited. only later did the man realize that he had been deceived and turned to the soviet rvd of minsk. he attacked inspector gai, a fifty-six-year-old resident of the braslovsky district was detained by a traffic patrol unit. the man was driving a moped while intoxicated. during the examination, the driver began to threaten, and then started a fight; a criminal case was opened. police officers on duty.
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this was a project zone x, don’t miss our evening broadcast on belarus one at 18:15, take care of yourself and have a nice day.
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good morning, belarus, we say to you, we quiloria maryana murenkova, today is tuesday , the last day of april itself , the thirtieth, and by the way, on this day they celebrate international jazz day, and today we decided not just to sing, but not to sing something. the saxophone is ruined, yes, well, they invited our psychologist, mediator, alla komarovskaya, good morning, country, good morning to me, today i want to sing on this international jazz day, and today i decided to devote our
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topical section to the topic of meditation, music because i often clients ask whether music in therapy is therapeutic, and do these musical meditations help? and yes and no, in fact, now i’ll tell you what it depends on, in fact everything depends on the neurobiology of our brain, our neurosystem, how it all works for us, our emotions have a biological, physiological basis, and uh the king in total, this point is ruled by the vagus nerve, this vagus nerve has three branches, i won’t tell you, but it wanders, i’m sorry. and he wanders, he is, why wandering, because he takes up a lot of space with us, there is a branch in the head, and the neck, and the chest, in the stomach there, these three branches, i won’t burden you with complex names, you won’t remember them anyway, but they are responsible for what, they are
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what is responsible for our reactions, the vagus nerve responds in nanoseconds whether a person is safe or not and gives a task to the amygdala. so i have long wanted to ask ala komarovskaya how to activate the third branch of the vagus nerve in order to finally begin to relax anna, simply speaking like anna valerievna is always relaxed perfectly, so now you know that there is a third branch that is absolutely responsible, probably for relaxation, so when we
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connect it, then our reactions are die-die or fight-flight, they can relax, let’s say, then this music, meditation will be for person. if you come to an appointment, a therapeutic session, you will immediately, for example, be turned on for meditation, you don’t know the person, you haven’t talked, then you will read space, but due to the vagus nerve, i don’t know, i’m not safe here, everything here is unfamiliar to me, why is she relaxing me? wait, allah, is it possible to consider the highest degree of internal balance when a person can relax in any situation, and this only means that either his vagus nerve is so, well, firstly, that the person did not have stress.
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the brain remembers that, yes, so you tell it, for example, as if we
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were gargling, we throw back our throat like this, and this is the first exercise, the second exercise, the second exercise, when you put your hand on your chest and do this with an exhalation, huh , several times, uh-huh, you activate your breathing, your focus goes into the body, that's when you can. science, i think that no one has ever told you about music and meditation, in fact,
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it is based on the polyvogal theory of stephen porges, which is why i simply simplified it so that you, our viewers, would understand it, and we thought that you would tell more about your musical experience with singing bowls, this also, by the way, works very well, singing bowls are some kind of tibetan story, yes. what is it called, and the cup, if your body reads that i don’t like the master, i don’t i like the space here, but something here causes anxiety and mistrust. we conclude
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that first of all you need to establish trust with the person, or with the space where you will turn to this music, if your goal is to get a therapeutic effect, yeah, that’s the conclusion, that is, if you are alone with yourself in space familiar to you. the best recipe is to turn on what you like and turn your attention to your breathing, to your body, then your anxiety level will decrease, absolutely right, like a beautiful symphony, we we were just listening to your lecture on music, thank you very much, we had alla komarovskaya, our psychologist, mediator and just a beautiful girl, thank you very much, have a nice day, see you next tuesday, and in the meantime, dear friends, we are writing down the recipe for a delicious breakfast from anatoya. moiseeva. good
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morning, everyone who likes to have a delicious breakfast, i suggest you take a break from your morning preparations for a minute and look at a recipe that you will definitely use. these are very tasty cheese cakes made with egg flour, which will fill you with energy for the whole day. we will need tvorok and rice flour. hard cheese, chicken egg, paprika grains. grate a small piece of hard cheese on a fine grater and place it in a deep bowl. add a couple of tablespoons to it. the same as rice flour, it does not contain glupen, therefore it is a little healthier than regular flour, beat in one egg, put half a finger of medium-fat cottage cheese, salt with himalayan salt, it is a unique source of many useful microelements, grind some greens and add to the table, that’s all
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mix thoroughly until smooth , grease the baking dish with a small amount. olive oil, spread the curd mixture on it in a layer of up to 2 cm, put it in an oven preheated to 180°, after 30 minutes the flatbread is ready, the eggs will provide the body with protein and microelements, the curd cheese will provide the necessary calcium, and the greens will add a good portion of vitamins, the flatbread itself will give you are in a good mood for the whole day. a good day starts with a good breakfast, bon appetit! everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in
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the modern world. the name of prince izeslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus. another important shrine of the monastery is its
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relics. we will tell and show you in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 20 tv channel. four.
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good ranitsa belarus, let’s continue the morning in the french style, why didn’t i give away everything i knew, yes, in paris the results of the annual competition for the best baguette of the french capital were summed up. this year the competition was held for the thirty-first time and included dozens of bakers participated. the bread was evaluated according to five criteria: proper baking, taste, crumb quality, aroma, appearance. i tasted the baguettes for several hours and gave the victory to the owl's soda. the baker received a bonus of 4.00 euros and the honorable right to supply bread to the elysee palace for a whole year. she has been baking baguettes for sove for over 25 years. he assures that the secret to a good baguette is good sourdough, long fermentation and careful
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preparation. to this you need to add a little love and passion. well! i think now, 3 years later, i understand why my baguette didn’t turn out then, then this is when, i was once fond of baking bread, and yes , i tried to make a baguette, of course, there was sourdough, i thought that there was fermentation, but there wasn’t enough love , i got a baguette that could seriously hurt a person, yes, it could have been a hockey stick, no, but in fact this is a great art, it seems to us, yes, that it’s just bread, just a baguette, but it should be under such a crispy crust,
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lifting, water treatments, coffee and trips to work. this is my workplace, work . usually my morning begins at 6:20 am in the office, here the work day begins before the morning planning meeting, which starts at 7:30 am, we draw up a work plan for the day, which we then discuss with colleagues. after the management meeting, i pass on all the information. craftsmen and workers with whom we distribute equipment and people among objects, after graduating from school i chose
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several options among construction professions, well, i settled on the road industry, and entered i entered the belarusian national technical university in the profession of highways, which i graduated from, and was assigned to a road repair company, where i have been working for 12 years now. i love my job for communicating with people, for the fact that we are constantly faced with non-standard situations that require a certain solution, in the implementation of which i receive moral pleasure. in this section of the street, cracks are filled with bitumen mastic using a slab filler. i believe that a person in my profession should be strict but fair. are not afraid to take it is your responsibility to make decisions, and quickly. our work is important for society in that we create comfortable conditions for
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traffic and pedestrian passage in the territory entrusted to us. i love my job because it makes my country's mornings good. oh, we wish ivan a great day, i would like to remember the confucius quote on this note, you know? he said: “choose a job you like” and you will never feel like you are going to work. the quotes may not be accurate, but i conveyed the meaning. yeah, you know, be a professional of your own business - it’s about regular, actually working on yourself, about talent, like a hero. next news: two famous spanish clubs competed for a talented boy from belarus. as a result , twelve-year-old alexey mayerov also chose real or barcelona, ​​and still chose real. yes, the boy is several years old. what interested russian scouts, the move to
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moscow was not long in coming, in 2023 alexey trained in spartak, but we just saw on the screen how he kicks a professional ball, really innate talent, parental ambitions were much greater, the family later moved to spain, and now mayorov trains in cerdanya, spain. yes, they noticed the boy alexei there, they provided two famous clubs at once, two famous clubs, these are real and barcelona, ​​as i said above, and he chose one of them, yes, despite all the pros and cons, he made a choice in favor of real , thereby fulfilling his childhood dream, it seems that he is still a child himself, and has already walked such a path, we congratulate him on this, we are proud and wish him success, yes, new heights, but in our regular column, people who changed the world, we also... talk every day about those heroes of our time who pretended their dreams in life, made their incredible contribution to our history, right now our
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next hero. evdokim romanov was born in 1855 in the town of nova belitsa, then mogilev province. at the age of 13, he was left an orphan, graduated from the gomel gymnasium and teaching courses, worked as a teacher of russian language and history, and as an inspector of public schools. the purpose of his work evdokim romanov considered saving the monuments of belarusian literature, so already at the age of twenty he began ethnographic research, 10 years later, in 1886, he published the first two volumes of the belarusian collection, which became the work of his whole life. the collection, the number of volumes of which grew every year, included songs, proverbs, riddles, fairy tales, folk melodies, everyday descriptions and dialects. romanov was helped by a whole team, his brothers, friends, and national teachers. over a quarter of a century, romanov collected more than 10 thousand folklore texts, wrote more than 200 scientific papers, his
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biography. brakhaus and efron. evdokim romanov became a member of many scientific societies, received prizes from the academy of sciences and the russian geographical society, in which he was entrusted with the section of ethnography and archeology. romanov conducted excavations and compiled archaeological maps of the mogilev, vitebsk and grodno provinces. and borisov kamen discovered a 20th-century monument in the tolochin region and published an anthology of belarusian poetry. the scale of the values ​​of belarusian traditions saved by romanov is impressive, nine volumes belarusian collection of his own means organized several archaeological museums and provided hundreds of exhibits for their collections, compiled a dictionary of belarusian words, and released the experience of a belarusian folk dream interpreter. the researcher made an important contribution to the formation of the new scientific discipline of belarusian studies. evdokim romanov is an ethnographer, archaeologist and folklorist who changed the world of history.
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belarus, i saw snow in the ocean in your eyes, you and i will never become this snow, and let everything melt, because between dreams we lose love, like snow in the ocean, well, it's time to get your phone out. arrange a starry sky here, it seems that we have cold, right inside, this is a problem, it seems that we are cities, that we have water, and so much light, and
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so cold, i can’t touch your thoughts with my finger, how not to fall in love with you again, fall in love, tell me, i saw snow in the ocean in your eyes, i am this snow with you, we will never become, and let everything fall apart, because between dreams we lose love, like snow in the ocean, i believe in your eyes, snow in the ocean , you and i are strangers and we won’t become different, so let everything dissolve, flow between your fingers, i ’ll let you go and don’t come back, viteg,
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feelings flood your mouth. the air is flying, the mask is off, we haven’t counted to a hundred, this love is all about ice, and it’s so cold for my fingers to touch your thoughts, how can i not fall in love again, not fall in love with you, tell me, i saw it in your eyes, piney, this snow with you, we will never become, and let everything melt, because between dreams, we lose love, like snow in the ocean, i blame in your eyes, snow in the ocean, we are strangers with you, and we will not become others, so let everything dissolve, flow between your fingers, i ’ll let you go, and don’t come back, everything is with me,
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everything is with me. and the world seemed to be in cracks, everything that we had promised before, snow flakes fell from the sky, i saw it in your eyes. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look at the countries beyond the murmurs and arrived
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in the belarusian city. with whom alexander vasilyevich suvorov planned to stay seriously for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago, the lower castle and pasad. and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located, so the kobrin princes of their squad stopped and feasted, definitely here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, a plastic fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, using a wobbler to show how unusually wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable houseboard. ship, they haven’t yet come up with a term for floating stations, landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program "cities of belarus" on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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ranitsa, belarus. good ranitsa belarus, good morning country. anna quilori mariyana maryunkovaya, today we greet you with an amazing, wonderful, unique day. well, firstly, because today is the 30th. april 30th, wait, today is the last day of april. that's why it's unique. well, secondly, it’s tuesday, tomorrow is the weekend. wait a little longer. sit down. well, speak up. i wanted to say that this day will never happen again. of course, like every day in our life. actually, yes, that’s what we’re talking about. friends, we remind you that today the republican chess competition belaya lodya starts at the republican olympic training center for chess and checkers. the competition will last until friday, may 3.
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you know, i probably won’t say anything new if i assume that literally everyone, adults and children, need to develop regularly. chess contributes to the development of logic, in fact, i even have a story with this. show you a new direction, it’s called bench modeling, it helps in development of fine motor skills, and also immerses students in the history of their native land. in fact, we have prepared a thematic story about this.
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model of the glory mound of the ill-76 aircraft and not only, a new direction has appeared in one of the capital’s schools, bench modeling. at secondary school number 52, bench modeling is in demand. schoolchildren, and this is not surprising, because thanks to it you can create large-scale copies of equipment, buildings, nature, as well as vignettes and dioramas from different types of material. as a historian, i can tell you that even in in the graves of the pharaohs they find models of ships, soldiers, even remember the tarakot army, and for schoolchildren this is a real opportunity to understand how certain objects and things are structured, to understand that every little thing is very important, and history will become... more tangible, more understandable, and a person who, say, did something, will remember it for the rest of his life. bench modeling, school students attend every saturday, classes last 2 hours, during which the children work with a large range of
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tools. various scalpels, automatic pencils, rulers, precision washes, so you need to know basic knowledge of mathematics, there is drawing up proportions in order to calculate the size, reduce it correctly. and you need a computer, when it comes to 3d modeling, schoolchildren have no problems choosing a model, because teachers will always come to their aid. now in our labor training lessons, there is a variable component, and as an idea from crafts, i have prepared some samples for our older students, they will begin to engage in modeling, specifically ship modeling, aircraft modeling, mechanical engineering modeling and... what is the most difficult thing about bench modeling? the most difficult thing is to carry out proportions, calculations, and also work with small details, for example, in our circle, the most difficult thing was to calculate
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the very length of the inner circumference for the sticker, and also to decorate the fox here and draw a coat of arms. i am the creator of this plane, i created it. for 30 days with my mother, the plane was made of foam plastic, plaster, uh, plastic fabric, and cardboard, with some varnish. many families have traditions that are passed on from generation to generation. in the kaladinsky family, this is a passion for bench modeling. our class took part in a military-patriotic song competition. grandfather helped make the scenery for the performance. at the request of my granddaughter, to make their performance more colorful and visual, she asked me to create something for the stage. well... the internet helped a little, i made models of military
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equipment, there were no difficulties, they were made of pinoplex, screws, glue, that's it, a knife, that's it, and a little imagination. classes bench modeling contributes to the development of fine motor skills, imagination and a sense of color, and also helps children study the history of our country. it was a bench modeling, and...
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you'll tell me, of course, so maybe you can start, yes, that's why we decided to tell you about the elephant, it turns out that the elephant decided to run away from the circus, and it happened in the wonderful city of bute, it was the residents of this city they joke now that they have a unique city, because slanikha can just walk along the streets, yes, it’s true usual, however, the slanika named viola, who walked through the streets and surprised everyone, of course, was not wild, she simply, as maryana vasilievna said above, ran away from the circus while washing her... how can you be distracted during that how do you wash an elephant? i
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don’t know, but what’s her name viola, it’s latin for violet, that’s another flower, but we see her right now, she’s crossing into the road, what would you do if you saw an elephant at the crossing? oh, i would at least, of course, be very surprised, at most i would be more ran away somewhere, i would also go back home, just in case, you know, it’s worth adding that slanika, she was very calm, did not attack anyone, but she is trained, yes, and her trainer still shows up. professional, so that after 10 minutes the man was able to call his charge back home, and to order, well , he returned her to the church, the viola was in place, and after such a walk, the trainer, the city residents, probably the elephant herself, were impressed by the carriage and little one, it seems to me that for the next week they won’t go outside at all, so that you can’t meet any viola, no matter what, no, well , this is actually a cool fact, you see, we live in belarus and we talk about how something like this happened somewhere in beauty, and the great power of live broadcasting. including, yes, but we started talking about professionals, about
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trainers, let's continue this topic right now with our regular column, not even a regular column, an operational story about why belarusians like their professions. good morning, tomorrow is labor spring day. that’s what it was called in 1997, but in 1886 its name was slightly changed, was called the day of workers' solidarity, well, the name of the concept hasn't changed much, let's find out from the residents of minsk. who do they work and what do they like most about their professions, who do you work with, a manager, a manager of what, this is a manager, that’s what you can call everyone, a customer service specialist, i’m a video blogger, 25,000 subscribers, i have a youtube channel, i i think that this is a job, that’s how the banks are, like there will be a lot of money, yes, well , yes, and you, a civil engineer, highways, he has... more money than you, obviously, a teacher, an accountant, a hairdresser,
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a salesman, and a real estate specialist, an english teacher, a quality controller, where does this hodgepodge come from, who do you work for, an msw mechanic, a mechanic, a very good profession, what are the advantages of this work, for young people, you know, so they know that there is always work, it’s great, but what are the disadvantages? yes, there is no shortage, the best job in the world, well, not the best, but one of the best, so tell me, bloggers, what are the advantages, advantages and disadvantages of work, well, the girls write, this is a plus, a plus. what a good team, it’s always been, i ’ve done internships, it’s always been a good team, and then, well, i like the activity itself, there are a lot of advantages, communication with people, yeah, good, that’s it, a lot of communication with people, no, that’s good, well, this is what i like, good, but what is the disadvantage,
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communication with people, qualified, large profile, i can build anything, including asg, industrial, civil, roads. everything related to construction, well, the downsides, the schedule, that is, they can call me to work even at night, serve if you like your profession and the business you are doing, then all these disadvantages are so, it ’s just why anna ganzhur didn’t come to us and ask if we love our work, we would definitely answer her, yes, we love, yes, yes , they would answer, yes, friends, this concludes our broadcast, we remind you that today we met at... april 30, together with you maryana marenkova anna gloria were glad to spend 3 hours of our broadcast with you, tomorrow is a day off , well, today we are great, let's we spend the rest of the day on this unique day called the last day of april the thirtieth number, well, we’ll work well, we’ll have a good time
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, we agreed on that and we’ll see you on thursday, friends, for now. a large elastic ball is a must-have equipment for both serious adult training and children's recreational activities. it’s not easy to even just sit on a fitball, but if kids have learned to ride on them like horses, they are almost champions. in general, what some may consider to be a delusion is actually important to acquire. motor skills, prevention of posture problems and a great physical activity option for children. select the size of the fitball so that when sitting on it, the child confidently rests his full foot on the floor, and the angles between the body, thigh and lower leg are straight. first of all, teach your child to balance while sitting on a sword. then you can add basic
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exercises: body turns, arm and leg movements. if the fitball is equipped with handles, children quickly master jumping with pleasure. using a fitball. you can strengthen your back and abdominal muscles, train the strength of your legs and arms, develop flexibility and the ability to maintain balance. gymnastics with a fitball is suitable for training at home, in the gym, and on the street. depending on the age of the child, the lesson can last from 15 to 30 minutes and be repeated at least daily. performing even the simplest exercises on fitballs allows you to use stabilizer muscles, develop a sense of balance and coordination of movements. and, of course, they make fitballs. any physical activity is more fun, is anyone willing to argue that a healthy lifestyle begins with this? play with your children, let them be active, exercise fitness together.
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