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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 9:45am-10:50am MSK

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in minsk, new status, new functions and strategy for further development. our union building will form a union of sovereign peoples, and this model has a chance of success and expansion of participants. i emphasize, no violence and no agreement. key decisions in sovereign history in dialogue with the people. military doctrine and concept of national security. response to geopolitical changes in the world. the development of cooperation between russia and belarus in the field of defense involves the creation of a reliable security belt along the entire perimeter of the border. joining efforts to strengthen the state foundation cannot be done without allies; one cannot survive alone. and it’s very great that we have allies in russia, we truly have an allied relationship.
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fort, which, of course, will significantly increase the volume of cargo transshipment. it will become easier to explore each other's potential. minsk and arkhangelsk, connected by direct flight. when you need to make difficult choices and friendships that cannot be broken. a large-scale russian film about the war. would anyone have thought 85 years ago that today we would be making films about two friends, russian and german, where one actor is russian.
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allied relations between belarus and russia are an example of a peaceful, creative agenda, and this model has a chance of success and expansion of participants. and of course, the fateful decision of the highest representative body of the people of power approved the military doctrine and the concept of national security. this is a timely response to geopolitical changes in the world, and this.
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connection with the interests of society and the state. delegates are the voice of the people, from possible dangerous processes going on in his collective mind. you are not just a general meeting, you are the national conscience, you, i repeat, are the voice of the people. the work of the meeting
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begins with the discussion and adoption of the most important documents ensuring national security. in the current realities, this is both the primary demand of society and the main priority of state policy. alexander lukashenko will emphasize: we are not among the contenders for world domination. the desire to be the mighty of this world is alien to belarus, but not everyone understands and accepts the risks of global dominance. and for the sake of unipolarity we are ready for any sacrifice. the usa, having undertaken a frisky. russia with rich resources and a powerful military-industrial complex and china with enormous economic and human potential. they realized that
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they could not cope with this union, they found a way out, the conflict in europe, in ukraine, in this situation, shift onto the shoulders of e the question of what european politicians are capable of at all, essentially under concentrated, it seems, already everywhere, this is the sight of american machine guns, and what will belarus oppose to them? one thing is clear: us they really want to drag us into a war like no one
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else, and i, as the commander in chief, our military and intelligence services see this, while they are provoking us, digging taka. that they are modernizing the military infrastructure, weapons, i have already said, we are on the other side of the border, we are building a peaceful life here, we are not building walls, we are not digging trenches, but our love of peace is not pacifism, i ask you not to be confused, as threats grow, we will accept symmetrical measures to increase combat power, turning to them,
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the world is entering a global conflict, where america and china with russia are on opposite sides of the barricades, pitting the slavic peoples against one another is no longer washington’s covert strategy, but belarus knows the value
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of such conflicts, and therefore does not intend to change its position on war and peace. we don’t want to fight with anyone, and i ’m sure
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that’s not what determines strategic national interests for the world as a whole , what we should live for in general and what basic national interests exist in one of the chapters reveals which measures.
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quickly respond to any external threats, because we know that nato activity is close to the borders of the allied states are growing, nato countries are going to transfer to the territory of countries, in particular poland, and new units are going to create bases there, and the countries themselves, the polish leadership and others, they are generally not against this, so the development of cooperation between russia and belarus with.. defense, involves the creation of a reliable security belt along the entire perimeter
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of the borders; in this regard, the russian armed forces and the belarusian armed forces must have operational and tactical plans for rapid response to any. sudden military threats emerged both from the nato bloc and from their allies.
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border against which this threat will arise, and of course, these forces must undergo combat coordination in order to - in any operational environment, in any situation - act together, skillfully and effectively, well, among other things, it is expected that in the future russia and belarus will create not only a common military security system, but also an information security system, that is, a system. information operations centers and counter-operations, and these and this system will also be
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staffed by russian and belarusian specialists. thank you, russian expert alexey manoilo was in touch with us.
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and let’s return to the all-belarusian people’s assembly, where not only were there calls for the preservation of lasting peace, but the politically formed voice of the belarusian people in the national assembly affected all areas. we will discuss the key points with a studio guest, this is a member of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus, marina linchevskaya. marina linchevskaya, deputy of the house of representatives national assembly of belarus, the head of the mission on legislation, graduated from the mogilev state pedagogical institute named after kulishov, the belarusian institute of law, the academy of management under the president of belarus, worked in the prosecutor's office, including in senior positions, as well as in the banking sector, was elected as a deputy of the board of representatives of the national assembly belarus of the seventh convocation, worked as a member of the standing
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commission on national security, member of the board of a public association belarusian union. the woman heads the primary organization of the belarusian women's union of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus, was awarded diplomas of the national assembly of belarus, the presidential administration of belarus, the parliamentary assembly, and the organization of the collective security treaty. marina aleksandrovna, in principle, the tradition of discussing important issues is not new and even in the soviet period it was discussed for a five-year period, but the new status of the all-belarusian people's assembly. these are the strategic objectives, new functions, to what extent can we say that the system of state construction in belarus is being improved? well , first of all, i want to say that it is very important that back in the beginning in 1996, when the first all-belarusian people's assembly took place, then the foundation of democracy was laid, which became the basis of the state political system of our
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country, and you remember the keynotes of our president’s report on all-belarusian... the first people's meeting was the phrase: only the people of belarus can decide their fate, all these years we lived exactly like this, we really have true democracy, although we are criticized, they say that we have a dictatorship, i always say, yes, a dictatorship, but a dictatorship of the people, this is very important, for me in general the first meeting is a very significant and very significant meeting sixth 2022, when the issue was discussed about the need to adopt a new constitution, it is necessary... to update it, because we need to keep up with the times, we are talking about changes, by voting for the constitution, our people voted for the present, for the future , here for these evolutionary changes, and today, of course, the all-belarusian people's assembly is really acquiring a completely new status, constitutional, it was in the updated constitution that this was recorded, just
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the other day a historical event actually took place, which will be inscribed in our annals...
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discussing strategic documents , yes, of course, the world is difficult now, yes, the geopolitical situation is quite complicated, and today any state cannot survive alone, it’s very great that we have allies in the person of russia, we truly have a union state, which is moving forward today, which exists on the foundation of constructive dialogue, parity relations, this is very important, and today you see, we are talking...
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of course, the union state certainly has enough potential to fight back, and today you see how we really resist, we are this buffer that protects russia, belarus is, well, essentially a brez fortress that stands not only for the interests of its state, but because interests of the union state, and today we have tactical nuclear weapons deployed on our territory, and you need to understand that this is a preventive measure, a deterrent measure, we are not saber-rattling, but we are saying that we are ready to take a blow if... such a thing happens statement by the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin that in the event of an attack on belarus, russia will respond because it will regard this attack as an attack on a union state. in this regard, we are very protected, today we need to say that, of course, the russian military-industrial complex has enough potential to ensure the defense capability of not only its own
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state, but also the allied one.
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they came, apparently to you on an excursion, young guys, 14-15 years old, they are interested, they are patriots of belarus, here they come, it is written on their chests, patriot of belarus, they are proud of this and this is very cool, we are already in a union state we are also
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building some new joint ways to attract the youth of the two countries, to get to know each other, because we are few again we communicate, this is a memory train, these are all our various projects that will help... uzbekistan, from kazakhstan, from kyrgyzstan, last year, not only were russian and belarusian guys there, but there were guys from great, you you know, the war was not won by an uzbek, not a russian, not a belarusian, it was the soviet people who won, and this is something we should be proud of and
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remember, because if we forget, we will simply betray our ancestors, this is very important, we must send this message loudly here in the youth environment, but you know, i... i want to tell you that i am sure that our youth are exactly like that, because i communicate with them and see that they are proud, proud of our state symbols, proud that we won this terrible war, they are proud with my ancestors, i really like the project that is taking place in russia, the immortal regiment, when from young to old they proudly raise high photographs...
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of projects with the regions of russia, and the arkhangelsk region, for example, in minsk, offers to go on cooperation roadmaps received the governor of the region, and the delegation arrived on the first direct flight connecting minsk and arkhangelsk, now 200 km can
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be covered in 2 seconds, which means it will become easier to study each other’s potential, and this is the main theme of the program. minsk and arkhangelsk have become closer. the city was connected by a direct air flight, among the first passengers was the governor of the arkhangelsk region, alexander tsybulsky. today we arrived on the first direct flight, i must say that this is the first flight i specifically looked at in almost 30 years, until 1994, we had regular flights between the region and the republic of belarus, for 30 years we haven’t had such a direct flight, this year we launched it, in general the interest is very high, and i think it will be well loaded, even in soviet times, then until 1994 and... i looked at the passenger flow per year, 10-12 thousand people flew from the region to belarus and back. the first direct flight and the first working visit to belarus by alexander tsybulsky as governor. it turned out very well symbolic. new speeds mean new opportunities for business and more. the search for
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common interests and future projects started at the highest level in minsk. during the meeting, president alexander lukashenko assured that belarus is determined to increase trade turnover with the arkhangelsk region. the arkhangelsk region has been a long-time, very reliable partner of belarus; we have not yet achieved, of course, sky-high figures in trade turnover, but... i believe that everything ahead of us has been a systematic increase in the volume of mutual trade since the twentieth year. 5 years ago we they talked about achieving the maximum exchange of goods at that time, approximately 46 million dollars, but already in the twenty-third year we set a corresponding record, which is approximately equal to 85 million dollars in trade turnover, but we are determined and i think that we... arkhangelsk is the capital of the russian
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north, a century before the appearance of st. petersburg, it was here that the first window to europe was cut, and it was from here that russia turned its face to the arctic. under ivan the terrible , russia's first commercial port, arkhangelsk, was created on the banks of the northern dvina. today it is a key node in the international maritime transport system. the possibility of using the arkhangelsk port became one of the topics of conversation in minsk. it's very important to us. seriously develop the northern sea route, and this means tens of millions of tons of cargo, because all the sanctions, western countries have closed their ports, so it is very important for us to develop the northern sea route, we tried to supply our goods in small quantities along this route, especially to the chinese people republic to the russian far east, this is a very profitable route for us, so for us will be very large...
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unfortunately, for our main export product, rut fertilizers, which is 15 million tons, your specialization, containers, general cargo, in this you may be of interest to our producers of timber and metal products, but competition in this matter is intense, including in the northwest, the economics of transportation come first, so we are ready to work on the idea of ​​a pass.
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in the future, the arkhangelsk port will be very interesting for belarusian exporters, since, in accordance with the decision of the government of the russian federation, we are beginning project for the development of the arkhangelsk transport hub, a new deep-water area of ​​the arkhangelsk port will be built, which of course will significantly increase the volume of cargo transshipment, but today we have up to 5 million additional opportunities to transship through our port. the parties continued the dialogue about joint plans at a meeting... guests from arkhangelsk noticed
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a lot of electric transport in the belarusian capital, and all the equipment was made in belarus, here is another potential area of ​​cooperation, they also talked about cooperation in industry and agriculture. by the way, the arkhangelsk region with its more than 22 million hectares of forests is in great need of special equipment; belarusian is ready to offer an alternative to western brands that have left the russian market. along with deliveries , guarantees can also be arranged.
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passenger equipment mass 61 mtz tractors, 78 elevators, that is, this is quite a wide range of equipment and a large number of equipment that were delivered to this region, deliveries will continue, we are here therefore, we gathered in order to maintain this dynamics, from global tasks to the implementation of local plans, because it is
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interregional ties that are the main engine in allied relations; the roadmap for cooperation was drawn up and signed by the governors of the minsk and arkhangelsk regions. this result for the past year was shown in figures by the trade turnover between the minsk and arkhangelsk regions, while the export of belarusian goods to this russian region increased more than fourfold. this year , the sides' mutual trade indicators plan to increase. the task was set by the heads of state, supporting the idea of ​​interregional cooperation between belarus and russia, to make sure that the countries develop, and belarusians and
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russians become more successful and richer. neighbors are also ready for an effective option for interaction. the vitebsk region will host the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia in june. it will be held in the regional center itself, as well as in polotsk and novopolotsk. the delegation of the smolensk region visited the region, in particular the arshan flax mill, logistics complex, as well as a center for integrated engineering in the field of water supply and sanitation. the task is to work out a promising mechanism between manufacturers of goods and logistics.
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this year, the export of cargo and passenger equipment, textiles, and machine tools has noticeably intensified, among the areas that need to be developed: tourism and children's health. the main thing on the air is belarus; an electronic portal about concentration camp prisoners
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will be created in belarus. about the fraternal friendship of peoples on the battlefields, on a large scale russian film work about the war. and in novosibirsk. region passed the days of belarusian cinema. about the main thing, briefly, further in the program. belarusian-russian partnership and schedule of upcoming events. minister of foreign affairs of belarus sergei aleynik and secretary of state of the union state dmitry mizintsev discussed the implementation of decisions adopted following the meeting of the supreme state council, which took place in january in st. petersburg. the focus is on the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders and twenty-fifth anniversary. the day of signing the agreement on the creation of a union state. a single electronic portal will be created in belarus, where there will be information about concentration camp workers. the project was started at the national archives. to collect data, belarus will turn to other countries, including russia. the project will help open unknown pages of history and convey
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historical truth based on archival documents to future generations. a lot of information has already been collected, indeed, from us and... the prosecutor general's office is collecting information and the investigative committee there is a lot of information in the archives, but the idea is to combine everything today to create a portal that will serve people for a really long time. there is still a lot that needs to be digitized, a lot more interviews that need to be conducted, more than 400 prisoners are still alive. 156 documentaries commemorating the genocide of the soviet people during the great patriotic war were produced by a tandem of youth from belarus and russia. screenings within the framework of the project without a statute of limitations, the unconquered, took place in several cities of the two states. 13 works by young filmmakers worthy of state protection in the russian and belarusian archives. as a member of the jury, i can say that the works are very serious, very thorough, and the guys
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placed the emphasis in the right place, which allows these works to be perceived as absolutely truthful. the works will, it seems to me, still be a striking example of how the younger generation preserves the memory of the victims of the genocide of the belarusian people. pre-premiere screening of the film dugout in brest, presented by the creative team led by director mark gorobets. movie with the war, but not about it. the main author's idea is the sincere friendship of young people in our time, russian and german, and the great patriotic war, when difficult choices had to be made. would anyone have thought 85 years ago that today we would be making a movie about two friends, a russian and a german, where one actor is russian, the other is a real german from berlin, a movie about friendship about people, about what doesn’t matter, i’m always talking about i say this, it doesn’t matter what nationality.
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novosibirsk region to the republic of belarus within the framework of the business cooperation council was firstly, a protocol of intent for cooperation was signed between the ministry of culture of the republic of belarus and the ministry of culture of the novosibirsk region, and 10 agreements were signed between the cultural institutions of the novosibirsk region and the cultural institutions of the republic of belarus. already at the end of may, the days of culture of the novosibirsk region will be held in belarus. route of good deeds. with the participation of young doctors from belarus, russia, uzbekistan and kyrgyzstan, the culmination of the action was the improvement of the memorial in azarichi, where
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a military medic, a hero of the soviet union, is buried union, zinaida samsonova, the goal is to strengthen the network of trade union contacts in the healthcare sectors, this is not only interaction with other countries, regions, the international format, it is about study, patriotism, about the exchange of values, guidelines, it is not only about experience, but just about new tasks, new strategies and... i happily want, having adopted certain tools, to bring them to my city , set tasks, goals and apply this in my practice. union approaches in education within the framework of integration programs for applicants equal rights and opportunities to study at universities in both countries, active work is underway to harmonize the legislation of the two countries on the recognition of diplomas, belarusian and russians plan to train specialists together.
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the unified state examination, starting this year
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, school graduates who have passed the unified state exam in russia will be able to enter the budget for the first time. about a thousand places have been allocated for this, previously, based on the results of the unified state examination, students studied at universities for a fee, the unified state examination results must be no lower than 70% of the maximum possible value that can be obtained in this subject, then it is possible to apply for a budget place that is allocated for citizens of the russian federation; when applying for a paid form, there is no such restriction. agribusiness, pedagogy, oil and gas processing, unmanned aerial systems. applicants. from russia will be accepted for 125 specialties, the list has been established by the ministry of education of belarus, universities in all regions await neighbors, among the most popular are mogilev belarusian-russian university, minsk bguir and bsu. guys who have weaned themselves on a budget, they will work for 2 years in accordance with the legislation of the republic of belarus. for us , distribution, we position it, is truly the social orientation of our education;
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after training, children receive a guaranteed job, and at the same time we also provide. various bonuses in terms of housing presentation, preferential loans and other features to support young professionals. another opportunity to get an education at the expense of the republican budget is a grant from the president of belarus. vitalina was born and raised in zheleznogorsk, this is the kursk region, i studied linguistics in moscow, but at some point i decided to radically change my life. i saw an announcement about recruitment for a grant, applied, and now i’m finishing my first year at the faculty of international relations of bsu, and dreams of becoming a student.
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they will already do so with confidence. to get a quota, you need to fill out an online application, pass selection tests and wait for your placement in the university. a candidate can apply to six universities at once. training is possible at different levels of training, from secondary specialized to postgraduate studies. the vast majority enroll in bachelor's and specialty programs. for full-time students there is a scholarship and a place in a dormitory; there is no work after study. very popular
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areas related to... economics, it specialties, very popular, there are a lot of applications for medical specialties, marine navigation, it’s probably worth mentioning, because, well, related to the fleet, related to civil shipbuilding, nuclear energy is interesting, directions related to the aerospace industry, well, if we talk about, maybe yes, where russia, so to speak, has quite an extensive experience, today education is a strategic area of ​​integration, countries recognize each other’s diplomas, interaction between universities is progressing, we are talking not only about internships, scientific research, but about joint educational projects, something new. the leading universities of the union state, bsu and msu want to launch master's programs in international relations and geography, as well as jointly train bachelors in government audit. graduates will receive double diplomas, and this will increase competitiveness of ready-made specialists in
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the labor market. the succulent season in belarus has been glorious, we are talking about birch sap. this year , due to the early spring, sap flow was highly active. about places to collect healthy drinks and ways to process them, spring program report. the sun warms you up more and more, and during such walks through the beautiful grove, sometimes you even want to quench your thirst, how to do this, nature itself tells you, birch sap is the best vitamin drink of the season, on white trunks the juice appears, then they cry... it takes a special
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place in the repertoire of the cult ensemble pesnyary for a reason, the birch tree occupies a special place, it is the original taste of the belarusian soul. from time immemorial, a symbol of inspiration and reflection on native places, about loved ones, the first association of bright homesickness, its traces in folklore, poetry, music and painting. traditionally, the collection of this drink in the central zone of vast russia and on the territory of modern belarus began as soon as the snow melted; with the first thawed patches in the forest , our ancestors went out to harvest the healing drink, they made kvass from it with the addition of yeast, even mead, they drank the pure product because they were well familiar with its beneficial properties. connoisseurs of birch sap are faithful to traditions today. as soon as the air temperature becomes stably above zero, birch groves in the forestry enterprises of belarus
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are filled with special sounds. natural fresh, loud drink. the timing is strict, you need to get into a short temperature corridor. the juice retains its taste at temperatures from 5 to 7°c. this is the weather in on average it lasts about 2 weeks. ideal conditions. for sap flow, this is a temperature of no more than 10°, light weather, clear, if the temperature does not exceed 10°, it’s like cloudy weather now, this period stretches out, maybe a week or two or three, if the temperature starts to rise above 10 -12-15, the fermentation process immediately begins, the juice begins to sour. getting the maximum birch harvest without harming the tree is not easy. technical process, you need to know exactly what birch is suitable for tapping. forest workers identify plots in advance and go to the site early in the morning. you can stock up on juice right on the plot in the massif.
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forestry staff will provide a suitable location for collecting birch grass yourself. real fresh birch should be transparent, as here, depending on the quality of the soil and temperature conditions, it can be supplemented with a slight tint, but the most important thing should not remain at the bottom. it’s worth remembering this before buying juice. we are bringing fresh vitamins from the forest for sale. implementation juice to the population passes every day. some buyers take 5 liters for testing, others are confident in the quality of the product, purchase thoroughly, and fill the trunks of their cars to the top. i add caramel, sometimes orange, lemon, depending on who you like and how you prefer. in general, it can even be pure, i just roll up a spoonful of sugar and a lemon. i like it, the family is big, so everything goes in. the main volume of birch sap is supplied to processing plants. fresh raw materials undergo several mandatory processing stages on the conveyor. his preserved and after that the products in different
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packaging options are sent to store shelves. the juice enters containers, undergoes incoming control, of course, and then goes on to production. this year we have prepared 220 tons, of which we have prepared 122 tons. aseptically, that is, it is aseptic bottling under aseptic conditions, that is, it is the ability of juice to retain its properties and qualities for a long period of time. housewives use various ingredients, well, we do the same, we have a wide range and birch-orange, birch with rose hips and mint, that is, for every taste. the plan for the 2024 season has been completed. more than 11 thousand tons of birch sap were collected in the country's forestry. weather conditions contributed to a decent harvest. we have two leading regions - breska, where the season
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for collecting birch sap began earlier than others, and minsk, where we probably already focused more on consumer demand, since minsk residents, residents of the minsk region, are quite actively interested in useful things in this regard. drink. the natural gift of our forests is in demand outside the country. for several years now , birch sap under the made in belarus brand has been actively purchased in bulgaria and germany; since last year , china has opened its market for this product. this concludes our release. we will tell you about the main things in belarus next sunday on the belros tv channel. all the best!
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zaslonov, konstantin sergeevich, partisan pseudonym, uncle kostya, one of... the outstanding participants and leaders of the partisan movement in belarus during the great patriotic war, commander of the partisan brigade detachment, commander of all partisan forces in the arshan zone. from the very first days, the zaslonovo detachment launched active combat activities. in a short time, the zaslonovites were destroyed. about ten
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food warehouses boldly attacked german garrisons located in villages near orsha, organized the collapse of railway trains heading to the front line. on november 13, 1942, the nazis, having learned that the headquarters of the zaslonovy brigade was located in the village of kupovaya, surrounded it. it lasted more than 4 hours. zaslonov decided to wait darkness and go for a breakthrough. he was mowed down by a machine gun burst. on november 14, 1942, in a battle with punitive forces near the village of kupovat, seninsky district, the legendary kambrik died. he was thirty-three years old. during the great patriotic war, his name was given to two partisan brigades operating. in
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the occupied territory of belarus, he was awarded two orders of lenin and a medal. on march 7, 1943, he was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously. the name of konstantin sergeevich zaslonov is forever included in the book of people's glory. like in a fairy tale, the peasant has three sons, the eldest, the smart guy, the middle one was this and that, the youngest was basically a fool, where are you going, oh, straight along the avenue, i grew up from the whites, they haven’t demolished it yet, they gather, they say in this place, where do you work?


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