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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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we follow the sporting life of our country. belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup there is the most unexpected pair: zhlobin metallurg and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again, never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached... in that series, but we are reviewing
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the most interesting event. british runner raskuk, known on the internet as the toughest eccentric, a year ago took up running record, he wanted to run across africa from south to north. two-time world champion in steeplechase anouk guernier set a new world record for climbing the kanata. a thirty-four-year-old french woman used her hands to climb to the second floor of the eiffel tower. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. observing the trend of the last few olympic cycles, we see that in modern swimming it is not so much the records that are increasing, but the density of the result. all this is in sports projects on the tv channel belarus 24, tell me where you got this from? a beautiful name, my parents did not
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take part in this, my grandmother was a very well-read, educated person, and one of the first to travel around the world. what is currently valued in the restaurant and hotel business, national flavor and originality, or is it the desire for globalism? the republic of belarus is a very good market for us, in the literal sense in general, for textiles, food products, well, why? is the hotel and restaurant business harsh? no it's a silver lining, here's the pandemic, it certainly pushed us, at one time you studied at cambridge, i love my country, but i consider myself a patriot and i never had the idea of ​​leaving russia there forever, do you have some personal achievements in this area that you are proud of, i probably dream that i would have more opportunities , both financial and in terms of travel and so on, so that i could create interesting large projects.
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hello, the program say don’t be silent is on air, tatyana cherbina and svetlana are in the studio smolanskaya and today our guest is the director for hotel business development, the federation of atelier restaurateurs, olympiada znamenskaya. hello olympics. hello. hello, olympics, nice to meet you. tell me, where did you get such a beautiful name and no less beautiful? emilia, thank you very much, and you know, my grandmother named me that, my parents did not take part in this, my grandmother was a very well-read, educated person, and one of the first to travel around the world, wow, yes in those days also, and she was impressed by the mother of alexander
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the great at the ipirskaya olympiad, yeah, by the way, i learned about this that it was in honor of her , well, literally from her grandmother, who was already deceased, and 10 years ago. just in july for the olympics, that’s why i ’m not telling this long story, i’m saying, yes, it’s really beautiful and quite rare for our time, and your position is no less interesting, you are the director for... development of the hotel business, the federation of restaurateurs and ateliers. what are your responsibilities and what do you do? federation atelier restaurateurs - this is a very old organization, non-profit, it is already more than 25 years old, our president, igor olegovich bukharov,
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is a very famous figure, a wonderful restaurateur, at one time 25 years ago with arkady novikov, so they went this way, created such an organization. our association unites ateliers and restaurateurs in the russian federation, as well as service providers and manufacturers. and of course, we deal with key issues, this is education, educational issues, this is legal lobbying interests of the industry, defending the interests of the industry, well, we are a kind of bridge between business and government. at the moment this is becoming even more relevant, because now there is a development boom in russia.
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even earlier than the federation of atelier restaurateurs, it seems that these are incompatible things, but very much compatible, because in terms of doing business, if we look at the matrix, then it is similar, in terms of the relationship between investors and authorities too. are similar, and now i want to say even more that our investors often the restaurant industry includes non -core companies, for example, warehouses, manufacturers, even metal rolling companies and so on, they are aimed at
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business diversification, often they are investors, so you know, and we always go to restaurants, really, this is what matters most to us atmosphere, communicate like that. some kind of infrastructure site, so to speak, in industrial parks, for example, this is a large complex, and a complete infrastructure is provided there, and conference rooms, and recreation areas, and places for food, and leisure activities, because now it is being built, well, at a fairly high level, you also have such sites, i know about it, so it all fits together very well, well, that is, then such a large complex, yes, but you still visited minsk more. as part of your position as a restaurateur and atelier, did you visit it as part of the second russian-belarusian tourist congress? is this your first event ? is this your first time in our capital? yes, this is the first event for me, it’s my first time
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in minsk, in the republic of belarus, and i’m i’m absolutely delighted with how everything is here, it’s really wonderful, clean, beautiful, simple. invited me, organized everything, which means we did a joint investment session with him, i think it turned out great,
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because several investors came with me, these are large hotel chains, this is a restaurateur, my colleagues were interested, they found a lot of contacts, so i ’ll try to make sure that everything works out for them, yeah, that's it, but we are aiming, this was the first such trial balloon, so we want to establish these flows, because integration very... or enterprises, there were a lot of handshakes, usually in business it’s like this, when everything
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is signed, then they report it, yes, i ’m just thinking that you will have new hotel chains, brands from russia and not only from russia, i think that our federal chains can come to you, i mean restaurant chains and, accordingly, there is, of course , a very large exchange of personnel, personnel, we discussed this, this is important when we talk about... quality standards, why all trying to attract a quality franchise or there, that means the federal network, because it will be clear to you what kind of service you will receive, and on what basis, we generally assign the number of stars to hotels, because let’s say the same three stars in one city and in another city, it could absolutely be two two different hotels with different standards, a range of services, and so on. as far as i know, you only have a classification ahead, or rather a certificate? as i understand it, there is a normative regulation, there is a provision, this will now be discussed, but we actually have a classification, we have
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which describes the basic criteria that a hotel must meet, without stars, a category of a certain star rating, well , conventionally, if we are talking about a five -star hotel, then this immediately presupposes a swimming pool , a gym, and so on and so on, but four or five stars usually differ in service, did not correspond to the star rating, but for this there were certain sanctions, now we have those we now had such moments when hotel experts who classify hotels, in case they, for example, put it obvious an inflated star, then the guest will need to follow a certain procedure, and then make a certain appeal to rospotrebnadzor, and so on. for this to reach the commission, then this expert will have this
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accreditation removed, he will never be able to be an expert again, this is the motivation in russia for our classification experts, i agree that we have hotels that well, they don’t correspond, but again we can look at the parameters, that is, there will be a number of a certain category there square meters, there will be furniture. and accordingly there will be breakfast, there will also be minimal services, in principle the hotel can already call itself three or four stars, then it’s your feelings about how you were served, this is the question of service, it’s always very much like that, because the staff of olympia, well when you moved in, this moment of professional deformation worked for you in minsk, you immediately paid attention to the cleanliness, the interior, the prices, the assortment, this works in everyday life.
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yeah, well, it’s also interesting, because for the masses tourists are much more in demand for hotels of, say, two or three stars, yes level, but the trend is that four -five star hotels are appearing, to what extent is this a trend, well, it is economically justified, the opening of just such high-level hotels, will there be mass tourists in them stop,
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will they pay back the cost there, well , look, in russia in general the payback of a project for... for a hotel, well, this is at least 10 years, 10 years is still good, some are longer, because this is a specific object real estate, if we talk about commercial areas, then they have a payback period of 5-6 years, the same industrial parks or i don’t know some commercial areas, but this is promising, the fact is that if you build a four-star hotel according to the project, this lays the foundation..
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that’s why here, in general, you need to understand that we are talking about a large chain or one hotel, where is this location, what kind of guest traffic will there be in general, and so on, well, look, that is, out of three stars we won’t make five, but. out of five three, no, just look, you can do it, but it will look strange, then
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when you design a hotel, and you invest money, build it, make it structurally, as if it were five, but you have the right not to make it five stars, that is, you will provide a gym, a swimming pool, all these things, do three, that is, you just invest more, but do three, that is, what’s the point, then the financial model, it’s all the same, and you understand, when you analyze what kind of hotel there should be, the location is necessarily analyzed, because the hotel is five stars - this is so to speak, such a federal level, you always need to look at where it is, well, for example, it will be strange if a five-star hotel appears in some village, well, well, of course, yes, that’s accordingly, on the other hand, if, for example, here, well, let’s take for example, the leningrad region, we have many wonderful hotels near the city of st. petersburg, we have a problem there with the fact that when you go deep into the leningrad
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region, we already have a shortage of the same four-star hotels there, for example, and there there are locations that are there... we are also an expert group we studied, and there is a five-star hotel there, because we understand how it will be loaded, which means there is an arrival in the city of st. petersburg, there is further, and there by car, for example, 2 hours, this is suitable, which means there is on the shore lake ladazh, in a beautiful forest area, is a former pioneer camp, that is, all these things are taken into account, yes, that is, or, for example, on the contrary, there is another example, an area that is a little closer to the railway... roads, where sometimes the noise of the train can be heard, well, that is, a five-star luxury hotel is already strange, then this can already happen be four stars, but so dynamic with some panda parks for children, also a spa , and so on and so on, and the segment in general looks at what hotels are nearby, and their occupancy is calculated, and then the average bill is there, all these things are compared and
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accepted the decision, well, of course, first of all the concept, then the decision is made which hotel everything is.
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say don’t be silent, subscribe, invite us to guests, ask questions, we are in touch! we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes. this taste is actually familiar to me from childhood. if you have never tried skvarki, then you have essentially never been to belarus. if you hadn't said it was oatmeal, i would never have thought of it. oatmeal in its structure, it is also very similar to our pig ears in this pot.
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just a fantastic presentation of this dish, if you asked me what haute cuisine is, i would probably say, well, here it is, watch the project, food anywhere on the belarus24 tv channel, the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, why do you need it, and where does the money come from, my two favorite questions, i would very much like to i wanted to take a look at what a school looks like, which is no longer... a school inside, where they see more opportunities and use them to the maximum. 26 paros do you have chickens? 130
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chickens, who else do you have? trays, cow, cow, cow, ducks, what, what you don’t have is free time that can be spent on laziness and despondency, i understand, that’s for sure, no, neither on depression, nor on despondency and there is no time to be lazy but for ... leading to find out why rural life is still better than city life, then in the future, maybe it we’ll arrange it when we do it here, in the future we ’ll be a reception room, we’ll do it here, somewhere to drink some coffee, maybe some kind of laundry, that’s what we have here, there are leftovers, valuable ones, we’ll hang them here, probably an exhibition, now it’s fashionable to say, the reception will be here, as it all happens, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you. watch the project “i’m from the village” on the belarus 24 tv channel. the “say
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don’t be silent” program is on air again and today our guest is the director of hotel business development, federation restaurateurs, ateliers, znamenskaya olympics. olympics, but we talked during a break. there is a little bit of government support in different areas in belarus and russia, but in your opinion, the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin and the top leadership of the country, how much attention do they pay to the area in which you work? right now , the closest attention is being paid to this area, namely the construction of tourism infrastructure, and the support of those enterprises, manufacturers and companies that manage such facilities there. ours would be tourism
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developed, but we got used to going to europe, outbound tourism was more common, yes, it was during this period that i learned even more about some places where i probably wouldn’t have thought to go before, but what’s gratifying is that these places are developing with from the point of view of comfort, i repeat, tourist infrastructure, now there is a lot of construction of roads, hotels, amusement parks and so on. yeah, that's good, yes, of course, but working, let's say, under such close attention, it's responsible, well, i can't say that it there is close attention, because we do this as industry professionals from the heart with understanding, but if they don’t make comments from above, then we are doing everything right, it means we are moving in the right direction, but our head of state also pays great attention to all areas of the country’s development, including including the tourism and service sectors, there are many
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questions. the president controls it personally, and the only thing he does not accept is the excuse that sanctions are preventing us from working. shall we watch a short video from one of the latest meetings? everyone says sanctions, for there are no sanctions for you, look for other markets, there are no sanctions for us, yes, have international sanctions against the russian federation somehow affected your area of ​​activity? well, they just had an impact, exactly like... it’s said in this video, we found other markets, and there was a period, of course, when this suddenly happened, at that moment it was quite difficult, for example, when we stopped being able to purchase equipment in europe , well, let’s just say that all restaurants, restaurant kitchens, hotel kitchens, in general, they were all based on this equipment and so far all colleagues figured out which one needed to be taken to china or whatever it was through china and so on,
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there was a period, and so on there.
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go to such exhibitions, get acquainted, exchange contacts, and of course, take something, here you need to inform about what else you have, what appears, and so on, so you need to come more often, send more information, in principle , your federation sees, well, let’s say, pleasant prospects for cooperation with belarusian manufacturers, of course we have they buy us in the region, for example, if they have textiles for the same ateliers, that’s ours, yeah. familiar turkey, our uzbekistan ivanovo, well, let’s say, this is all unconditional, but you understand, it’s still dynamic, and it’s as if people are watching something new all the time, because the quality is improving, you may have new technologies appearing , maybe you have some special pillows there, yes, therefore, that is, the main thing here is quality, yes quality, for us this is very important, we have announced the twenty-fourth year of quality. well
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i accept your comment that we need to talk more about this about our manufacturers, although it seems to me that there is a lot of information, but we need to go beyond the borders of our country, and if we talk not about manufacturers, but directly about restaurateurs and belarusian restaurateurs, belarusian ateliers, they have is there a real chance to enter the russian market? you know, there is always a chance, but another question is, again, they need to understand how, when with whom, because usually when you come.
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will act as a partner of our forum, and we will since we want to invite your suppliers, your ateliers, your restaurateurs, accordingly we will invite our own to a meeting with them. business, so that they, accordingly , have collaborations, exchange of experience, which is the most important thing, yeah, well, we talked about this a little during the break and told you that we have major sporting events, the world hockey championship and the second hotels were built for the european games, restaurants were built, and during the pandemic they, well, let’s say, suffered, they had to it’s a little hard, because those hotels and restaurants that were there. built in the russian federation, i mean the olympics in sochi, how much are they in demand today, are they busy, are they working, or maybe closed, well, this is a similar problem, we, you know, sochi is a different
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state, in fact, state, i just never cease to be amazed, everyone always wants to go there, that is, there are already so many hotel restaurants there, anyway, our entrepreneurs and... and an excess of demand, you know, we still have this, well, problem that we already we’ve been deciding for many years that these are guest houses, but because i’m surprised myself when
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there’s no room in a hotel anymore, in principle people are looking at the private sector and guest houses, yes, but they put a price tag as if you ’re living in a hotel four stars, and you are sincerely surprised, but you don’t have the service that you need me. even more, on the contrary, they themselves complain that well, that’s how it is, but there is no regulator on them, because they are private property, in general they are not classified with us, at one time you studied at cambridge, that’s interesting, this
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has your experience been useful to you in your life in business? yes, of course, very much, because it was generally a wonderful time to immerse myself in the mentality of another country, i am a very sociable person. i, of course, had a lot of friends there right away, they were not only locals, they were also spaniards, italians, french, even, for some reason, the chinese especially loved me, that is, somehow all the time we studied in a group, this is the breadth of views, that is, this is why foreign education is good for a person, even if you do not plan to stay there, but i had a goal to unlearn and return, accordingly, it is you who become a person of the world, you have a broad outlook, you understand how, who, where, what mentality, you become even more open, more confident, little scares you anymore, and there are no
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restrictions on movement, so of course, when this all started here, and i was especially worried, well, all my friends reacted normally, there was no conflict, well, because i know cases when people stopped communicating. but you say that during these events you we didn’t lose anyone, it’s even surprising for us to listen to, because in our country it’s not like people lost friends after the elections, our families broke up, it’s true, yes, i heard about it too, yes, well, maybe, you know how - so, let’s say, in my environment, if
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suddenly there is a hint of an inadequate character, i immediately exclude him, in my circle, despite the fact that i am a very sociable person, my circle is very narrow. and these are somehow the people who really impress me in all respects, so i think maybe that’s why that is, you maintain information hygiene. yes, okay, then let's talk about the good stuff, our guest was dmitry kuprianyuk, your colleague from belarus, he is the director of a hotel chain in minsk, in one of these hotels he plays the white royal at breakfast, since he has a musical education, well, so so we can listen to a little melody performed by him, such a playing coach, or rather a hotelier, are there such unusual hotel managers and restaurateurs in your circle in russia?
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this one is widely known in narrow circles restaurateur, in the wake of election events, he was there for a fight, he invited him to the ring, he didn’t invite him, he called president alexander lukashenko, then he fled abroad, now he’s sitting there, well , naturally, looking for an answer to the question of who is to blame and what to do, well, a special military the operation revealed in russia, probably, also such unfortunate restaurateurs, because it is no secret that in the russian federation...
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public people, artists, singers are related in one way or another to the hotel and restaurant business, who, well, after the event, boarded this russian philosophical steamship left their native shores, well, for some reason i immediately remembered dmitry nazarov, theater and film actor, people’s artist of the russian federation, and now a people’s artist, yes, well, you know, it’s difficult to comment. because after all, you can’t get into a person’s soul, indeed, when we see a person on the screen, we begin to love him for his images, yes, his screen image, and not the person himself, yes, and we don’t know completely, who is this, because we also have one famous actor who surprised the whole world by suddenly changing profession, and this is not taken seriously in the literal sense of the word, that’s his screen image, i always laughed,
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and i’m even ready, as the americans call it, to take yeah off, go abroad, live for a year or two, but for what? for breadth of views, for you know, yes, but i, but i will return, because i know that this is my land, and here i am more comfortable and so on, so it’s sad to realize this, well then they are still in a more positive direction , even if this actor was mentioned, the internal cuisine of restaurants and hotels is often... exactly behind the scenes, so to speak, yes, but how do you
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want to look there from the audience, look at what is happening in the kitchen, that is , you explain the interest of the filmmakers, that’s exactly what you know, i would like to say the following, they need to clarify, but i think that they clearly fall into the popularization of the profession, which we have. such a problem, and we are trying to overcome it, that being a waiter is not a shame, being a cook is not a shame, it’s generally a good profession in...
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get me a job with your people, i want a part-time job in the summer as a waiter. i say: okay, what are your wishes in general, it means she, i will earn money from tips, i figured it all out for myself, she found out everything, but in the end it didn’t work out, because she is underage, and only adults can drink alcoholic beverages and then she went to work in a hotel, it was harder there, the salary is not that high, but good, i think for...
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you can find such things that are familiar to us almost everywhere, for example, and we also have very famous restaurateurs there, vasilchuk brothers, in moscow city they have a wonderful restaurant at the top, but everything is in a modern style, but they have a wonderful wood-burning oven, a real one, where they bake pies, and it all fits in very well, because it is such a beautiful presentation, yes, there, well , i don’t know, do you want tartare there as you are used to , or here you go... that means there are pies, yes, it all just really needs to be done harmoniously, and we’ll take a break for a while, after a short pause we’ll return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, tell me don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on the youtube channel belarus 1.
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the program is on air again, don’t be silent, today we are visiting the development director... our legislation has changed, in the tax part we have had vat zeroed out for both restaurants and hotels , this is a very big help, accordingly, hotels are now starting to get busy. again and everyone began to feel great, so i can say that, well, today the situation has already
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leveled off, but if you go back there a little, then many have closed, of course, we also lost a lot of restaurants, well, new ones opened, ateliers, large chains, they survived, again, who has what kind of base there, who owns the buildings, who agreed to lease them, and so on, because... .. the staff needs to be maintained, well, this is generally a sore subject, because the severity is what, we have a very high staff shortage, but this is everywhere, it seems to me, probably you too, at least i know that from the cooks, yes we have, yes, line staff, cooks, yes, and accordingly, when you fire a person, he already leaves, as a rule he doesn’t come back, many of us were transferred, they agreed there on a part-time basis, there a person came there... not for long, yes, or someone didn’t come there at all, they kept half of his salary there, well, so that only when everything is leveled out, everyone can
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return to their place, that’s why in this part, yes, in this part, yes, otherwise it’s a very pleasant business, because it’s a service, it’s hospitality, it’s always welcoming, such a benevolent mood, but if you love what you do and you really want to do it, here you go. you come, they greet you, see you off, wish you a good day, it’s even like this, you know, like this psychological approach, so to speak, but we went on vacation, that’s all everything that surrounded you, it also charges you, really well, and not just the sea, well, this is working with people first of all, but this is the most important and most valuable, but how long have you been in this business, in this area, how many years have you been working, in the federation of restaurateurs and ateliers i came, it was, in my opinion, like a duck to water, probably that’s why, well , do you have some personal achievements in
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this area that you are proud of, because at a professional level, and i have a legal education , accordingly, i help my colleagues there in various serious projects, my results in these projects, so to speak, yes, that is, when i see that everything worked out for us, the project opened, started working, a restaurant opened there, a hotel... everything is fine there , this is probably an achievement for me, because this is such more teamwork, well, another achievement of yours, which you are probably proud of, is your daughter, she is 17 years old, you have already talked about this, will she follow in your footsteps or maybe choose some other direction for herself, maybe some -he will prefer the creative field, yes, this is my girl, oh, look, we have an interesting situation in the family, i was born into a hereditary family of judges, my grandmother and father were judges, when it was time to go to university, my father thought
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that i would go for a lawyer, everything is as it should be, but i she said that i want to be a director, she tells me, daughter, daughter, first get a normal profession, then we’ll talk, then i went, went, i said, i want to be a journalist, well, because i have this creativity in me, it, it is present now, i am a director all the time. university under the government of the russian federation, she studies at the lyceum there, and here, well, of course i support her, we will try, you know, cinema
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is developing, feature films, especially cinema, so she is also a creative person, i think she will succeed, well this interesting, you know scrolling through your facebook feed, well, you can make sure that you are not sitting still, you have a job and business trips, different cities, countries, hence two questions, you are always there at work in hotels in restaurants, what kind of vacation do you have... in this regard, prefer time free from work, well, for me most of all rest, when i watch something, that is, i want to go, well, preferably to a place where i have never been, and if i have been, then i try just to be more - in nature, on the street, but that is, to discover something new, yes, then i don’t have such a situation that i stayed in a hotel there, went to a spa there for the entire vacation and didn’t go out, that is, the maximum i have is 2 days, but you can go there, or you can
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go where there are no hotels, go there somewhere something with a tent, you know, i think i can, but i need a clear infrastructure, that is, if it’s a camping area, that is, when you arrive, pitch a tent, you have a certain zone, you understand what’s there, if anything, there there is hot water, electricity, all the conditions, even swimming pools , well, you can, well, that is, if these things there is a very, very wild option, i honestly haven’t tried it, by the way, is there any prospect. this is the development of campsites in russia, well, in general, we had a boom for a very long time, and glamping and camping, now it remains, but now we have moved towards modular hotels, now it is a boom and the next boom we will talk about in russia, this is now an apart-hotel approach, that is , when the hotel is like an appendage, basically all
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the emphasis is on the apartments, and there are also minimum. service, but this is not really a hotel, we now even have many large developers who have never been in the hotel business, now these models are being considered, they are starting to invest in apartments, and another question, despite all the difficulties and, say, the rigidity of the hotel and restaurant business, can you name your work, you know the work, i did n’t go to this on purpose, it’s just that simple. everything i dreamed of, but what is happening in me now is absolutely satisfied, whether it’s a dream or not, happened, it was all spontaneous, but i didn’t have it because i’ll repeat myself, i don’t have a special plan for this and i think that i’m living, i can say, i’m a completely happy person at work, that’s what i can say, that’s the most the main thing is, what else do you dream about, and these aspirations are related to your personal achievements or
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the future of the country, i want to do something. useful for the environment, in order to leave a mark there in general in a good sense, and that is , all the projects in which we participate, i sincerely understand that this the result, it will respond like this for many, many years, and perhaps when i get this satisfaction from other people, they take advantage of it... the result makes me very comfortable, so i probably dream that i have there are more opportunities , both financial and for relocation, and so on, so that i can create interesting large projects, well, we have already said that you somehow found yourself in such difficult times and a pandemic, and covid, and svo, that is, since 1919, during the conversation you said that
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somewhere there is a lack of knowledge, why, for example, hotel chains recruit people to train them, have you ever thought about writing some kind of book, some kind of scientific work in your field, or some kind of movie? you must have dreamed of being a director? yes, you know, in fact, the second option is closer to me, but because for me cinema is dynamic, i am a dynamic person, a book is static for me, that is, while i write it, i don’t know, i have everything there will go away and it will no longer be relevant. although well, i’m just not like that, probably not as talented as the writer and so on, i’m not talking now, i ’m just talking about the fact that some of our market professionals are really thinking about it, they’re starting to, well, write some books for the industry, but my colleagues are doing this and some are even interesting and successful, but it ’s probably a film, a film, it’s probably more interesting to make this, it’s interesting that hoteliers, that is
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, let’s say tourists or guests, let’s call them that, evaluate hotels? they can already solve this issue, yes, well so, of course, they definitely evaluate it, this is feedback, moreover, our ateliers take care to congratulate you on your birthday, yes, there, or to say that we are currently having some kind of complementary event there, and you are our permanent guest, this is the loyalty system in russia in russian hotel chains, it is mandatory, because the guest must be
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a return guest, he must be yours. that you presented at the second tourism congress, of course they come true, but also your dreams about films, about the future daughters, let them also come true, success, happiness, health and development, thank you very much, tatyana sherbina, svetlana smolonskaya, we say goodbye to you until the next broadcast, goodbye, goodbye, olympiada znamenskaya is speaking now, i want to sincerely wish your wonderful country development, and... longevity of health to the citizens of the republic of belarus, i am absolutely delighted, for the first time in the city of minsk, i think we have a lot to learn from you, your place is very clean, and you can feel
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the discipline, the people are very friendly, i want to come back here, and i will this is a must and more than once. the olympics, well, according to tradition, i will ask you to leave us your autograph and some wish, with pleasure. prosperity and peaceful skies.
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why do we need an astronaut in space? basically, we have nothing else to do. a sovereign belarusian in space is pride for the nation, so all other talk is stupid in essence. in any business there must be a goal to which you need to strive, without this stagnation will occur, and just... alexander grigorievich, he is the main ideologist of this approach in the country. he says: let's release our car, we now have our own car, we built a station, although there was also hand-wringing and howling, now the most important thing is that if we suddenly take on the aircraft construction project, this is already more than enough for development. documents from the robert koch institute were leaked onto the internet, in which it is written in black and white that in germany the government was aware from the very beginning that there would be lockdowns during a pandemic.
12:00 pm
igor tur, propaganda, watch on the belarus24 tv channel.


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