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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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just listen to dad, igor turai’s author’s project. watch propaganda on the belarus24 tv channel.
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live main news at noon, studio olga kalairova, hello and briefly about the topics of the release: passive code checking the readiness and condition of equipment, as well as how regional development programs are being implemented, president in the mogilev region. 40 days since the tragedy in crocus city hall. people bring flowers and toys to the concert hall, it will take place here. funeral service batons, tear gas, stun grenades, methods western democracy to suppress the freedom of speech of american students. on the eve of victory day and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, a large-scale flash mob united oil industry workers from belarus, russia and china. development of the region, sowing company and equipment readiness.
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reported that it generally worked, detailed information about the south-eastern region of the region, the governor will give an assessment of how the development program has been implemented at the end of summer, the schedule now includes a corresponding meeting, then questions about the details, it is necessary to remove the islands. brain, and sometimes there are already forests in the fields; agricultural organizations should be involved here, getting them interested in the work. the second topic in this regard is the old farm building and other premises. this applies to many regions. here the ministry of emergency situations and the military will come to help with cleaning. as for passive work, there is a lag in certain crops. the president’s instructions to sow everything by may 9, including corn, in full compliance with technology. the structure of crops is determined based on... specific
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local conditions. the same approach to technology. alexander lukashenko examined it today samples: selkies, tractors, cultivators new and improved. they work well, but people need more responsibility, then there will be safety. here there is control over the relevant minister and regional leaders. the economy of the minsk region this year will be strengthened by the implementation of a large-scale program of one district, one project. that's all in the central region's plans for this year. 47 investment projects with a total volume of more than 1.5 billion rubles. 2,000 new jobs will be created in all areas. so, in kopel, a new team was formed by almost 40 people, this production of powdered, instant milk. the advantage of the innovative project is that such milk can be stored for up to 2 years. today there is increased demand for these products, including in the countries of the middle east. today we conquered the middle east - this is bahrain, qatar. syria, the united arab
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emirates, singapore - this will already be the south-east of asia, also georgia, azerbaijan, the long-distance steel complex, of course, allows us to produce four types of products, for this milk powder, instant powder, whole milk and powdered milk. everyone who makes doping campaigns for mixtures for coffee machines or other mixtures uses the main component as the base, which is, of course, instant milk. one of... suppliers of raw materials to the kupolsky branch of the sluus cheese-making agricultural enterprise staritsa agro. the new rusaki dairy complex operates here, where cows produce an average of 30 liters of milk per day. in general , all staritsa agro complexes supply 45 tons of milk for processing every day. today the complex houses about 550 heads, let's say human livestock. we plan that this complex will be 100% complete by august. filled will
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give us somewhere around 15 tons of milk per day. today, our farm has 1,400 head of milking herd, which is all we have. 9,700 cattle. let me note that this year the defense industry of the minsk region is implementing a large investment project, which is being carried out by the derzhinsky agricultural complex. this is the construction of sixteen new poultry houses in the krupsky district. economic effect, 90 additional jobs plus 9,000 tons of poultry meat annually. today is 40 days since the tragedy in kroku sithole, which claimed the lives of 145 people, including. and three belarusians. people bring flowers, notes and photographs to the spontaneous memorial near the concert hall, remembering the victims of the monstrous terrorist attack. on march 22, the concert hall was attacked; the criminals opened fire on people with automatic weapons and set the auditorium on fire. today
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, a memorial service for the victims is being held at the city kroku building. also during the day in temples are performed for the funeral service. the investigation into the terrorist attack continues to this day.
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and this is footage from paris, a sit-in protest by students at the university of sarbona was harshly suppressed by the french police. in the courtyard, protesters pitched several tents and displayed a palestinian flag. they did not obey the order to end the protest, after which
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the security forces rudely took the students away. french security forces liquidated tent camps near the city hall of paris, where about 100 young people and teenagers lived. this is the last one an action for the so-called social cleansing of the french capital before the summer olympics. the illegal immigrant was offered a bus route to the province, but only a couple of people took advantage of it. and this is the democratic country of maisandou. here, too, the spirit of western values ​​at the un noticed that the rights of ethnic people are being infringed upon in moldova. minorities, in particular government agencies refuse to use the russian language. russian-speaking people face discrimination when hiring, participating in elections, and receiving public information. they also have problems with access to justice - says the report of the organization's committee. experts recommended that
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chisinau take measures to ensure that russian is used as a language of interethnic communication in accordance with the constitution. more than one and a half million rubles. this fine must be paid. to a lithuanian carrier for illegally transporting cosmetics across the border. the decision was made by the court based on the materials of the administrative process. a large consignment of goods was imported into the territory of the eac, followed by a carrier on a truck through the benekone checkpoint. grodno customs officers at during the inspection, we found out that the vehicle contained much more goods than officially stated. over 250 thousand units of cosmetics were not indicated in the documents submitted for registration. the cost of undeclared cargo amounted to more than 17 million belarusian rubles. now the carrier company is obliged to pay 10% of the cost of undeclared goods. in the vetevsky district, a wolf was neutralized, which fearlessly came out to people. let us remind you that in
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mid-april, in one of the courtyards of the regional center, next to the playground, residents noticed an animal very similar to a wolf. all this time, the streets of vitebsk and its region were patrolled. the night before, in the village of pestunitsa, 18 km from the regional center, a woman noticed a wolf on her property. forestry staff arrived at the scene and neutralized the animal. now we have to find out. wasn't he suffering from rabies and was he the same wolf? a large-scale flash mob of belarusian oil workers on the eve of victory day and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus united industry workers from belarus, russia and even china. representatives of all divisions of the domestic enterprise sang lines from famous songs of the war years. soldier's uniform, soviet surroundings, accompaniment of a baenist, flowers, state and corporate symbols. add a creative approach to business.


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