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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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i went to see people, let us remind you that in mid-april, in one of the courtyards of the regional center near the children's playground, residents noticed an animal very similar to a wolf. all this time , the streets of vitebsk and its region were patrolled. the night before, in the village of pestunitsa, 18 km from the regional center, a woman noticed a wolf on her property. forestry staff arrived at the scene and neutralized the animal. now we have to find out whether he had rabies and whether it is the same wolf. large-scale flash mob of belarusian oil workers in the eve of victory day and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus united industry workers from belarus, russia and even china. representatives of all divisions of the domestic enterprise sang lines from famous songs of the war years, a soldier's uniform, soviet entourage, the accompaniment of a baenist, flowers, state and corporate symbols, a creative approach to the matter added festive color to the video. three
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popular songs dedicated to the great victory united all the groups of our units line by line, not only from the gomel region, but also regions of the entire republic of belarus and even western siberia of the russian federation and china. with our action, we together say thank you to our dear veterans for the beautiful, blooming, bright... every year, belarusian oil workers implement the project “victory day of face and fate”. the promotion starts on the eve of may 9 and ends on july 3. in it, through the pages of corporate media, employees talk about their relatives who went through the fire of the great patriotic war. flash mob - blooming cities - a new round of patriotic development project. more sports news. we're on air at 13:00. see you. in the semi-finals of the tennis
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tournament in madrid, arina sabalenka will fight against the season-opening young russian mira andreeva. the belarusian defeated the american danielle collins the day before in an energy-consuming fight. 46 6463. the girls spent 2 and 2 hours on the courts. the final of the tournament will take place on may 5, the current champion is aryna sabalenka. viktor goncharenko the day before was able to snatch nothing from kazan rubin in the last minutes of the match, but the belarusian team coach slightly spoke critically about the performance of his players. the 1:1 situation for the urals is not the best result, but this is at least some movement forward, the coach emphasized. at the end of the tour , the team from yekaterinburg was unable to leave the play-off zone and bypass orenburg. the head coaches of the champions league semi-finalist teams spoke as respectfully as possible about their opponents the day before. the starting whistle for the first semi-final game between bayern and real madrid will sound at 22:00. madrid is seen as
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the favorite here, but munich coach thomas tuchel noted that he would go to abank, because the season was lost in the bundesliga. let me remind you that in the second game tomorrow, borussia dortmund and paris saint-germain will play.
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in february 1945, at the radio house on revolutionary 3, they were preparing to transmit urgent information to the regions of the republic.
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the radio engineer was setting up the equipment to receive a signal there through the prk receiver. it ran on direct current, and technically it was the only one. on july 11, 1945, at the conference of the anti-hitler coalition in yalce , damages and compensations for the harm caused were agreed upon countries. everyone suffered from fascism. reparations from germany are being distributed to the bssr. the first deliveries to the bssr will begin only in december 1945. its residents had to
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live through the most difficult post-war year, when they had to rely only on their own strength. the main source of information for... equipping 60 radio nodes, 33 power bases, radio installations of regional and district centers, building 750 km lines, installing nrk type radio receivers for collective listening and 57 radio nodes.
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that on the skin radio node there were special ones. as it was rumored that this watch, radyo, kali, for the ablasnog radyevuzla geta it was 500 volts, then for the raen and garadsky ones, the geta was 38 volts. the radio was not yet powerful enough, broadcasting was carried out at certain times , but his messages were expected. it was not possible to hear joy in all areas, and people gathered there, where possible.
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a meeting is taking place, in which our prominent scientists also take part, they are discussing a plan for the restoration of industry and forestry, also in the soviet rear preparations have practically begun for the restoration of all sectors of industry and transport, for example, one of the questions is a note on how to restore road transport, measures were being prepared for... for the restoration of the largest industrial enterprises, including the gomel
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agricultural engineering plant. in principle, such events have been prepared for each industry. the documents provided for significant amounts of restoration work, but the reality turned out to be much more tragic: the scale of destruction was incomparable with any calculations that were included in the decisions of the country's leadership. in november 1943 , an impressive landing of specialists and heads of industry departments, led by the chairman of the supreme council of the bssr, nadezhda grekova, arrived from moscow in liberated gomel, the first regional center of the republic. they had to assess the damage to the city and the liberated areas, but this turned out to be difficult. cold horror
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covered what he saw; the buildings of all industrial and municipal enterprises, the healthcare network, trade, all schools were completely destroyed, all historical monuments were looted and destroyed, the housing stock in the city was almost completely destroyed... there was no water supply in the city, the streets of the city were deserted and lifeless, everywhere there were signs with the words mined , mines are dangerous, there are rubble and ruins all around. on the site of the destroyed water utility building
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, several workers were once again laying out heavily damaged or burnt parts of equipment, collecting them according to throughout the city, they were pulled out from under the rubble. they tried to make some fragments by hand, but all attempts to lay them out in a certain sequence ended with the same thing. first, the scheme was dismantled, then they argued, when in each... channel a complete overhaul of two steam boilers, two steam pumps,
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two centrifugal pumps was carried out, and the shafts of three pumping stations were cleaned. the first water collection pipes have started working in the city, and by the end of the year it is planned to restore 70 km of water supply networks, or 80% of the length before the war period. we know exactly how to start the morning right. breakfast should not only fill you up, but also make you happy, because food, oh, how it affects our mood. and if you cook in pleasant company, then it’s double the pleasure. together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast. what do we have today for tomorrow? oh, today there will be a very interesting breakfast, we will prepare quiche with mussels, i hope that we
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will have a great time today and prepare a real breakfast of a champion, and get a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day. well, masha, our breakfast is ready, you will have enough energy and vigor for the whole day, was it difficult to prepare it? honestly, no, i didn’t even expect it to be so easy. try this recipe. see the breakfast of the champion project. on our tv channel, a basic order was issued stating that the membership of the belarusian red cross in the international federation was suspended.
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watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . the pace of restoration of communications, industrial facilities, and the flagship
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of agricultural engineering gomselsh resembled the pace of organizing their work. fathers, children, grandfathers, wives, with heroic efforts our enterprise was loaded and sent to the city of kurgan. and within a month, our workers did everything to restore the plant as soon as possible, the plant was restored within a month, and we began producing mines and shells for the needs
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of the front. the first trains with equipment, the first group of specialists arrived in the city. after examining the site where the plant was located, it became clear that there was nothing to restore. the fashtas
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tried to leave behind a scorched area. land, experience gained in evacuation organization of production, now used at home, it was necessary to build a virtually new production again. after the german fascist invaders left, of course, the workshops were destroyed, there were only bare walls, we began to restore the plant in the cold, in hunger, we lived in dugouts, walked on water for 2 km, because the germans were all. destroyed to the ground, within 6 months it was practically restored, but we began to produce products in unfinished workshops, which is the most difficult thing for our people of the time, workers, engineers, technicians, employees, managers, all worked selflessly in
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the liberated areas of the republic, only by the end of the forty-third year they managed to restore it. about 100 industrial enterprises, one of the first to open was the visuvius match factory in novobelitsa. in gomel itself , the restoration of the machine tool plant began in december, where within a few months the key workshops for starting production were operational. assembly shop. three brick factories began production. how important it was then in the minutes of the meetings of the council of people's commissars republics, bureau of the regional committee, district party committees. they talk about the strictest accounting of all building materials that were able to be preserved after clearing the rubble, about how literally
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every brick that was taken into account was valued, from the materials of the meeting of the bureau of the gomel regional party committee, december 1943. some large enterprises allow themselves to violate the rules regarding illegal use. construction materials from dismantling buildings, dismantling boxes without permission, as workers at the kirov plant dismantled there are a lot of boxes, foundations and plinths along the streets of kommunarov, kirov, zharkovsky, international and others. such an irresponsible attitude towards the interests of the city, in addition to senseless, ugly destruction, brings enormous material damage to the state budget. the whole country helped restore the national economy of the liberated areas. in may 1944, 30
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wagons with electrical equipment, machine tools, tools, and construction materials arrived from mordovia to gomel. workers of the urals, bashkiria, siberia, chuvash and north ossetia was helped to restore the car repair plant. construction organizations in kirov took part in the uprising. getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. the difference between our equipment is that they have very great capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide resin
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possibilities, our equipment today is actually very reliable, the safety margin is enormous, the approach to business that everyone should strive for is one hundred percent control that these products complied technically, normatively... flight is the bond, the bond of our society. for 3 weeks we lived with this topic, we followed, we worried, but most importantly, we were proud.
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this is truly a national achievement that mobilizes the entire country, so many people rejoiced at her flight, everyone greeted her with tears in their eyes, let them explode from their bile. no country in the world pays as much attention to women as women. that is, today our belarusian woman has the opportunity to do everything and even fly into space, i don’t want to i want to live in a country where, excuse me, peasants are forced to go out into the streets and pour manure on government agencies and the police, i want to live in this country where they fly into space, where they build nuclear power plants, where women go on maternity leave for three years, i want live in this country, don't miss it on the tv channel.
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from the second half of 1944, restoration work began throughout belarus. all settlements needed speedy revival and assistance. special attention to the capital, it was almost completely destroyed, the germans destroyed all cultural institutions, with the exception of perhaps the theater, and the former institute of physical education, on the current yakubakov square there is a large building, these buildings, of all the other large ones, seem to have remained. the government house was partially destroyed, and so everything was ruins, ruins, ruins, all enterprises were destroyed, all cultural for...
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sanitary cleaning and sewerage were organized, public utilities were destroyed, the water supply network was disabled, tanks, pressure towers were blown up , the next meeting was completely stopped city ​​transport, 45 destroyed in minsk km of tram track, tram workshops, rolling stock, equipment from traction substation number 1 was exported to germany. in
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the first days after the liberation of the capital , a rally of the komsomol cell was held at the myasnikov car repair plant, or rather on its ruins. it was organized from those who managed to survive in the occupied capital, who were returning to minsk from kuibyshevo, where the enterprise was evacuated on june 27, 1941. under the nazis , the germans organized the repair of tanks and carriages on its squares. leaving the city, they completely the plant was destroyed literally the day before the liberation of the capital, on july 2. kamsork, having climbed onto an improvised dais, addressed the youth with initiative: do not stop work on restoring the plant for a single day, work seven days a week,
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work on the first day of the mass exit... the newspaper soviet belorussia for july 8 reported: restoration work at the plant named after myasnikov began immediately after the liberation of the city, everyone unanimously decided to work 8 hours on the first day of the mass exit. there was nothing, not even simple shovels, rakes, everything with clean slate. reports from the labor front are on par with reports from the front of military operations; they are broadcast on the radio and printed in every issue of soviet belarus under the general
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motto: “let’s restore ours.” native minsk. in the newspaper for july 15, a new initiative to improve the work of brick artels. i remember well the enthusiasm that could be observed in people of different ages. here we are, boys, at 7-8 years old, you can’t imagine with what pleasure and zeal we went to these ruins.
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restoration of the city, it was a kind of honorary document, which noted the merits the number of days worked for each for the revival of the capital, but all work in the first weeks after liberation is fraught with danger, it lurked everywhere. means began to be built, they began to deal with these ruins, there were quite a few.
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but enterprises began to recover from the first days of liberation. there are many non-standard solutions. at the request of the belarusian government , mobile electric trains were sent from the central regions of russia to the republic.


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