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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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on july 23, the enemy launched bombing attacks. the infrastructure has not yet been restored, there is practically no electricity supply, so necessary for the work, but enterprises began to recover from the first days of liberation. there are many non-standard solutions. at the request of the belarusian government , mobile electric trains were sent from the central regions of russia to the republic.
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temporary cable lines were extended from them to the enterprise to the surviving buildings. this made it possible to supply electricity to objects to carry out restoration work. by according to reports from the belarusian radio, those dramatic months of 1944 can be traced as belarusian enterprises came back to life. at the birthplace of the minsk production plant. the vital efforts of workers, engineering and technical employees in minsk have launched mechanical and cavalry departments of the tank at the beginning of the plant, named after varashylav. at ukhodze, the work of the automobile plant was in full swing. the first to emerge were the ever-increasing partisans, who started working on repairs from minsk. at the verasna folded new ancestral successions, minsk kislarny. the plant
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at the minsk auto assembly plant started working. the whole country helped the republic. subsidies were allocated. in 1944 , about 300 million rubles were allocated for industrial restoration alone. this is almost twice as much as planned for the forty-first year. after liberation , machine tools arrived in the republic from various regions of the ussr. construction materials, agricultural machinery and , very importantly, qualified personnel. a large group of construction workers arrived from uzbekistan. residents of the republic are actively were included in the restoration of the destroyed regions of the ussr. and the fact itself is unique. despite the fact that the republic was in need of labor, we also helped other soviet regions. union
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for the restoration of enterprises, 6,000 people were sent to donbass and 8,000 people to stalingrad to restore enterprises. the dramatic year 1944 for the country, for the republic, was ending. the soviet union, while actually still in a state of war, demonstrated peace. their potential capabilities, the capabilities of the socialist management system, will and the strength of the spirit of the soviet man. the first convincing victories were won on the labor front. in minsk alone, in the 7 months after the expulsion of the enemy , 36 and partially 14 industrial enterprises were put into operation.
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including an aviation plant so important for the front, which carried out repairs and assembled combat aircraft. in bobruisk in the fall of 1944, 18 enterprises were already producing products. by the end of the year , 17 factories resumed work in grodno. on january 1, 1945, the largest cement plant in the republic, the volkovysk cement plant, began operations. on construction sites in the republic received thousands of tons of cement for the first time in the first quarter. sewing, textile, leather and footwear production. by the end of 1944, 3,406 enterprises were launched in the republic.
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tongue. today is about who pulled belarusians out from the bombings, why are there minibuses in the desert , why are states doing what they should, and even more? go! those of us who have ever traveled by plane remember the slavic tradition of showering pilots with applause after a soft landing. if the flight was shaking before, they clap especially loudly. people tapping the rhythm of gratitude with their palms for the fact that everything ended well. but there are situations when there is simply no strength to rejoice, even at a good ending, the pictures and events left at the take-off point do not let go, the consciousness of salvation does not come immediately. on november 17, late in the evening, our national airport received a plane that was not operating a regular flight,
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a boeing 737 of belavia airlines boarded, there were more than forty people in it who no longer hoped to set foot in their native land, the belarusians returned home from the gas sector. no, gas broken, a flourishing piece of land on the shores of the mediterranean sea turned into a smoking border in a few weeks. its airspace is closed to aviation. it was already not easy to get into this region. the travelers mostly traveled to gaza by bus from israeli territory. now it is a piece of land isolated from the world. and even being close to its borders is unsafe. there is a real, terrible, bloody war going on. it is easy to imagine the demographic and territorial dimensions of gas in belarus. she's like minsk. the area of ​​gaza is 365 km. population - 2,200,000 people. the area of ​​minsk is 348 km. and the population is almost 2 million people. from
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the gas satellite it looks like a hatchet. the front part of the handle and the blade of this hatchet are the gaza border with israel. the back is the coastline of the mediterranean sea. its length is 41 km. the upper part of the stop is the border with egypt. and now there is only one point through which humanitarian aid can be transported to gaza and people can be taken out of there. this is the rafah checkpoint on the border between gaza and egypt. it was through this point that belarusians and their relatives left the conflict zone to get to cairo, and then board the belavia plane. gather in one place our citizens who wanted to escape the war. it was not easy in gas, people were in different parts of the enclave, bombings did not stop throughout its entire territory, and you could not run into missile attacks. israel blocked the internet for gas, not everyone had fuel supplies, and local gas stations turned into ruins. like all diasporas abroad, our guys united in chats,
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where they shared information, exchanged invitations to visit and sent each other other parcels to their homeland, that is, almost all belarusians send gas in person or in absentia. they knew a friend, so when the military conflict escalated, they created a chat for those who want to get out of the region. at the same time, people called the belarusian embassies asking for help. diplomats conveyed their requests to our president, and alexander lukashenko convened a meeting, the outcome of which was predictable; the special services were instructed to pull belarusians out of the hell of war. no, between the meeting with the president , our people returned from gaza. several difficult weeks for all participants in this special operations. diplomats and employees of the state security committee carried out work that deserves a film adaptation in the mission impossible style. they negotiated with everyone, absolutely everyone, who had information about the progress of military operations, humanitarian corridors
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and the possibility of bringing people to the egyptian border. they also resolved the issue so that our plane would be allowed into egyptian airspace as soon as this morning. will be a belarusian country, imagine how difficult it was, considering that there is a war going on on the egyptian border, the terrorist threat is at its peak, and it was only thanks to the delicate work of diplomats and the trust of eastern leaders personally to alexander lukashenko that it was possible to achieve the right to fly into the state outside of schedule and land a plane... on board the capital. at the same time, in chats, kgb officers worked with people who were waiting for help, clarifying data for transfers across the border, and supporting those who were losing their composure and faith in the happy ending of this story. and then the day came when all belarusians and their relatives were brought to border with egypt. they were passed through the checkpoint and handed over to our committee staff. safety, a short but warm greeting, tears, food packages to give people strength again the road
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to deliver belarusians with families from the rafah checkpoint to cairo, we rented five minibuses similar to our minibuses, they had to travel 319 km, part of this route through the desert . at this time , a belavia special flight was already being prepared for departure in minsk; they decided to send a large plane, in a boeing that flew to cairo, with 189 seats, so that passengers would have the opportunity to relax and get first aid. two doctors and two psychologists from the zubr detachment of the ministry of emergency situations were waiting for the people on board. while exhausted people were shaking in minivans somewhere in the desert, our plane was drawing a detour on the map to go around the territory of ukraine. the plane flew over the bryansk, belgorod and volgograd regions of russia, laid a stitch over kalmykeya, swept over dagestan and georgia, drew a diagonal on turkey, missed cyprus on the left side, crossed the mediterranean sea and arrived in cairo. the landing was carried out very quickly, in about 20 minutes, takeoff and the way home, someone spoke emotionally to
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journalists, someone passed out, barely felt safe, children, about twenty of them were taken out of the gas station, played, drew, tried to see something in the dark windows, and only when the landing gear pushed our national airport, it became clear to everyone, the mission was accomplished, our homes, yes and no, belarusians, their close people, and where they were born to become close to our compatriots, it doesn’t matter, families with citizen wives also flew home belarus, their wife is not there yet. once upon a time , very young guys came to us to study, mainly to become doctors, fell in love here, started families, and then, together with their wives and children, left for gaza, some to work, some to go home. most of those evacuated from gaza have housing in belarus. or relatives, for example, one family, long before these events , bought themselves a small apartment in minsk,
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now with five children they were able to return, even to cramped conditions, but to their own walls. the largest family that didn't happen to be here free real estate, sent to volozhin, all 14 people were placed in the territorial center for social services of the population, the citizen of belarus, her three children and seven grandchildren had already received documents, so adults from this... have the right to get a job and seek free medical care, and the children go to kindergarten and school. the woman's husband's two daughters-in-law will most likely be given refugee status. time will pass, people will come to their senses, settle down, and the episode with the evacuation will replenish the boxes of their extraordinary family stories. and it's gratifying know that these stories will have a common idea: belarusians do not abandon their own. belarusians were evacuated from ukraine to live there. it became completely dangerous, the same story with truck drivers who were actually captured by looters and militants, then they were also
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pulled out by our special services and also on behalf of the president. with the help of russia in the spring , diplomats returned our people from the outbreak of sudan, but we are not only pulling our people out of the combat zone. it has already been forgotten, but in 2020 about 8 thousand of our compatriots stuck abroad because countries began to go into quarantine. and massively ban air travel. the planet has plunged into coronavirus chaos. mostly tourists and athletes could not return home. and then our diplomats received calls from stranded people, negotiated, checked data, prepared passenger lists, and belavia, like clockwork , sent dozens of flights to help people return from india, vietnam, sri lanka, nepal, bangladesh, maldives, indonesia, mexico, qatar and european countries. to make clear the scale of state participation. let me explain: in such cases, our ministries of foreign affairs, transport,
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sports finance, national air carrier and tour operators work simultaneously. there was even a situation when belarusians were unable to fly out of russian airports, they were taken out of sheremetyevo, domodedovo vnukov was put on the moscow-minsk train using the transport of our embassy. so, yes, belarusians do not abandon their own. look in. your documents. if the citizenship column says the republic of belarus, then you have at least one reason for optimism. you are a citizen of a country that will harness for you in any trouble. learn to distinguish the state from a surrogate, if necessary, will people who even fled abroad from their problems tear you out of the war lab, but also grow out of stereotypes: real heroes do not wear cloaks, they work unnoticed, try not to show their faces , they definitely exist in our country. i’m marina karaman, and we figured out what to expect for belarusians who are in trouble abroad. everything is clear,
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see you later. in germany, the source of life organization was established, its task was to stimulate an increase in the birth rate of true aryans, as well as an increase in the german population due to the germanization of children from slavic peoples; children were taken from their families to be captured.
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she paid attention to the elderly, delved into their infirmities, and helped their needs spiritually and financially. and she especially raised the younger generation with love for god and devotion to the homeland. what unique shrines are belarusian churches famous for? in the cathedral of the exaltation of the cross of the monastery there is a copy of the same cross that was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia. and one more important one. the shrine of the monastery are its relics, we will tell and show it in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus24 tv channel. only for our viewers, we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look at the overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian city, where alexander vasilyevich suvorov
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seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago , the lower castle and the pasade were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city highway was located. so the kobrin princes are their squads definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic decoy fish , weighing 41 kg and 2 meters long. to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america , floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house-ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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you are watching the news now in the studio olga kalairova, hello, the development of the region, the sowing company and the readiness of equipment, alexander lukashenko is visiting the kostyukovichi district, the region, this is a traditional annual chernobyl trip, a lot of attention is paid to such lands and half of the questions are always very broad. upon arrival, the president first of all asked how the program for... the development of the south-eastern region of the region was implemented, the governor reported that it generally worked, a detailed assessment will be given at the end of summer in the schedule now corresponding.


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