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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:10pm MSK

3:00 pm
you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nikrasova, good afternoon and briefly about the main thing. agriculture, trade, culture, sowing, preservation of equipment and school graduations. working trip of the president to the mogilev region. trade and investment, new projects using belarusian technologies. our prime minister discussed the development of interaction with his colleague in egypt.
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virginia and texas joined the student protests. 900 people were arrested in the united states for dissent and the desire for peace. and gratitude for your work and professionalism. 20 enterprises and organizations are listed on the grodno regional board of honor. the best employees were also recognized. agriculture, trade, culture. issues of life in the southeast of the country. today the focus is on the president. this is a traditional annual chernobyl trip; a lot of attention is paid to such lands. upon arrival, the president first of all asked how the program for the development of the south-eastern region of the region was implemented. the governor reported that it generally worked. a detailed assessment will be given at the end of summer, the schedule now includes the corresponding meeting. further questions on details. it is necessary to remove the islands of khmoznyak, and sometimes there are already forests in the fields. agricultural organizations should be involved here, getting them interested in the work. old farm buildings and other buildings. not only farms, there are a lot of things
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left all over the republic, even in the grodno region, all this needs to be removed, and i think we need to see that the ministry of emergency situations and the military get involved, without them we won’t be able to carry out this work quickly, everything is necessary remove to a depth of at least half a meter. for what for so that the plow then goes, plowed up, processed like this, put everything into circulation, two problems, yes , i see, we started a long time ago, well, somehow we are telegraphing, we need to speed up, vasily nikolaevich, we need to involve the ministry of emergency situations and the military, but again you have to to be a display, so i looked at how in the round even before this the chairman of the district executive committee and the current one continue... they
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plowed up all the old houses, all these estates, removed the old houses and so on, in your shklovsky district they didn’t go this way, where we are worked with you, and this must also be done, we have a lot without management on the land, where all this needs to be removed, where complexes have been built, two or three premises of old farms, no one has needed them for 100 years, they need to be removed, he will not remove them. he doesn’t have people or equipment for this, which means he needs to mobilize, the ministry of emergency situations, first of all, the military, well, naturally, he himself involved some industrial enterprises, perhaps through the creation of special mechanized detachments that will clean up, restore order, clean these premises , as in gomel we once showed that under the previous chairman the regional executive committee crushed this concrete, well , yes, there is such a technique. and then it’s good on
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the farm, it’s understandable, but we need to speed up, strengthen, yes, land reclamation, i see it ’s already started, it’s already happening in some places, maybe not quite yet, well, there’s a plan, we’ll carry out cultural equipment, reclamation workers should be entrusted with this, they will not be released soon, we need to do it ourselves, as for passive work, there is a lag in certain crops, the president’s order by 9
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, well, the whole range of field work is underway, the second 50%, sugar, beets 60, you only sowed half of it, that’s right, because we sowed, the rains came, now the land is ready, we are still in this week. i say again, i want you to hear me, somewhere we need to ask a machine operator, somewhere we need to give him the power that stalin did not have during the war, so that we ask somewhere, well, who doesn’t understand, we force him to sow quickly , by may 9 we must sow everything, including corn, so we have to work day and night, we shouldn’t. the same careful approach should be taken to equipment, alexander lukashenko today examined its samples: selkies, tractors, cultivators , new and improved ones, they work well, but more responsibility of people is needed, then there will be safety, here there is control over the relevant minister and regional leaders, we specifically focused on equipment for assembling stones in
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the fields , these runaway scoundrels are ours, that people and schoolchildren are collecting stones from us. to collect stones, but sometimes you have to count money and you can’t use this technique everywhere, so there must be a maneuver, but the technique we have one for removing stones, and it’s even 40% cheaper.
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they collect, it’s not a bad machine, it’s good, it collects stones, yes, it collects stones, that is, after you , there’s no need to let people in, yes, well, large stones, when you collect small ones, large ones, it’s already a trifle, well, it’s more than 300, 300 mm, it with difficulty, let's say, but it can take up to 300 to the edge of the field, it can load it into a trailer, the unloading height is 2.3 m, it rises and unloads itself, you can show it now, come on.
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states managed to save the country by restoring the regions affected by the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. people live peacefully here, and the birth rate is higher than the national average. society in belarus has already recovered from the post-chernobyl syndrome and is looking to the future. european countries and the baltic countries at one time categorically opposed the construction of a nuclear power plant in belarus. now they are already starting to turn around and are already talking.
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it’s in the first couples, maybe more, lithuania, having lost ignalina, is buying today at exorbitant prices, we then gritted our teeth and endured, i always warned you, you can squeeze as much there whatever you want, but you won’t be able to stop us from building the station, the maddened french,
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having obeyed the trends from overseas, the americans and the germans, shut down the nuclear plant, shut down the wind, waves, etc., we’ll get electricity, we got it. or this station such a crazy thought arose until...


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