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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 3:25pm-5:01pm MSK

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world champion to kazakhstani tennis player bibi tuzhukaev. let us note that gerasimov made his way into the main draw of the tournament through the qualification sieve. everything you wanted to know. about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince iyazlav is associated with the emergence of one of the most ancient cities in belarus, which is celebrated. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given over to ragneda and yateslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned with them, instructed them, and reconciled them.
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minsk is included in the republican soul gunar is a people of peramozhtsy, 16 arganizatsy and two districts. route back to the hour vyalikay aychynaya autatsechnіk memory of the ab'yadnaya youth of the muscovite district of the city, the first jumps of the "kuraganslan" camp. learn basic
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learning and development of creative mental skills . barysauskaya studio of life and graphics of the master is requested for classes and professional craftsman. lepsha ў spheres of social-economic development in the areas of work over the past year in minsk are listed on the republican board of the board, the last year's urachysta adkryli. syarod peramoztsa adrazu 16 arganizatsy, two districts capital of maskva.
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the fifth city clinical hospital has been reconstructed for the treatment of stamatology, significant investments have been made in the children's infectious diseases hospital, today four more clinics are being built, not only the material and technical base is being invested, but primarily high-tech medical equipment is being re-equipped, which gives results in terms of saving people’s lives and early diagnosis of the disease. today we pay special attention to issues of oncology and diseases of the cardiovascular system. hell of
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social production and investment, the people of the region of the country are more than 30% of the gross domestic product of minsk, the driver of the economic development of the city, the powerful intellectual complex. the warehouse has more than 200 enterprises developing a wide range of activities for the development of business-intensive activities in the territorial free zone of the garad technopark, which is creating new platforms. and the economy of the minsk region is an excellent implementation of a large-scale program, adzin district, adzin project, everything in the plans in the central region this year, there were 47 investment projects worth a billion rubles. 2 thousand new places of worship will be created in all regions.
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at the rusaki tavern complex, the caravans give the average 30 liters of milk per day. in all of the complexes of starytsa agra, every day they pasta 45 tons of milk. as of late afternoon, there are about 550
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head of weeds in the complex. we plan that this complex will be 100% full by august and will give us about 15 tons. milk per day. today ours. the funeral season in minsk is over, the advent of russia has been carried out by the mayors from the streets of the hospital, spying on the forecast of the courtyard. synoptics will drop to +25 tomorrow and there will be no west, a general trend will be observed in the coming days, even a few degrees only in the future. for everyone,
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the new month will be comfortable and sleepy. checking the current situation and the summer season and the private sectors of the military sector of the minsk region, the right to preventive raids, i think.
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competitions dzitsyachay creativity, sustrechy z veterans and cycling. this event is taking place within the framework of the city project 30 days to victory, and this is one of the youth initiatives dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. active youth of the muscovite district of st. all the times we traveled along the route of the immortal subdivision of the hour of vyalikaya aichyn.
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the patriarchs visited the mound of glory, but they remembered the blade, stole red guns, the guards have carried out a long machination of the dead. we are students.
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new routes in the months of military glory, memorials of the minsk region, just like the days of independence, we are visiting the khatyn and dalva, and we are putting flowers to the heroes and warriors of the war and maladzechan sky and kletsk districts. learn the basics of identifying the mastery, dapamagchy asabliva adoranim padrykhtavatsa and pastuplenya. in the master's educational setting, the development of a dense, creative mental and visual outlook is light, such tasks are in the studio life and schedule of the master in barysava. artab'yadnaya zaynichaya pra garadskim dzitsyachy centers smile and requesting and employment of all the busy ones. lessons in creativity dzesyam hell 6 and 18 yes professional master graduate of the belarusian academy of arts and academy name surykava in maskve uladzimir saiko. i'm looking. i don’t give you training for my work, i don’t give you my money, but i open up and develop
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the world of what is the hell of nature in the agricultural education, training, where they develop only what is laid down by nature, and i see a developed talent, i i already know how to paint landscapes and i want to finally learn how to be normal. a person came to draw because i like to draw, our teacher, vladimir grigorievich, he is very kind, good, i want to go here because here you can find a lot of friends, there is a very good atmosphere here, a very kind teacher, and i just really like it here to draw, to conduct art studio. therapy for people with related magchymas, creative work is provided by dachshunds, maids and young mothers, exercises
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and professional jumpers give them i'm in a good mood. that's all, let's talk about our website and our yesterday's release. premnaga of the day and yes sustrechy.
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to say, but it is difficult to prove, the most convincing argument is victory in the super final of an intellectual show. today the most erudite fifth-graders will play super presses, right now we will introduce you to our players and their teachers. angelina masko, secondary school number 7 in the city of kobrino, class
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teacher, mathematics teacher, vitaly alekseevich maksimovich. yaroslav stelmakh, gymnasium number.
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secondary school number 201 in minsk, class leader and teacher of belarusian language and literature natalya viktorovna rakova. maria sachevka - secondary school number 5 in the city of pruzhany, class teacher and german language teacher tatyana alekseevna pustozvo.
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vision project, i know this is a really great achievement, for which i sincerely congratulate you, i would like to wish you from today’s game to get super vivid impressions and a super great mood, good luck to everyone, hello guys, we are glad welcome you here on our playground, right now at this very minute in the teachers' room, my colleague yulia pertsova is communicating with your teachers, yulia, you have the floor, move into the teachers' room, you are ready to plunge into our intellectual battle again, yes, just as loud we will support the guys, good luck to our super fifth graders, vasya, start the game, we are starting the first round , we remind you of its rules. in the first round , players are asked 12 questions with possible answers - yes or no, of which only one
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is correct, the choice must be made in 7 seconds, each correct answer brings the participant one point, eight players. those with the most points advance to the second round. first question of the first round: pay attention to the screen, tell me, is the word written correctly? time! fedor, i did it, i made a mistake, i pressed the yes button, it’s right to make noise. ah, unfortunately, i was mistaken, but he told you...
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thunder, roar, eyebrows, brevo. the correct answer to our question is: no. second question: is it true that the city of vitebsk got its name from the name of the river? time. stepan, what do you say? well, i answered yes, but i'm not entirely sure. option yes, because when i was coming here, on the train i repeated my homeland belarus, there was something that seriously came from vitebsk from raki vidba, and it’s not only vidba there, there’s also
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the western link, as i remember, well done, misha, confident in yourself, i see, you got yourself together and answered correctly, well done, and where was vitebsk then formed, built, well, vitebsk - on the western dveney, well, and there was still a forty vidba flowing, from here it went to... the city was built on the banks of the western dvina, where the river flows into the western dvina vidba. the correct answer to our question is yes. pay attention to the screen, this is exactly the place where the vidba flows into the western dvina. third question: is it true that the authors of the fairy tale the golden key or the adventure of buratin are lev nikolaevich tolstoy. time! alesya, what do you think? i answered
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this question: no, but i already realized that i was most likely mistaken. why? she doubts herself, she believes that she made a mistake, but actually answered correctly. what gave you this idea, the idea that you made a mistake? i don't know, it just seems like i was wrong right now. what do you say, well, it seems to me that this is true, this is lev nikolaevich tolstoy, and what else is lev nikolaevich tolstoy, what works did he give to us, to you, i don’t even know, but pinocchio was not among them, or was, was, was , it seems to me that there was, well, angelina, but as it seems to you, there are two authors with the surname tolstoy, leo tolstoy and anatoly tolstoy, which was exactly what anatoly tolstoy wrote.
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angelina, did alexey tolstoy directly take it from scratch and write buratin or not, or how did it happen? i i don’t know, i understood you, okay, stepan, you know, but i know that he didn’t write it himself, he wrote it following the example of pinocchio, he just took it, replaced the names and that’s it, well, no, he changed the plot a little, but in the likeness of pinocchio, and pinocchio, who gave it to us, maybe you remember, i don’t remember, i’ll tell you, and you ’ll remember, it was written by someone else. writer, i mean buratin, alexey nikolaevich tolstoy, we decided on this, literary processing, well, that is, adding something to something, changing karl's fairy tale about pinocchio, karl
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deck, stepan, now you know the correct answer to our question, no, the fourth question, is it true that a preliminary sketch for a painting or drawing is called a sketch, time. dmitry, i’m not very sure that this is the correct answer, but i think that the correct answer is yes, eh, oh, sad, sad, sad, sad, yaroslav, what do you think, i answered intuitively, yes, well it’s just maybe, or my memory is failing me, but i remember that in the art textbook, there was in the dictionary... something like that or memory or intuition, one of them is definitely cheating on you, is there someone who answered this question, no, matvey, share, tell us, please, i answered no,
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because it seems that this is correctly called a sketch, but sketch then what it was, i don’t remember now, well, unfortunately, i didn’t repeat it yesterday, maybe the day before yesterday, no, okay, a preliminary sketch. this is a sketch, and a sketch is a short-term drawing from life, from memory, from an idea from the imagination, we can pay attention to screen to make sure of this, here we have a sketch, the correct answer to our question is no. fifth question: you are right, that on the invisible planet, beast kastusya tsvirki dazorak there were three suns. time! well, three
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suns or not three? fedor, what do you think? there in the verse, there is a boy, he had a dream about how he was in a rocket and flying around different planets, uh-huh, in the end, towards the end, he flew to some unfamiliar planet not in the solar system, and there, as far as i remember there were three suns, as they say, you can’t take away, you can’t add, a comprehensive answer, the correct answer to our
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question, right? sixth question: dad and son brought 36 fish from fishing, the third of them was roach, and the rest were crucian carp. is it true that they caught 24 crucian carp? time? marya, let's reason with you. i answered yes, since 36-3 is 12, that is. 12 fish roach 36 - 12 = 24 - these are crucian carp, and then the question is whether it is true that they caught 24 crucian carp? the answer is correct, yes, cheers, masha, well done, keep it up, a real excellent student, yes, that’s what you got in math, i got a 10 in math, bogdan, there is something to add, well, everything is said correctly, because if there are 36 fish, that means... roach
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is 1/3, which means that 1/3 is well 36/3 and that will be 12, that’s one part, that’s that means roach, well, clearly, we have already heard from maria, the correct answer to our question is, yes, a third of the fish is 12, 12 roach, from the total number we subtract the number of roach we get: 24 crucian carp. seventh question: is it true that socrates, plato and aristotle are famous ancient roman philosophers. time! angelina, let's philosophize with you how you answered this question. sacrates plato and aristotle, they don’t know how to relate to him. these are greek people,
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she answers so confidently, she is with everyone. cool, greek people? yes, greek or ancient greek? ancient greek. correct answer: no, these are really ancient greek philosophers. eighth question: is it true that chiffon is a building material? time! stepan, let's figure it out. well, i. answered yes, but i already realized that this is wrong, because i don’t know such chiffon, most likely there is slate, well, maybe so, unfortunately, i was mistaken, well , he has the wrong association, we’ll show him chiffon, yes, yes, we will definitely show him, you know slate, but what kind of slate, well , what is it in general, well, it’s some kind of material , i don’t understand this topic, but you know that such material exists, olesya, maybe not, i don’t know what chiffon is, how
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they answered this question, no, they answered no. well, let me tell you what chiffon is? chiffon is a lightweight, thin, transparent, cotton or silk fabric. but the building material is exactly the same slate, stepan, which we remembered, flat or wavy slabs of small sizes. it can be used, well, for example, on the roof. the correct answer to our question, option, is no. the ninth question: is it really true in a sport like hockey? on grass , a ball is used rather than a puck. time! mikhail, are you familiar with this sport at all, or maybe we’ve made it all up here? well, uh, i, um, heard somewhere, but - in general, a lot, well, i don’t know exactly about - this kind of hockey, but i
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think that - well, the puck won’t hit the grass somehow rolls, depending on what you put on it, well, yes, but still it would be more logical, probably, a ball - even if - as far as i know, they use skis instead. this is the place for skis, excuse me, i heard, yes, he does swimming, so hockey is not his thing, well , he gets out, yes, i look, he gets out, yes, yes, yes, they still have skis with wheels, if i ’m not mistaken, mikhail , it seems to me that you and i have just invented a new sport in which hockey players are on skis, with sticks, with a stick, you just got too excited and confused skates with skis, i’m fine with you i understand how you answered this question? i answered, yes? you answered, yes, olesya, tell us, does such hockey even exist, field hockey, i mean, and what do they play there, yes, field hockey exists, they play there with a sword, a small stick, i answered this question, yes,
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because my best friend plays field hockey, why don’t you play with her, i don’t know, i don’t want to, the correct answer to our question is, yes, there is such a sport and yes, indeed. they are playing the tenth question: is it true that elbrus is the most highest point in the alps? time! maria, what do you think? i don't know what elbrus is, but i think the answer is no. i don’t know what elbruz is, but just in case, you made it all up and i don’t believe you, right? well done, masha. the correct answer is no, but quite, good, dmitry, but it seems to me that el bruce is located on the peninsky peninsula , where italy is, in the alps, probably the largest, highest mountain is man blanc, as i
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remember, about the alps , you are absolutely right, elbrus is the highest point in the caucasus and russia, 5642 m above sea level, the highest. the correct answer to our question is: no. eleventh question: is it true that the word sandwich is translated into russian as bread with sausage. time! bogdan, what can you say, what does your sandwich consist of? well, uh, well, in different ways, but i. i intuitively answered no, but i don’t know, i don’t know the exact answer. misha, what do you think, is it a sandwich with sausage or what? well, i answered, it’s not an option, because a sandwich seems to be translated as something related to a snack, but it definitely
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doesn’t mention bread and sausage. what, bread? can't you have a snack with sausage? no, well, it’s possible, there’s something there, it seems to me, it’s there, i don’t know, for a hike, probably, something from what language the translation comes from, i have no idea, i understand. mikhail, i know that, in general, this word comes from german, buter in german is butter, ford is bread, and there are also similar words in english, butter is also butter in english, bread is bread, but there it is for sure there is no sausage, there is sausage in your sandwich, well , it happens in different ways, smart girl, he always likes to sort out such complex issues, she always they ask uncomfortable ones, which you need to think about before you answer, well, like this, yes, the correct answer to our question: no, buttor, ford, bread and butter, from german. twelfth final question of the first round: is the lapwing really a species of bird?
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time! dialogues about birds: matvey, you with such a smile, you raised your hand with such... ecstasy and wanted to tell us, tell us, share. well, of course, the lapwing is a bird, it is a type of waders, the latin name is vanellus vanellus, well, it mainly lives in the fields, well, the lapwing has such a very strange what a cosmic voice, because i won’t be able to make the sounds that lapwings make, but in general, lapwings are a very common bird, but unfortunately... i haven’t seen or heard them. matvey is very interested in birds, he knows a lot about them, and his interest in them is endless, and he knows about almost all the birds that live in belarus. matvey, look,
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let’s say, let’s say, i come into the forest, and chibis, for some reason, will be offended by me and will not be able to reproduce this cosmic sound of his, he will play silently with me, as i understand, that this is a lapwing, looking at you like this, for example, it has a crested tail, well... its beak, unlike other waders, is short, yeah, but what size? lapwing, about the size of a pigeon, yeah, that is, it’s the same pigeon, small beak,
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live zone, so that your answers are faster than those of your rivals. matvey, well, i also
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scored 10 points, although here, well, it was already much more difficult, because then i had everything without errors, that is, 12 out of 12, yes, now i have 10 out of 12, that’s enough for the super final, after all, well i think so, oh well let's look at the screen. look well, no controversial points, mikhail, maria, olesya, matvey, 10 points, stepan, mikhail, dmitry, angelina, pass, bogdan, yaroslav, yakov, fedor, unfortunately, no, here are the results, no controversial points, above the list contains eight players with whom we will meet in the second round of the super final, below are four players with whom we will say goodbye already here now, guys, thank you for the game. good-bye, i wasn't too
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upset, because even though i wanted to to get into the second round, but i didn’t manage to because i didn’t answer the question about hockey, about the fact that it was a ball and not a puck, i knew, but i answered quickly, and because of this, it didn’t work out for me, i wasn’t very upset that i was eliminated in the first round. because i’m already in the super final, probably my excitement got in the way, i thought it would be easier, but it turned out like this, i want to say a big thank you to my first teacher maria ivanovna for putting in her love for learning, nadezhda valerievna, class teacher, because she supported me all the time, natalya valerievna, who also supports me, i was not upset, i think i was just unlucky. there was very little time, mostly the questions
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were questions for which i had not prepared, so i had to be guided solely by intuition and my own knowledge that i had before. i’m very glad that i still made it to the super final, it’s very cool, i would say excellent.
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we begin the second round and remind you of its rules. in the second round, players are given 10 questions with three possible answers, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 10 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant two points. the four players with the most points advance to the third round. first question of the second round. pay attention to the screen and father, what is the end of this layer ? varyant.
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black sea, b - mediterranean sea, c - baltic sea. dmitry, as i know, the neman river flows somewhere in the middle of belarus, and the black sea and the mediterranean sea, it is located below, as if under belarus on the map, but it turns out to be a river, it falls into the baltic sea, my answer is c, but it would still be more correct to say further south. if we are talking about a map, below, above, these are such very vague, incomprehensible terms. attention to the screen: the nemon river, located in the northwestern western part of belarus, originates south of the minsk upland, flows into the curonian lagoon of the baltic sea, flows through the territory of two countries: belarus
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and lithuania. correct answer. option c. baltic sea. third question. how lively. byu klypa is the hero of the story thorn and cosmos. a, leader, b. badger. c- myadved. time! matvey, something tells me that you were preparing on the way to us here and read this work? no, i forgot to repeat both literatures. for well, belarusian literature for the fourth grade, i forgot to repeat, but if the thorn is the leader, then, well, that leaves the bear and the badger, and something told me that this is the badger, but it seems that now something tells me that i answered incorrectly, no, everything is correct, logic concluded, yes, how did he
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you’ll be glad now, what is it that tells you every 3 seconds and different answer options, probably my intuition, maria, well... apaviadanna kalyuchyk and kosmas had two gallant heroes: klypa and kalyuchyk. kalyuchyk would be leaders, klypa would be gorsuk, and yana maryls, who are on other planets and on the stars. who lives, who lives? myadzved was not there. well, the correct answer to our question is option b. nesvezhsky castle began to be built. in 1583: how many full centuries have passed since then? a three centuries, option b - 4, option c - 5 centuries, time, angelina,
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it seemed to me that you answered this question very quickly, the rest of the time you either doubted it or tried to count it again, share with us: 1583, this is the 16th century, well, yes, we live in the 21st century, right? 16 - 21 will be 5 pay attention to the question angelinage full centuries, and in general you told everything correctly, if not for one small, but our question, which calls into question your theory, dmitry, and if a century is 100 years, then then there will be four centuries, since full centuries, which is a full 100 years, it turns out that if we have 5 centuries, then... it will be 2083, and we live in 2024, so my answer is b and that is four centuries. correct answer,
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option b. four full centuries. fifth question: the suite of fun by the belarusian composer viktor voitik consists of four parts, which part is not among them? a, carolers, b, yurochka, c: ho-ho. oh goat. time! mikhail, what do you say? oh, i answered option c, because well, carolers are definitely a holiday, well, it’s connected with carols, in general, in belarusian it can be called, well, yak zabal. yurushka, uh, i think it’s also connected with some kind of holiday, and the goat, well, that could be spoken in
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carols, for example, well, it’s also somehow connected with the holiday, well, it’s not a separate kind of holiday, that’s what fun is it all about, well, that is, well, about fun - these are some kind of games for fun, well, let’s stop on fun, okay, stepan, what do you think, i also answered option c, because yurochka. in my opinion, this is yury’s holiday, carolers, well , these are carols, the gogo goat remains, in my opinion, this is some kind of sentence, but not some kind of work, well, that is, it doesn’t live up to the holiday, but inside some kind of holiday this could well sound like, well, the suite consists of four parts, we have already established that, yurochka, goby, round dance, carolers, it reflects the multifaceted world of belarusian folk amusements, and such parts as go-go-go, goat there no. the correct answer to our question is option c. sixth question: what was the word lanita called in the past? a- eyes, b-
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cheeks, c- teeth. time. olesya, cheeks. what it is? i don't know. well, why not, really, dmitry, what do you think? and i, as i remember, yesterday i repeated the belarusian language textbook in fourth grade, and there were such outdated
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words: i remember the eyes for sure, there were eyes, i didn’t see the teeth, but i remember for sure that this was the old name for cheeks, so i answered option b, cheeks. there is someone who disagrees with dmitry, who believes that cheeks are , well, anything, but not cheeks. well, i answered, teeth, that is. perhaps, well, obviously not with their cheeks, this is definitely not their profile. so, the correct answer to our question is option b. looks like i'm upset now. seventh question: what is collecting called? postcards? option a - phylotely, option b - phylocortia, option c - phylotomy. time! misha, what do you think?
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well, i don’t even know what it’s called, but i answered that there hasn’t been an option for a long time, but before i decided, maybe there will be, so i answered a. in general, none of the answer options are familiar to you, well, philately, for example, what does a philatelist do? don't know. dmitry, tell us, as i remember, if my memory serves me correctly, then collecting postcards is called philately. you answered option a philately. maria how?
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misha, yesterday i was repeating a textbook on russian literature, and there they were peasant children, there i remember how nikrastov seemed to show the peasant children various tricks with his dog, what she could do, and i remember how
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they shouted black eye. .. the main character and his friend chen arrived, they had a big dog milord, well done, so, grass, prislin, milord, chekhov, black eye, nekrasov, christian children, the correct answer to our question, option a, the ninth question, which famous person owned a horse named bucephalus, option a gaius julius,
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option b napoleon bonaparte, option c alexander. olesya, if my memory serves me correctly from history, we were told that alexander the great had a horse named bucephalus. alesya, your memory does not let you down, this is an absolutely correct answer. a- spain, b. england, c: france. time. angelina,
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together with you, let’s wipe the guys’ noses and how from... spain, what gave you this idea, well, it seems like dad said that this is spain, so dad is into football, yes, dad, i don’t know what he’s into, but are you happy that your girl answered the football question, dad watches football, yes, and you and him, no, you go into another room, i sit and watch in another room. about animals, well, now there will be an extra reason to someday watch football with dad, because if it weren’t for him, you would answer this question incorrectly, the correct answer is spain. before we sum up the results of the second round and see the numbers, numbers, some will be upset, some will be happy and will move on. i'd like
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to talk to you. stepan, how do you like this second round? was it better? it's exciting for you was more exciting, i thought that i most likely would not pass, did you count your answers? no, yes, yes, look, he’s very tired already, probably just in that mood, but what do you want? get into the third round? very. misha, you counted your stumps, i didn’t count them, but there were quite a few of them, it seems to me that i won’t pass either. i hope he carried out the plan. have you fulfilled some of your internal plans or not? well, my internal plan was not to leave after the first round, then how will i be lucky with questions? well, i wouldn’t give up just yet, matvey, well, this second round was, well, quite difficult for me, and i was already confused.
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angelina, olesya, stepan and two mishas are passing, unfortunately, es, well done, here it is, the four players we will meet in the third round, at the bottom of the list, as always, alas, but the four players to whom we will say goodbye already here now, guys, thank you for playing, you did great, this applause is in your honor, all the best, goodbye. i believe that i could have qualified for the third round, but this is a super final, so i am very happy with my result, some questions, i could
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answer them, but i was very worried , i probably couldn’t answer them, the super final was much more difficult than the last game, in general i’m happy with my result, i didn’t get eliminated after the first round, one point wasn't enough. if i answered one question correctly, then most likely i made it to the third round, i am very pleased with my game, because i am already a super finalist, i know, most of all i was upset because i answered the question about the eyes incorrectly, cheeks and teeth, i i remembered that before eyes were eyes, but the answer was just eyes, my goal was to reach at least the third round. but - it so happened that i was struggling in the second, i answered all the questions that i could, i’m still a little dissatisfied with my result, i suggest we take a musical break, our guest is the winner
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of the music award blogger suzic awards, participant grand final of the international competition "big stage", lisa vertinskaya. come on baby, don't stop playing naval battle with me, don't be afraid to come up, i'm just a bomb, and pour your head on me, get into your friends, we 'll have a blast in the place, we'll scream, you think i was joking, i'm funny, party upati on the house, party upati on the house, party, upati on the house.
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i gathered all my friends around and told fortunes together , we told cupid, but my parents came to test. something happened that suddenly, something happened that suddenly, ah mom doesn’t scold me, let ’s have a party with me, we’ll have a party in style, let’s regta, fly the bored column into the patik, like this , we’ll put all the dresses together, start the party on the skating rink, party, upati on hatse, vati, upati on hatse.
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guys, i congratulate you on reaching the third round of our super final game, but before we continue, i suggest taking a short break to chat a little. maria, what was the feeling left from the last game, if my memory serves me right, you took second place there, yes, it was just a little short, i knew that i would get into the super final, since i had a lot of points. and i wasn’t upset, because i
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knew that i had a very good result. is it true that maria was not upset with second place in the last game? absolutely true, but she was confident in herself, she knew that she had to work, prepare for the super final, well, let's see how she manages today's game. how did the school react to your participation? everyone at school congratulated me, especially after watching the program. our result was found out at school.
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that masha came to win today, she doesn’t hide it, how did you help her, how did she prepare herself? well, more, of course, masha prepared herself, repeated the material from the fourth grade, worked very carefully all this time in the fifth grade on all subjects, history teachers, philologists, people in the world also supported masha and tried to repeat with her, give some questions, what she needed, everything that was small. in the font in the textbook i also repeat it without fail, without fail, and you see, she did the work on the mistakes, last time she had the mistake of barge haulers on the volga, she didn’t know, so she worked with the paintings this time with artists, they talked about the third round, about speed, masha understands that in the third round she needs speed, so i think it will work, great, bye she is the first, so far she is going very well towards her goal, so i wish... good luck,
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definitely good luck, success in the third round. well, now let's talk to dmitry, maria's competitor. it seems to me that your situation is more interesting: maria took second place in the last game, she has something to prove, she wants to be first, you took first place in the last game, it would seem much stronger, it’s not hard for you now, not one bit . what is the plan, to win first place in the super final. did you do any work on bugs after the first one?
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an actual duel, a real one, but i see dima is very confident in himself, tell me, is this a good acting performance, or is this how he was preparing for the super final? well, firstly, he is positive in life, yeah, he looks forward with a positive attitude, he doesn’t show much that he’s upset, but he’s also confident in his knowledge, because he knows a lot, reads a lot, prepared in good faith, saw himself on tv , watched the program on the internet, and how? you, of course, liked you, liked everything, or there were some moments, liked everything, but your parents they watched, of course they watched, they liked it too, tell us about the reaction at school, how they greeted him, what the teachers and classmates said and was it an expected victory, well, to be honest, it was expected, because he is the winner of many competitions, olympiads, yeah, he went through a lot, as they expected, but they were also very glad that he... won, everyone
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congratulated him, that is, now dmitry is a popular person at school, yes, they take autographs, take pictures, yes, dmitry, they watched other games, no only the games i watched all the games are fifth grade, what can you say about the competitors from other programs, they are also very smart, of course, in the super final the best among them, so i will try to be better than them even, and what did they ask you, for sure, good luck to dmitry, no excitement, only self-confidence. thank you. now let's talk to angelina. angelina, please remind us how your qualifying game ended for you? well, i took third place in that game, i was upset because of him, but then i finally realized that
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that i have a huge chance to get into the super final. what was missing in that game. the speed was not enough. then there was a controversial moment, they answered... the same number of questions, but the speed got in the way of angelina, tell me these emotions, when they didn’t go away, there were tears, of course, yes, there were tears, there was frustration, but when they were already driving home, in conversation , her mother accompanies her every time, her mother worries, we are already together, my mother and i convinced her that this is just a new step in her life, we must strive on the contrary, this was supposed to stimulate her in order to so that she again again again. you somehow improved your speed, worked on it, while you were waiting, yes, i worked on everything, on speed, on objects, during the time before i got to the super final, i managed to read the iliad and odyssey in full, i managed to listen
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a lot of symphonies, i listened to almost all of it, did the attitude toward you at school change in one way or another after the program aired? when the program aired, the next day the whole class congratulated me, then i came to the music school, i was congratulated back in the music school, and the director of the music school himself seemed to congratulate me, this burden of responsibility does not put pressure on you now here in the super final, put a little pressure on you, you woke up famous after the broadcast, after the broadcast you fell asleep famous, of course, how it manifested itself, this is how you they came in and... well , first of all, i went into the teacher’s room, everyone congratulated the teacher’s room, me personally, they presented me with a certificate and from the school there was a line, there was a line, they just solemnly congratulated, they congratulated the child, the whole school knew about it, many people i reviewed this program, our ratings went up, due to this, and after
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we reviewed it, there were a lot of conversations with other classes, vitalich, that’s why she didn’t answer this question, what do you have... calm and only calm , and speed, don’t forget about it, thank you, good luck, well, all we have to do is talk to matvey. you, like dmitry , took first place in your qualifying game? yes. how was it? i'm glad. you planned to take first place, you were sure of it, just as you were sure dmitry, or was it more of a surprise for you? probably anyway. i knew that i would win. even
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after the first round. i had twelve points, everything was correct. well, even the guys who were on the same site with me, even. amazing and makes me happy in class, of course, this is the super final game, it’s different from the qualifying game for you, it’s much more difficult, the questions are more difficult, the atmosphere is more difficult, what’s more difficult, the questions, the questions are more difficult, well, on
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the other hand, i’m not very good prepared, you didn't prepare at all, no, i prepared, but not as well as... other guys, teachers all helped, helped, but specifically to leave him to study, in principle, it’s not customary for us, we have help in lessons, in general, here’s a russian language teacher a lot, teacher he devoted a lot to mathematics, but his passion for birds is generally the star of the first round, you know, this is his hobby, he is of course a great fellow, how did your parents react to your teaching? here, but when they looked, the guys were surprised and admired
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him, and, for example, high school students congratulated me that tamara mikhailovna, you have such a student, so i say, look like a fifth grader, we wish matvey good luck, and let all the kids get together, pull themselves together, remember everything, don’t forget about speed, because the third round is ahead, vasya, let’s start, let’s get back into the game, the third is ahead tour, reminding. his rule. in the third round , the presenter asks 10 questions. the participant with the fastest reaction gets the right to answer. a correct answer earns him three points. in case of an error, the right to answer passes to other participants. the two players with the highest score number of points, advance to the fourth round. the first question of the third round with the letter m. the largest fish in the rivers of belarus. with the letter n. a special state of human consciousness. matvey, this is with the letter m som, with the letter n so dream, that
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is, catfish is like a fish, catfish is like the state of a person, this is the absolutely correct answer, yes, catfish and sleep. the second question is a question from the chest. the chest contains the item that gives its name to the dessert, which is made from melted sugar poured through sieves onto rapidly rotating ones. cold metal drum or cone in the process maria, perhaps there is cotton candy there, which you can directly take and eat, cotton candy is the wrong answer, there is an opportunity to earn points from the others, matvey, if this item gave the name, it is not cotton candy itself, but ordinary cotton wool , simple cotton wool, yes simple cotton wool, let's check it out, let's go, wow! just look, real
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simple cotton wool, of course we won’t try it, it won’t bring anything good, the third question: the monument dedicated to the belarusian pioneer hero is located in minsk, matvey, this, this is a monument to the pioneer marat kozei, marat kozei, of course, this is the correct answer, let's make sure of this. monument to marat kazei. fourth question: what word is used to describe these pictures? dmitry, lava, lava, of course, and lava , the scythe looked at someone, he managed, and as i understand it, they are having competitions to see who can press the fastest, so i understand, now in terms of this destructive, let’s call it that, liquids and a place to sit. fifth question: in russian. in the alphabet before the revolution, the letter f was called fert, because her outline appeared the expression stands
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fertom, demonstrate what kind of pose this expression described. matvey, if you act logically, it will demonstrate, well, then in your hands on your belt, because it looks like if they stand like that, it looks like the letter f, yes, and dima is already standing like that, yes, angelina is completely confused, masha has already drooped too. you answered everything correctly, showed everything correctly, hands on your hips, exactly this pose according to the outline of the letter f itself. the sixth question, and this is an audio question: what opera is this musical fragment from? darling our. popi, i’m taking a very big risk now, and i
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’m not at all sure, but maybe it’s from the opera the nutcracker, oh, well, it’s not a nutcracker at all, alas, the nutcracker is a ballet, oh, now you know, everything’s okay, angelina, it’s maybe there was an excerpt from cheikovsky's opera evgeniy negin, or it was a ballet, but it seems like he has an opera. how many pages of the book did masha dmitry read?
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if there are 250 pages in 10 days, then she reads 25 pages per day, 25 for 7. we get 175, god, when did he even manage to read and count all this. yes, that's right answer, masha could read 175 pages in a week. eighth question: the illustration by evgeny kibrik depicts the legendary russian hero. he holds on to the sakha, which no one but him can move. and what is his name? angelina, mikulysh leninovich, and so? well done, absolutely correct answer: mikula seleninovich. ninth question, pay attention to the screen. solve this puzzle.
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dmitry, waterfall. waterfall, what did you think? a, water, the last letter is o, we get this in. before, the second one is a spider, remove the last two we get water and the last d we get this waterfall. well, let's see how our computer coped with this task? waterfall. brilliant answer: good speed. tenth question: this popular indoor plant in nature can exist in conditions where others wither and die. in extreme situations, it closes the mouth. holding moisture inside the leaf, what is this plant called, angelina, cactus, alas, no, this is not a cactus, matvey, this is aloe, this is aloe, of course, my mother grows these, my mother grows, yes, so i know, hello mom, hello mom, yes, mom will praise him,
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although there are certain similarities with a cactus, there are small thorns, and yet... four points for matvey’s company and i want to believe that dmitry will impose a beautiful fight, well , congratulations boys, boys, girls lost, let’s applaud everyone , we applaud, they’re great, they great, well done, dmitry and matvey, my congratulations,
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we will meet with you in the fourth round of the intellectual show, i know, angelina, maria, alas, but... this is the end of your participation in our game, thank you for being there with us, i was very pleased with you play, all the best, girls, i congratulate you on playing in the super final, how could they conspire to take third place, share third place among themselves, are you generally happy with the result, angelina, i ’m happy, are you happy? what did you like? i liked everything, everything, just everything, everything, i see, you are overwhelmed with emotions, is it from happiness or did you still want to play in the fourth round? 50/50, greater happiness, come on, no matter, give free rein to your emotions, because this is great, this is a game, this is cool! vitaly alekseevich, let’s support
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angelina, because you have achieved more, what, what could have been achieved, you understand? well, these are tears of joy, these are tears of joy, we understand all this, because i see a smile, i congratulate you only forward, okay, yes, maria, well, i see you are smiling, but you wanted to break everyone today, especially dmitry, what happened in the third round, speed, i just want to press the buttons, but i’m already pressing, seriously, but it seemed to me that
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there was a struggle not for the correct answer, but for speed, i'm right in the third round, right? the boy was not allowed to press buttons; what questions could she answer? yes, in general , for almost everything, i forgot in a sweet way that i had to name the wat, yes, i didn’t listen to the end of the question, he spoke first, and then mikuluninovich, i knew, the monument, i also knew, in short, you knew everything, you just didn’t have time to press on the button, confidently knows, masha knows everything, masha knows, we have no doubt, tatyana alekseevna, also share your impressions about the super final, everything was great, of course, the questions were quite difficult, i think. but we see masha , she just didn’t have enough speed somewhere, she’s smart, she knows everything, she’ll succeed in the future. masha, i
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’m proud of you, well done, keep it up, yes, we are proud of you too, girls, you know, you’re smart, everything is just beginning for you, but we have the fourth round ahead, let’s find out who will be the winner of the super final , vasya, start. the fourth round is ahead. let's remember his rules. in the fourth round, participants are asked to answer 10 questions from different categories. the leader by the number of points chooses first the topic of the question and, if answered correctly , receives four points. if the answer is incorrect, the second participant enters the game. the correct option earns him 2 points. what color should you mix blue with to get green and
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yellow and this is the correct answer. dmitry, it’s your turn, choose a category. space. name the second planet farthest from the sun in the solar system. venus. and that's well done, well done, well done. again ornithology, ornithology, yes, carcasses, the absolutely correct answer, yes, that’s it, dmitry, choose, i’ll choose sport, like
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is called the discipline of athletics, which is a race over a distance of 42 km, 195 m. marathon, marathon - this is it, yes, a battle for life and death, matvey, i choose the emblems. how many rings are there in the olympic games emblem? it seems like five. lucky for questions. like or exactly. he doesn't even, he doesn't believe it. let there be five. let's do the math. attention to the screen. 1 2 3 4. five rings. it's like that. and i will choose cities.
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so interesting, i'll choose mathematics, there are 42 rooms in seven identical houses, how many
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rooms are there in three such houses, 18, how so quickly, yes how, god, but immediately divide 42 into 7, 7,6, 18 rooms, this is the correct answer, matvey, the choice is yours, islands. which island is the fourth largest in the world? a popular cartoon series can help you answer. maybe it's moana. moana. no. dmitry, your answer. madagascar. madagascar. but this is the correct answer. oh, tense. russian literature. why, grandfather forest, did we scare you today? your snows have been stirred up, your animals have been awakened. well, that's enough, that's enough. sleep to yourself. we won't worry anymore. if if you recognize the work at the end of which
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these words were spoken, then without difficulty. selected, answers received, all that remains for us to do is count the sum of all points earned, no matter what happens, remember, you are great, pay attention to the screen, one, one point, dmitry wins, against matvey, god, how many tears in the teacher’s room today .
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i see now, i congratulate you, let 's applaud the guys, let's applaud, with a result of 54.53 with a margin of just one point, in today's super final, dmitry wins, matvey, you see, it wasn't enough at all a little bit, just one point, and it was not in vain that i said before announcing the results that there is not a single reason to worry, you fought like a lion, thank you for the game. all the best, matvey, we were so worried, we didn’t have time to count the points, there’s a question, and we understand that you’re missing out, but then you break free, one point, one point, isn’t it a shame? well, of course, it’s a shame, but second place is also just wonderful and... most likely
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this one point lies somewhere else in the first two rounds, because there i answered a lot of things intuitively, it seems to me it’s not even about the last ones, in the third, third and fourth round the questions were quite simple, the first two, as if it were really difficult for me, you just amazed me with your answer, i thought that you would start to get out there or something else, but no, but such a deep person. here is the desire to be the first, after all, the second is not the first, yes, of course, i really want to, but well, is there really no drop at all , it’s already happened, well, tell me, you had a worthy opponent, here’s dima, very
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worthy, it’s a shame , i lost very honorably, tamara mikhailovna, i want to hear your impressions, emotions, share, i’m happy that matvey took part, in general we took part in this game, it’s a pleasure, incredible and many thanks to those who created this game, will lead in the future, we will come back, definitely we'll come back, we'll definitely come back, definitely, we'll be waiting for you, yes you... congratulations, we're waiting, and i'm going to the main site to congratulate the winner of the super final, dmitry. the super game is over, it's time to congratulate the awards. to the winner of our the project and its teacher are thanked by the ministry of education
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of the republic of belarus. this wonderful bouquet is for you, thank you, thank you for the game, the game is over and now we know the name of the most erudite fifth grader in our country. we will continue to give away super prizes for the final series of games; we are already looking forward to the results that the sixth graders will show us. see you later and that's right. which, apparently, you won’t tell us, yes.
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on air news is now with you tatyana nikrasova. hello. agriculture,
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trade culture. issues of life in the southeast of the country are on the president’s agenda today. this is a traditional annual chernobyl trip and a lot of attention is paid to such lands. upon arrival, the president first of all asked how it was done. sowing, this must be done before may 9. bring order to the earth and meet deadlines


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