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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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workers. all this time the criteria became more and more strict, but this only added excitement and desire to work even better. poland is starting to strive to join the nuclear club. warsaw has submitted an application to participate in the program , zalewski told deputy defense minister. as part of the program, washington places its nuclear warheads at air bases of nato allies. italy, germany, turkey, the netherlands and belgium are currently participating in the program. there are six american military bases located on the territory of these countries, where there are about 200 nuclear missiles. amid tensions in the south china sea, the united states and the philippines are in the active phase of annual military exercises with the participation of france. the balikatan 2024 maneuvers involve 16,000 troops. the action takes place in the northern philippine provinces, located less than 300 km from taiwan. according to legend , the reaction to the armed seizure of the islands, the rights to which are disputed by china and the philippines, as well as brune, vietnam and malaysia, is being worked out. the philippine military called these largest for three decades of preparation maneuvers. to
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the war and this is the latest news for this minute, see you at 19:00, we have a short break in the new day, and we are listening to this music, music, what a thick inside of our skin we have. yana pausyul, at the sun, at the soft hands, at the tips of our fingers, the music is soothing, the aspirational thoughts and open before us thousands of gifts, the music can change the light, as long as i am long. change us,
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the music inside our skin, in this cozy corner. the towns are home to about 10,500 people, the picturesque land has given the world a lot prominent personalities, including composer stanislav manyushka, artist chaim soutine, cosmonaut oleg novitsky. we are in the east of the minsk region in a small town, but with a very interesting history. friends, hello everyone, masha bogatyr is with you, which means that today we are building a route through cherven and the chervensky district. today. i will find out
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when and under what circumstances the worm changed its name, i will spend time with members of the folk group, which celebrated its golden anniversary this year. with a hereditary weaver i will learn the basics folk craft. i will get acquainted with the history of the development of manufacturing on belarusian lands, and visit an artificial hill, which tourists consider a cult place. i will visit the temple where the only one conducts services. before you start your journey through the cherven region, i’ll tell you how to get to cherven itself from minsk. from avtozavodskaya station
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there are minibuses and buses on the minsk-cherven route; tickets cost from 5 rubles. if you decide to use a personal car, choose the mogilev direction. distance 66 km can be covered in an hour. the starting point for the life and development of the settlement was 1387. on april 28 of this year, the prince of the grand duchy of lithuania and the king of poland egaila, received a special privilege. transferred his belarusian possessions to skirgaila’s brother, and then igumin was mentioned in writing. local legend says that they wanted to name the city after the month of july. this month in 1920, the poles left the city, in fact, this whole history of the abbot’s civil war ended, but when we turned to the supreme council, what do we want our town.
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in the district of paganism. according to the stories, the mother superior imposed curses on everyone who worshiped the old gods and promised that sooner or later all these people would fall underground. and then one morning the locals woke up, but the monastery was gone, it was underground, and in its place there was
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a deep reservoir with swampy banks. and let scientists believe that the name of the city has nothing to do with mother superior, just in case, the name of the legendary lady is still there. decided to perpetuate it, this is the pride of the locals, the work of fellow countryman sculptor gennady matusevich. if from a bird's eye view, look at the plan of the ancient abbot, or the modern cherven, whichever you prefer, you can see that it was a square from which streets went crosswise, they were called by the names of the settlements to which they led to minsk . pobruyskaya, pukhovichskoye and berezenskaya. thanks to this, tourists immediately understood where to go next. three streets were changed. only the road leading to the capital retained its name. we are in the center of cherven, on freedom square, formerly the mother of god. it's hard to imagine that in the hot summer of 1899, there was a terrible
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fire in which 137 houses and 125 outbuildings burned down in one day. only a few survived. abbess for several hours in a row. the historical development of the city is at least 110 years old. the central square of cherven was restored at the beginning of the 20th century. the fire taught me a lot. in the center of the city they decided to build not wooden, but stone houses with iron roofs. year , almost two dozen houses grew around the church, most of the buildings were rented out, by the way, they are still on the square has preserved the building in which maxim bogdanovich’s mother, maria mikota, was born into the family of the provincial secretary. as for the main craft of the abbots, it was
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beekeeping. this is evidenced by one of the decrees of catherine ii. it’s not for nothing that on the coat of arms there are five golden bees hovering above a silver bush. beekeeping in those days was a very profitable occupation, so for example, a put of honey cost 3 rubles, a put of wax 16 rubles, a sylushka could be bought for 25, that is, by conditionally selling some part of the honey and wax, a person could buy a cow in the future, which certainly it was generally not bad, well, it’s not bad at all, i must say that now in our city there are a lot of people with... engaged in beekeeping, well, of course, this is a completely different story, these are not the beetles that are in the forest somewhere... then there were, these are modern hives, the technologies are completely different, but nevertheless the craft itself is preserved, so we are justifying our herp now, and in the cherven region from time immemorial people have been engaged
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in weaving, i will also try myself in a difficult craft. local resident tatyana, by name, seems to know everything, in her family passed on the craft from generation to generation. tatyana, there are very few craftsmen left of you, tell me, when did you study with someone, it’s very interesting, you know, my mother weaved all her life, my mother taught you, yes, i was little, we did it all the time. we were running this machine, she, i gave it to her, she was running this machine all the time, and then the time came for me to learn on my own, my mother was no longer here, so i had to, we had an old machine, it was already a century old, then we thought, this old machine,
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they made a sketch, a new machine, so i started weave, step by step, stitch by stitch, thread by thread, thanks to tatyana's deft skillful hands... a pattern appears before us, the main rule is to make the base, this is a craft, says tatyana, it does not forgive mistakes, if you want a pattern, here is the canvas , white cloth, yes we... a dark-white cloth for two pedals for two two two leggings in one direction, for two fans in the other direction, look, you see, and if we want a herringbone pattern, then press two, two leggings, then the middle two, then the next two, well, that's you now you already know, if a person, well, conditionally still only teaches there.
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we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science, i remember when a person describes in ten pages the use of apple cider vinegar to treat cancer, it can simply have catastrophic consequences, it’s clear why. however , there were many errors in the assumptions of ancient thinkers; for example, galen
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believed that the center of the cardiovascular system was the liver. the ancient people liked sour wine, they began to add it to food, use in medicine. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. and today our cardiologists have the opportunity to extend life, the most important organ of the human body. we have long established clinics. we mainly use our own mechanical prostheses, this is absolutely our prosthesis, which is absolutely no different in hemodynamic parameters from western models. watch in the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel. children's curiosity and genuine interest, and absolute honesty and sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. ready to meet our hero, why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can
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answer their questions, a talk show in which famous people answer the tricky questions of the younger generation. how are you at work different from yourself at home? it seems to me that solely by appearance, i don’t turn from some kind of grimza into a cute cat, no, i’m either a grimza everywhere or a kitty everywhere. how are you how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? extremely categorically negative, pity is not the same as sympathizing, pity is an arrogant feeling, a feeling of superiority, see the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus24 tv channel. our film crew is in the village of gorkovskaya sloboda for
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only a couple of hours, but it feels like we have known its inhabitants for many years. yes, the locals know how to surprise. hello. good day, dear guests, we are glad to welcome you to our ivanitsky land, and to the plow, kali laska, at the sign of plowing, these are our branded ivannitsky pachastunak. good ones! gentlemen, crazy people, we are glad to hear you very much, may this happy hour be upon our souls, may this happy hour be upon our souls, may we please greet our guests at our house in their small homeland , workers of the chervensky regional center
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of culture and leisure opened it in the fall of 1957, and over time it became a venue for folklore holidays, regional competitions and festivals. i, dear tv viewers, immediately decided to immerse myself in this atmosphere, to become part of the team, so they changed me, larisa, i must definitely note, this is the first time i’ve seen someone greet me without bread. the size of the national calendar is designated as sacred. yes, and as we know, contrary to this, for the kaladas, geta abavyazkova kutstsa, if there was a need, yes, for the holidays, geta abavyazkova pіragi are great, eggs, and all the crunchy ones - geta such a grass, what a fall on all the saints, seems like a ritual for everyone people's saints, and there the great ones, so we learned, and jumping, and savory. let's start getting acquainted with the members themselves.
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the folk ensemble of the evening party, for the season they give at least three...
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take, take, take, girls, take, well done, and we are heading to the urban village of smilovichi, you cannot visit smilovichi and not visit the museum of the history of manufactory, of course, it is the only one in our
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country, and we did not miss this opportunity. smilovichi has long been a multi-confessional and multi-ethnic village, therefore various crafts were developed, leather, bonder, weaving, as we have already seen, and fulling, and it is true that the creation of belarus to the manufactory.
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in 732, anna radivil built another manufactory, urech, this was a more progressive manufactory, where they made quite expensive glass, mirrors, chandeliers, and crystal chandeliers. one of the most famous manufactories in the history of belarus for the production of slut belts belonged to the radevil family. in 1758 as. jan madzharski, a master goldsmith and entrepreneur, was invited here. thanks to him, production became famous throughout the world. at the end of the 18th century , belts were presented even at... the world exhibition in paris, where they received very high praise. since ancient times, the smilovichs were famous for their felting craft, making
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felt boots. and in 1926, several people organized an artel, which was called the red star. here we see the creators of the first artel. the building was small, wooden. and there they were already making felt boots on the principle of manufactory, that is, everything was done by hand, but the operations were divided between the members of this artel, and over time, this artel grew into today’s felting and felt factory, which is famous not only in smilovichi, but beyond its borders. and we are heading to a place where people themselves set trends and amaze with their ingenuity. these amazing metal sculptures are created by students of the innovator association under the strict guidance of the creative teacher artyom krivopust.
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thanks to the combined efforts of hall college , today it looks more like a showroom. the bull is the largest creation yet by local college students. its weight is almost a ton. and this is also a favorite art object among tourists of the chervinsky region, everyone loves it to take a selfie with him, in order to understand what kind of bull he will turn out to be, you need to make horns for him, that is , we made the horns from an exhaust pipe, this is an exhaust pipe, and a kamaz car, and an exhaust pipe, here even like a bull there are such bends, a passenger car,
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somewhere levers, somewhere salt blocks, chains, sifters, coulters and so on, that is, everything that was at hand, we stuck it all here, adjusted it and we got such a beast, well, that’s you now simplify your work, you got such a beast, but in fact, before you have all these spare parts lying around, you look, will it be a bull or how does it happen? it will be a bull, that's what happens, yes, that's what happens. on average, it takes about a month to create one art object; there are plans to collect the entire set of symbols of the year; only seven are ready so far; there is a lot to work on. thus, artyom and his team of inventors plan to attract even more tourists to their native place.
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they are dedicated to their work, i am proud that i work at such an enterprise that makes special equipment that helps save people, our quality, your safety protection. you hold this detail in your hands, do you feel it? but how, if you don’t feel your work, can you produce or weld such a machine? watch on the belarus
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24 tv channel. their path to their own happiness is incredibly interesting and complex in its own way. and this talent was given to me at the age of 40, and i say that it was given to me because it was so. i made my first work, i made it by accident, i felt that i wanted more. each story is a motivation to change your life to to the best. old, old coaches played a big role in our development as individuals, as people, just as i would like, i would like to continue the work that they once started. thanks to the difficulties that i had in...
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this artificial hill is now a cult place for most tourists; people call it the holy hill, and its appearance is associated with the virgin mary. this place really holds many secrets and mysteries, and we will try to solve some of them. the holy hill belongs to the small ones fortified sanctuary of the 6th-10th centuries. previously, such places were of pagan cult; with the adoption of christianity, temples, chapels, and crosses appeared on them. this is how this place became a cult place. the holy hill on which we are located, there is a stone, a footprint with the imprint of the foot of the most holy theotokos,
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who appeared. at this place three times, in those days, as they believe, there was a spring here, the holy mother of god stopped, sat down on a pebble, drank some water and went on her way, from those times this place is considered holy, but you need to take into account that again in pre-christian times it was a pagan sanctuary. according to local legends , there is a story that in the forties, a stone from ledovik was removed from its surroundings of smaller stones, taken to local residents and the foundation of a house was laid. soon the house burned down, along with 12 other houses in this village. the residents, frightened by this, returned the stone to the hill, and around the same time a woman installed trimetallic crosses here, in memory of her husband’s three sons who ran away during the war. soon there are stones around.
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a cemetery was formed, the first burial dates back to 1954, a woman was buried here, whom fellow villagers considered a clique of righteous women; before that, no burial mound graves had been seen here. archaeological research was carried out at the end of the 20th century; the ethnographer and historian alexander elsky, a native of the chervinsky district, described the holy maryina gorka in his works in the 19th century. you see a piece of stone here. ritual, which existed in pre-christian times, traces of splits are visible here, that is, it was broken into parts, but to our great happiness it was preserved that part where the foot of the most holy mother of god is visible, for us this is a holy place, you can touch it, ask the mother of god for health, happiness, god's grace, everything you want, what lies in your soul.
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water, which is considered miraculous, collects in the sweat hole; the main thing is to have time to wash your face and hands, this will help you gain spiritual and physical strength. until now, pilgrims from all over the world come to maryana gorka. the next shrine is also a center of attraction for tourists. largely thanks to father valerian himself.
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tsaglyanay tsarvoy pubudavali yashche draulyana, who bears the name of george the peramaganos. there is such a historical getaga of abraza, when kali adzin from manahau on athos did not save the hourly meal and meal, and they said that it is necessary to sleep all the work of the hour, he was desecrated by the great and the king, precious ones.
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before the abrazom, she grabbed the knife and the warm forehead of matsia bozhai. as soon as the blood flowed, the blood began to flow. for the fact that god gave a pit to everything that he worked. praz nekalki.


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