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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 5:35pm-6:00pm MSK

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the temple houses an exact copy of the miraculous icon of god's maceria slain. the shrine was painted by manakhas from athos at the request of these belarusian philanthropists. there is such a historical getaga of the abraza, when there is no timely preparation or meal on mount athos. and they told the pit that you need to sleep, you’re an hourly worker. yon velma is dissolved and paid to the king. pricked before the abrasive, he grabbed the knife and the practical forehead of matsya bozhai. as soon as the blood flowed, the blood began to flow. manah is blind and wild. this is the goal of the monastery and all monasteries the little ones were sorry for the fact that the mother of god would give a hole to everything he had worked for. just a few times ago... i seem to
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remember, i began to work hard, and only before my death the mother of god appeared and said that my sins were bestowed upon me, but the black hand appeared at that time , pakul not budze another pryshesce of jesus christ. and when the mana died, they plowed and in the monastic traditions for several years they dripped and... looked, everything was intact and the hell was destroyed, but the hand was found black, in the background they bow to the hetay hand and ask for good health. during the trip, it became clear that the residents of the cherven region are not short of health and energy, moreover, they are ready to share all this with visitors, because as you know, the more you give, the more you receive, come and discover new corners for yourself... belarus.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around country, feature films for all ages. countries: finland, sweden
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, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the tv channel signal is broadcast. open form and available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. getting to know belarusian enterprises and their outstanding results work. the difference between our equipment is that they have very large capabilities, this is knitting. an approach to business that
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everyone should strive for, we carry out 100% control to ensure that these products comply technically, regulatory and legal acts, comply with the sample standard, in literally 3-4 years it should become a leader. in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubt that we will achieve our goals, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel. the main line for the anglo-saxons is to maintain global dominance, the only way to maintain global dominance is war in europe, indeed preparations are underway, the poles really don’t want to fight in... and
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then some trigger can lead to the outbreak of hostilities, it’s not for nothing that our president says that yes, we are preparing, including for military actions, we are not going to start them ourselves, but this is the only thing they understand, if we, within the framework of a union state, demonstrate an unattractive model for external partners, it will be weak, it will fall apart, we need to prepare some kind of ground for normal friendly relations in advance, it shows that we can work well, here is the economy, we cooperate, we don’t deceive, we don’t cheat, the only correct approach that... for 30 years in belarus we have been voicing a union of two sovereign states, two strong, economically and politically, states that complement each other and make our union stronger. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel.
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meeting of the soviet leadership with the allies in 1945. outwardly everything is fine, the leadership of the ussr with the allies, yalta, stalin, churchill,
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roosevelt, the post-war reconstruction of the world, the subject of negotiations at the highest level, but behind the external well-being there are alarming messages from foreign intelligence. gentur in europe and the usa received information about a possible imminent war between the ussr and western allies. they saw a threat to themselves in the unification of eastern european countries under the auspices of moscow. the operation is unthinkable. under this code name. the plan of the allies was obtained by foreign intelligence; it included forcing russia to submit to the will of the united states of the british empire. the document was reported to churchill on may 22, 1945, that is, 14
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days after hitler’s surrender. a joint attack on soviet troops was planned for july 1. 10 german divisions were supposed to take part in it. from 47 divisions of the usa and england. the ministry of state security received reports about the allies' plans to strangle the ussr from overseas agents with enviable regularity. the arena of military action should become poland. the presence of underground anti-soviet armed forces and nationalist formations that were active here was taken into account. from its territory. the undead leaders of belarusian national formations, fascist collaborators who fled with their masters from belarus gathered here in force to join the new struggle for the so-called national revival. the count was on the ukrainian rebel army upa, the lithuanian
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anti-soviet underground, which operated in belarus after its liberation. in a well -contained bunker in the woods, not far from from bobruisk, on the october evening of the forty -sixth, one could observe a completely ideal picture. in the corner, on the chest of the deceived officer, the guard of the gang leader mikhail oktan slept, snoring. the fascist collaborator natka acted under this name. he himself, sitting at the table, sorted through the awards of the red army soldiers, the trophies of the last raid on the military in bobruisk. the officer's uniform, orders, medals, and documents were very important. under the guise of soviet military personnel, the gang carried out its sabotage. the door opened slightly and a sentry entered. having whispered something in aktan’s ear and received
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approval, he immediately disappeared. the leader's brother-in-law entered the bunker. frightened, he was literally shaking from the cold. leaning against the stove, he stood. tell how they managed to escape from the khibists, everyone in the city who collaborated with the germans was being seized, they couldn’t get warm, the brother-in-law began throwing logs into the potbelly stove , smoke began to pour out of the chimney, a verbal sign for the hidden mgb detachment from a relative agent, it meant that the gang leader was in bunker. in october, 46 belarusian security officers carried out a unique operation under code-named liquidation to destroy a particularly dangerous gang. it was headed by former rkk military officer mikhail.
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octane, bring him back to the gang. legend, escape from the camp. thus, the security officers were able to
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track down the leader in a fierce battle and eliminate him. but these were not just bandits hiding in the forests from retribution, but well -trained germans and saboteurs. the trail of german agents trained at the dalwitz reconnaissance and sabotage school was clearly visible. there was an agreement on its creation in east prussia.
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rotka, the former burgomaster of vitebsk, answered for political preparation. already captain boris ragulya for training. for the military major and... mikhail ganko, the leader of the belarusian nazi youth, is right there. mikhail vitushka, belarusian regional defense. they were all united by one common cause, service to their masters, who paid well for the betrayal of their people. the task is still the same, under the slogan
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of national revival, an armed struggle against the soviets, control over the president of the bcr radoslav ostrovsky, who barely escaped from belarus, and the minister of war of the bcr konstantin yazavitov. the backbone of the battalion was formed. runaways participants of the belarusian regional defense. the first group of four graduates landed on the territory of belarus on the night of september 17, 1944 in the dyatlov area, baranovichi region. but the belarusian security officers were already waiting for them. literally a few days later the group was discovered and neutralized. october '44, lida area. another group was neutralized here.
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november, area of ​​the village of soleshniki, vilna district. the smersh group detained 10 german paratrooper agents. the dalwitz battalion was haunted by failure after failure. unenviable turned out to be the fate of the largest group of 28 people, led by mikhail vitushko. operational nickname. lynx. she was parachuted on the night of november 18 forty-four, but to complete the task, create a base in nolebokskaya pushcha and launch an armed struggle from there? failed. in january 1945, during a military operation by the red army , they were liquidated. vetushka himself died in the area of ​​lake kerny. the dalivitz battalion was disbanded in 1945 as unnecessary.
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it was not possible to rouse the population to fight against soviet power. but scattered squads, lone bandits. for almost decades they hid in the belarusian forests, carrying out raids on government institutions, killing police officers and soviet citizens. just one gang group led by german agent evgeniy zhikhar, a dalwitz graduate, committed more than 20 terrorist attacks, 40 robberies, and ten attacks on village councils. on a farm, not far from the village of korpovicheva. one day on the fifty-fifth it was noisy, the birthday of its owner maria vaitikhovich was celebrated on a grand scale, suddenly the house became quiet, a little
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after a while there was a knock on the door, but for a long time no one answered, finally they quietly asked in polish, who? in response, in polish, they asked to show the way through the forest to mr. zhihar. a young woman opened the door. the operatives immediately burst into the house, but there was no one there. a search began, they examined the attic of the house and unexpectedly, under the floorboards, they discovered an underground passage that went far into the forest. which was hunted for a long time, and those who still managed to hide managed to escape. but no one managed to escape retribution. the farm was surrounded by a triple ring. zhikhar and his accomplices were killed in a shootout. this was the last detachment
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of the dalwitz battalion, destroyed by the special services of the bssr on the territory of the republic. the leaders of the gangs were also unable to escape retaliation; the leaders of the dalvits battalion, ivan gelda and vsevalot rotka, were arrested in poland by state security agencies. during a brilliant operation, the smershevites managed to catch the minister of war of the bcr, konstantin yazovitov, in germany. many were caught in the belarusian forests, that part prepared in the depths of the abvar, the agents who managed to escape became subordinate to the new masters of the cia. american intelligence was
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very interested in using it against the ussr. open confrontation began, today about 120 enterprises in our country receive tourists, of course, the flows of tourists differ from enterprises. to the enterprise, we can say that the main flagships of industrial tourism are mechanical engineering, food and light industry enterprises, there are enterprises that receive tourists in very large flows, for example, enterprises such as belas, which last year was visited by 51,000 tourists, the minsk tractor plant 21
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tourists, the kommunarka confectionery factory, about 10,000 tourists have already visited this factory, well, the entire food industry enterprises, sweets, such as griffer, condensed milk, visited about 40,000 people, in general we estimate the flow of tourists to the enterprise in the range of about 200,000 people in 2023, an increase in flows is noted for all enterprises, but the most unusual excursions in your opinion? which today? mm, for me, uh, as a lover of industrial tourism, i myself often visit enterprises, the most unusual are not so much excursions. how many additional offers that you can try as part of a visit to the enterprise, for example, there is such a granite enterprise, it is located in mikashevichi, as part of
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the excursion you can dive to the bottom of one of the largest granite quarries in europe , see real waterfalls there, the landscapes there are very different from the typical the belarus we see is the work of man. also, for example, you can ride in belaz if you really want to, at the tractor factory you can take part in assembling a tractor, and enterprises now hold various interactive events, these are some board games as part of a visit to the enterprise, quests, all kinds of tastings, master classes, every person will find something for themselves. but how can a foreigner get in, how can he quickly book it ? it’s enough to just get on such an excursion, a visit to an enterprise, well, probably for a belarusian this kind of excursion from abroad, is it possible?
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this? yes, for belarusians industrial tourism is rather a tool for popularizing our brands, a tool for building trust in our products, not all belarusian enterprises will be... interesting for a foreigner, for them those enterprises that glorify our country throughout the world are interesting, contracts have already been concluded with these enterprises, travel agencies, their excursions are available on online booking sites, there are package offers, industrial tourism is also used in our tourism when receiving delegations. we follow sports life our country. belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris.
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the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup, the most unexpected pair: zhlobin metallurg and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again; never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series. and we review the most interesting events. known on the internet as the toughest eccentric, a year ago he set his sights on a record; he wanted to run across all of africa, from south to north. two-time world champion in steeplechase anouk guernier set a new world record for climbing kanatia. a thirty-four-year-old french woman used her hands to climb to the second floor of the eiffel tower. we listen to opinions. competent specialists. i have been observing a trend over the last few olympic cycles. we see that in modern swimming it is not so much the records that are increasing, but rather the density of results. all this is in sports projects on
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the belarus 24 tv channel. we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes. this taste actually familiar to me from childhood. if you have never tried shkvarki, then you have essentially never been to belarus. if you had n't said what it was. oatmeal, i never would have thought of that. oatmeal in its structure, it is also very similar to our pig ears in this pot. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. people have always wanted bread and circuses. it is for this reason that mogilev residents once upon a time abandoned themselves in the literal sense of the word and built a theater. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country. i love this soup, everything because it is very fatty, rich, after eating a bowl of such soup you can then simply not eat all day, i want to immediately note the simply
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fantastic presentation of this dish, if you asked me what haute cuisine is, then i would probably say, well, here it is, watch the project, food anywhere on the belarus 24 tv channel.


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