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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 6:15pm-6:36pm MSK

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timid by. afternoon evening. tv news agency presents. in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. according to the target figures for the development of the national economy of the ussr for 1959 and 1900, belarus
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will specialize in intensive dairy and beef cattle breeding, meat pig farming and waterfowl breeding. by 1965 , meat and milk production should more than double. livestock breeders in belarus are doing a lot of work to increase the number of livestock and increase its productivity. on a mechanized pocket for pagalogya rychtuetstsa grub for a special diet, here ўvahodzіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsіtsі bulba, kumbi fodder, barley flour, trumpets, cassian, fish meal and salt. in the near future, there will be a special zone of meat zhivelagadouli. at the end of five years, it will be possible to produce more than 1 million tons of meat per year, but now...
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and the rest of the meat situation is pleasing not only to the external appearance, but also to the output of final products, the problems here are clearer grab, but there are creatures and they are significant. widespread use of advanced techniques in pig farming will help quickly solve the problem of a sharp increase in meat production. let's create an abundance of meat products in our country.
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i sat at the vns and thought: do everyone present understand the historicity of the moment, its depth and the deep rightness of our president, do they understand that thanks to him personally, his sleepless nights, his work, his will, each of us personally, the whole country can exclaim, we alive, a lie is not the truth, but the truth is always the same, hello, on these same
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days, other alternative, vile, vile, evil, petty, dirty ones remembered something else. their event, a procession to the cemetery, chernobyl whores, the dead walked along minsk avenue, and carried their dead, a huge bell sang the funeral service for belarus, because how the zmaghar nationalists came into politics, they crawled out of the cemetery, from the forest in the minsk tract, with which zyanon came to belarusians, this arrogant, cold, arrogant, overly proud... pale half-corpse came with death, he showered the timid, stupid, rotten, clumsy communist nomenklatura with bones, he came as the lord of bones, corpses, corpses, corpses, for any argument, objection, he threw a bone, he dug
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the ground, took out a skull, admired it, nailing another mediocre nomenklatura, and his rallies always looked like a funeral procession, as if for chernobyl... the bell was singing the funeral service for belarus, and this gravedigger wanted to close her eyes, but we wanted to live, the people wanted to live, the people did not want to go to the cemetery, the stupid, mediocre nomenklatura could not answer with anything, then life found another, a knight, alexander lukashenko, this is an eared field, this is a construction site, this is an elevation, this is a full table, this is creation, this is a wedding, this is a cheerful lovebird, and life has won and reigned in belarus. and reigns, reign glory to us, embittered, covered with earth, with corpses, with a sepulchral look, the late man, like the embodiment of death , fled, his black hollows in his eye sockets could not stand the sun, and he began to bury others, buried nationalism, buried the bpf,
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buried the old new opposition, now stands in the cemetery, picks a bone in his rotten teeth, wants to throw it at belarus, but it doesn’t reach, and his grave is already gaping nearby, death be gone, but we are alive, the chernobyl survivors are alive lands, because time has chosen the strong, the strong, they overcome everything, even radiation, and horses are bred there, and they neigh merrily, and children are born there, more than in other regions, excuse the swings and children's laughter at them, this is a hymn to alexander lukashenko , our army is alive, which was trampled, spat on, butchered, the soviet officer alexander lukashenko could not look at it, the engines roared again, the engines of the invincible and legendary, and this roar of tank engines is the hymn to alexander
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lukashenko, our village is alive, you you go and you see a field, an aesta, a combine harvester, you sit down with the men for lunch, always the first glass - in honor of alexander lukashenko, our industry is alive, despite the vile market people who strive to lock it up, like our country, the machines are humming, and this hum is chattering , this is a hymn to alexander lukashenko, because these are all his children, well, i’m proud that with me you grew up and became the people who are here. it may not be entirely accurate, but it’s correct, i consider you my children, who, perhaps in terms of age, are not suitable for me to still be children, but
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i consider you my children, all of belarus is his beloved daughter, my father does everything to protect her, to prevent the grave worm from dragging her to the cemetery. and he didn’t give it, he dressed her, shod her, warmed her, brought her to life, and the whole world was surprised at her beauty. yes, only this beauty blinds everything, black eyes, cemetery ghouls in urdolak, and the whole dream of mockers, detractors, bastards, crooks, spinners, nasties, cowards, scoundrels and dead men, say one thing: give it up, give it up, give it up, we want to kill her, dismember and devour, except from the regional part chynounika. looked like a geta, well, go to the kamanjirouk, there darechs were given out to the knotters right away, some padarunki there, well, you won’t be able to go there, that’s the gadzinnik, that’s yashche hundreds of atrymats, well , narmalna vos s rayvykankamu paekhaў chalavek think well, good chamu not i navat i think a lot of them were driving back by buses and thought they were going to the halera, i was going to navat
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, they didn’t give me a tablet, they didn’t give me a gadzinka, they gave me a bag , there was no need to go there , i didn’t understand, i don’t understand what the sense is with this this propaganda has pumped them up. small the level that everything is so bad, all the forests are so original, they passed and everything was so clear, as you seem to understand, that they didn’t give up the tablets and didn’t know anything, and nothing with there was no cauldron, panimaetse, planche. they didn’t give it away, these were the kind of bureaucrats we had, it was in the executive committee of bressky, he worked, by the way, he noted for ideology, for monuments and so on, what crap, what pettiness, tablet, you are slaves of things, you are only ready to work for a meal, you , you can’t guess how your word is it will respond, chuchev wrote, you only see, well, you are in a dungeon, you only see the shit on which you are sitting, you are pigs, because a pig cannot raise its head,
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then it will be with us, with all of us, with the children, there will be torment, and they need a tablet now, you see, they see only a trough, only tablets, only grub, mainno, real estate, only baseness, only acorns under their hooves, they are corpses, but we are waiting for easter and proclaiming, death, where is your sting, and from where your victory, christ and father will rise... with us and every belarusian shouts in the face of this death with white-red-white shroud: go away, i’m
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alive, the lead detras sing overhead, and you will never wake up from this song, never, never. how many of my brothers are left here forever, young soldiers who have spent eternity completely, completely, completely, i’m alive, you hear, mom, i’m alive.
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who would have thought that even metal would burn, people here became stronger, became forever, forever, forever, false, like all owls, behind my back. and they will come still alive and in full
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formation they will come with me in formation, i am alive, do you hear, mom, i am alive, do you hear, mom, i alive. hear mom i'm alive i'm alive listen mom i'm alive with mom hero mom yana with home mom i'll be back.
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like in a fairy tale, a peasant had three sons, the eldest
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was smart, the middle one was this and that, the youngest was completely stupid, where are you going? oh, straight along the avenue, i grew up from the whites, they haven’t demolished it yet, they gather, they say in this place, where do you work, on the collective farm for now, who did you marry, a friend from the army, for the third time he’s getting married for love, it’s rubbish, getting a divorce i had an idea, you had to come together like this, how can i fly into space, what are you, 6 years old you lived all of a sudden it’s a disgrace, what kind of love do you need, a woman needs children. and man, our boss will buy it for demolition, it’s impossible, she warmed us for so many years, you were born here, grew up, i didn’t talk to your mother, i didn’t talk about love, we’ve been together for almost 50 years in perfect harmony, tell me how live
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so as not to get tired, live like a person, have stuffed everything, look, beloved by more than one generation of tv viewers, the film white dews, may 1 on the belarus 24 tv channel. in germany , the organization source of life was established, its task was to stimulate the growth of the birth rate true aryans, as well as increase the german population by naming children from slavic peoples. children were taken from their families in the occupied territories and subjected to germanization. now ukrainian neo-nazis do not take out their own ukrainians. children to the eu countries, but this is different. in one case, they forcibly remove children from parents who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting for russia, in others, they turn a blind eye to how civilized countries steal children from ukrainian refugees. yes, supposedly
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original, you say that children are orphans, when you know that they have parents, that's it. lebedeva’s response to the policy of double standards in the project is different, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. this is an understandable policy. all week we watched the vns and discussed its results. the main message was clear: protect the country and maintain peace. key documents, concepts, doctrines were also adopted for these tasks. we must be strong so that no one dares to bring us to our knees, as was often the case in our history, so that we, like
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a soccer ball, are no longer thrown from goal to goal, now in one direction, now in the other. if you say, but how much you can intimidate society, today we will show what happens if evil crosses the border of a sovereign state. the world has seen many examples of western crimes, but the sad outcome is always identical: war and a destroyed country. and we want to live on our own land. our people, belarusian, have suffered this right, and we have it. we will not allow it to be given to anyone.


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