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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nekrasova, good evening and briefly about the main thing. the southeast of the country, how are things going with the sowing season, the state of technology and order on the ground, and what else worries the residents of the region? working trip of the president to the mogilev region. on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe in kenya due to floods caused by rains , more than 100 people died, in tanzania 155.
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a good tradition, on the eve of labor day , an updated republican honor board was opened in minsk, 64 winners received special attention. 14 best teams in the fight for champion title, final of the white rook chess competition started in minsk. agriculture, trade, culture. issues of life in the southeast of the country are on the president’s agenda today. this is a traditional annual chernobyl trip. much attention is paid to such lands. upon arrival , the president first of all asked how the program for the development of the south-eastern region of the region was implemented. the governor reported that it generally worked. a detailed assessment will be given at the end of the summer. a corresponding meeting is now on the schedule. further questions on details. it is necessary to remove the islands of khmoznyak, and sometimes there are already forests in the fields. agricultural organizations should be involved here, getting them interested in the work. old buildings, farms and other structures are also in terms of bringing order to the land. the second topic is old farms,
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buildings, premises, not only farms, there are a lot of things left all over the republic, even in the grodno region, all this needs to be removed, and i think this needs to be looked at so that the ministry of emergency situations and the military get involved, without them we won’t be able to carry out this work quickly, everything needs to be put away at least half a meter deep, for what purpose, so that the plow would then go, uh, plowed up.
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we need to speed up, strengthen, yes, land reclamation, i see it’s already been started, it’s already happening in some places, maybe not quite yet, well, there ’s a plan, we’ll carry out cultural equipment, entrust land reclamation workers with this, they’re not coming soon yet will be released, we need to do it ourselves, as for passive work, there is a lag in certain crops, the president has ordered to sow everything by may 9, including corn, in full compliance with technology. the crop structure is determined based on specific local conditions. military style. day and night we must now throw the grain into the soil. the weather will be warm, the moisture will disappear, so you need to throw the grain there in time. that's all. in short, we dropped out early in the spring, flax 50%, sugar 60%. well, the whole range of field work is underway. the second connections are completed. somewhere we need to ask
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the machine operator, somewhere we need to give him the power that stalin did not have during the war years, so that we ask somewhere, well, who doesn’t understand, we force him to quickly sow by may 9th we we must sow everything, including corn, so we have to work day and night, we shouldn’t, the same attentive approach should be to technology, alexander lukashenko inspected it today. its samples, selkies, tractors, cultivators, new and improved ones, they work well, but we need more responsibility from people, then there will be safety, here there is control over the relevant minister and regional leaders, we specifically focused on equipment for collecting stones in the fields, ours are concerned about these fugitive bastards
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that people, schoolchildren, collect stones from us , students, military and so on, in the west... there is already technology for the getag, but we don’t have enough. listen, it’s not like this is your time, mine had equipment for collecting stones, but sometimes you have to count money, and you can’t use this equipment everywhere, so there must be a maneuver here, but we have equipment for removing stones, we have it, we have it, here it is, it’s even 40% cheaper than the one produced in poland, the car is not inferior to absolutely any parameters. it even partially exceeds 5.2 working width, it removes stones from the surface of the field is buried up to 100 mm, well, here are the stones, yes, yes, yes, now we can see it was specially sketched out, i see it ahead, to see whether it will be collected or not, of course, good afternoon, are you working on it or
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just you it they showed it, well, we work on it, we tried it, and what can you say, they collect it, it’s not a bad machine, it’s good, it collects stones, yes, it collects stones. that is, after you , there is no need to let people in, yes, well, large stones, when they are small, you need to collect large ones, already a small thing - it’s like something larger than 300 mm more than 300 mm, it’s difficult, let’s say, but it can take up to 300 to the edge of the field, it can load it into a trailer, the unloading height is 2.3 m, it rises and unloads itself, you don’t need anything, you can show it now, let’s get productivity up to 3 hectares, that is, depending. 200 stones, 3 hectares, here it is little by little buried down to 100 mm, everything is collected by the bunker, they unloaded it, they even leveled the soil, it’s perfect cleanliness, after that you can sow, a refrigerator, also in kostyukovichi the president
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was shown a new auto shop of the belkovsoyuz, the head of state visited new local cultural center, talked with local residents, that the state managed to save the country by restoring the regions that suffered after the chernobyl accident ...
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what does not buy at exorbitant prices, we then gritted our teeth and endured, i always warned you, you can there is no mercy there as much as you like, but you won’t be able to stop us from building the station, the maddened french, having submitted to the americans and germans from overseas, close the nuclear
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power plant, close the wind, waves, etc., we will get electricity, we got it, today in i’m not saying they buy natural gas five or six times more expensive. electricity, we acted, i think, wisely, we persevered and we built this station, such a crazy thought arose while i. but now it is already taking hold of you, to build a second nuclear power plant, a site, a second site - these are very serious requirements for sites, it is eastern mogilev, somewhere a little northern kostyukovich, probably, and today i think if we build a nuclear power plant , where we will place these reactors, preferably two more, or a new station here, or develop two reactors there.
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fittings, equipment and such a plant was built there, well, he says, there is a plant there, maybe two more blocks, but i say, well, you can glue something together at the plant, bring it here, it’s not far, so today we are comparing, we think, there is a soul and a heart, also in the conversation we talked about the prospects for the development of the south-east of the country, the upcoming school graduations and the olympic future of our athletes, all the details in the evening in the panorama, a good tradition in the canon of labor day, in minsk the renewed republic was inaugurated.
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then nominees from various categories of industries, including private business, and enterprises of municipal ownership, republican ones, our integral brand is also on the scoring board today, and this is an indicator, in principle, of the efficiency and competitiveness of our enterprises. this year the republican honor board celebrates its quarter-century anniversary, since they decided to revive the tradition of honoring the best workers. during this time, the criteria became more and more strict, but this only added excitement and desire to work. more better. egypt is one of belarus’ key partners in africa and the middle east;
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relations with this country have always developed in the spirit of friendship and respect for mutual trust. prime minister roman golovchenko stated this today at a meeting with his egyptian counterpart. a delegation of our government is on an official visit to cairo. contacts are maintained at all levels; the visit of the president of belarus to cairo in 1920 was of great importance for their development. now we are waiting for the president of egypt. all conditions and mechanisms have been created for successful trading. there are also vroma working groups. egypt using belarusian technologies. at the bilateral meeting, we have already discussed mechanisms for interaction of cooperation between companies of the two countries in export and import. and we are ready to compensate for the import of goods lost to belarus due to sanctions, in particular to supply our products, mainly fruits and vegetables and medicines. and in turn, we are ready to buy cars and your agricultural products.
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positive trends in foreign trade, and they exist in the first 2 months of this year, trade turnover between belarus and egypt doubled compared to the corresponding period last year. common goals for the future were sealed in documents by agreements on trade promotion, interaction between financial departments and free economic zones of our egyptian investment management. the business forum brought together four dozen belarusian representatives and 100 egyptian ones. poland
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is desperately seeking to join the nuclear club. warsaw has applied to participate in the nato surveillance program, deputy defense minister zalewski said. as part of the washington program places its nuclear warheads at air bases of nato allies. italy, germany, turkey, the netherlands and belgium are currently participating in the program. there are six american military bases on the territory of these countries, which house about 200 nuclear missiles. the majority of moldovans, precisely 63%, said that may 9 would celebrate victory day. these are the data of a sociological survey conducted by the aidata company. europe day, which the khişinău authorities are calling to celebrate. only 40% of respondents are ready to celebrate. let us remember that the sandu regime is under threatened with a fine, he banned the wearing of the st. george ribbon, but this initiative was opposed by the public and the parliamentary opposition. according to various estimates, about 400,000 moldovans fought in the ranks of the red army. on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe. in kenya , floods caused by prolonged heavy rains have killed
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more than 100 people in recent days. most of all in the capital nairobi. entire neighborhoods were flooded throughout the country; over 130,000 people were flooded. forced to leave their home. most of the roads are closed. ongoing search and rescue operation in the city of navaisha. the dam there burst. in neighboring tanzania, landslides killed 155 people due to floods. in afghanistan due to floods in the last year. at least seven people were killed and dozens were missing. in the provinces of nanar and laghman, about 800 houses were destroyed and hundreds of hectares of crops were destroyed. the agricultural season has been disrupted, and local forecasters are warning of the possibility of strong ones. in belarus, with the onset of warm summer weather, restrictions on visiting forests are being reintroduced, we are sure that the benefits of dryness are affecting in a fire hazardous situation. according to the ministry of forestry, today you can only visit the massifs of nine districts of the country, of which six are in the vitebsk region, two in the mogilev region, and one in the lagoi region in the minsk region. visiting forests in other areas of the country is prohibited. in the vitevsky
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district, a wolf was neutralized, which fearlessly came out to people. let us remind you that in mid-april in one of the courtyards of the regional. center next to the playground, residents noticed an animal very similar to a wolf. all this time , the streets of vitebsk and the region were patrolled. the night before, in the village of pestunitsa, 18 km from the regional center, a woman noticed a wolf on her property. forestry staff arrived at the scene and neutralized the animal. now we have to find out whether he had rabies and whether it is the same wolf. exports of scientific and technical products and developments last year amounted to almost $56 million. this was discussed at the sessions of the general meeting of the national academy of sciences. thus , about 300 developments of belarusian scientists in almost all areas are introduced into the country’s economy every year. among the priority areas are microelectronics, development of our own software product and it. scientists are developing application software, including for medicine in
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terms of automated screening. also the most important direction of development of the academy of sciences is aerocos. high resolution in terms of the development of unmanned electric transport - very serious developments are also being carried out, software and hardware systems have been developed for controlling, say, belazs, for unmanned production during mining, if we are talking, for example, about space, because space, space research is now on everyone’s lips, then
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youth research teams are actively working in this direction; we can give the example of the scientific and production center for materials science. where young scientists work on the creation, development and creation of protective covers for spacecraft . also, our young scientists are actively developing new food products, for example, the project that this year won the 100 ideas competition for belarus is the development of a young scientist to create lactose-free cheese. well-established work with foreign countries, today the national academy of sciences cooperates with scientific organizations from almost 90 countries. russia's main partner is geography. from moscow to the far east. we are talking not only about developments, but about joint training of scientific personnel. active cooperation is carried out with the cuban academy of sciences, 18 joint scientific and technical projects are being implemented in the field of biotechnology and medicine, china is among the strategic partners. to the eightieth anniversary of the brest red banner border group named after felix derzhinsk issued a special envelope. and today
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a ceremony to officially announce the state postal payment mark took place in the capital. participated in the event. regarding postal products, given that the universal postal union consists of more than 192 countries, it is possible to learn about these events in other countries.
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an artistically marked envelope with a circulation of 10,000 copies is available at post offices; it contains the history and everyday life of the brest border guards. top 14 teams two countries from each region and the city of minsk today entered into the fight for the championship title. in the final stage of the republican competitions in... they have a goal in order to go further, develop, win medals for our country, and subsequently, as they say, move to the national team. i came here from the city of brest, representing
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secondary school number 11, well, now i won quickly, i’m glad, of course, i hope we will take first place and go to sochi. this kind of competition is a real holiday for young athletes, this is an opportunity not only to play chess. acquaintances, but to visit significant cultural and historical places of belarus as part of an excursion planned by the organizers, and for trainers the discovery of talents. belarusian chess remembers many examples of guys who started with the white rook, and today they are already international masters, such as artyom stribuk or denis lazovik. the impressions of such a breathtaking spectacle will last a lifetime. a hot air balloon festival was held in pereslavl, zaleskoye, russia. although he is not call it large-scale, 15 hot air balloons soared into the sky. the beauty of the airy domes, especially above the picturesque coastal strip of lake pleshcheeye, is breathtaking. the opportunity to see the ancient russian mountains from a bird's eye view annually attracts hundreds of guests to the festival. the
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spring aeronautics festival in pereslavl is being held for the fifth time. sports news from my colleagues dali. see the results of the day in the panorama at 9:00 pm. i say goodbye, all the best and see you later. kustyuchonok officially leaves the post of commander-in-chief of yunost, the club’s press service reports. the entire coaching staff leaves the team with him. alexander kulakov, vladimir kopot and dmitry karpikov. all specialists leave the team due to expiration of contracts. let us remind you that viktor kostyuchenok led the youth team before the 20-23-20-24 season. the capital team was left without tournament medals in the last extra league, losing to metallurg in the playoffs. los angeles leaker and levron james finished their performance in the current nba playoffs, and the zerniki lost in the fifth match of the series against denver last night 106-108, and thus the score is
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the confrontation became 4:1 in favor of the current champions. lebron has 30 points, 11 assists and nine assists today. james will now receive a short vacation, after which he will begin preparing for the olympics in paris.
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