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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 7:25pm-8:01pm MSK

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for me, creativity is self-expression, it is identification of me as a person, it is a reflection of my inner world, a reflection of my emotions, a reflection of me, i welcome everyone, my name is elena pakernitskaya, i am a belarusian designer, we are located in the national center of artistic creativity. children and youth in the cradle of the republican competition fashion mill, of which i have been a participant for several years now, and i invite you, friends, to immerse yourself in the wonderful world of fashion, my world of fashion, the girls are ready, natalia’s hands are working with sideburns, her skirt show, let's go.
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i work with the theme of the belarusian baroque, starting from the 15th century during the reign of the princes radivilov, this became my main theme, why such a theme was chosen, because yes, i love my roots, i love my family, i am interested in these topics, and these are very important topics, they affect both me personally and the history of my country, so this particular topic was chosen, and this is a very huge, rich layer in our history, dawn, heyday, growth, where this is simply a treasure for designers , for poets. for people of creativity, because there you can draw, draw and draw inspiration. there are currently five collections: the first collection is historical rangers, it was a graduation collection from the design school where i studied, i graduated in 1918, so this collection was shown in 1918, then there was the
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after history collection, this is probably the most conscious one, a very multi-faceted collection that contains a lot of concepts, a lot. no one works, yes, the designer touches on various aspects, moments, and i realized that this niche is free, well, you can say, i deliberately, i specifically took this topic, yes, it really suited me, it really resonated with me, and i realized that i would be able to work in this topic for a very long time, and maybe i will always be able to, and i
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i took it for myself as my own, this is some kind of personal dna of the designer, in each of my collections i use a moment, an element of arts and crafts from folk art, this is embroidery, this is knitting, this is embroidery, this is printing, this is weaving, so i try each one reflects exactly one such moment. in recently, in the fashion world, such a trend as conscious fashion, or a conscious attitude to the production of clothing, has become established. i try not to back down. also from this rule, in particular my collection rhabsody of the fields, a clear example of this, i use natural jute thread here, it is one hundred percent natural thread, which can then be processed, knitted rugs, used as fertilizer for trees, that is, an absolutely natural material, dyes we also
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use natural paints, diluted in oil, all this was applied with hot boards, that’s why no chemicals, no machines, nothing with... was used here, i also use natural fabrics, this is cambric, this is cotton, and eco-leather, the rabsody of the fields collection, it probably came out the most environmentally friendly, this collection will be shown in the twenty-fourth year, also my new collection called drigva, i recycle absolutely everything from the old collection, which turned out to be, well, let’s say, unclaimed, i recycle it and create it collection called dragoan. the most difficult tasks are those that you have set for yourself and that have yet to be completed. well, in fact, there are always difficulties and tasks and they change, depending on
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how you pursue your goal. i can say one thing that it is very difficult for me, i don’t know, to get the classic design right. work with a private client, that is, i am probably a freelance artist, so it is very difficult for me to delve into psychology, into demand, therefore, i really love the stage, i had experience working with dancers, this is a colossal experience, i i don’t know where else you can get something like this, when really very serious tasks were set about transformers, transformable clothes, so that they could, well , transform into different sizes, about how to quickly take off, quickly put on, so that it would be from the stage very spectacular and...
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the first year i had a special prize, an invitation to the russian silhouette competition in moscow, of course it was very honorable for me, because the mill site is the russian silhouette site. these are very significant platforms for young designers where you can declare yourself, where you can show the dna of your country through your brand, broadcast your cultural code, share your experience, share your creativity, gain experience, exchange interests and so on, new acquaintances, promotion, that is, this is very cool, very global, also i was invited to the fashion community in st. petersburg and where i represent...
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platforms where we represent the country, we represent ourselves, in our country this is a very large-scale event where people from the regions come, that is, really for for young designers, this is the only possible way to show, to shout about your creativity, so that you will be noticed first of all, since i work with the historical and cultural themes of my country, respectively. it is very important for me to be known in my country, to show my creativity here first of all,
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to interpret it in a new way, because since i have to show the way i see my history, we should not imitate european designers, but we must popularize their historical and cultural. potential, historical and cultural heritage, but through our own vision, as dolchagabana does, well, about italy, as viven vesta does about england, that is, we can do this too, we have a rich layer that needs to be revealed, revealed, broadcast, in our country, abroad, well , i think this is my kind of mission, because i took exactly this period as my main theme, i always think about collections, even when...
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i was born in the city of cherven, minsk region, from the age of 5 she lived in the krupsky district, village kamenko, i spent my childhood in nature. the eldest child of five, so my childhood was active, cheerful, eventful,
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probably, the imprint on my creativity was still left by the fact that i basically, one might say, grew up in the countryside, so naturally, a love for nature, fields, meadows, haystacks, flax, what my current collection of fields is dedicated to, this is all first-hand, i know how flax is taken, how flax is placed, flax is dried, how it is collected, that is , i did all this, so this... probably , such a tribute to my small homeland, that is, mine, well such love, say, for the place where i may not have been born, but lived, and my mother was the head of a rural club, and naturally, all the events, all some kind of shows, everything that could happen there culturally , that’s all directly concerned me , too, because i helped from my earliest childhood, writing posters, performing, dancing, reading poetry, and so on, i graduated from a pedagogical ... institute with a degree in geography and biology, since since childhood i dreamed of being a biologist , dreamed of
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traveling, collecting animals, like gerald daryl, but yes, i entered the faculty of biology, well, really , pedagogy, that is, a teacher of geography, biology, i studied, even tried to work, well, a little bit, of course, fear of the audience, even if it’s a school class, in general i retrained, i also studied... everything that had to do with fashion in general, i tried to grasp it all, to be, to feel it, when i tried myself as a stylist, i was faced with such a problem that i needed
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additional education in parts of the cut, according to parts of patterns, landings and so on, i decided to take the next step towards fashion, that is , to study everything from the inside out, so i graduated from several design schools in this area, and from the last one i left with my first collection, which was already dedicated to the radewill theme, when design entered my life, of course my life changed, it naturally changed in a more rich direction, and because - not only am i realizing my ambitions, my dreams, i came up with a mission for myself, yes, that is in promoting our historical and cultural heritage, a very global thought arose in my soul that i want to leave something behind to the world, that is, well , maybe it sounds pretentious or funny, but this is really me
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i want this, and i decided that i will do it through my collections, i have already left. a small trace of myself in my small homeland, i am included in the book of poets of the krupshchina as, well, as a writer, as a poet, that is, the memory of me is kept in the kroevsky museum, which of course i really appreciate warms the soul very pleasantly, so now i have set my sights a little on something bigger, more global, so the goals are big, the dreams are big, and yes, i like to break stereotypes, i like to set high goals, because i have repeatedly heard why you need this,
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so, of course , without the support of my family it would be very difficult for me, and i am very grateful to my husband for the fact that he, he simply allows me to create, create, move, do, dream, try, try, well, whatever i want, and he supports me in every possible way in this, he, i see how he i really like to go with me to competitions, to represent the country with me there, so it’s kind of... expensive, as for children, i think that my girls, well, undoubtedly like to hang around in this world of fashion, where models, shows, the older ones try themselves in modeling, try themselves in photography, the youngest has been drawing since she was 2 years old, so she says, i’ll be like my mother’s fashion designer. we will prove that belarusian cuisine
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is not only potato pancakes, this taste is actually familiar to me from desu, if you have never tried cracklings, then you have essentially never we haven’t been to belarus, if you hadn’t said that this is oatmeal, i would never have thought that oatmeal in its structure, it is also very similar in this pot to our pig ears. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. people have always wanted bread and circuses. it is for this reason that the residents of magilev once upon a time resettled in the literal sense of the word and built a theater. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country. i love this soup, all because it is very fatty, rich, and after eating
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a bowl of this soup you can eat all day simply don't eat. i want to point out right away. ago there was a lower castle and a settlement here, seriously for a long time and we go on an exciting journey many centuries ago and then the town hall rose, where the city hall was located. city, so the kobrin princes of their squads definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic
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decoy fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america , floating houses are called a buzzword houseboard, house, ship, this is the term for a floating station. they have not yet invented it, landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program "cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel."
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regarding professional qualities, this is a very controversial issue, that is, i graduated from several design schools in... stylistics, i still don’t know how to draw sketches, i honestly admit, i work in a mock-up manner, which puts a little spoke in my wheels when i need to present for a sketch competition, but like this i didn’t learn, so i think that classically, as they teach, it’s not really such a taboo, that if you don’t know how to do it, you can’t, well, that is, no, the most important thing for me is to have human qualities that could ignite people, and even if you can’t do something, but the person... will share with you your dream and relationship, attitude towards people, be it staff, models, seamstresses, that is, there must be a human attitude, only then, well you will have
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a team, only then will you be able to do something, even if you don’t know how to do something yourself, so i think that personal qualities come first, everything else is acquired, i am inspired by many things, this is nature, this is history, this is drama, i am generally a dramatic person by nature, that is, this is, in principle, reflected in the colors with which i work, this is mainly .. if we talk about who inspires me, then of course, my favorite is alexander mcqueen, that is, it’s probably thanks to him that i’m
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basically in fashion, also viven westwoot, yajuya momota, valentin yudashkin, basically all of them . designers, they reflected some of their historical moment of their kind, your country, your history. this is what hooks me, that they have an identity of their own national, their own country, that’s why they are recognizable, that’s why belarusian designers create fashion, like all designers in the world, modern trends, trends, of course, we can’t do that bypass, and this needs to be supplemented, but the basis must still be ours, national-cultural, in a new interpretation, in a modern interpretation, now fashion is... not perceived as a certain phenomenon, that is, it is sustainable a concept that affects, well, probably absolutely all spheres of life, cultural, economic, and social, because fashion
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dictates, it really dictates, especially for light industry enterprises, because due to the fact that it is very changeable, it is very it is fleeting, it is immediate, that is, we also need to react, accordingly, this is the improvement of production, this is the introduction... to adapt, try, implement ourselves, everything depends on us, the prospects are no more, no less than in any other profession, that is
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it’s impossible, well, it’s probably possible, there were difficulties, especially at the time when i had an established philosophy inside me, that my mission is really a mission, it’s not just that today i wanted to do this, i wanted to do this, but there were doubts about how it would be possible to work there on the same topic, because well, it’s boring, it’s like, well, you’ll get tired of it sooner or later, but there were such doubts, but when you go deeper.
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an incentive to improve your work, that is, well , it turns out that they criticize so that you become better at your job. yes i'm proud because i am a belarusian designer, because i work with the theme of our historical and cultural heritage, and this is not easy, this concerns me, this concerns my family, this concerns mine, well, these are ancestral ties, family, heritage, ancestors, that’s all , these
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are very important topics that... i touch on, and naturally, belarus is my homeland, i wrote at one time about where i live, what i’m inspired by, just as i now want to convey to the world that we have, we have such a great heritage, which, well, which needs to be broadcast, about this needs to be said. success is a very broad concept, i didn’t think about myself in this way, but i’m definitely happy about the interest that i see in my work, in the collection, in the message that i put in, it can’t help but make me happy, but for me, success is not some point, not some achievement, it’s like an expression:
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it’s called success, like i’m distracted by a child, i’m distracted because i have a small child, so i have to, as they say, remember and live it all, because that the eldest daughter, as they say, in 20 years everything has already been forgotten, and accordingly i re-enter it all, into children's games, into drawings, into events, there are states when you get tired, when you give up, when you don’t want to, let alone create , do nothing at all, there are such states, but as they say, life experience suggests that yes, at such a moment you just need to give yourself a rest, disconnect from everything, even to the point that i turn off the phone, i can do it for a day, this is how i recover , if i went back, i would do everything the same the same thing, only i would have done it much earlier
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than i did it now. and the only advice i can give to myself and anyone else is not to be afraid and not to waste time and life on fear, but to fight your fears and just do it. let it be in small steps, even if it’s just at the level of a dream, notes in a notebook, well, just do it, there is a dream in my life, there is a favorite thing in my life, there are people in my life who support me, my family who walk with me and, as they say, well, they help with this, my business brings joy, people like my business, eh. well, i have a certain mission, well, this is happiness for me, that is, to live for something, to wake up every day with some plans, some goals, at the end of the day to be happy with what you managed, well, even if that you didn’t have time, still rejoice, because there will be
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a new day, there will be new plans, there will be something to do. regional development, sowing company and equipment readiness, alexander lukashenko visited the kostyukovichi district of the mogilev region, this is a traditional annual... chernobyl trip. attention to such lands a lot is given, and the range of questions is always very wide. the president first of all asked how the program for the development of the south-eastern region of the region was implemented. the governor reported that it generally worked. a detailed assessment will be given at the end
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of the summer. a corresponding meeting is now on the schedule. further questions on details: it is necessary to remove the islands of khmyznyak, and sometimes even forests in the fields. agricultural organizations should be involved here. the second theme in this regard is the old farm building. other premises, this applies to many regions, here to help with the ministry of emergency situations and the military will come to clean up. as for sowing work, there is a lag in certain crops. the president’s instructions to sow everything by may 9, including corn, in full compliance with technology. the structure of liabilities is determined based on specific local conditions. the same approach to technology. alexander lukashenko examined its samples. seeders, tractors, cultivators, new and improved. they work well, but... we need more responsibility of people, then there will be safety, here there is control over the relevant minister and leaders regions. in the minsk region this year , 47 investment projects are being implemented, 2.0 new jobs will be created in all regions, so in
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kopyl a new team was formed by almost 40 people, this is the production of powdered, instant milk. the advantage of the innovative project is that such milk can be stored for up to 2 years. today , the demand for these products has increased, including in the countries of the rusaki complex, where cows produce an average of 30
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liters of milk per day. processing 45 tons of milk. today, there are about 550 heads of let’s say calf livestock at the complex. we plan that given. derzhinsky, this is the construction of 16 new poultry houses in the krupsky district. in belarus it is increasing. the size of the subsistence level budget , from may 1 it will be almost 419 rubles. traditionally, as the bpm increases , social pensions and additional payments also increase. so the monthly supplement to pensions for non-working citizens aged 70% or more.


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