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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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per day. in general, all complexes of storitsa agro daily supply 45 tons of milk for processing. today , there are about 550 heads of let’s say calf livestock at the complex. we plan that this complex will be 100% full by august and will give us about 15 tons of milk per day. today , our farm has 1,400 head of milking herd, which is all we have. in the agro-industrial complex of the minsk region this year a large investment project is being implemented, which is carried out by agricultural complexes derzhinsky, this is the construction of sixteen new poultry houses in the krupsky district. in belarus , the cost of living budget is increasing ; from may 1 it will be almost 419 rubles. traditionally, as the bpm increases , social pensions, additional payments, and monthly supplements to pensions for non-working citizens aged 70% or more also increase. 5 to
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80 years old will be 78.5 rubles, at the age of 80 and older, taking into account the allowance for care - 157 rubles. benefits for children will increase, so in connection with the birth of the first child the payment will be 4,187 rubles, for the birth of the second and subsequent rur 5,862 dozens of questions, autographs as a souvenir, an entry in the book of honored guests, the hero of belarus marina vasilevskaya met with students and teachers of the academy of management. president, a belarusian female cosmonaut shared what the preparation was like, how life works on the iss and what the astronauts feel during the flight and after. marina vasilevskaya became not only a hero of belarus, but also a role model and even a youth idol. similar dialogues attract dozens of listeners; last week at the national about 400 children gathered at the academy of sciences. the plans are, of course, grandiose; i would like to visit all government organizations, because there are a lot of proposals. everyone
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would be very happy to see me, of course, it would be a great honor for me to visit everyone, we are already considered a space power, and we are moving in this direction very quickly, and of course i would like for this to develop even faster and i believe that with this project it will be symbolic for our country to popularize this and master it even faster and i believe that we will achieve great success, a republican tournament in robotics was held in zhilobin , more than 200 schoolchildren from all regions and the city of minsk presented their inventions on the basis of the palace of team sports, the age of participants was from 9 to 17 years, a total of 13 competitive nominations in nine competencies, robots competed in air races, overcoming obstacles on land tracks in relay races, there were also unusual competitions, intellectual sumo, football, great travel, the winners received prizes and certificates. belarusian large-scale flash mob:
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on the eve of victory day and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, oil workers united industry workers from belarus, russia and china. representatives of all divisions of the domestic enterprise sang lines from famous songs of the war years. soldier's uniform, soviet surroundings, boyanist's accompaniment, flowers, state and corporate symbols. a creative approach to business added some festive colors to the video. three popular songs dedicated to the great victory united all our teams line by line. divisions, and not only the gomel region, but also the regions of the entire republic of belarus, and even western siberia, the russian federation and china, with our action we together say thank you to our dear veterans for a beautiful, flourishing, bright and peaceful homeland.
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hello, the central event of this spring, the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly, although from the point of view of a historical moment at some point.
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of course, we will still discuss the international agenda and the funds that the united states allocates in order to firmly stake out what they believe are their flags on different continents, in different countries. world, let's talk about our neighbors, ukraine,
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about poland, duda said that they need american nuclear weapons, but let's start from this particular year, the most difficult economically, the most difficult politically. what did you choose between then? between the collapse of the country, the destruction of our statehood and between the future and for good reason , the president then decided to convene an all-belarus people's assembly. i remember that time very well, despite the fact that i was very young, but my father was immersed in those political events. what happened? lukashenko was elected president in 1994 by the absolute majority of the people, but by political parties, the supreme council, and all those who were in power before him. they didn’t accept it, they didn’t accept the will of the people, they began to interfere with work in every possible way, and the president at that time made the best decision, he decided to appeal directly to the people, directly to the people, i remember his slogan, ’94, i’m not with the parties, i am with the people, i am not with
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the right, not with the left, i am with the people, he realized that he cannot rely on the nomenklatura the top, which decomposed after the collapse of the ussr, it decomposed, he cannot...
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thank god that there are people there, and today the difference between that year and this is that then we saved the country, the president saved the country, gathering a meeting, we thought more about the current moment, how to save the country in general, so that it exists, and today this all-belarusian people's assembly, which has a constitutional status, it lays the foundation for 10-50 years in the future, because in fact, what else is the last difference, why is the decision of the all-belarusian people's assembly earlier wore recommendatory nature, no problem? it wasn’t, yes, because the president still listened to the people, relied on his will, what was recommended was still carried out, today we are introducing it into the constitution so that it becomes a mandatory decision of the all-belarusian people’s assembly, for one simple reason: we we don’t think about the current moment, we think so that in 10, 20, 30 years there won’t be politicians who
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want to ignore the will of the people. let's now listen to a fragment of the president's speech. delegates are the voice people, collective mind. him, you are not just a general meeting, you are the national conscience, you, i repeat, are the voice of the people, you have no right to make mistakes, you have the right only to loyalty and devotion to your country to our people, your mission is to serve in the name of the future of belarus, very symbolic , that the all-belarusian people's assembly begins its work with the discussion and adoption of the most important... documents that ensure national security. belarus is a compact country. belarusians are a very peace-loving people by nature, possessing a reserve of powerful vitality. energy. a unique resource that
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has helped the belarusian people survive at different periods of history. at the same time, the manic desire to be strong in this world is absolutely alien to us. but we know what it means to be strong in the name of peace, this is our memory, this is our historical experience, which cost us very much. this year we celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. the generation of winners showed that the strength of a nation is not in capital, not in military power, not in ambitions, but in true values, in the pursuit of justice and self-confidence. he talked about how it is different. and how are these years similar, given that many
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are now saying that that was the first meeting, and this is rethought in a sense, also the first, well, in any case, there was a turning point then, now there is also a certain turning point when we enter into a new paradigm for the development of our sovereign republic of belarus, when the all-belarusian people's assembly acquires constitutional status, then we were talking about leaving this big socio-economic crisis, it was necessary to build a vertical power structure. so that the decisions that were made at the top were implemented at the bottom, so the decision was made absolutely right and true, to go the most democratic way, to go and submit a proposal for changes to the constitution to a referendum, and before that the first all-belarusian people's assembly was created, by the way, the largest 4,700 delegates more than that , it was at this meeting and i would have remembered it.
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the warriors and berezovskys, who would you know, under in some way they would simply rob their people, our earthlings are sold to foreigners, we live in a socially oriented state, this is very, very important, and the most important thing is that the fundamental basis of our state political system is democracy under a strong president, and i would i also remembered the sixth all-belarusian people's assembly, 2021, when there were regular changes to the constitution.
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take everything to the private sector, turn away from russia, what questions are at the referendum,
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independence day, which is the only one on post-soviet space, it was the belarusians who approved the liberation of our capital, this year we celebrate the eightieth anniversary, thanks to the president’s proposal, the citizens rallied, the death penalty, then you remember the moment they laid the foundations of the rails on which ours was launched, the president for 2 years was completely clear the picture and only this solution.
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it’s not that simple, including these tasks. we must understand that today this body will not allow, in case we are talking about the future, we are not even talking about today day, about decades and twenty years. in the case of the future, it will not allow, perhaps, future leaders to leave the csto, leave and join nato, as pashinyan, sandu, and other examples showed us, that is, every new president becomes a shock for the state.
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take as much democracy as you want, governors, develop as you want, neighbors are the same, nationalism, western funds, and lukashenko was alone then, that is, what he did in belarus in the nineties is now being repeated in russia, repeated in other countries , even the georgians began to repeat it a little, which means, that is, who already understands that there is no other way, then he was alone, by
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today the president of the supreme national assembly must be on... during the transition period of generational change, he must see what is happening , and we see that two key documents have been submitted for approval by this meeting, these are military doctrines, this is the concept of national security, to what extent do they today, given how rapidly events are developing, do they correspond to what we are facing, what do you think? well from my point of view from a perspective, they really correspond to that moment, the difficult geopolitical reorganization of the world, when the danger of these external threats, information, hybrid wars, everything in these doctrines, and therefore concepts, increases. they are taken into account, the human factor is also taken into account, the humanitarian component of the same national security, when it is very important what we mean, what attention we pay to the development of our society, our citizens of the republic of belarus, this is also a key point, because at the heart of everything there is always a person , whatever whatever the military equipment is, it means the security system, it is filled with
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implementation, it is implemented by specific people, therefore, from my point of view, these concepts absolutely take into account this... the moment that exists at at at at at at at this historical period of time , but at the same time it is necessary to clearly understand that this doctrine is a concept that contains the main, fundamental points, and the practical implementation of all these ideas lies with specific, that is, departments that are responsible for national security, and that means for the defense of our country, in the event of some changes that may occur, the military, that means other other things, these things will be taken into account at this point...
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no one from outside will interfere in our election campaigns, and in parallel we have already reinforced this electoral sovereignty with a number of laws adopted, the same law on political parties, we are saying today that our parties cannot be financed from the outside, we are saying today in the electoral code that deputies, delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly, only citizens of the republic of belarus can be presidential candidates, and we even exclude those of our citizens who have some kind of preferential documents that. well, due to their religious national political affiliation, which gives them some rights and benefits, we do not let these people into power, understanding that if you have benefits from outside, someone will come to you someday with... they are asking for these benefits, this electoral sovereignty, and this, in my opinion, is very important, one point regarding the national concept. security, i want to support my colleague in that it is aimed not to say
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trivial things, in fact it is aimed at supporting sovereignty, why won’t there be sovereignty not only electorally, there will be a war, that is, we don’t want to fight, here is the president, these are the documents initiated, and we will talk a lot about the war at the all-belarusian meeting, in fact with one goal, so that there is peace, that is, two aspects. it is clear that what makes this vns special is what is happening on our border in the world. the other day, the us congress sent a signal to the whole world: we won’t just give up on our own, we will
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scratch and bite. let me remind you about 95 billion for three regions, of which almost 61 billion to ukraine, more than 26 billion to israel, the rest to the indian region, read against china. well, alex sergeevich, what is this? this is preparation for war, this is the first thing, second, prolong the war. this means tens of thousands of ukrainians will go to their graves, there will be no victory, but the americans are solving a strategic, geopolitical problem: continuing the war as long as possible, weakening europe further, because
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the entire time of this war will fall on the european union. and the third point they decide is money, the most important thing, their pockets will continue to be filled. let's take the middle east, the same thing, instead of sitting down at the negotiating table, resolving it, it means the middle east crisis, which is getting worse, instead of, as... the president said, bringing ukraine to the negotiating table, everything is getting worse, and not the third conflict, but the third money is china, that is, there is another point of instability, for what? the goal is one, they don’t want to give up their leadership, as they believe, they don’t want to, but they, having accepted more one moment, very much, today they destroyed the financial system of the world, they are beginning to destroy, the decision to confiscate russian assets, today i read carefully the analysis of world experts, they say that... this is a serious blow to the financial system of the world, because from today, when this decision will be made, everyone understands perfectly well, there are no international guarantees
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before, which were for the protection of capital, they are not there, they wanted it, they took it away, but this is a double -edged sword, they will take everything away from them, and we now understand that the decision of the two heads of state in within the framework of a union state, building a sovereign, independent economy is the most correct thing. because there will be no peace in the coming decades. as for confiscation, the united states may have only 5 billion gold and foreign exchange reserves at its disposal, the eu is talking about 300 billion. and now we must wait for pressure on brussels, and from there there are negative signals, we cannot take it away from russia. firstly, moscow promises to respond, peskov and zakharova immediately expressed it, it is clear that there will be an answer. secondly, as ale sergeevich, say about this, how to say this investors from the gulf countries, china, india will react, the answer is bad.
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russia to iran, to china, in all the key documents, big books, like dzhezinski, they said a long time ago that the main rival is europe, because
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the brains are there, there...
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the future is guaranteed, but for this they pay for those that they defend american and british interests in the european union, destroying it, destroying, therefore, the destinies of these european peoples, not caring about them, they will not tolerate any damage to themselves personally, to their close circle, they are secured, and what will happen here, they decided overseas that they need to weaken this europe, throw them into the furnace of war, let it go, let it go, that is, the principle of such rabid egoism, using these ruling elites of corruption, then what we see. and this is absolutely a lesson for us that we must take into account, with whom we are dealing in the west, that these elites ruling modern, unfortunately, european countries, in the vast majority , with rare exceptions, do not represent the interests of their people, you will continue now , look, the polish authorities are adding fuel to the fire, it wouldn’t be okay to have horror stories from the scriptwriter, yes, but pay attention to what the polish ministry of foreign affairs is leading to, they allowed the possibility of western countries participating in protecting the skies of ukraine,
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their argument is this: look how... the active west helped israel repel an attack from iran, which means, says the polish foreign ministry, in this regard, the position of ukraine is no different from the jewish state, that is, if we translate from diplomatic to normal, what does this mean, well, in fact it turns out, yes is called upon to follow the western country, this conflict that exists in ukraine is already open, yes, that means the problem there is that there really is no air supremacy, it is ensured by the russian federation, it controls who controls air is a huge component for success. military on the ground, and here they are offering to stretch out, provide some kind of air support to ukraine, but we must not forget that they cited the example of israel, how much it cost to repulse israeli air defense, which means countries, that means great britain, everyone who was involved there, they spent one and a half billion dollars to repel this one attack, iran made it clear that it was an inferior attack, so what are we talking about, 3 days in advance it was reported that there would be an opportunity to prepare, iran carried out, from my point of view, that means it was very subtle.
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these are potential strike targets, but i will say more, if the americans were sure that only poland, germany, lithuania would be drawn into this war, they would be fine with it, for god’s sake, the main thing is that american soldiers do not die, when 500 american soldiers died in iraq, a political wave began in america, troops were immediately withdrawn a little, it subsided, the same with vietnam, that is , the americans are afraid of two things, so that the war does not directly affect america.
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and the funding that you saw in congress, and there were also posters showing the main enemies, vladimir vladimirovich putin, sidin pin, our leader, that is , they are actually demonstrating their complete center of power, which now stands
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guard over all of our , in fact the post-soviet space, the global world, in general, you already know, i was very interested in watching, in fact, here is a good picture, they openly show what they really are today. look, there is something in this, you know, as if we are reading the revelation of one of the heroes of roman dostoevsky, when he found himself at the end of the road, looks back at how many sacrifices
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he made for the sake of empty promises, now these billions are thrown at him, speaking essentially of one thing , there will be no diplomacy, there will be no peace negotiations, and looking back, turning away.
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for reference, since we are talking about poland, and as a signal that we read our neighbors
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like an open book: the rearmament program of the polish army is designed until 2035, the country allocates 4% of gdp, first place in military spending per capita in nato, in in absolute figures 115 billion
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because in any case, well, listen, tactical nuclear weapons are located today on the territory of the republic of belarus, tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of poland, are we going to look at each other with these tactical nuclear weapons and...
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well, really, the united states should think very carefully 10 times before going to place its nuclear weapons on the territory of poland, because this is a risk of actually involving the united states, this is a possible potential armed conflict, but i think that for the united states this is it would not be very desirable, but it would be desirable for europe to fight, let it grind, go to collapse, and for them this is good in all respects, nuclear weapons in poland for americans mean sleepless nights in new york and washington, stop.
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the authorities directly during the election campaigns, but at the same time they themselves assess it as unlikely; they do not yet see any real prerequisites for the situation to swing by analogy with the twentieth year. the second, main one is the use of the current election campaign as a rehearsal and the initial stage of preparation for a coup d'etat during the upcoming presidential elections.
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plus, we shouldn’t create any additional conditions for development,
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but we’ll leave here, somehow adapt, we the black watershed took place in the twentieth year, as in the russian federation in the twenty-second, we understand perfectly well who is broadcasting objective information, who is purposefully pumping up society with fakes, and generally trying to influence politically with the propaganda of western values. in this regard, of course, the president is very clear i put these three scenarios on the shelves. together with the security bloc, you just need to see the preventive risks, you need to understand that the foundation of electoral sovereignty has appeared and cyber security, an important area, and this is already... information, social networks, i work with youth, you work with youth, we are a digital identity, the media understand that until our digital ecosystem exists, we will not leave either, although the most effective tool is direct communication, working every day in the classroom with young people, we see their response, we understand that the generation,
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oleg sergeevich may not know it, is somewhere in the nineties, but we must explain this to them, using leaders like you as examples. showing what the president did so that we discussed today at ene peaceful issues, and did not decide to send in troops, not to send in, or take some very important military steps. i would also like to note one thing, what the so-called soft power means, because in essence it is a war for the minds, for the minds of the population of a particular state, which means that if the power scenario does not work, then let it go this war will last for a long time, and here from this point of view, from mine again.
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get what is needed in this western destructive center of power in a particular territory, here from our point of view it is absolutely correctly done the way it is in our country, if you are promoting ideas that contradict our ideology, our state, this is an extremist media, it should not function, there should be no half measures in this hybrid war that is being waged, otherwise there is indeed a risk that decades will pass there, some generation will grow up under the influence of such foreign agents, they will want in a new way... to follow the lead of some ruling elites there abroad to carry out their will, and not the will of their people , to act not in the interests of one’s own people, the state, or in someone else’s external interests, so there really is a very big danger here, and it is very important, by the way, that in the same concept of national security, literally national strategic goals, ours is the preservation
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of national self-identity, continuity of generations, which is very important to historical memory, and we understand where to move.
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why are there no ngos of ours on the territory of belarus, why do you ban funding from the west, this is nonsense, that is, we must clearly to understand, to make it easier for people, there is a vegetable garden, there is the owner of this garden, if the weeds grow there very strongly, there will be a lot of them, then it will be impossible to restore order in the garden, we see this in other countries, take the same georgia, good georgians , by the way.
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will grow, we need to grow our own, good, correct, good harvest, patriotic organizations, political parties, public initiatives, that’s why we make civil society laws, political parties, because there should always be, everything should be sprouted by our liabilities, and not make the garden empty, again weeds are western, the last thing, but i’m not afraid for the twenty-fifth year, i’m not afraid for the twenty -fourth year, this is what we are now laying, including in the vns, i’m worried about... the thirty-fifth, the fortieth, so that they won’t believe it again, again a new yeltsin, gorbachev, new foundations, new ngos won’t appear, because who wants this, i can tell you who is lobbying for a new ngo to return. by the nineteenth year, the first, as a deputy of the international commission, the west dreams of returning to nineteenth year, they regret that they have lost soft power, there are no receptions in embassies, there are no
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these oppositionists, eating like these very cockroaches, collecting money there with suitcases for the fight, this no longer exists, who else wants it, some officials who would then they received visas for a year or more in order to live in peace, what the people will get from these people is nothing, so we must once and for all understand only our own, no western money. this is an axiom. when lukashenko came to power, the first thing he did was remove the soros foundation, this was his first brilliant decision. would be here is the soros fund, wouldn’t it work out, maybe ninety-six, and ninety- eight, and 2000, and 2010, too much money, what can be opposed to them? well, since we are talking about strategic tasks today, this includes the development of comprehensive relations with russia, and we have reached a serious practical level, these are energy, innovation, space, infrastructure development.
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iran, emphasizing the importance and specifically of the leader of the nation, yes, who today is essentially confronting evil. secondly, look, this is an economically pragmatic question, how much we have invested in kleipeda, how much we have invested in the baltic port capacities.
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here are two examples of interaction with the russian federation: ukraine in war and belarus in space with the development of technology, with a reliable foundation. today this is an example for all post-soviet countries, just to remind you that the west always punishes all countries for only one thing, not for democracy, freedom, elections, no one cares about this and will always be until the end of human existence, only for geopolitics. all sanctions. russia
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strengthens its sovereignty and statehood, and we are strengthening, by the way, the statehood of russia, this is why they are strangling us, that we are becoming stronger, this is the basis, but in the nineties, you are right, no one wanted it, many in russia did not want this union, again we return to the belarusian people's assembly, who wanted a union, the people of russia and belarus, the people of belarus wanted this, they voted for lukashenko in the fourth year, he went to the polls with this slogan, the people of russia wanted this, it was...
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it is extremely popular, well, also for china, alex sergeevich , europeans also always fail they name an opportunity, but with china, with iran it’s bad, you’re friends with ukraine, which is fascist, people are burned there by democrats, illiterate people, well, how is this watershed possible, now it’s become obvious, since they react to ours this way, the column believes, lies, or rather, every day there are sanctions for the fact that you conducted the elections poorly, and you can cancel the elections altogether, only from an alliance with russia. my colleagues said so much and i really agree with everything, of course the west is not interested, remember how the most important goal after the second world war was to destroy soviet union, not to be allowed to unite in any
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form, it will be a soviet union, or it will be two independent sovereign...
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that the future of the country depends on each of us, not only on a strong president, not only on an initiative government, not only on an influential parliament, we must unite, the key word here is consolidation, time has chosen each of us, and if we want to save the country, if we want a future for our children, then we all must unite, as in another way, us, no one else another? not the one who will be for us, listen, whisper from around the corner how we should live, how we should act, what elections we should hold, who we should choose, who we should be friends with, and we will walk this path, that’s right, as the president said, yes, we are walking on thin ice, very thin ice, a little bit, a step to the left, a step to the right, and we will fall through, unite and walk together
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on thin ice, but straight forward, this is very, very. today for every delegate, in this audience everyone is a delegate of the entire belarusian people's assembly, we are responsible to our citizens, to those the teams that entrusted us with this high title are millions of people, and we must walk this path with dignity so that we will never be ashamed, neither before past generations of veterans, nor before future ones, so time has chosen us and no one
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but us. thank you for participating in this program, thank you. and finally, what is the vns, what is its purpose, why so many respected people insist that it is fundamentally important. someone asks the question: “okay, delegates, what does this mean for me? well, for example, i’m not a delegate, but i have something to say, and i see it this way: vns is not about potholes on the roads, for this we have enough departments and specialists of vns about who we are today and most importantly, who we see ourselves tomorrow, in 5 years and 50, of course , there is only one life, you need to live it with dignity, feeling that you have lived, but isn’t this feeling of life born in our culture and tradition only when you aim this one of yours... dear life at something greater than yourself, let me show you something, here i have the red order in my hands the stars of my grandfather, a front-line soldier, he
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has been dead for a long time, my children have not even seen him, but when i hold this in my hands, when they, my children , look at this ancestral artifact, then you know, two times, two generations of one family they touch, each one...
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will be no less recognizable than sushi, kimano , everything else, markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 244 tv channel.


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