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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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live panorama, in the studio elena nasacheva, hello, people live peacefully here, and the birth rate is higher than in the country, the prospects for the development of the south-east of the country are being discussed for the upcoming school graduations, the possibility of building another nuclear power plant, they spoke during the president’s working trip to the mogilev region. on the verge of an uprising, a new round of protest among us students in support of palestine and a new wave of cruelty with which...
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the updated republican honor board opened today on labor day in minsk. in we will learn the secrets of success from the winners. from industry to agriculture and pharmaceuticals. new contracts and new agreements. following the visit of the belarusian government delegation to egypt. attempts to expand the conflict zone and commitment to the goal of fighting to the last ukrainian. what will american taxpayers' money be spent on? details in the
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periodic table. the ukrainian authorities, like samalian pirates, refuse to sign agreements on safe navigation in the black sea. what has this already led to and what will be the consequences? consequences, about this in today's program. the national hockey team held its first training session in astana before the start of the kazakhstan hockey open tournament. five young players have joined our roster. we didn’t return empty-handed from the european championships. more details in the sports day program. according to a long tradition. alexander lukashenko spends the end of april in the southeast of the country. the focus is on the development of these lands. we saved the territories affected by chernobyl, and in the end we saved the country, lukashenko will say. since the nineties, five programs have been implemented to overcoming the consequences of a man-made disaster in work six. as a result, people live in their native lands. thinking about the future.
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a serious conversation about the development of the southeast of the mogilev region is still ahead, but for now the operational task for farmers is to sow everything before may 9. in communication with the residents of kostyakovich, they talked about a variety of topics, political and social, the progress of the agricultural company, our technology and the most sincere people. natalya breus reports from the scene. every spring, the president's path lies in the southeast of the country. journalists, although... call these april trips to chernobyl, but they know that they have not been about chernobyl for a long time, but about how these lands are being developed, about how people live today, why is it summer here, the program south-east of the mogilev region, how have you implemented it, the voice program works in the gilev region , today there are almost 230 enterprises, 3 billion and a little less money invested and 3,000 people employed, this program worked immediately.
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this program and specific points, the governor’s report on the implementation of this program, and, of course, the chairmen of the regional executive committees of these districts, there will be a serious conversation. it really feels like real summer, although according to the calendar it’s far from it. the sowing campaign is still in full swing. the president will ask those who work in the kostyukovichi district in detail about what and how he will instruct them to more actively participate in the total transformation of the fields.
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“we are now engaged in land reclamation, the hare is not removed, control, but this is your business, here is a field, there are two, three hectares on the field, otherwise the forest will be released.” body, he wanted to do it, we owe them for some someone helped him or where, it’s his this is to pay, you know, here is the contour of the fields, in the center of the field or on the outskirts, it’s no longer a shambles, there’s already a forest there in some places, pine needles, birches, something else, and the farm takes it
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for itself, the forest will always be needed on the farm , either you or a private owner, it doesn’t matter who came, appreciated it, it costs, say, 2.0 rubles. or 2000.
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where the complexes were built, two or three premises of old farms, no one has needed them for 100 years, they need to be removed, he will not remove them, he does not have the people and equipment for this, which means we need to mobilize, the ministry of emergency situations first of all, military, and of course, by connecting
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some industrial enterprises, perhaps through the creation of special mechanized detachments that will clean up and restore order, we need to speed up, strengthen, yes, how do all these... how to clean up is an annual concern of farmers, the task of the ministry of agriculture and food and clearly decide, not to make a mistake with the structure of crops, corn, feed, rapeseed, real money, but whatever we are talking about, compliance with technology, question number one, i don’t know where you came from, increasing or decreasing the area, i also want you warn, corn, corn, corn, our scientists are warning us that we must sow legumes, we need flax, we also need peas. it will die from it, that’s also not the case, that’s why we still have death, so we need more haylage, haylage, yes, you won’t get it from corn,
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so here we need to plan everything very carefully for next year so that we don’t come back with all the turnover , this is your task to control, you need to pay serious attention to feed procurement. this will be a serious demand as long as the year is going well for the villagers, as they themselves say, with caution, so as not to jinx it, work in the fields is progressing well, there is a good winter start, except that the rains have stalled the matter, the most important thing today is to complete the spring sowing campaign, begin collecting feed, as for the start of the spring sowing campaign, we were ahead of schedule by almost 2 weeks, then there were prolonged heavy rains, so the pace slowed down...
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at night, we need to throw the grain into the soil now, the weather will be warm, the moisture is leaving, so we need to throw the grain there in time, that's all, in short, there was no war, so that we were asked somewhere, well , who doesn’t understand, they forced us to sow quickly, by
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may 9 we must sow everything, including corn, so we have to work day and night, here in the fields alexander lukashenko is watching technology, and our industrialists can talk about the line of machines for a long time; after seeing this unit, i immediately remembered the nervous reaction of some foreign specialists to the president’s instructions. you launch it, so there must be a maneuver here, but we have equipment for removing stones, we have it,
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we have it, it’s even 40% cheaper than that produced in poland, the machine is not inferior to absolutely any parameters, it is even partially superior in some respects, 5.2 working width, it removes stones from the surface of the field, it goes deep up to 100 mm, well , here are the stones, yes, yes, yes , now we can see it as you specially sketched it, i see it in front to look at. will it collect or not, of course, good afternoon, are you working on it or have they just shown it to you, well, we ’ve been working on it, we’ve tried it, and what can you say, it’s being assembled, it’s not a bad machine, it’s good, it collects stones, yes, yes, it collects stones, then there is no need to let people in after you, yes, well, large stones, when small, the main thing is to collect large ones, it’s already a trifle - this, well , what, which is more than 300 mm, more than 300 mm, it’s difficult, let’s say, but up to 300 can ...
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for example, to make the sowing bed ideal, as they say, it would be ideal, by the way, the president says, to reduce the cost of such equipment, of course, there will be demand, we only sow corn, but where is the minister? here, well, look for grain, or have you already forgotten, somehow i forgot, how deep is yours?
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we have a very good seeder, but we don’t have one yet people’s responsibility for the equipment, it ’s like it’s not their collective farm property, but it’s often longer than he lives, he will work, but... we don’t have that yet, and, unfortunately, your task is with the governor, well, all the rights are given to you, beyond the dneprovsky, the ray-agroservice does not produce new machines, but gives a second life to used tractors, if you put a hand in, recapitalize, then in the end the decommissioned belarusian, once again confirming the reputation of a reliable hard worker, will plow for many more years, and the savings differ in cost, right here next to you a tractor costs 35-22, it costs 500.
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under its roof there are several folk groups at once, everyone can express themselves creatively, some like a traditional waltz, and some are inspired by toothy folk jokes,
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kostyukovich zak come, if you caress! this is all up to us, shanovnye, i want to give it to you from the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of my heart, i gave it to you myself with love and gratitude to you, even if i don’t give it to the museum home, you don’t need it, after such a warm moment alexander lukashenko will say in response only warm words for the residents of the city in the very southeast of the country: i passed all the pain of these once chernobyl territories through myself and through my entire political life.
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sold at exorbitant prices, we then gritted our teeth and endured it, the frantic french, obeying the trends from overseas, the americans and the germans, to close nuclear power plants, shut down the wind, waves , etc., we will get electricity, we got it, today they are buying five to six times more expensive natural gas, i’m not talking about oil and petroleum products and so on, other electricity, we acted, i think wisely, we survived. and we built this station, this arose i have a crazy thought for now, but now it is already taking hold of you, to build a second nuclear power plant, a site, a second site... this is a very serious requirement for sites, it is eastern mogilev, and today i think if we build a nuclear power plant, where
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we will place these reactors, preferably two more, or a new station here, or develop two reactors there, two more, put two units, while we are thinking, i am still inclined to believe that we have a station in the west, it should being in the east, people are very happy. i haven't yet made a decision, we just think that the nuclear power plant is only one of the global projects of sovereign belarus, those that are designed to bring the country and the economy to a higher technological level. in this series, space and bnbc, in order to aim high, you also need foresight, managerial courage, this is not easy in principle, and even more so under a barrage of criticism, including from foreign well-wishers. my kind of people's peasant advice to you, if your... i already said somewhere, the enemy is the enemy, says that things are bad with us, consider that we are good there, if they they drag you there, go in the opposite direction,
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over the years we have already become convinced with you that the market, this and that, paid medicine, for example, is happiness, paid education is also happiness, but now i know , what is paid healthcare, education, looking back, i think if we had gone this way, and also cut the land into pieces, privatized industrial enterprises, you would not have existed, you know, in whose hands it would have ended up, and then they would wanted power, and then a fight would start, this is a copy of our southern neighbors, and then the war began, so everything must be done calmly, consciously, deliberately, it would seem that sport has always been and should remain outside of politics, but coubertin’s behests to the west on...
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it’s up to the athlete if he decides to participate in olympics, he will be even angrier, you understand, mood and anger in sports are of no small importance, but if you have already
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qualified and are going there in a neutral status, punch them in the face, show that you are a real belarusian, we must not give up, to the soviet times, sergei remembers this, and i remember this too i know well, we were crushed, beaten down in sports, terribly, but... we became the first, the more pressure on you, the more resistance. tomorrow we will return to this european, global family, and we will show them that we can, an athlete, let him decide for himself, he wants to go, let him go and perform, but only perform with dignity so that we are proud of him. if there are still a few months before the olympics in paris, then the event in the life of every eleventh grade student and his family is closer. in mid-june, schools will hold graduation ceremonies, and both children and parents will troubles. now, they are trying to turn a good holiday of youth in the western style into some kind of
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cool show, with djs, with limousines, with visits to various entertainment establishments, and looking at all this, our children are trying to imitate everything, and many parents poke at it. please tell me how you feel about this? after all, children and teachers have always prepared for graduation on their own, with all their hearts, without any extra hassle. i have an extremely negative attitude towards what you said, something similar to fingering, this cannot happen must. we have created an ideal, equal environment, this must be followed, and after graduating from high school you cannot do what you say, some cool guy helped you, or you are richer, you ordered a limousine. 7 8 12 m. your son arrived at school, but how are others watching? how do parents look at this? this is wrong, i’m talking about this publicly.
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we can’t cultivate this, we can’t support it, it’s bad, it’s disgusting, and i’m here, members of the government here, the head of the presidential administration, take this control is cruel, it should be a holiday where a girl or a guy go hand in hand as a group, as a group, dance, dance and watch the sunrise, this is very important in life, this is important. we must not allow the stratification of people, we are closely monitoring this, and we did not allow such stratification, in this we are different from them, we are sincere people, we have a soul and a heart, so this is how you want it to be, well, these are schools, a collective , parents, they should gather at a parent meeting to decide nicely, it’s better with the parents, at least in the first part with parents, then the parents will be sent home
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in the middle. the soul and heart of these regions, of course, are the people, despite all the trials that befell them, they remain open, kind, hospitable, and here, like nowhere else, you feel that our happiness sometimes lies in the simple, peaceful living on our land. natalya breus, veronika buta, alexey martinenok, alexander oleshka, andrey novgorodtsev and andrey ivanenko, tv news agency. egypt is one of
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belarus’ key partners in africa and the middle east, and today we are ready to actively work on joint projects. as a result of the prime minister's official visit to cairo , a dozen new contracts and bilateral agreements worth $12 million were signed today. the business forum brought together four dozen belarusian companies and a hundred egyptian ones. we are ready for technology transfer, localization of equipment production and expansion of service centers. a. about the belarusian strategy in this market from egypt, our correspondent, svetlana lukinyuk. the seventh wonder of the world, the egyptian pyramids, is just around the corner, but today a unique country is ready to surprise us no less. 40 km from cairo , a new capital was built practically from scratch. by the way, this is where we are now. there are residential buildings, administrative buildings, hotels, stadiums, as well as the opera house, the great
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mosque and many others. buildings, and also the tallest skyscraper in egypt at 400 m with 80 floors, and it must be said that right now it is so deserted here that for densely populated egypt this is nonsense, but in the near future large banks and large companies are ready to move their offices here this new one capital, and such development within the country, of course, affects external contacts. this can be called in one word update and accelerated. as for equipment, belarus is ready to offer its own, especially since our tractors and trucks know the local fields and roads. today , there is a lot of used european equipment on the egyptian market, so we compete with the market for used equipment and compete with the market for new cars, we have a 25-30% advantage over mercedes, that is, we need to, well, just show that we are back here with service,
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with constant maintenance, and so on. slowly win back the position of the europeans. our exports have grown 14 times in 2 months of the year, and we are confident we can do more. the first official visit to cairo of the prime minister of belarus is precisely aimed at these points of growth. contacts with this country are maintained at all levels. the president of belarus was in cairo in february 1920, and now we are expecting the head of egypt to visit us. all mechanisms have been created for successful trade; a trade turnover of $100 million is, of course, just the start. on double sided at the meeting, we have already discussed mechanisms for interaction of cooperation between companies of the two countries on export and import, and we are ready to compensate for the import of goods lost in belarus due to sanctions, in particular, to supply our products, mainly fruits and vegetables and medicines; in turn , we are ready to buy cars, your agricultural products, we hope to expand cooperation. we have working groups in industry as well as agriculture.
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we discussed it at the meeting today. creation of grain and feed hubs in egypt according to belarusian technologies and a capacity of up to 1 million tons. i believe that this direction should become one of... egypt and neighboring african countries, our experience, capabilities in design, construction and operation of this kind of hubs create a very comfortable and...
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here are ready-made machines, serious work lies ahead, in agriculture we have we have seen a breakthrough: we traditionally import citrus fruits and vegetables from egypt, recently we have added canned and frozen ones, and our supplies are steadily growing. traditionally supplied to egypt about a million dollars worth of approximately milk powder, our dairy products, in 2 months of this year already 2 million have supplied milk powder, and here we really saw that there is interest, especially since... egypt is about 1, 5 million tons of milk is not enough, they import it, and here it is necessary to increase the volume and not only this traditional milk, but also skim milk, butter, and cheeses. we also brought our light industry enterprises to the business forum, from linen clothing to
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carpets, metalworking and pharmaceuticals, so our maz has new contacts, and , of course, its own strategy for working in this market. the most effective scheme is one in which we supply the chassis, the chassis, and the setup is obtained. made in egypt, this is either a dump truck that works at a construction site, so we see everything around here being built, this is an excellent field of application for our equipment, or concrete mixers, again we are talking about construction, or perhaps fire-fighting settings, measures to save people from fires, so here such a synthesis cooperation, it seems to me, is the most promising for the work of the minsk automobile plant and our partners in egypt. we are constantly working. on how to raise the name and image of mazov egypt, because our people, our company trusts the very valuable mazmashina. a center for promoting belarusian educational services is already operating here, but belarus is counting on direct flights and is waiting for an egyptian company on
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the minsk-cairo route. in general, relations between the two countries have always developed in the spirit of friendship, respect for mutual trust, and the current the negotiations only confirmed this. it is important to note the coincidence of position. our countries in the international arena on the most important issues of global and regional politics. belarus is ready to continue interaction with egypt on all current international issues. i would also like to express my sincere gratitude to the country’s leadership for their assistance in the prompt evacuation of our citizens and members of their families through egyptian territory in november last year and from the sector. we call egypt our gateway to the entire african continent, therefore a joint venture from cars to confectionery shops is the first and most important step for big sales, we are also opening belarus to egypt, children from this country have already come to us for rest and
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recreation earlier, we are also expecting them this year. svetlana lukinyuk, alexey youn and alexander moguchiy, tv news agency cairo, egypt. american university community. called the face of the uprising. more than twenty of the country's largest universities are involved in protests against idf violence against the palestinians. israel's operation in students call the gas sector genocide. the american authorities, in turn, declared the college a hotbed of anti-semitism. in the suburbs, rebellious schoolchildren are setting up tent cities at a columbian university. they captured one of the educational buildings. the police do not stand on ceremony. in virginia , a tent city at the blacksburg technological university was demolished. dozens of activists have been detained. on the campus of the university of austen, texas, police fired tear gas, stun grenades, and also jailed less than 40 people.
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even the human rights organization human rights watch, known for its political bias, found it necessary to stand up for the students. she accuses the us authorities of excessive brutality in suppressing protests in support of palestine. meanwhile , protests are spreading, they have even reached the most prestigious universities, like elia and stanford. prepares elite american business politicians. arrests are also made here. to date, more than a thousand participants in pro-palestinian mass protests have been detained. protests. ukraine intends to produce several thousand long-range drones this year. according to the wall street journal, about five thousand drones will be assembled monthly in the country by the middle of the year. it is this type of weapon that kiev is relying on. neither our own arsenals nor supplies from western partners allow the ukrainian armed forces to operate effectively. fighting. unmanned aerial vehicles assembled on the knee
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are not capable of delivering high-precision strikes. they are designed to wreak havoc behind enemy lines, such indiscriminately against both military and civilian targets. the wall street journal notes that drones are unlikely to be the salvation of the ukrainian armed forces. they are opposed by powerful electronic warfare systems. it’s just that drones have become the weapon of last resort in an almost hopeless situation. in addition, the ukrainian armed forces are creating a women's drone control unit. most likely, this is another step. to the likely mobilization of women who have been announcing here for a long time. meanwhile, germany handed over another package of military aid to kiev. it included 10 marder infantry fighting vehicles, leopard tank shells and skynex air defense systems. the package also includes ammunition for gepard anti-aircraft self-propelled guns and 7,500 large-caliber artillery shells, however, such a volume spent in the ssu in one day of intense combat is unlikely to seriously change the situation. and the white house under... the american media admits that american assistance will not prevent
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the defeat of kiev, but will only reduce it a little. yes, the united states is accustomed to fighting with the wrong hands around the world and continues to fuel the ukrainian conflict with arms supplies, and it is of interest washington, purely for your own benefit. what is the new pseudo-assistance package? what will american taxpayers' money be spent on? details in the author's section periodic table: the hard-won us bill of multibillion-dollar military assistance to the kiev regime, attempts to expand the conflict zone and commitment to the goal. fight to the last ukrainian, why will new western means
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lead to new victims? let's consider all the political elements and put them in their places, this is the periodic table. hello. the logical conclusion, another confirmation that the west does not care about the future of ukraine. they are only interested in the fight with russia. therefore, washington is making every effort to ensure that the conflict continues as long as possible. biden signed a law on additional assistance to ukraine. yes. the package of bills was approved by the us senate and house of representatives. the democrats did not hide their desire to fight until the last ukrainian; on the contrary, they applauded, waving independent flags. the following shots look like the theater of the absurd, but they are from the meeting room house of representatives. slightly overplayed. congressman thomas masi reported that he was even threatened with a $500 fine if he did not remove the video. well, do they really love ukraine? ask anyone in this room
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how many ukrainians, how many soldiers, how many civilians have died in the war that you are funding, and not one of them will be able to answer you. they don't know how many ukrainians died, they have no idea, because it doesn't matter to them, that's how much they love the ukrainians. they tried to make tucker carlson a scapegoat for telling the truth. senator mitch mccon said the journalist was to blame for the delay in approval of the bill. allegedly, he began the demonization of ukraine after an interview with the russian president. republicans tried to slow down the pseudo-aid procedure by proposing various amendments. for example,
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the us will spend more than half of the aid package to ukraine. forms al jazeera. of the 61 billion dollars, kiev will receive only part of it , mainly on credit. 23 billion goes to replenishing ammunition in the united states, in return for what has already been supplied to ukraine. still almost 14 billion for the purchase of military equipment from american contractors and other countries. the independents will transfer less than 8 billion for budget support, excluding the payment of pensions. the latvian leadership watched the voting in the us senate all night. afterwards they curried favor and immediately. published happy posts. great, long-awaited news that the us senate has passed a bill on foreign assistance, including military support for ukraine. forward america, the us senate made a historic decision, demonstrating unwavering support for ukraine's struggle. and while alone they are lining their pockets for the loot,
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american taxpayers are preparing to pay for the militaristic ambitions of the authorities. washington continues to go into the red. the price of real estate has increased by 80-100% in 3 years. gasoline -60, food - 21, electricity - 28%, rent - 20%, restaurants - 21%. we are not respected throughout the world, we have a lousy economy. but even hard-earned funds are not enough. us approval of a new aid package is unlikely to help kiev change the situation on the battlefield - bloomberg. non-random coincidence the vote happened just a few days after zelensky signed the law on mobilization. all the american money, all the western support, all the american weapons will not help if ukraine does not mobilize another 250 thousand soldiers, at least to strengthen the too weak, undermanned
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front. the west is not going to let go of the juicer into which it has driven ukraine in the hope of obtaining the elixir of world domination. here. only multipolarity has long been in trend. the situation in the center of tbilisi remains tense, where special forces disperse another rally against the law on foreign agents, purple spray was used against the activists, and several people who were sitting at the service entrance of the parliament building and trying to prevent the deputies from leaving were detained. journalists were also persistently asked to leave. today in... in parliament they discussed the bill on agents in the second reading of the procedure, they decided to continue tomorrow. bleeding wound: 145 dead and more than 550 injured. today marks 40 days of the tragedy in crocus cityhole. in the morning, a memorial service was held near the building, again at the site of the terrible
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a national memorial grew after the terrorist attack. all day long they bring flowers, children's toys, and light candles here. they mourn, remember the dead and wish strength of mental fortitude to the survivors. daria belousovo-petrovskaya again visited the scene of the tragedy. the terrorist attack in the kroku city hall concert hall is considered one of the most brutal in the last 20 years in the history of russia. according to official data, 145 people died. among them are several belarusians. some visitors to that ill-fated concert are still considered missing. lord let's pray. today people come here again with flowers, put up memorial lamps, bring toys, because among the dead there are six children, someone brings photographs of those who could not escape, and looking at their beautiful happy faces, the tragedy is felt...


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