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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 9:45pm-10:01pm MSK

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the man who was sitting at the service entrance of the parliament building and trying to prevent the deputies from leaving was detained. the journalists were also persistently asked to leave. today in parliament the bill on foreign agents was discussed in the second reading. they decided to continue the procedure tomorrow. bleeding wound: 145 dead and more than 550 injured. today marks 40 days of the crocusel tragedy. in the morning , a memorial service was held near the building ; again, people grew up at the site of the terrible terrorist attack. memorial, all day long they bring flowers and children’s toys here, light candles, mourn, remember those who died and wish strength of mental fortitude to the survivors. daria belousovo, petrovskaya again visited the scene of the tragedy. the terrorist attack at the crocus city hall concert hall is considered one of the most brutal in the history of russia over the past 20 years. according to official data , 145 people died, including several belarusians. some visitors to that ill-fated concert...
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yes, the tragedy is really terrible, goosebumps immediately begin to run from the scale, from the losses. this week it became known that a colleague who was listed as missing from us, since that day, it became known that he was still among the dead, his eldest son, with whom he was also at the concert, is still in serious condition in the hospital. let us remind you that the tragedy occurred on the evening of march 22, people came to the concert of the picnic group, about 600 tickets were sold,
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grief. daria, alexander lyubitelev, television news agency, moscow. on the eve of labor day, and this is already a good tradition. the updated republican honor board was solemnly opened in minsk today. based on the results of work last year, 64 winners from regions and organizations. industry, construction, rural forestry and, of course, the sphere. thus , the state emphasizes the significant contribution of citizens and labor collectives to the development of the country. our correspondent anton malyuta met the recognized leaders. here they know exactly what the essence of effective work is: improve technology and reduce costs. the production volumes of belarusian white gold today exceed domestic needs by several times. only a fifth remains in the country . and nine out of ten export wagons are sent to russia. this is not the limit, we are ready to take more. the markets are well known. and we have
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decent authority there, so our products are sold, we do not experience any problems with sales today. there is something to be proud of today for everyone who came to the center of the capital on the eve of labor day. there are entire russian regions with very different fields of activity. this is like confirmation that everyone’s contribution is important to the overall result. thanks to the sustainable operation of enterprises, in 2023 our economy grew more than we ourselves expected, by almost 4%. therefore, the bar is set for a year.
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the criteria for workers have constantly become stricter, but this is only motivation to work harder and better, at least in order to re -consolidate success, as they know how to do this in the minsk region, based on the results of 2023... it is represented more widely than ever. the central region lives up to its name and remains in the spotlight. it’s clear, this is the bar, it sets certain goals, not only to maintain the achieved result, despite the high base, but we need to aim to create those conditions that will contribute the progressive development of our region. and here is an example of a farm in the south of the region. nesvezhsky islands are consonant with their name, like an island of the agricultural sector, around which rapid milk flows...
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from birth to golden age, well , we hope that this will be a good start for the future, we will continue to work efficiently and achieve the results that our citizens, immediately after the ceremony, take a photo as a souvenir, we record the moment, but don’t forget, the day after tomorrow we go back to work, there are even more ambitious goals ahead, the case when you need to work hard so that everyone knows about your successes, but... our winners, of course, do not do this for show; behind the scenes they say that they are simply going for results, because behind them are their teams, their regions, and, of course, the entire economy countries. anton malyuta, natalya ignatenko, alexey kondratenko and ilya maksimov, tv news agency. understand
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problems and bring them to a logical resolution. a reception of citizens is taking place at the council of the republic; natalya kachanova is communicating with belarusians. with requests or for advice, people came from different regions of the country, during consideration of issues involved and invitation. officials on the agenda are housing issues, the social sphere, water supply, healthcare, public order and more, a large family would like to improve their living conditions, but in the pukhovichi district housing is not being built at all for those in need, and a resident of smalevichi addressed urgent problems regarding the establishment of boundaries land plot. was registering a plot of land, we had a conflict with neighbors over the fact that she began to violate the boundaries of my land plot. she moved all the boundary signs there, broke them, demolished the fence without my participation without my consent, a large family could not improve the living conditions in their executive committee, i had to turn to natal ivanovna kochanovna. we live in 26
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square meters with my mother-in-law, it turns out that we have four children in our family, i am the spouse, some of the issues, they really lie in the plane of local authorities, for them these... comments, such meetings allow us to objectively assess the situation in the regions in certain areas that forced citizens ask for help. at the beginning of the year, senators considered about 1,200 appeals. the practice of on-site receptions has also proven positive. senators will hold the next single day of reception of citizens on may 2 in
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the gomel region. young people in our country today pay special attention to how to raise a worthy patriotic citizen, as well as develop a child’s love of sports and knowledge. other topics were discussed today by the participants of the interdepartmental scientific and practical conference. ideologists gathered at the center for training and retraining of personnel of the ministry of internal affairs and heads of government agencies. security council, ministry of internal affairs, service. for security under the president, the investigative and customs committees, and the ministry of emergency situations. it is not without reason that the center of the ministry of internal affairs was chosen as the meeting place; under the auspices of the department, patriotic clubs have opened in the country, where each of the children will find something to do to their liking. we must pay tribute to the ministry of internal affairs . troops who agreed to host such a large-scale conference to gather all the patriotic clubs created
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under the auspices of the internal troops and the ministry of internal affairs, so that the children get to know each other, so that the leaders of the clubs exchange and receive the simplest skills, how to solve certain problems in modern conditions, give those techniques that are used to prepare children for... education, to work in the national security system, and also simply to master modern technologies. it is important to show children by example how to treat people, nature and the country as a whole. the landing was a symbolic moment alleys of memory to fallen heroes from grateful descendants. large-scale flashmos of belarusian oil workers on the eve of victory day and their eightieth anniversary. liberation of belarus united industry workers from belarus, russia and even china. representatives of all
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divisions of the domestic enterprise sang lines from famous songs of the war years: soldier's uniform, soviet surroundings, accompaniment of a combatist, flowers, state and corporate symbols, a creative approach to the matter added color to the festive video. green lick cream, i love it! belarus and even western siberia of the russian federation and china. with our action, we together say thank you to our dear veterans for a beautiful, flourishing, bright and peaceful homeland. every year, belarusian oil workers implement the victory day project. face and fate, the campaign starts on the eve of may 9 and lasts until july 3, in which, through the pages of corporate media
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, employees talk about their relatives who went through the fire of the great patriotic war. flash mob - blooming cities - a new type of development of a patriotic project. this has never happened in belarusian sports, so happened the day before: a wonderful trio of belarusian volleyball players became owners of super league medals with different teams and of different denominations, including the highest standard. the super league is one of the top 3 volleyball competitions on the planet, andrei kozlov, about the bright end of the season with a belarusian flavor. we will give all our strength, we
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will give all our strength, for this draw, the hearts and pulses of the spectators were in an unstable state, the women's final series of the super league, in its plot and drama, is absolutely an example of a sports performance, and for us especially, in each team's finalist is played by a belarusian; soon the italian volleyball player pietrini, the european champion, will strike the winning blow. 9 years later he wins his final and becomes the champion of russia for the seventh time. among the important figures of serbian coach zoran terzic is belarusian striker anna klimec. that season partly played the role of the joker, which she performed brilliantly in the final battle with the locomotive and showed her class. the german, whether he hits or not, hits. sometimes it seems
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that we underestimate our stars, for example, rozhenka baranovich and klimets played at the age of 26 in italy, turkey and russia, that is, in the three best championships on planet earth. we are always open, besides, we have an international team, a girl from the dominican republic, an italian. are belarusians in such a situation closer to russians or european girls? i believe that belarusians are warmer. in the end, the locomotive from kaliningrad finished silver, which has both the colors of our native flag and a special atmosphere at home matches, as part of a club from the world stars, like the turkish karakurt or the world champion. popovich, it’s especially nice to see the modest native of brest, vera kostyuchik. and when i pressed into the locomotive, what is the difference between this one and vera kostyuchik and this one, this is the key one, maybe. of course, yes, this is career growth, moral growth, physical growth, i would like to grow, grow as much as possible, as a player in the russian championship, then we’ll see from desires. at the same moments when
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lokomotiv and dynamo akbars were playing for gold, anastasia was achieving her significant victory gorelik, who studied volleyball in the world. in leningradka, and the fans call the team loving bees, the belarusian became completely her own and one of the main stars and scorers of the super league. leningradskaya with bronze, in the match for third place, gorelik’s company defeated the seemingly invincible moscow dynamo, led by natalya goncherova. kostyuchit 23 years old, klimets 26,


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