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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 10:00pm-11:06pm MSK

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rado, who has the colors of our native flag and a special atmosphere at home matches. as part of a club of world stars, like turchanka-karakurt or world champion serbian popovic, it is especially pleasant to watch the modest native of brest, vera kostyuchik. and when lokomotiv squeezed, what is the difference between this one and vera kostyuchik and this one, perhaps, so key. of course, yes, this is career growth, moral growth, physical growth, i would like to grow, grow as much as possible as a player in the russian championship, then we’ll see from desires. at the same moments when lokomotiv and dynamo akbars were playing for gold, anastasia gorelik, who studied volleyball in minsk, achieved her significant victory. in leningradka, and the fans call the team loving bees, the belarusian has become completely her own, and one of the main stars and scorers of the super league. leningradskaya with bronze, in the match for third place, gorelik's company defeated the seemingly invincible moscow dynamo, led by natalya goncherova. kostyuchik 23 years old, klimets 26. plays leading roles
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anna davyskiba, who is also only 24 years old, admires the attacking line of the belarusian team; when sports justice prevails on the planet, our team will be at an excellent volleyball age. well, for dessert of the club volleyball season, since the final of the super league turned out to be so bright, reminding all fans that the matches of the final series of the men's and women's, our native national championship, will begin very soon, so do not miss it in any case, especially since some matches will take place here in the palace sports of uruchya. a... and this is the information picture for tuesday, april 30th. sports news is ahead, right now our broadcast will continue with the author’s project of ksenia lebedeva - this is different. this concludes my part of the work. all the best, goodbye.
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the ukrainian authorities refused peace negotiations with russia in istanbul in 2022. she also abandoned agreements on safe navigation in the black sea exactly 2 years later, to which turkey was a party. mediators, the impression is that ukraine , represented by its officials, is not looking for peace, is not looking for fair agreements, and in general russia is not going to talk with its opponent under any circumstances, if only because in order to make money from peace, you need to work, and you don’t need to get rich in a war in a war of great intelligence, you need to be cunning, greedy with the absence of any moral principles, so the promises of the ukrainian... authorities should not be trusted under
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any circumstances, they will deceive you anyway, but this is different, i am with you, ksenia lebedeva, hello, russia and ukraine for two months, without devoting the public to this, negotiated with turkey on a deal to ensure the safety of navigation in the black sea, and even reached it. an agreement on the text of the document that ankara was supposed to announce on march 30, but kiev unexpectedly pulled out of the agreements; they say that it was the un that pushed ankara to organize these negotiations, but the result, or rather the lack thereof, only raises additional questions, for example, the ukrainian side could negotiate in order to delay time to accumulate the required number of missiles weapons and...
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the path is unsafe for both sides, both from an economic and political point of view, to redirect food flows to the european union, for the blessing, of course, of brussels. i want to emphasize that it was brussels that decided to lift restrictions on
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food imports from ukraine to the eu. due to its excellent extremely fertile black soil , ukraine is the world's bread basket, most of the world has benefited from this. this is really a problem for our farmers, because food from ukraine cheaper and destroy local markets. our market is much smaller, we are half the size of ukraine. by refusing to sign an agreement on safe navigation, ukraine did not lose at all with its so-called partners from the uk and the usa. on the one hand, they paved the way for future terrorist attacks in the black sea, on the other, russia still cannot transport normally. food regime through the black sea, which primarily negatively affects africa and asia. and of course, the enterprise and the land, bought by the anglo-saxons in ukraine should also bring in money, even during the war, so it is logical that the united states and great britain
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have once again fooled the european union. but how did brussels allow this to happen: corruption? we will discuss this today with a polish politician, chairman of the front party, representative. to date, in april of this year alone, despite very serious restrictions on the exchange between ukraine and the european union, including poland, every day 12,000 tons of various types of agricultural products such as sugar, vegetable oils, grains, meat, that is, every day
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12,000 tons of products cross the border from ukraine to the european union, which flood the eu market under duty-free import and which do not meet european union standards. that is, these are volumes that, regardless of the relationship to ukraine, but from an economic point of view, these are volumes that make a significant contribution to the economic destruction of farmers in the european union and individual countries, poles, germans, french, and this is the state of affairs today. another one history: we all heard the news that the ukrainian authorities unilaterally withdrew from the agreements with the russian federation on the so-called black sea route.
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spain, poland, germany, france and so on, carry out transit.
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are under control, they must be carried out in such a way as not to harm, god forbid, ukrainian interests, at the same time putting polish farmers in a bad light, pitting polish farmers against polish society, which they manage to do, the state of the european union, in particular poland, you after all, you are a former deputy of the sejm, are you somehow looking for a way out of this situation, or are you still looking for enemies where there are none?
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they are afraid, so we see how serious it is from me, that is, the truth that they are so hypocritical about, how serious the problem is, and i want to say that the problem, which is the destruction of the european market through the oligarchy products of the ukrainian, so-called food concern, this problem is just beginning, and they are not afraid that... poles, germans, french, not only farmers, but the public will also understand how unsuitable an oligarchic structure ukraine is for civilized countries. shishtov, thank you very much for taking the time to get in touch. based on the results of the work of the ukrainian authorities and their western lobby , it is clear that during a war it is easier to steal; you can not fulfill your obligations as a servant of the people, but only blame the russians for all the sins of ukraine. and russia as a co-aggressor, sometimes remembering belarus. and the war, in their opinion, will write off everything. and why?
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because corruption is in ukraine’s blood, because there are the mob - these are ukrainians, and there are officials led by the president of ukraine - these are the ukrainian elite, who do not care how much longer mikol and tarasov fertilize the ukrainian land. refusal of any agreements to establish at least minimal peace is elementary. undistinguished, all because some are at war and some are their own mother, but that’s different. and yaxenia lebedeva was with you, see you in the next program.
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the information picture on tuesday will be complemented by sports day. hello! defender of the belarusian national hockey team christian henkel studies with youth. this is about a player who has played for the national team at the world championships since 2000.
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from each other, i would say, we learn, we all communicate on equal terms, so it’s a great atmosphere, you’ll see your number in the lineup first, so we’re kind of preparing for everyone, as the russian national team, we take it seriously, let us remind you that the belarusian national team will start at the tournament in kazakhstan on may 3 with a match against the hosts, the match will begin at 17:30, all games of our squad will be shown live on the belarus tv channel. coaching staff of zhodensky torpedo belas i have to rack my brains over the lineup before each match, both in the national championship and in the cup, but this is a pleasant complexity. in the roster , the automakers now have a lot of strong football players by belarusian standards. the club's commander-in-chief, dmitry molysh, spoke about this in an exclusive interview with our film crew.
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for example, in saturday’s match with smargon , two attackers were absent due to illness: maxim skam. 2:0. naturally, this is such a, well, as we say, headache, pleasant, yes, but i repeat, we must give due credit my deepest regards to the guys, because even those who don’t make it into our squad, they all train, everything is for the benefit of the club, they are ready to give their all, so here, maybe it’s not easy, but in our team it’s easy, in front of the guys i take my hat off, they are great fellows, well, every week we , the coaching staff... really rack our brains over what, not even who to put on the field, who to take into the lineup. after six rounds, torpeda belas is in second place in the summary table, six points behind the leader mozar slavia. may 3 at sok stadium olympic zhodino will play an away match with minsk, the seventh round starts on thursday and will last until saturday.
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a hand injury prevented him from becoming a european champion. this is my opinion after arriving home from the continental forum.
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you need to be prepared for anything and work, work and work again. in total , more than 300 athletes took part in the continental forum; in total, the athletes competed for 25 sets of awards. the 14 best teams in the country , two from each region and minsk, entered the fight for the championship title at the final
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stage of the republican chess competition for prizes of the presidential sports club belaya ladya. medal showdowns are taking place. at the base of the rtsup chess and checkers in the capital, this tournament is already the ninth in a row, the main prize this year will be a trip to sochi in june to participate in the final stage of the open all-russian belaya ladya chess competition, among teams of educational organizations. for the children themselves, this is the moment when they understand that this is their first one of the first competitions that they can, they can fight in at any level, they have a goal in order to move on and develop.
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a real holiday for young athletes, this is an opportunity not only to play, but to make new acquaintances. in addition, the organizers are preparing excursions for participants to significant cultural and historical places in our country. belarusian chess remembers many examples of guys who started with the white rook. and today they are already international grandmasters. and even more sports in the nightly edition of the program. kristina kamysh worked in the studio. see you.
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i am belarus, i am naradziyan on gatai cossacks, dza mi lyaso і pushcha rykhah adverse prashchura zhilі, i belarus, i ganarusya, stya getai imie, absome glory belarusi i am a belarusian, and i am happy that matsimov gave me, that i can smell the songs of my relatives from far away, i am a belarusian, and
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even though today i am small, i will say, i come from a tribe of pakornyhs, and i will never succumb to trouble. just one chance to show your strength, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. who was the boss outpost in the brest fortress on june 22, 1941 . if i'm not mistaken, andrei kizhevatov, well, there were many bosses himself, but kizhivatov was led. you're not wrong. what sport did old man khatabich from become a fan of? film old man khatabych football let football, of course, this is the correct answer, the smartest and bravest gather here. who was depicted on the
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100 ruble banknote? introduced by the national bank of the republic of belarus in the early 1990s. zubar? yes. find a belarusian football club. left, right? on right. on the right is the correct answer. football club. naftan, watch the intellectual and entertainment shows on the belarus24 tv channel. getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. the difference between our equipment is that they have very large capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities. our technology today is actually very reliable. there is a colossal margin of safety built into it, an approach to business that everyone should strive for, we maintain 100% control,
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to these products. tell us where you got such a beautiful name. my parents were not involved in this. my grandmother was a very well-read, educated person, and one of the first to travel around the world. what is now quoted in the restaurant and hotel business, national flavor, originality, or, after all, the desire for global studies. the republic of belarus is a very good market for us, in
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general. and so on so that i can create interesting large projects, hello, the program “say don’t
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be silent” is on air, in the studio: olympics, nice to meet you, tell us where you got such a beautiful name and no less beautiful surname. thank you very much, you know, my grandmother named me that, my parents did not take part in this, my grandmother was very well-read.
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for the average person, of course, they are looking for comparable facts, i was born in the seventies, just in july for the olympics, that’s why i don’t tell this long story, i say yes, she’s really beautiful and quite rare for our time, well, your position is no less interesting, you are the director of hotel business development, the federation of atelier restaurateurs, what are your responsibilities, what do you do, the federation of atelier restaurateurs is a very old one.
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even earlier than the federation of atelier restaurateurs, it seems that these are incompatible things, but very much compatible, because in terms of doing business, if we look at the matrix, then... they are similar, in terms of the relationship between investors and authorities they are also similar, and now i want to say more moreover, our investors in the restaurant industry are often non -core companies, for example, warehouses, manufacturers, even metal rolling companies and so on, they are aimed at diversifying the business, often they are investors, so you know, and we always go to restaurants, really well, for us most of all this is the atmosphere, to communicate, such a certain infrastructure platform, so to speak, in industrial parks, for example, this is a large complex, and there is a complete infrastructure, conference rooms and places
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recreation, and places for food and leisure, because now it is being built at a fairly high level, you also have such sites, i know about it, so it all comes together very well. in general, how is everything here, well , it’s really wonderful, clean, beautiful, just applause, applaud, tell us, we are all very, yes, yes, that’s the most important thing, this event happened thanks to the fact that your deputy
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minister of tourism and sports, mr. andreychik, he took part in our forum tourist areas in sochi last year, he really liked everything, he especially liked the emphasis we placed on private business. this is for investors, and there were a lot of investors, there were a lot of projects, he says, let's come to us, we will exchange, that is, flows, and we accepted this invitation, just philip guly, who is the chairman of the republican union of the tory industry, he us invited, organized everything, which means we did a joint investment session with him, i think it turned out great, because several investors came with me, this is a large hotel... chain, this is a restaurateur, colleagues became interested, found a lot of contacts, accordingly, i will try to track everything down for them, so, but we are aiming, this was the first such trial ball, we want
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to establish these flows, because the integration is very serious, you now have a minsk makhachkala flight , that’s right, so i just think that we will work, is it clear which ones? new hotel chains, brands from russia and not only from russia will appear, i think that by our federal chains may come to you, i mean restaurant chains, and accordingly , of course, there is a very large exchange of personnel, personnel, we discussed this, this
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is important when we talk about quality standards, why is everyone trying to attract a high-quality franchise or there, that means the federal network, because it will be clear to you what service you will receive? we generally assign a number of stars to hotels, because let’s say the same three stars in one city and in another city it could absolutely be two different hotels with different standards, with a set of services, and so on. as far as i know, you only have classification ahead, or rather certification, as i understand, this will now be discussed, but we actually have classification, we have regulatory regulation, there is a provision where it is described. the main criteria that a hotel must meet, without stars, categories like a certain star rating, well, conventionally, if we are talking about a five-star hotel, then this immediately presupposes a swimming pool, a gym, and so on and so forth further, but four or five stars usually differ
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in service, service, service, yes, so now we have had moments when hotels did not correspond to the star rating, but for... there were certain sanctions, now we have those experts who classify hotels, if, for example, they give an obviously inflated star, then you need... we have such motivation in russia for ours , he will never be able to be an expert, here are classification experts, i agree that we have hotels that well, they don’t correspond, but again we can look.
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somehow it was very late to do it there, or i was at a very late time, which i could have already given up there and so on, here at your hotel this is exactly what i asked for, everything was done and more than, yeah, well, that’s interesting also, for mass tourists , hotels are much more in demand, let’s say two or three stars and a level, but the trend is that hotels are appearing. if we talk about commercial space, then their payback period is 5-6 years,
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the same industrial parks or i don’t know some commercial space, but this promising, but the fact is that if you are building a four-star hotel according to the project, this is laid down initially, this should be laid down, if it is a country hotel, there is an area designated for additional services, there is a spa and so on, there are special premises, all this is needed initially . lay down all these passages, corridors and so on, because even from a basic four-star hotel, if it is built as needed, well, with the scope that is needed, in principle, then you can re-qualify as five stars, and adding services, additional services, maybe doing some kind of cosmetic renovation a little different, but most importantly the design of the building, how it will be built, this is important - because three three stars is generally such a popular
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product, especially for the format chain hotels, because we have a large hotel operator that is building for itself, it is positioned there as three stars, well, they have a lot of hotels and they don’t need another niche, that’s why here, in general, you need to understand, we are we talking about a large network or... things, do three, that is, you just
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invest more, but do three, that is , what’s the point then the financial model, it’s all the same, and you understand, when you analyze what kind of hotel there should be, the location is necessarily analyzed, because the hotel five stars - this is, so to speak, such a federal level, you always need to look where it is, well, for example, it will be strange if a five-star hotel appears in some village, well, of course. accordingly, on the other hand, if, for example, well, let ’s take for example the leningrad region, there are many wonderful hotels near the city of st. petersburg, but we have a problem there that when you go deep into leningradsky. region, we already have a shortage of the same four-star hotels, for example, and there are locations that we also studied as an expert group, and a five-star hotel is allocated there, because we understand how it will be loaded, which means there will be an arrival in the city st. petersburg, there is further, and there by car, for example, 2 hours, this is suitable,
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that means there is lake ladazhskoe on the shore, in a beautiful forest area, this is a former pioneer camp, that is, they take all these things into account. an area that is a little closer to the railway, where sometimes you can hear the noise of the train, well, that is, a five-star luxury hotel is already strange, then it could already be four stars, but so dynamic with some panda parks for children, also a spa, and so on and so forth further, and the segment in general looks at what hotels are nearby, and their occupancy is calculated, there is an average check, all these things are compared.
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with colleagues, well, just because interesting, and of course, belarusian cuisine is interesting, it was interesting to visit fashionable restaurants, i always like to see national cuisine, color, and see restaurants with a modern approach, and the concept into which your national dishes are integrated, that is, well, we also liked everything, rated by in the five-point system , how much to put, well, in those restaurants in which we were five, i don’t know the others.
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say don’t be silent, subscribe, invite us to guests, ask questions, we are in touch.
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you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, in 7 days and even more. in our project you will find out. key dates and events in the country and the world that occurred during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema. and, of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24/7. watch on our tv channel.
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she, too, in this pot is very similar to our pig ears. let's find out more about historical past of belarusians. people have always wanted bread and circuses. it is for this reason that mogilev residents once upon a time abandoned themselves in the literal sense of the word and built a theater. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country. i love this bitch. and all because he is very fatty, rich, after eating a plate of such a bitch. you can then simply not eat all day, i want to immediately note the simply fantastic presentation of this dish, if you asked me what haute cuisine is, i would probably say, well, here it is.
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some facts. the era in which it exists, was a feather. geta was the 790th bastard who knew rach paspalitay. and with this, we say, the end of the famous baroque style began. and all the histary kryntsy here are taking us away from the paeina such a dead end, because later on the architects would have been myastsov’s admyslovite, the architect chakhovich. who?
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the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is the director for hotel business development, federation of atelier restaurateurs, znamenskaya olympics. olympics, well, during the break we talked a little about state support in various areas in belarus and in russia, but in your opinion, the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, the top leadership of the country, how much attention is paid to that area, you are working right now, the closest attention is paid to this area, namely the construction of
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tourism infrastructure , and support for those enterprises, manufacturers and companies that manage such facilities there, and great attention is paid to training, so i want to say that, well, every cloud has a silver lining, here we are in a pandemic, of course pushed, yes we were moving towards this, our tourism would have developed, but we were used to going to europe, outbound tourism was more common, it was during this period that i even learned more about some places that i probably would n’t have gone to before i thought about going, but what’s gratifying is that these places are developing in terms of comfort, i repeat, tourist infrastructure, now there is a lot of construction of roads, hotels, amusement parks and so on, yeah. ok, yes, of course, but working, say, under such close attention is responsible, well, i i can’t say that it is there closely,
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because we do this as industry professionals from the heart with understanding, but if they don’t make comments from above, then we will do everything right, it means we are moving in the right direction, but our head of state also pays great attention to everyone areas of the country's development, including tourism, the service sector, the president... controls many issues personally, and the only thing he does not accept is the excuse that sanctions are preventing us from working. let's watch a short video from one of the last meetings. everyone says: sanctions, there are no sanctions for you, look for other markets. there are no sanctions for us, yes, but have international sanctions against the russian federation somehow affected your area of ​​activity? well, they just influenced, exactly as stated.
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look, it depends on the representation, that is, we host major exhibitions, for example, we also did, yes, we invited milk, cheese and so on for restaurateurs, your producers, with pleasure, our colleagues come to such exhibitions, get acquainted, exchange contacts, and of course, take something, here you need to inform about what else you have, what appears, and so on, so it is necessary more often.
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because the quality is improving, you may have new technologies appearing, maybe you have some special pillows there, yes, therefore, that is, the main thing here is quality, yes , quality is necessary, for us this is very important, we have a year quality, the twenty-fourth has been announced, and we accept your remark that we need to talk more about this about our manufacturers, although it seems to me that there is a lot of information, but you need to go beyond the borders of your country, and if we talk not about manufacturers, but directly about... restaurateurs and belarusian restaurateurs, belarusian ateliers, they have a real chance to enter the russian market, you you know, there is always a chance, but another question, again, they need to understand how, when and with whom, because usually, when you come to a territory that is not yours, you are always looking for a partner, few people, and in general i don’t know such entrepreneurs who comes and 100%
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invest their capital and open in a new place, this is a very big risk. therefore, we are just open to this, so i want to announce that we will have an expo on october 3-4 at the minvody minvody, which means a forum of tourist territories, where the republican union of tourism industry will act as a partner of our forum, and we just want to invite your suppliers, your tailors, your restaurateurs, accordingly , we will invite our business to a meeting with them. so that they, accordingly, have collaborations, exchange of experience, which is the most the main thing, yeah, well, we talked about this a little during the break and told you that for major sporting events, for the world hockey championship and for the second european games, hotels were built, restaurants were built, and during the pandemic they , well, let’s say they suffered, it was
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hard for them, because those hotels and restaurants that were built...
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excess demand, you know, we still have this, well, a problem that we have been solving for many years, these are guest houses, and therefore that i myself am surprised when i’m already in there is no place for a hotel, in principle people consider the private sector and guest houses, yes, but they put a price tag as if you were living in a four-star hotel, and you are sincerely surprised, but you do not have the service that they change your towel. based, again, on their star rating and service, location, and so on, they also don’t take their prices out of thin air, this is reasonable, dynamic pricing, seasonal, so looking at guest houses, no one will
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do dumping there, that’s how you set it , and we still. time you studied at cambridge, so i wonder if this experience has been useful to you in your life in business? yes, of course, very much, because it was generally a wonderful time, immersing myself in the mentality of another country, i am a very sociable person, of course, i had a lot of friends there right away, they were not only locals, there were also spaniards and italians , the french, even for some reason the chinese especially loved me, that is... somehow all the time we studied in a group, this is the breadth of views, that is, this is why foreign education is good for a person, even if you do not plan to stay there , and
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after all, my goal was to unlearn and return, and accordingly, it is you who become a person of the world, you have a broad outlook, you understand how, who, where, what mentality, you become even more open, more confident, you are no longer enough, what... it’s scary and there aren’t these restrictions on movement, so of course, when this all started here, and i was especially worried, well, all my friends reacted normally, there was no conflict, well, because i know cases when people stopped communicating , due to political events, and i hope that we will survive this period, after all, our borders will open, and we will already have stable domestic tourism, we will think 100 times whether we need to go.
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yes, in belarus and in russia, in fact, we are ready ; in fact, our base will already be prepared to receive guests, well, you say that during these events you did not lose anyone, for us it is even surprising to listen, because in our country it’s not like people lost friends after the elections, our families fell apart, it’s true, yes, i heard about it too. yes, well maybe you know, something like this, let’s say, in my environment , if suddenly there is a hint of an inadequate character, i immediately exclude him, in my circle, despite the fact that i am a very sociable person, my circle is very narrow, and these are somehow people who really impress me in all respects, so i think maybe that’s why, that is, you maintain information hygiene, yes. okay, let's talk about the good stuff then, our guest was dmitry kuprianyuk, your colleague from belarus, he is the director of a hotel chain in minsk, in one of these hotels, he plays the white royal at breakfast, because he has a musical education, well,
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we can listen to a little melody performed by him, such a playing coach, or rather an atelier, there are such unusual ones in your circle in russia hotel managers, restaurateurs. a twist with a twist, yes, you know, there are people who are interested in different directions, but now i ’m trying to remember, like this, so that on the royal, yeah, on the royal i probably, well, i may not know, just yes, of course, this is generally for, well again, look, this is the breadth of approach to everything, right? because when you are doing what you love, and despite the fact that it is your favorite, it is a narrow direction, this blinkeredness arises, and you don’t even see any mistakes anymore, when you have a wide
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circle, and in communications, you you travel, you get interested in something, you read a lot, even in a completely different direction, so i say, i have industrial parks, here i even tell my colleagues, sometimes i go to the factory there, i have a helmet, everything is as needed. later there, for example, the next day i go to a reception in some hotel in an evening dress and shoes, this is generally wonderful, you know, this is what makes a person versatile, you know, how journalists have such a section and such a topic report: a journalist is changing his profession, so you, well, we want to discuss this topic with you, after the twentieth year, we have the word restaurateur, let’s say it was even like a curse word, because we had one that got a negative connotation, let’s call it we had one like this. a restaurateur widely known in narrow circles, in the wake of election events, he was there for a fight, he invited him to the ring, he didn’t invite him, he called president alexander lukashenko, then he fled abroad, now
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he’s sitting there, well, naturally, looking for an answer to the question of who is to blame and what to do, well , a special military operation revealed in russia probably also such unfortunate warrior restaurateurs, because it is no secret that in the russian federation the native shores, well, for some reason i immediately remembered dmitry nazarov, theater and film actor, people's artist of the russian federation, and now a people's artist, yes, well, you know, it's difficult to comment, because after all , you can't get into a person's soul, indeed, when we see a person on the screen, we begin to love him for his images, yes, his screen image, not the man himself, and we don’t know. who is this, because we also have
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one famous actor who surprised the whole world by suddenly changing his profession, and this is not taken seriously in the literal sense of the word, that’s how his screen image is, i always i laughed, i liked watching his comedies, yes, but now i actually have a big question, i don’t know how to feel about this, it’s getting sad, really sincerely sad, because well, i love my country. well , maybe it’s not like in soviet times we had an ideology there, there’s such patriotism, but i consider myself a patriot and i never had the idea of ​​leaving russia there forever, i really love traveling, it so happened in my life that i i move from place to place, and i’m even ready, as the americans call it take it off, go abroad to live for a year or two, but why, for breadth of views, for you know, i’ll come back because...
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i’m with my people, i want a part-time job in the summer as a waiter, i say: okay, but in general, what are your wishes? that means she, i will earn money from tips, i calculated everything for myself, she found out everything, but in the end it didn’t work out, because she is not an adult, and only adults can handle alcoholic drinks, and then she went to work in a hotel there it was harder, the salary is not that high, but good, i think for the child.


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