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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 30, 2024 11:05pm-12:01am MSK

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in large restaurant holdings there is a rotation, when a person started as a waiter and became a director or manager, and therefore at the moment in our country i cannot say that this is such a good marketing promotion, but films like these contribute, well, in my opinion , because young people watch them, oh, this is great, interesting, i even have my daughter finishing school last summer, i want a mother.
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tenth grade, but she went through fire and water and washed dishes and took out dishes, then inside the team promoted her, she was already there somewhere at the bar, then it meant that she was helping there, this is not only the popularization of the profession, but in general for us restaurants, restaurant life is more of a place of relaxation, in moscow it’s generally when you come , it's normal when people sit with a laptop, just a cup of coffee, business negotiations.
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create their own concept, they have such a flight of fancy that from the design to the way the waiters are dressed, to the way the menu is formed or any compliments, it’s just like that even element of the show, it’s very interesting, that’s why i can’t say that there is a national flavor, no, you can find russian dishes there, because well, borscht, but it’s not only russian, in principle we can’t say that it’s russian cuisine or there yes, yes, that's why they are like that. you can find those familiar to us almost everywhere, for example, and we also have very famous restaurateurs there, the vasilchuk brothers, they have a wonderful restaurant at the top in moscow city, but they have everything in a modern style, but they have a wonderful a wood-burning oven, a real one, where they bake pies, and it all fits in very well, because it’s such a beautiful presentation, and there, well, i don’t know, do you want tartare there as you’re used to , or here you go, so there are pies, yes, it’s
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simple everything really needs to be done harmoniously, and we will take a short break, after a short pause we will return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on the belarus 1 youtube channel . we know exactly how to start the morning right . breakfast should not only fill you up, but also to please, because food, oh, how it affects our mood. and if you cook in pleasant company, then it’s double the pleasure. together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast. what are we having for breakfast today? oh, today it will be a very interesting breakfast, we will prepare quiche with mussels. i hope we have a great time today. and let's prepare the real one. have a champion's breakfast and get a boost of
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vigor and energy for the whole day. well, masha, our breakfast is ready, you will have enough energy and vigor for the whole day, it was difficult cook? honestly, no, i didn’t even expect it to be so easy. try this recipe. watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel. good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya, this is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people. my name is oksana, i am a zoo administrator. very nice.
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we are dealing with expeditions in the depths of our country, with the ever-growing emotions and positive emotions. that's all there is to it, folklore expedition with paradoxical numbers 590. it will happen again and again the viciebsk region was lost in advance.
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let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. let us admire the greatest glory of the church of the holy trinity. geta temple was built in 1999 on the basis of the former royal parish. schools, so let's go to pragalinka, let 's go to the heights, let's go clucking in the spring , let's go through the winter, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, and we give new life to these old traditions. and the green bargu of wood, immediately with projects in advance. the program is on the air again, say don’t be silent,
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today our guest is the director for hotel business development of the federation of ateliers and restaurateurs olympiada znamenskaya. the olympics - well, the hotel restaurant business, well , look, in fact, if applied to our country, yes, now we can say that it became better due to recent events, which went better, we survived covid, and the state supported us, and there were support measures, our legislation has changed; in the tax department , vat has been reset to zero for both restaurants and hotels, this is a very big help. and accordingly, now the hotels have started to fill up again and everyone is starting to feel great, so i can say that, well, today the situation has already leveled off, but if we go back there a little, many
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have closed, of course, and we have lost a lot of restaurants, but new ones opened, here are ateliers, large chains, they survived, again , who has a base there, who owns it? buildings from whom they leased and so on, because the staff also needs to be supported, well, this is generally a sore subject, because the severity of what, our staff shortage is very high, but this is everywhere, it seems to me, probably you have it too, but at least i know that we have cooks, and line staff, cooks, and accordingly, when you fire a person, he already leaves, as a rule, does not return, many of us transfer the league. they agreed on a part-time job there, a person there came there for a short time, or someone didn’t come there at all, they kept half of his salary there, so that only when everything levels out, everyone can return to their place, that’s why in this part, yes, in this part yes, otherwise it’s a very pleasant
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business, because it’s a service, it’s hospitality, it’s always welcoming, such a benevolent mood, but... and you’re proud, because on a professional level, and i have a legal education, i
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accordingly help there colleagues in various serious projects, my results in these projects, so to speak, yes, that is , when i see that everything worked out for us, the project opened, started working, a restaurant opened there, a hotel there, everything is fine, this is probably what it is achievement for me because that this is more of a team work for me. well, another achievement of yours, which you are probably proud of, is your daughter, she is 17 years old, you have already talked about this, will she follow in your footsteps, or maybe choose some other direction for herself, maybe some... then she will prefer the creative field, yes, this, this is my girl, oh, look, we have an interesting situation in the family, i was born in a family of judges, hereditary, my grandmother and father were judges, when it was time to go to university, my father thought that ... i’ll go to become a lawyer, everything is as it should be, and i said that i want to be a director,
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he says to me: daughter, daughter, first get a normal profession, then we’ll talk, then i went and went, i said, i want to be a journalist, well because this creativity is in me, it, it is present now, i actually direct all the time, but there were such tragic circumstances in my family, as a result of which i went to study at the faculty of law, as a result... feature cinema is developing especially cinema, so she is also a creative person, i think
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she will succeed, well, this is interesting, you know, scrolling through your facebook feed, well , you can make sure that you are not sitting still, you have such a job, business trips, different cities, countries, hence two questions, you are always there at work in hotels in restaurants, what kind of rest do you prefer in this regard, free time from work, well, for me most of all rest is when... i’m watching something, that is, i want to leave, well, preferably to a place where i’m not i’ve never been, but if i have been, then i just try to be more in nature, on the street, or, well, open up something new, yes, that is, i don’t have such a situation that i sit there in a hotel there in a spa there for the entire vacation and don’t go out, that is, the maximum i have is 2 days, or you can go there, or you can go there, where?
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by the way, are there any prospects for such development of campsites in russia? well, in general, it was a boom for us for a very long time, both glamping and camping, now it remains, but now we have moved towards modular hotels, now this is a boom and the next boom and which we will talk about in in russia, this is now an apart- hotel approach, that is, when the hotel is like an appendage, basically the whole emphasis... is on apartments, and there is also minimal service, but this is not really a hotel, we
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now even have many large developers who have never we weren’t in the hotel business, now these models are considering starting to invest specifically in apartments, and another question is, despite all the difficulties and, let’s say, the rigidity of the hotel and restaurant business, can you call your work work, you know, i was going towards this. not on purpose, well, i just lived, everything that happened was spontaneous, and i didn’t have a special plan and i think that i’m absolutely satisfied.
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in your field, or should this be some kind of movie, you dreamed of being a director? yes, you know, in fact, here is the second option, it is closer to me, because for me cinema is dynamic, i am a dynamic person, a book is static for me, that is, while i write it, i don’t know, i have everything there will go away, and it will no longer be relevant, although well, i’m just not that, probably not as talented as there writers and so on, i’m not talking now, i ’m just saying now that... some of our market professionals are really thinking about it, they’re starting to, well, write some books, but for the industry, and my colleagues are doing this, and some are even interesting, successful, but, probably, a film, a film, it’s probably more interesting to do this, it’s interesting that hoteliers, that is , let’s say, tourists or guests, let’s call them that, evaluate hotels and choose
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hotels there according to star rating, and the hotels themselves evaluate their guests in some way.
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that we discussed various topics, and let’s hope that all the developments that you presented at the second tourism congress will, of course, come true, and let your dreams about films, about your daughter’s future also come true, success, happiness, health and development, thank you very much, tatyana cherbina, svetlana smolonskaya, we say goodbye to you until the next broadcast, goodbye, goodbye, olympiada znamenskaya is speaking now, i want to sincerely wish you. your wonderful country, the republic of belarus. i'm absolutely delighted development, longevity, health for citizens in the city of minsk for the first time, i think we have a lot to learn from you, your place is very clean and discipline is felt, the people are very friendly, i want to come back here, and i will definitely do this more than once. olympics, well
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, according to tradition, i will ask you to leave us your autograph and some wish? with pleasure, prosperity and peaceful skies. they are dedicated to their work. i am proud that i
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work at an enterprise that makes special equipment that helps save people. our quality, your safety protection. our company is famous for its traditions, as well as many dynasties. cement workers are ready to share their knowledge; in 1933, the state commission signed an act of acceptance for operation of the cement plant. the first tons of krichev cement were used for the construction of the moscow metro and show one day in their life. each of our cars is assembled by hand, because when you hold this part in your hands, you feel it, but how can you do it if you don’t feel your work? watch on belarus 24 tv channel. childlike curiosity and genuine interest,
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absolute honesty and sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our hero? why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions. a show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation. how you are at work is different from yourself at home. it seems to me that solely by appearance, i don’t turn from some kind of grumpy person into a cute one kitty no, i’m either a grym everywhere, or a cat everywhere. how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? extremely categorically negative. pity is not the same as sympathizing, pity is an arrogant feeling, a feeling of superiority, look at the project 100
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questions for adults on the belarus24 tv channel. a new task has come, it’s impossible to somehow beat me so that i’m still in belarus, someone else is great, i can’t, let’s be honest, i can’t see the enemy, what the hell... offered your help to the state in the fight against
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the enemy, such weapons the germans don't have it yet, therefore, under no circumstances should the documents reach them, the germans are opening churches in the occupied territories, two priests, two novices, you and father veniam, you from shapkin, each group has its own search area, valery shapkin, your military engineer, please, tell me what you were doing?
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i need a holop, get up, disembark, church, search everything, forward, forward, forward! hands up, stand up, damn it!
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yes, light the bathhouse, then i ’ll ask questions, maybe you’ll pour at least 100 g, and you ’ll immediately start talking, i’ll tell you, since you’re with by me as a human being, my aunt’s schnapps. personal
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reserve, well, that’s a different conversation, you’ll free your hands, huh?
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here and go for yourself and you are in heaven and i went, though i had to go alone, and this fool followed me on... the nun-nun was so in love that you couldn’t just pull her away by the ears, well, it’s that the woman next to me lay down , that means she’s not a scout, what a development, but everything is in the hoyka, you’re better off, tell me about the plane, fuck.
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comrades lieutenant, allow me to report, report to sashchenko, during intelligence reconnaissance, a priest, a nun and the boy is with them, we spent the night in ulysa, we have german documents with us, they say that there are our red army soldiers, comrades, we are our scouts, what a blessing that we met you, we really need your help, help, we have been surrounded for two weeks. who would help us? feel free, savchenko, feed the lad. eat. go, go. comrade red army soldiers, i don’t know you. state your last name and military rank. archimandrite
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veniamin, i am not a red army soldier, i am acting on behalf of the intelligence headquarters. sergeant arina prozarovskaya. lieutenant gavrilov. report the purpose of your task is prozorovsky. what's the goal? do we need to leave? comrade. “here i make a decision, sasha, listen, please contact me according to the regulations, examine the clergyman for infectious diseases that pose a danger to personnel. follow me, sergeant, follow me. give medicine number two, drink boiling water, we have tea , sorry, ended a week ago, thank you, the minister of worship has been examined, he has
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recurrent bronchitis, there is no danger of infection for personnel, okay, what did she say, five kilometers from here is the village of sosnovka, perhaps the germans are holding two of our intelligence officers there, one of them is kept with secret information, we need to free it, even if this is so, we have ammunition as big as a nose, there are probably more germans in sosnovka than us, absolutely right, comrade major, the balance of forces is unknown, that is why it is necessary to check the information from prozorovskaya and conduct reconnaissance, savchenko, sergeev, ryazantsev, parish, go to the road leading the village of sosnovka, organize an ambush, the purpose of the ambush is to take tongue, as soon as you take it, immediately deliver it from... to the detachment’s location, take the tongue and deliver it to the detachment’s location, comrade lieutenant, allow me to go with the group, you need to take the tongue unnoticed, without shooting, this will work out better with me, join
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the group , comrade sergeant, there are plans to join the group, but...
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you don’t know where to send them to the southwest, probably kiev, mom, like kiev, no, not kiev, they’re taking them to leningrad,
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katya, katya, excuse me, have you seen the little girl here? katya, katya, katya, katya, kate! take me, take me with you, take me, my mother is there, take me with you, this is mine, let's go, where did you run, to your mother, she is waiting for me, mother, now your trinity is for the good of the homeland, you know, soon. it will come back to you, there is war there, it is dangerous there, where did you
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run to? i would go to church now, send a note to my mother, she would come for me, what other note? only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look at overseas countries and came to the belarusian city where alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago, the lower castle and posad were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city hall was located. so the kobrin princes of their squad
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definitely stopped and feasted here not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a plastic fish blende himself with a wobbler, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, that's the term for floating. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel when grisha joined our people in the village of light, i immediately decided about you, my everything, i cast my eye, i said to myself , it’s too early to drive your worries out of the house, but the people of the night were falling apart at work. what’s in the rag and no more, otherwise it will be
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our good thing to attach the cable, you’ll sell the rest, i forgot to stare, little girl, i don’t remember what kind of hand you have, and that they’re stroking you, you’re not a chick, and you don’t remember your hands, that means i won't hit you, where are you going? ivy, come on, i don’t have enough money, a ruble is 12 kopecks, why did you pick me up at the station when others didn’t? i liked your suitcase, but how do you live with your husband? ok, watch the film three poplars on an ivy from the collection of pearls of soviet cinema, may 1 on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. tabray morning, hello! and these are beautiful, there haven’t been any tvayans in a year, but they’re rustic. if you want to smoke, i won’t refuse, i’m sorry, i won’t untie my hands, i did for your commander, he instituted this, so
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thank him. what kind of commander do i have, no? i don’t have a commander, let’s save time, you’ll say that you’re a nun, yes, that you met shapkin in kiev, fell in love with him, as you say, head over heels, it’s a sin, well, yes, we’re all human, then... i went for your beloved, enjoyed happiness, then you didn’t know that he was a scout, then you didn’t know what kind of plane he was looking for either, sir officer, yes, well, what a scout, well, we have love,
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we’ll open a church, people will bring food, i’m on i’ll gather the table, we’ll have a drink, we’ll have mercy, what a plane, huh... why did he shoot at our soldiers then? yes, he was drunk, well, our men beat us, well , they are sinners, so what can we do? i slept so well last night, and i’m not complaining, did you hear screams? this is my assistant, he worked with your commander,
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he did not speak. do you see what they did to him? my assistant is tired, sleeping, when he rests, he will take care of you, if you don’t tell everything, you will feel very bad.
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hands up!
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comrade lieutenant, please give me permission, report the message, the task is completed, two languages ​​and a truck have been captured, a truck, we have seized the street, okay, take them there, comrade major, in my opinion, one of yours the nurses speak german, egers, come here, we will interrogate the prisoners, and comrade lieutenant, i also know german, maybe not, we ourselves. you wait there, let's go tigers.
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“you still have time, i won’t go, you need to protect your family while your dad is at the front, there ’s not much here, but they’ll still be useful, hide it, thank you, a true comrade, guardian angel of the spasserap, yorkie, stop. why are the gestapo
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keeping a priest and a nun, they they don’t know, but they saw them. well, everything is clear? savchenko, announce the general gathering. let me know what you are. are going to do. the information about zarovskaya has been confirmed, we must free our intelligence officers. we have few people, there are about 50 germans in the village. we will fight not with numbers, but with skill. you're already sighing. madness, some incomprehensible girl, maybe she has been working for the germans for a long time, maybe this is a provocation, comrade major, as an officer of an officer, i ask you to put aside your emotions, think logically, there are 15 people left in the regiment, we don’t imagine strategic threats for the germans, why do you need this complex combination, luring us out, sacrificing their man, game it’s not worth the trouble, people can barely stand on their feet, if we take the fight, there will be losses. “perhaps there are always losses in war, sasha, i won’t let you ruin people, please contact me
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according to the regulations, this is a pure gamble, you have no right to take risks, lieutenant gavrilov, according to the regulations, i, as a senior in authority , give orders, you don’t you have the right to order, i am the only officer of the twenty-eighth regiment remaining in the ranks, i have the regimental banner, i am senior in rank, you and your medical staff are not part of the regiment, written order from '. you do not have the right to the tribunal and explain your position, but the tribunal will go, i am ready to answer before ordering me to take command, and first we must complete the combat mission to get out of the encirclement, but no one set this task for you, the combat mission is set by the senior in rank commander of the combat unit, that is, me. it's good that the lieutenant is in command. this major is kind of indecisive, what does indecisiveness have to do with it? what didn't
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they tell you? what should they have told me? morozov shimansky? ok, then, get out building! unfurl the regimental banner, yes! comrade red army soldiers, you and i have been through a lot, we are tired, we are surrounded, but i remind you that we all took an oath and must defend our soviet homeland to the last drop of blood. “the interests of the homeland require that we release our intelligence officers, they
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are captured by the germans, the number of germans in the village of sosnovka is about 50 people, yes, this is a lot, but this is a reserve, another 50 germans are guarding a bridge 5 km from sosnovka. if you hit bridge, the reserve will immediately leave the village on i will help my own people, and we will take advantage of this. savchenko, ryazantsev, sergeev, nicheparenko, step forward. you, together with sergeant prozorovskaya, are assigned to the capture group. get in line. the rest are under my command. on the stolen from the german in the truck they go to the bridge, the beginning of the attack will be indicated by one red rocket, as
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soon as the german. his subordinates, the wounded and the clergyman remain at this place, guard the regimental banner and wait for the capture group to return to this place. 40 minutes after the attack on this place is where the main group returns, the united detachment begins to move quickly, perhaps the germans will pursue us, we must not let them catch up with us, in case of my death,
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comrade major takes over the command of the detachment. questions, comrade red army soldiers, allow me to participate in the operation, with dignity, but only trained people will go into battle, father veniam was a career officer, okay, give father veniamin a reserve carbine and... more questions, comrade red army soldiers, i’ll go to the bridge, and you stay here, with all due respect, comrade major, you are a military doctor and do not have sufficient skills to conduct combat operations, we leave in 5 minutes, disperse.
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hello. you will say, of course, it’s me, i’ll be happy to do it, just don’t torture valerka, i told your officer, we have love, your commander also tells a lie, then cry and behave like a dog, he’s not a commander to me , lover,
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lovers. my grandfather, chesovchik, teaches me that people are like watches, no matter, no matter, but you know what to press, yana and you, gety chi si yana this yesterday, will fix it, only si. everything to its liking time will be ripe and you'll be here tomorrow , not tomorrow.


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