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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 1, 2024 12:20am-12:51am MSK

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yes, with the nuns, you came up with a great idea, to be honest, it was venya who gave me this idea, when i found out that the germans were opening churches, i immediately remembered it, in my opinion, it’s an excellent cover, he doesn’t want to come back.
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wants, asked for a new assignment, oh, great, but you say, it’s a hook, it’s not about the hook, only love for the homeland can motivate a person to a real feat, and if it’s not there, then no hook will hold you back, a real feat is first of all the refusal is excellent, but not everyone who works in intelligence? i agree, well , not all are good intelligence officers, for example, this is your prozorovskaya, prozorovskaya, so she had an ideal situation for revenge, but she did not take revenge, and why? i was afraid to interfere with the completion of the task, right, still, i think there is no need to put her before such a choice anymore, i think this couple is necessary...
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perhaps you are right.
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a good pace has been established, about exports, investments and the emphasis of the economy on... 2024 interview
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program. is there life after the chernobyl accident? 20 billion dollars for the restoration of belarusian lands, we will see the result with our own eyes. the caspian is waiting. we update flight data programs on the board at the national airport, now makhachkala. we will show you how we saw off and greeted the first flight in the second part of the program. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy, veronica buta is with you. hello. economic indicator. will be achieved in full this year, about exports, investments and economic emphasis for 2024, my colleague svetlana lukinyuk spoke with the deputy head of the presidential administration. according to alexander egorov, next year it is already necessary to lay the foundations for economic growth the next 5 years, this concerns the start of various investment programs and the conclusion of long-term export contracts and changes in legislation. details in the program interview. alexander andreevich,
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at the all-belarus people's assembly, she stated that, in principle, the main thing is the economy, and we look, already... in general, we can say that the indicators are being met, but it is obvious, it is obvious that there are reserves within the presidential administration, we we receive information, for example, from the state control committee on technical deficiencies or other enterprises, in general, this suggests that there are reserves, confidence in
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meeting the 2024 targets, it is there, and i think that these targets will be achieved, you have already mentioned investments, but we have some plans. weather indicators, but in principle, last year we did not reach this set bar, this year, if, say, countries, those investors who are ready to invest, are we looking at any projects that will work? if we talk about 2023, it seems to me that part of this was not fulfilled investment indicators, was due to the fact that investment projects were progressing rather slowly, if we talk about 2024, then here i think everything will be fine, firstly... secondly, these are import-substituting integration projects that are being implemented with the russian federation, the third is the state investment program, this year it was signed a little later, because
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the head of state returned it for revision in order to concentrate resources, really on significant projects, plus we must not forget that from the second half of the year. the investment law will come into effect, which provides for a number of benefits for investors, and many investors, i think, are waiting to begin making their investments after the law comes into force; in order to receive these benefits, i believe that there are no prerequisites for -firstly, the investment task was not completed, no, that is, it will be completed, the second important point is that i think that it will be exceeded, exports, of course, are of utmost importance for us, because we do not consume a lot of goods, we sell more on external ones.
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difficulties, there are issues of logistics that have become more expensive, yes, for various reasons, there are also issues of the fact that it is necessary to work in these countries, that is, it is impossible to send a catalog of your products there and think that someone there will order these products, it is necessary, well, i i’ll say this, live, yes, that is, maybe spend the first, second year 300, 250 days on business trips in these countries, show your products, tell stories, find those competitive advantages that allow...
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belarus has directed to overcome the consequences accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. the sixth state program, designed until 2025, is already being implemented . much attention is paid to the modernization of social infrastructure. a number of projects are aimed at developing agriculture, for example, on lands that were previously considered contaminated, they are now engaged in woodworking, horse breeding and beekeeping. agricultural towns and regional centers are actively developing. new jobs are being created there and there is an influx of young specialists. a report from anton molyuta from the south of the gomel region. fields near the former
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the village of teshka into part of the experimental economic zone of the polessky state radiation-ecological reserve. all vegetation here is under strict radiation control, and of course, the condition of people. constant measurements show doses that are sometimes even lower than normal. on our site.
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the collapse of the soviet union added to the consequences of chernobyl. it would seem that at enterprises even in a clean zone it would have been possible to give up, but they managed to save it. an example is a famous confectionery factory. conditions good, there will be a new line, it will be even better, of course the salary will be better, i like everything very well, everything, so don’t doubt it, it’s healthy and delicious, and it doesn’t matter if we’re talking about marshmallows, bed or the legendary cows. krasny mozyr is a brand on the river and the main employer; more than 350 people work here, and entire dynasties. marshmallow contains pexin, which promotes excretion. intestinal vital activity, also help
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cleanse the liver of excess bile, so our products are healthy, balanced and well-known not only within the country, but beyond its borders. yes, the plant management confirms that there will be a new line. this year it is planned to launch a production line for irisotirazhennoe, kozinaki and energy bars, which will increase the range. traditions and quality. anton malyuta, sergei and this is the best confirmation of the strength of the belarusian matveychuk and maxim lyulov, sphere of interests. now let's take a break for a short advertisement, then we will open a new air route. the caspian sea is waiting, stay with us.
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belarus charmed them at first sight, the first thing in general, probably, when you get to the republic of belarus, you are impressed by the cleanliness, first of all, the cleanliness, neatness, now having lived here for 7 years, i understand that this is generally the merit of the people.
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let us follow the history and myastsovye abrasions, let us leap to the greatest glory of the church of the holy trinity. the geta temple was established in 1999 on the basis of the former royal parish school. so let's go to pragalinka, let 's go to the heights, let's hum in the spring, let's walk in the winter. come, come, spring, come, out comes the red, rye, and wheaten snaps.
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flights on this route will be carried out once a week on fridays on the aircraft 195, among the first passengers was our correspondent alina lopo. the caspian sea is waiting, we continue to open new flight programs on the display at the national airport, now makhachkala. from now on, you can get to your destination directly from minsk once a week, on fridays, with a return flight on the same day.
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so colorfully, according to all traditions, we are opening a new flight to dagestan, with music and dancing, now passengers. the airline announced the launch of this route at the end of january, during which time belarusians managed to discover the sights of dagestan, the first flight was 70% loaded, but it must be said that the figure for subsequent flights is much higher, for example , for the may holidays, tickets sold out like hot cakes. first of all, the flight is, of course, timed. on tourist flows, there is a very great interest in dagestan traditionally like the caucasus, and of course, a direct flight will help strengthen cultural and business connections between our republics, some for business, some with relatives, some to conquer the peaks of dagestan, many were waiting for a direct flight, because the distance from minsk to
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makhachkala is a little more than 2.0 km, this is if in a straight line by car, by train this way... 37 years already and for passengers the first flight in a new direction is always a holiday, the airline pampers with gifts and creates bright content for filming so that it remains for a long memory, that’s what such flights mean for the crew, we couldn’t help but ask if this is a worker
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moment, we are opening all new flights, developing, looking at routes, what workarounds are there, what? of course, it is a great joy to give our passengers happy moments, meetings with their loved ones, the road for which has become so accessible, loved ones, we connect, 3.5 hours on the road and we are in dagestan, the first thing you feel when you arrive in the country of mountains , yes, that’s exactly what dagestan means in translation - it’s a hot climate, here it’s already consistently more than 20°, and in the summer the thermometer exceeds 45°, so on the coast of the caspian sea it's almost always sunny. the belarusian plane was greeted no less solemnly, immediately after landing there was a water extravaganza. this is... a good old tradition, so to speak, for good beginnings, then acquaintance with caucasian hospitality. so, if
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you look at dagestan through the eyes of a tourist, there is almost everything here, an original culture, mountains, waterfalls, rivers, lakes and the deepest sulak canyon in europe. of course, the pearl, the caspian sea, and for those who want to immerse themselves in history... one of the most ancient cities in the world, derbend. we are constantly working on some packages for tourists. now there are also two packages that have already been formed, that is , certain excursions of natural attractions, which, of course, make our guests fall in love with them, and i am sure that guests from belarus will not resist either. now there is a flight from belarus only once a week , we really hope that belarusians will fly to us two or three, or maybe five times a week. that dagestan is a tourist mecca, one might say, and accordingly belarus is very, very to me they praised the sanatoriums of belarus, i think the dagestanis will also appreciate it. makhachkala airport is the ninth among russian regions on
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the belavi flight map. belarus and russia are getting closer, and the new air bridges are an example of strengthening union integration. the carrier promises even more comfortable flight programs for citizens, for example, in the near future it plans to resume flights to the capital of the arctic. airliners will fly to murmansk from minsk in the summer. alena lopoe and anzor tuzhaev, area of ​​interest, dagestan, russia. this is all the information for today, i wish you successful transactions and productivity in business. we're live every tuesday, wednesday and thursday with the biggest stories in the economy. see you.
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about 10,500 people live in this cozy corner of the minsk region; the picturesque land has given the world many outstanding personalities,
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including composer stanislav manyushka, artist chaim soutine, and cosmonaut oleg novitsky. we are in the east of the minsk region in a small town, but with a very interesting history. friends, hello everyone, masha bogatyr is with you, and this means that today we are building a route along the cherven. and chervensky district. today i i’ll find out when and under what circumstances cherven changed its name. i will spend time with members of the folk group, which celebrated its golden anniversary this year. with a hereditary weaver i will learn the basics of folk craft. i will get acquainted with the history of the development of manufacturing on belarusian lands. i will visit an artificial hill, which tourists consider a cult place. i will visit the temple where services are conducted by the only priest in belarus, an exorcist.
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before you start your journey through the chervinsky region, i’ll tell you how to get from minsk to the worm itself. minibuses and buses run from the avtozavodskaya bus station on the minsk-cherven route; tickets cost from 5 rubles. if you decide to use a personal car, choose the mogilev direction. a distance of 66 km can be covered in an hour. the starting point for the life and development of the settlement was 1387. on april 28 of this year, prince vk and king of poland jogaila, with a special privilege, transferred his belarusian possessions to skirgaila’s brother. then they mentioned igumin in writing.
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legend says that they wanted to name the city honor of the month of july, this month, in 1920 , the poles left the city, in fact, this whole history of the abbot’s civil war ended, but when we turned to the supreme council that we want to rename our city to lipen in belarusian, july, it turned out , that a settlement on the territory of the current yasipovichi district called khalui u... has already staked out this name, and indeed now this village is called lipen, it was necessary to come up with something else, only 2 years they used the new one the gregorian calendar, and according to the julian calendar, the city was liberated in june of the twentieth year, june is cherven, i really liked the new name, cherven, cherven, chervony kolir, kolir banner, according to one of the legends...
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the abbess of the local monastery mercilessly eradicated paganism in the area. according to the stories , the mother superior imposed curses on everyone who worshiped the old gods and promised that sooner or later all these people would fall underground. and then one morning the locals woke up, and the monastery was gone, it ended up underground. and on his a deep reservoir with swampy shores arose in the area. and let scientists believe that the name of the city is related to the mother superior. it has. just in case, they decided to immortalize the name of the legendary lady. this is the pride of the locals, the work of fellow countryman sculptor gennady matusevich. if you look at the plan of the ancient abbot, or modern cherven, from a bird's eye view, whichever you prefer, you can see that it was a square from which streets ran in a cross shape. they were called
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by the names of the settlements to which they led by minsk, bobruisk, pukhovichi and berezenskoe. thanks to this, tourists immediately understood where to go next. three streets were renamed; only the one leading to the capital retained its name. we are in the center of cherven, on freedom square, formerly the mother of god. it is difficult to imagine that in the sultry summer of 1899 there was a terrible fire, in which 137 houses and... 25 outbuildings burned down in one day , only a few buildings survived, among them the st. nicholas church, it should be noted the brave people who extinguished the walls the roof of the temple with water from the igumenka river for several hours in a row. the historical development of the city is at least 110 years old; the central square of cherven was restored at the beginning of the 20th century. the fire taught me a lot. in the city center they decided to build a non
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-wooden one. and stone houses with iron roofs. by 1905 , almost two dozen houses had grown around the church. most of the buildings were rented out. by the way, the building in which maxim bogdanovich’s mother, maria mikota, was born into the family of the provincial secretary, is still preserved on the square. concerning the main craft of the abbots was beekeeping. this is evidenced by one of the decrees of catherine ii. it’s not for nothing that there are five gold pieces on the coat of arms. ruble, the price of wax was 16 rubles, a sylushka could be bought for 25, that is, conditionally, by selling some of the honey and wax a person could buy himself a cow in the future, which of course was generally not bad, well, that’s
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not bad at all, it’s necessary to say that... now in our city a lot of people are engaged in beekeeping, well, this is of course a completely different story, these are not bees that were somewhere in the forest, these are modern hives, the technologies are completely different, but nevertheless , the fishery itself is preserved, so we are justifying our herp now, and in the cherven region, from time immemorial, people have been engaged in quality, and i will try my hand at a difficult craft. local resident tatyana, by name, seems to know everything; in her family, the craft was passed on from generation to generation. tatyana, there are very few masters like you left, tell us when you studied with whom, it’s very interesting, you know, my mother.


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