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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 1, 2024 5:45am-6:01am MSK

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you see anyone in this room, how many ukrainians, how many soldiers, how many civilians died in the war that you are funding, and not one of them can answer you, they don’t know how many ukrainians died, they have no idea, because it doesn’t matter to them , that’s how much they don’t like ukrainians. they tried to make thacker carlson a scapegoat for telling the truth. senator mitch mccon said that the delay in approval of the bill was to blame for the journalist who allegedly began demonizing ukraine after.
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all the time to you, oh, what are you grabbing, what are you if you grab it, the us will spend more than half of the aid package for ukraine - al jazeera reports. of the 61 billion dollars, kiev will receive only part of it, mainly on credit. 23 billion goes to replenishing us ammunition, in return for what has already been supplied to ukraine, and almost 14 billion more to purchase military equipment from american contractors and other countries. the independents will transfer less than eight.
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but even the hard-won funds are not enough; us approval of a new aid package is unlikely to help kiev change the situation on the battlefield, reports bloomberg. it was no coincidence that the vote happened just a few days after zelensky signed the law on mobilization. all the american money, all the western support, all the american weapons won't help unless ukraine mobilizes 25,000 more troops, at least to bolster its undermanned forces. the west is not going to let go
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of the juicer into which it has driven ukraine in the hope of obtaining the elixir of world domination. but multipolarity has long been in trend. situation in the center of tbelisi remains tense. there, special forces disperse another rally against the law on foreign agents. purple spray was used against the activists. and several people who were sitting at the service entrance of the parliament building and trying to prevent the deputies from leaving were detained. journalists were also persistently asked to leave. today in parliament the bill on agents was discussed in the second reading, the procedure was decided to continue tomorrow. bleeding wound: 145 dead and more than 550 injured. today marks 40 days of the tragedy in crocus cityhole. in the morning, a memorial service was held near the building, again at the terrible site. somehow
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a people's memorial grew up, all day long they bring flowers and children's toys here, light candles, mourn, remember the dead and wish strength of mental fortitude to the survivors. daria belousova-petrovskaya again visited the scene of the tragedy. the terrorist attack in the kroku city hall concert hall is considered one of the most brutal in the last 20 years in the history of russia. according to official data, 145 people died, including several belarusians. some visitors to that ill-fated one. concerts before are still considered missing. today people come here again with flowers, put up funeral lamps, bring toys, because among the dead there are six children, someone brings photographs of those who could not escape, and looking at their beautiful happy faces, the tragedy is felt. even more acutely, yes, the tragedy
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is truly terrible, goosebumps immediately begin to run from the scale, from the losses, this week it became known that a colleague who was listed as missing in our family, from that day it became known that he still turned out to be among the dead, and his eldest son, with whom he was also at the concert, is still in serious condition in the hospital. let us remind you that the tragedy occurred on the evening of march 22, people came to the concert of the picnic group, about 6.00 tickets were sold, but a few minutes before the start, men in camouflage uniforms, with machine guns, entered the crocus city hall, literally shooting at point-blank range everyone who was in front of them. ways. this is a tragedy, this is a very big tragedy. for everyone, for every citizen of our country, it seems to me, not only ours, because to commit such a crime is simply incomprehensible to the mind, we must do everything to prevent this from happening in the future, and no matter how rude it may sound, find punishment for those people who are involved in all this. currently
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, 12 people have been detained in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus, four of them are direct perpetrators, the rest are suspected of helping terrorists by providing housing, a car, telephone communications and money for purchases. weapons, the russian fsb does not rule out a ukrainian trace, an investigation is underway. concert the kroku city hall was severely damaged during the terrorist attack; due to the fire, the building was almost destroyed. today, many believe that it should not be restored; a park should be set up in this place or a memorial of grief should be built. daria belousetrovska, alexander lyubitelev, tv news agency, moscow. on the eve of labor day, and this is already a good tradition, the updated republican counting board was solemnly opened in minsk today. based on the results of last year’s work , 64 winners from regions and organizations. industry, construction, agriculture and forestry and, of course, the
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service sector. thus, the state emphasizes the significant contribution of citizens and labor collectives to the development of the country. our correspondent anton malyuta met the recognized leaders. here they know exactly what. salt efficient work, improve technology, reduce costs, the volume of production of belarusian white gold today exceeds domestic needs by several times, only a fifth remains in the country , and nine out of ten export cars are sent to russia, and this is not the limit, we are ready to take more, the markets are well known and we have a decent reputation there, so our products are selling, we are not experiencing any problems with sales today, there is something to be proud of today for everyone who is on the eve of labor day. i came to the center of the capital, there is a whole cluster of regions of various fields of activity, this is a confirmation that everyone’s contribution is important to the overall result. thanks to the sustainable operation of enterprises, in 2023 our economy grew more than we ourselves expected, by almost 4%. therefore,
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we set the bar for a year of quality even higher. our driver last year there was industry, 11 nominees, moreover , nominees from various categories and industries, including private business, as well. enterprises of municipal ownership, republican ones, our integral brand is also on the honor roll today, and this is, in principle, an indicator of the efficiency and competitiveness of our enterprises. this year marks the anniversary of the republican honor board, a quarter of a century since they decided to revive the tradition of honoring the best workers. the criteria have constantly become stricter, but this is only motivation to work harder and better, as minimum to re-consolidate success. based on the results, they know how to do this in the minsk region.
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all agriculture - of course, annual flagships, honor boards, but no one goes unattended. science and education, transport and construction, culture, sports, and of course, medicine. everyone has their own evaluation criteria, and everyone also has their own formula for success. we strike, we show our strength,
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resilience, we move forward, we develop, we do not stand still, it is an honor to include us on the republican board. this is just evidence that we are not just surviving, but we are fighting, we have quite good results. naturally, we will now continue to work with redoubled energy. because each of our scientific research, each project is, albeit a small one, but still a step forward in the victory over this serious, terrible disease, a malignant tumor. all our work is connected only with a person, we accompany him from birth to golden age. well, we hope this will be a good start for the future. we will continue to continue work efficiently. achieve the results that our citizens need, immediately after the ceremony we take a photo as
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a souvenir, we record the moment, but do not forget, the day after tomorrow we will go back to work, even more ambitious goals lie ahead. this is the case when you need to work hard so that everyone knows about your successes, but our winners, of course, do not do this for show; behind the scenes they say that they are simply going to the result, because behind them are their teams, their regions, and of course the entire economy country,
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the conditions in their republican committee had to appeal to natalya ivanovna kachanovna. we live in square 26 with my mother-in-law, it turns out that we have four children in our family, i am my husband. some of the issues really lie in the hands of local authorities; no one will solve these issues for them, this is true. they contact us, we give instructions, they consider these issues. we must, of course, be more attentive to the requests that people come with, so they come here and see it right away. somewhere their mistakes where they incorrectly advised a person or gave him an unlawful answer if this happens,
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so our work is structured in this way, and we will do everything to ensure that the issues that arise for our citizens are, of course, resolved fairly. such meetings allow parliamentarians to objectively assess the situation in the regions in certain areas that forced citizens to seek help. since the beginning of the year , senators have reviewed about 1,200 appeals positively. the practice of on-site receptions has also proven itself; the next single day of reception of citizens, senators will spend may 2 in gomel region. to young people: today in our country there is special attention on how to raise a worthy patriotic citizen, as well as develop in a child a love of sports and knowledge. these and other topics were discussed today by participants in the interdepartmental scientific and practical conference. ideologists and heads of government agencies gathered at the center for training and retraining of personnel of the ministry of internal affairs. security council, ministry of internal affairs. affairs, the presidential security service, the investigative and customs committees, the ministry of emergency situations.
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it is not without reason that the center of the ministry of internal affairs was chosen as the meeting place; under the auspices of the department, patriotic clubs have opened in the country, where each of the children will find something to their liking. we must pay tribute to the ministry of internal affairs and the internal troops, who agreed to host such a large-scale conference to gather all the patriotic clubs created under the auspices of the internal troops and the ministry of internal affairs, so that children could get to know each other, so that the leaders of the clubs could exchange and gain simple skills , how can one solve those or other tasks in modern conditions, give the techniques that are used to prepare children for...
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the liberation of belarus united industry workers from belarus, russia and even china. representatives of all divisions of the domestic enterprise sang lines from famous songs of the war years. soldier's.
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regions of the entire republic of belarus and even western siberia of the russian federation and china. with our action, we together say thank you to our dear veterans for a beautiful, flourishing, bright and peaceful homeland. every year belarusian oil workers are implementing the victory day project of face and destiny. the promotion starts on the eve of may 9.


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