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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 1, 2024 6:00am-6:10am MSK

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russia and even china. representatives of all divisions of the domestic enterprise sang lines from famous songs of the war years, a soldier's uniform, soviet surroundings, the accompaniment of a combatist, flowers, state and corporate symbols, a creative approach to the matter added color to the festive video. popular songs dedicated to the great victory united line by line all the groups of our units, not only the gomel region, but also regions of the entire republic of belarus, and even western siberia, the russian federation and china. with our action we together we say thank you to our dear veterans for a beautiful, flourishing, bright and peaceful homeland. every year, belarusian oil workers implement the project victory day of face and fate. the promotion starts on the eve of may 9.
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and lasts until july 3, in it, through the pages of corporate media, employees talk about their relatives who went through the fire of the great patriotic war, a flash mob, blooming cities, a new type of development of the patriotic project.
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honesty and sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute he will be with us a hero who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our hero? why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their question. a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation. how are you different at work from yourself at home? it seems to me solely by appearance.
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when i brought gorish to us, it seemed like there was more light in the village, i immediately decided about you, everything is mine, i cast an eye and said to myself, mine, it’s like you’re worried about leaving home early understand, but the people of the night were falling apart, eight to work, here they are asleep, in the city and completely asleep, you listen to me, you’ll give ninka the ham that’s in the rag and no more, otherwise it will be our goodness to attach the cable, you’ll sell the rest. i forgot to stare,
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krishenka, i don’t remember what kind of hand you have, why stroke you, you’re not a chick, but you don’t remember your hand, so i don’t hit you, now where are you going? khrushchiho, come on, i don’t have much money, a ruble is 12 kopecks. why did you pick me up at the station, others didn’t pick me up, i liked your suitcase, but how do you live with your husband, well, watch the film three poplars on ivy, from the collection of pearls of soviet cinema, may 1 on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. belarus is a high-tech country, and not exclusively. there was no money, there was no sales, there was no sales, because there was no product, the equipment was all outdated, there were various conversations about the fact that there were some investors interested, that is, the plant was bankrupt, maybe they bankrupted it because
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to buy for next to nothing, but after the president’s visit, when they were banging pots and bowls on the site, and it was decided that this plant should still have one. recently came here to work once i spoke to you, if you remember the woman, we have the best business with you, who was crying, so everyone is crying there, today the volume of horizon production has exceeded post-soviet volumes three times, we continue to buy equipment that is automatic, modern, when the president decided to create a high- tech park. we realized for ourselves that we would need to create our own, so ours appeared organizational center, today it is engaged in development and production for various types of products, ranging from consumer equipment to industrial electronics, then a year later we actually realized that a tv is already, well
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, partly a computer, since such a need for security arose, we began to talk more about this, security in the area of ​​penetration, in the area of ​​independence, well, that’s how it appeared here. we are already producing and the volumes allow us to provide the domestic market with certain types of amino acids in full about 80% more export supplies, we already have technology, competence, corn grain for 200 dollars is converted into vitamin b-12, a ton of which already costs 3 million in the city.
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the belarusian national biotechnology corporation is an example of how it is possible to build a unique production facility in a very short period of time, does not exist in the post-soviet space in the countries of eastern europe. we will move in this direction. this is advanced technology, this is the future, this is the future of our people, this is the independence of our country. i'm on it i have been working in the company for almost 40 years. after the collapse of the union it happened.
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