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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 1, 2024 9:00am-9:26am MSK

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tv news agency begins an information day, elizaveta lokotka is with you, good morning in this issue a good tradition that unites many generations, belarus today celebrates labor day, bonuses, raises and social payments, innovations of the last month of spring, protests continue to rock georgia. law on foreign agents, the crowd was dispersed with water cannons and tear gas. agriculture, trade, culture, and issues of life in the southeast of the country were the focus of the president’s attention the day before. this is traditional annual chernobyl trip, a lot of attention is paid to such lands. upon arrival , the president first of all asked how the program for the development of the southeastern region of the region was completed. the governor reported that she was in general.
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in the west, there is technology for the getag, but we don’t have it, listen, not like in your time , in mine there was technology for collecting stones, but you have to count money and this technology is not used everywhere, so there must be a maneuver, but we have equipment for removing stones, it is even 40% cheaper than that produced in poland.
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the machine is not inferior to absolutely any parameters, it even partially exceeds the 5.2 working width, it removes stones from the surface of the field up to 100 mm deep, well, the stones, yes, yes, yes, yes, now we can see it you sketched it on purpose, i see it in front, to see if it will assemble or not, of course, good afternoon, are you working on it or were they just shown it to you, well, we worked on it, tried it, and what can you say, they assemble a good car, good ... collects stones, yes, yes, collects stones, that is, after you there are already people you don’t need to let in, yes, well, large stones when they are big, but to collect a large one, it’s already a small thing - this, well, which is more than 300 mm, more than 300 mm, it’s difficult, let’s say, but up to 300 can take you to the edge fields, can be loaded into a trailer, unloading height is 2.3 m, it rises and unloads itself, no need, that is, you can show it now, of course, let’s have productivity. up to 3 hectares, that is
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, depending on the density of the stones, 3 hectares, so it slowly goes down to 100 mm, collects everything in a bunker, please unload more will level the soil, that’s perfect cleanliness, you can just network, maybe, the president was shown the new belkopsoyuz auto shop, the head of state visited the new local cultural center and talked with local residents about how the state managed to save the country by restoring the region. victims after the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. they also talked about the upcoming school graduations. here the emphasis is on the fact that stratification cannot be allowed, and the state is doing everything to create equal conditions of opportunity for all children to study at school. but in the question of participation or not our athletes in the olympic games, this is solely a matter for the athletes themselves. eight contracts worth $12 million. new trade promotion agreement and agreement to work together to create joint production. and attracting
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to egypt. during the negotiations, they discussed the official visit of the prime minister of belarus to invest in promising projects. this is the result of our country’s readiness to make a significant contribution to food security. egypt, discussed the creation of a grain hub, and also noted significant reserves cooperation in industry. we began our joint work with projects in the field of industrial cooperation, organization of assembly plants, equipment of the minsk automobile plant, minsk tractor plant, and we are certainly interested in expanding cooperation in this area. in total, for example, over the last decade. more than 40 thousand agricultural tractors have been supplied to the egyptian market, and we are ready to do everything possible to ensure that tractors and other agricultural vehicles, trucks and equipment are produced in
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large volumes in egypt were used to supply both the domestic market and the huge middle eastern and african markets. belarusian enterprises are ready to more actively offer their goods to the egyptian market, already with an agreement to participate in exhibitions of food products and agricultural machinery. a day of spring renewal, bright hopes and deep respect for all professions. belarus celebrates labor day today. the president congratulated belarusians on may day. the belarusian people have always been famous for their hard work and approach to business, which allowed us to equip our state and preserve people's peace. earth - noted alexander lukashenko. today, when global competition for the market and resources has intensified, it is especially important to strengthen our common home, increase the wealth of citizens, and ensure a happy future for our children and grandchildren. this is possible thanks to a conscientious and responsible attitude towards the assigned area of ​​work, perseverance in achieving
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set goals, and an innovative approach to solving everyday problems, he emphasized head of state. a significant factor in simplifying the belarusian model of social development is. i am confident that by continuing the traditions of the generation of winners, we will secure for the republic of belarus the glory of a strong, modern and technologically advanced country. on this festive day, i thank everyone who is dedicated to the cause and contributes to the prosperity of our homeland every day with their work, the congratulations say. the first of may is a good tradition for us that unites many generations. belarusians love and know how to work. the history of independence only proves this our satellites in space the flight of the first cosmonaut of the sovereign belarus marina vasilevskaya. giant factories operate despite any sanctions, the fields are well-groomed. all this is daily great effort. traditionally, this is a day off for the entire country.
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concert programs, performances by creative and dance groups, sports competitions, and fairs are planned in the capital and regions. at 11:00 at stella minsk, the hero city, there will be a flower laying ceremony. belarusians organize outdoor picnics at the state level, on this day they honor labor laureates, as well as enterprises and their teams for high performance indicators. this year , there are 64 winners from regions and organizations on the republican honor board for achieving high results.
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age, well, we hope that this will be a good start for the future, we will continue to work efficiently and achieve the results that our citizens need. by the way, the republican board has a quarter of a century of honor and anniversary; being included on
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it is recognition of the high contribution of citizens of labor collectives to the development of the country, and also motivation to achieve better results in the future. labor day traditionally brings. belarusians and a number of innovations in the country have increased the cost of living budget on average per capita. its new value is 418 rubles. 73 kopecks this is 3% or 12 rubles higher than the standard. which was in effect before. following the bpm , various raises, as well as individual social benefits, are automatically revised. for example, age- related pension supplements. those who are between 75 and 79 years old will receive an additional 78.5 rubles per month. and for the group 80+ the amount of the supplement will be 157 rubles. benefits for families raising children will also increase. the lump sum benefit in connection with the birth of a child, for example, will increase upon the birth of the first one. child by 123 rubles compared to the current period, at the birth of the second and subsequent children by 168
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rubles. in general, benefits, which are calculated from the subsistence level budget, cover 171,000 children in the republic of belarus. and at the end of the month, the conditions for assigning family capital and its early use will change. now to have many children families have opened a deposit account in a bank, it is necessary to confirm the employment of the head of the family. additional appointment conditions. early use of family capital will be the creation of appropriate conditions and a favorable climate in the home for children. another protest against the law on foreign agents broke out in tbilisi. demonstrators hit garbage cans and threw bottles at law enforcement officers. police and riot police tried to push the protesters away from the parliament building. the demonstration moved on.
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according to the country's ministry of health, three were injured. law enforcement officers, pro-western media took people out into the street, and then on air on the georgian opposition tv channel they showed the treatment of a healthy person. protester, in staged footage they put a man in front of the camera and began to help him, as if he had suffered from tear gas. the protest mood is heating up in the united states; in new york, police stormed the columbia university campus seized by students. security forces led people out with their hands tied; according to local media reports, about 100 activists were detained. previously, columbia university
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threatened to expel students who oppose the war in the gas strip and arms supplies to israel. earlier, demonstrators from inside barricaded the entrance to the campus with furniture and metal barriers, and also hung a palestinian flag from the window. immediately after washington approved a new aid package for israel, students across america came out with anti-war demonstrations. the future belongs to the younger generation, so their education is an investment in the future of the country. issues of patriotic education were discussed the day before by participants in the interdepartmental scientific-practical conference. ideologists and heads of government agencies gathered at the center for training and retraining of personnel of the ministry of internal affairs. security council, ministry of internal affairs, presidential security service, investigative and customs committees. ministry of emergency situations. it is not for nothing that the center was chosen as the meeting place. the ministry of internal affairs , under the auspices of the department, has opened patriotic clubs throughout the country, where each of the children will find something to do to their liking. in
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all this, the military-patriotic education of our youth will benefit, in all this our children will win, our children are the replacements, the replacements of those who will come after us, and not only in the internal affairs bodies in the security bloc, these are children who will grow up and be patriots of their country, who will love, respect their history, who will respect their parents, respect.
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and finally, let’s remember how the country celebrated may day with a chronicle of labor achievements in a nostalgic episode of the atn project in the public domain. the tv news agency presents, in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. belarusskaya stalitsa 1
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may. good health to you, comrades, great happiness. the working class, the living force of the country.
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i am smelling the great treasures of the savetsk people, and here i feel the joyful breath is clear and the progress of may is possible. the red crayfish spread throughout the streets and squares. on the banners are the fiery words of the pershamai invocations of the cpsu central committee. these are the words of ours...
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it is clear to us that these years are asable as our people's joy and the new eras of chalavets are clear. our dzetsi, i am the future gaspadars. unabsorbed spaces cover the front of their names and who knows, magchyma yany pavyaduts interplanetary kasmichny karabel pa shlyahu prakladzenamu gagaryn. that's all for now, we'll tell you the developments at noon, see you later.
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there is a main line for the anglo-saxons to maintain global dominance, the only way to maintain global dominance is to war in europe. indeed , preparations are underway,
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the majority of the poles really don’t want to fight, but it’s one thing for the population, another thing for the elite, in order for a gun to survive, it must first be loaded and hung on the wall, and in order to start a war, you must first accumulate weapons, accumulate armed forces on the border, and then some trigger can lead to the outbreak of hostilities, not in vain.
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opens up opportunities for some harmonization of conditions and standards that could exist between russian-belarusian tourism. belarus is very dynamic, dynamic in terms of the fact that your vertical management decisions are made quickly. what exactly do people see as the eiffel tower or some other object? yes, it matters, but it’s not essential. we may not have all this less interesting is definitely not worse. you are very unique. country, well, if you ask the average person, yes, he probably heard about the twentieth year, well, he probably heard that there were other coup attempts, you are the only country that survived, the project,
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say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus tv channel 24, over the past year , the memorial was visited by more than 520 thousand people, and these were citizens not only of belarus from the near abroad, but also from the distant memorial. visited by representatives from myanmar, angola, vietnam, china, great britain, france, usa, and a number of other countries, it must be said that as part of the reconstruction, a completely new museum was created, a new museum exhibition, which was visited by more than 130,000 people, but what unique exhibits were added to the museum’s exposition and how did these exhibits get to you? well, i must say that, firstly , large-scale... reconstruction work with elements of restoration of the memorial was carried out throughout the entire twenty-second year and they tried to preserve all the elements in
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the state of their creation, since the memorial complex itself is already a monument history, but it must be said that on the open part of the memorial a very significant element of the memorial appeared; it would have created a church, a church that was lost, just as the village was lost during the great patriotic war.
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from the 10th to the 20th century there is information about the post-war period, about how the memory of those tragic events and tragedies that occurred on the territory of our country during the 3 years of occupation was preserved, but of course this is the emotional part, we influence our museum visitor through emotion, and the artistic decision of the museum.


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