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tv   100  BELARUSTV  May 1, 2024 9:25am-10:25am MSK

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and a new museum was opened, a completely new exhibition, and it is rather a museum of emotions, a museum space in which, with the help of new information technologies, there is a complete immersion in those dramatic events, the story goes through facts, although there is quite a lot of information presented there, in each room there is information panels containing information and more about the period of the great patriotic war.
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to the peaceful sky that is above our heads today. music. hello everyone, in exactly a minute
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a hero will come to us who will answer everything, but first, according to tradition, our questions to the hero. irina, what feelings are you experiencing now? i am very worried and worried. is it like being nervous before going on stage? yes. first time irina, do you agree with the statement that children should never be told lies? i don’t agree, i’m joking, i’ll try to answer honestly or not answer at all, well, then good luck to you, dear participants of the program, today our guest is the honored artist of the republic of belarus, irina tarofeeva. irina, i want to warn you,
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that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason. you will not be able or will not want to answer, you have the right to refuse the question three times and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, now you have one minute to briefly talk about yourself: time has come! irina arkadyevna dorofeeva, was born in the city of mogilev, in a family of teachers, and her mother’s name is dina, her father’s name is arkady. i love my country very much, i am very glad that i can make my dreams come true, i graduated from the belarusian state university culture and arts, where i now work as a teacher, including the head of the department
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of pop music. my whole life is connected with music, i dreamed of becoming a singer as a child, and my dream came true. you’ve done it in one minute, and now questions from our audience, we have 100 people in the studio, everyone has their own question, let’s see how much time you have to answer, are you ready, i’m ready, then let’s begin, so, the first question from the red sector, hello, at what age did you decide that you wanted to become a star, oh, i’m afraid to lie, probably already from the age of 4, here probably so. did your parents accept your choice? well, at four, probably no one was taking this seriously yet, but already at 11:00, when everyone began to notice that i had a beautiful voice, everyone began to talk about it together, neighbors, friends, well, as it happens,
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you know , praise a small child, and i was sent to the rainbow vocal studio, and i was already studying professionally, my parents always supported my choice, please. we move to the left, and what did your parents teach you, and what did you learn? yourself? i can say that, probably, the main thing that my parents taught me is to love, to love life, to be optimistic and to be kind and sympathetic, it seems to me that this was the atmosphere in the family that reigned in me. since childhood - this is , well, great happiness, that is, whenever i want to be happy, i plunge into this state of childhood, this joy, this spiritual harmony. irina, what have you learned yourself? what have i learned myself? i’ve probably
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learned to understand that the more you know, the more you can do, the less you know and you can't do anything. hello, my name is sofia, i have a question: what are your fondest memories of childhood? i had such a turbulent childhood, it was during my school years, the school had its own atmosphere, i was always worried that i had some homework left unfinished, that i would be called to the blackboard, and i like to always be ready, and why wasn’t i ready, because i was studying at the vocal studio until 11 pm... rainbow, in fact, after school i immediately flew home, played the piano, then flew to rainbow, i was ready to live there, spend the day, spend the night, i loved to sing, the whole atmosphere in this creative team, it captivated me so much, and i also really
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remember our trip with my parents around belarus, we went with a tent, i learned to fish , so i'm an avid fisherman, does anyone like fishing by the way? wow, cool, i respect you, guys, well done, but does anyone like to sing, wow, great, these are still the same people, great, i want to say that such hobbies were instilled in childhood, of course, in the family, in the creative field team and at school. hello, my name is rostislav, how did you study at school? ay, i did well at school, i wish i could do that. i would like to think, of course, there were not very favorite subjects, as a result it turned out that they were most useful to me in life ; they turned out to be my favorite ones, my love for school was exactly proportional to my love for
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teachers, well, it so happened that i fell in love with mathematics and physics, although all my life i was inclined towards the humanities, well , honestly, but because i loved teachers so much that i went... physics and even managed finish school with a silver medal. by the way, this helped me enter without exams. you won’t call me today so as not to embarrass yourself. the next question is on your right,
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irina, this is the yellow sector. hello, my name is polina, you are a very beautiful singer. thank you. and i would like to make it clear, there are many girls in belarus who are beautiful and have a good voice, but they are unknown. how did you become famous? well, of course. this is probably fate in the first place, i can’t say that there are just such secrets as how to quickly become popular, i probably i was very lucky in life, and i was always surrounded by good people, they always noticed me somehow, they pushed me, and this is probably a very good quality, to be able to communicate, yes, to win over people, this is probably even difficult to learn, the most... . difficult art, i like it, honestly, i
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didn’t even think about this topic, you see, thanks to you, we are starting to understand it, so there is no such specific advice, but i believe that you need to look for talents in yourself, to reveal them if possible, in order to these talents have been revealed, you have to work a lot, work on yourself, but it is very important that you absolutely love the work that... you are doing, and, probably, this is the key to success, that is, you end up not getting very tired, because you are doing something very beautiful, something pleasant, well, something that gives you maximum pleasure, so find something that brings you true joy, that allows you to open up in life, and most importantly, do it so beautifully that everyone admired you, well, if possible, or, although well it doesn’t happen like that, probably someone will still not like you and maybe someone will envy you in a good way, let
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it be white envy, in general, i wish you all success, definitely, success, success, success . why do we need an astronaut in space? in principle, we have nothing else to do. a sovereign belarusian in space is pride for the nation, so all other talk is stupid in its essence, in any business there must be a goal to which one must strive without... this will come stagnation, and it’s alexander grigorievich, he’s in charge the ideologist of this approach in the country, he says:
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let's produce our own car in belarus, we now have our own car, we built a station, although there was also hand-wringing and howling, now the most important thing is, if suddenly we take up the project of building aircraft, here this is already more than enough for development, documents from the robert koch institute were leaked onto the internet, in which it is written in black and white that in germany the government from the very beginning...
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i’ll get myself chinese chickens, girls, that’s it, you know what everything is, and also there are many interesting educational stories, this is where we produce our miracle fertilizer. the main function here is performed by ideal workers who work 24x7, that’s you and me, and so there are apple trees that, in principle, will grow for everyone, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, they opened the windows in the estate where she was, a swallow flew in and began to see a nest , and the boy was miraculously born, they considered
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it a good omen, and allowed her to hatch her chicks. they say that moscow has the best chance unwind, have you ever wanted to go abroad? no, never, of course. i had some thoughts, well, like everyone else, in my youth, i thought, i will learn all the languages ​​of the world, they will understand me, i will sing, i will have worldwide popularity, who if not me, the world is waiting for me, that’s what it was like youthful maximalism, and then, when i traveled a little, saw the world, especially after visiting
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russia, let’s be honest, i did this... break into russian show business, when i visited moscow, i realized that this was probably not for me , mentality, this is not my city, i i want to go back, i want to go home, i want to live in minsk, i want to go home, and i’m so much more at home, and in general i love belarus so much, i love it, i just know that there is no better country on earth, and this is mine here... just a fundamental conviction, i feel that belarus is my country, this is my homeland, and i will never be as happy as here. irina, what is your homeland for you? for me, my homeland is a feeling of home, a feeling of happiness. my homeland, this is my family, this is all the most
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precious thing in my soul. here we are talking small homeland, but we immediately remember our home, we remember our parents, we remember our childhood, and the homeland is the most dear thing that can be in the life of every person, it is where they are always loved and expected, where you will always be a little girl, where you and they will understand, you know, from my new song, which is called my shore, i sing about belarus, i sing about my homeland and i feel... happy, it’s doubly pleasant, you know, not only to talk about it and feel, but also be able to sing. hello irina, my name is tatyana, i follow your work and i’m wondering whether working in show business gives you more or takes away more, and what
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has it taken from you? i want to say that... show business didn’t give me anything, no business, by and large, no show, you’re your own director, it’s important to get a profession that will bring you, how can i say, dividends, it’s important to get a profession, you need to succeed as an individual, you need to graduate from university, it takes a very long time to reach your goal of learning to earn money through your labor, this is very wonderful. when do you they pay for the fact that you can do something well, i don’t presume to say 100% that i’ve learned everything, but i have the opportunity to learn from my students, and also, believe me, that’s probably what’s good about this profession teacher is still in my life, because this interchange goes on all the time, i
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try to be in line, i try to always be fresh and young, this is good. investment in yourself, this is in yours, in your knowledge, in your skills, so learn this, and the show will find you itself, and what did you have to sacrifice, sacrifice, what, a lot i had to make sacrifices, but this is a sacrifice in the name of myself, dear, beloved, that’s right, i won’t tell anyone the secret that we must first of all love... ourselves, yes, in order to please others, in order to be interesting, we must , you need to wisely invest money in yourself, that’s it. what is show business? well, it’s like he’s bound primarily by investments, yes, well, it’s money, but also
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energy costs, it’s your work that you put in, and of course, sometimes you don’t want to, it seems, why should i do this, why should i do this, oh, i'd rather not run, i'd rather not i’ll swim, it turns out that it’s all interconnected, well, you know, water doesn’t flow under a lying stone, i’ll repeat, irina, and you... are happy today, yes, at least i want to seem like that, no, i’m kidding, i of course i’m happy, i’m happy, i ’m happy, hello irina, my name is ksenia, what’s missing in domestic show business, well, what’s missing in show business, you know, there’s probably enough of everything, anyone will tell you, give us money, everything will be fine right away, because any... television project is an expense, any concert is costs, any ticket to a concert, it costs money, then we ask the question, how much can a ticket cost, yes, let’s say, in general,
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one thing leads to another, well, first of all, of course, this is a financial resource, the second is goodwill, this is creativity, yes, i want fresh ideas, brains, young, talented, creative ones who will burst into this world and show us all how it should be done. do, hello, my name is artyom and many stars invent various legends about themselves for the sake of pr, you always tell the truth in your interviews, oh yes, i try to speak the truth, to be honest, i’m not inventing anything, they’ve already come up with a lot of things for me, or maybe you’re just a good actress, maybe, oh, thank you, such a great compliment, artyom. cool, the next question is in the red sector, hello, my name is daniil, i know that
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women love with their ears, is this really so, or are actions important to you? oh, daniel, what is your adult, serious question, of course, we love with our ears, we love to receive compliments, we immediately melt, we immediately transform, we become beautiful, like we love. ears, that's what everyone says, women, you can just remove the noodles, you know, from these ears, in general, the more ears a woman has, the better, and as for actions, of course, in the most beautiful actions, flowers there and some- then signs of attention, they are also added to the piggy bank, they are also appreciated, but with the ears more. did boys pull your pigtails at school, did you have love, oh yes, listen, i’ll tell you, i
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fought with boys often as a child, but i understood that this was a manifestation of love, so sometimes, i remember, the boy is alone, that’s all time for me well, well, he was annoying, so to speak, he annoyed me so much that i asked to be moved to a separate desk, well, that means i... they moved me, and he walks around all gray, almost crying, that is, it turned out that the whole class became ask the teacher to return me to his desk, well, because he was not indifferent to me, and i no, no, no, then, oh well, in general, i agreed only if he doesn’t beat me, which means i sat down next to him, and in joy he waved his fist at me once and for all, i mean, what, and he started crying, his lip trembled in fear that he was... unconsciously, well, this was an emotion just for joy, let me cut it, well, here’s the story, irina, are you lucky in love, did
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you manage to meet your prince, oh, of course, you’re lucky, of course, i’m lucky, i’m just unlucky for a long time , for some reason, oh, i waited for my prince for a very long time and waited, this is a romantic story, meetings, oh yes, like in the best novels of dumas, have you read dumas? no, the three musketeers, you know such a novel, countess demonsaro, such a novel, the hosts of a travel show are at home, exactly... they know how to behave when visiting, a good difference, wow, he already speaks the belarusian language, of course,
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foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and follow the sights. the most valuable relic is the cross of jesus christ, a piece of the cross on which jesus christ was crucified, exactly, this is the very same one, this is the glubokoe treasure. by chance, during construction work, an excavator dug a small trench with its own.
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when did you meet your first true love and how did you know he was the one? here it started, i met my love for 40 years, that’s it. can you imagine how it happens, i immediately realized that it was the one, because i had been waiting for him for a very long time, and what do you think, love is chemistry, or a person can be taught to love, it is chemistry, it is a gift of god, love is a feeling that is simple incomparable to anything, that is , this feeling of bliss, this feeling.
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security, tranquility, it’s all in one person, probably combined, when you can dissolve completely and completely, when you can’t breathe enough, see enough rejoice enough. i want to wish you guys, from the bottom of my heart, to find true love in your life, in general, love does miracles, but i think that for sure, maybe i haven’t yet known everyone, all the beauties in... love, because, probably, the greatest happiness is father’s love, mother’s love, this is also probably a great joy in life, so i wish you too find this happiness for yourself, is it possible to be happy without children, i have already talked about that this is probably incredible happiness. here
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to be a mother, to be, to have my own child, child, i imagine what a wonderful mother i would be, probably just a super mother, but i made in my life, well, maybe such a mistake, maybe not, uh, i have to do everything on time, i’m just not on time, maybe i met my love, then it so happened that, although, suddenly i will. miracles , a miracle will happen, who knows, in general, i have not yet lost hope of becoming a mother, well, it’s probably no secret to you that i don’t have children, but i have a lot of children, these are my students, this my graduates, i love children very much, it ’s such a happiness, probably, to see your chat when it looks like you, yes, these facial features, these only familiar to you, all the nuances in general, well, it’s happiness to be a mother.
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so don’t repeat my mistake, and i’ll still try to improve. do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman? i believe, i believe, i have friends with whom i have been communicating for many, many years, being friends and with... over the years this friendship only gets stronger, who is your best friend? well, first of all, i'm friends with sterel maisuradze, a wonderful musician, performer, singer, and we often perform together, even sing a duet somewhere, many of my students also became my friends, graduates, for example, andrei kolosov, we share the stage with them, these are already my colleagues in the workshop
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creatively, i... i can say that these guys are excellent, i also have wonderful musicians, by the way, with whom i have been working for many years, i have many friends, they are all creative. irina, yes, what is a friend to you? oh, i immediately remember vysotsky’s song, by the way, you know who he is vysotsky, guys, oh, glory, there is such a song, if suddenly you turned out, if a friend suddenly turns out to be neither friend nor enemy, but so, such a song, friendship is tested by time, of course, and often... it happens, maybe it could be that even some of your childhood friends from your youth, and even school friends, now you ’ve moved away, you don’t maintain relationships, that is, somewhere in your soul you remember these people and you know that this friendship was there, it’s like would
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be in your heart, that is, well, it seems to me that the quality is good when he is a friend will always come to your aid, but he will not impose himself on you, he will not interfere in your life, you just know, here... we are looking for you in such a way that you yourself have little place in your life, so i advise you to find such friends who, well, they are not always visibly nearby, but when you need it, you always find time to chat. if you could sing a duet with any world star, who would it be? oh, well , i don’t even know, it could be not only a singer, that’s right, even some actor, oh.
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and you owe everyone, endlessly, what your strongest character trait is optimism, i guess, i think so, but what weakness can you afford? to be a little bit
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of a child, so i can afford it, to be eccentric, to be a little bit of a girl, like that, well... i like this state, i can afford it. hello, irina, my name is ksenia, choosing from celebrities, who would you invite to dinner? listen, it’s a difficult question, but probably who i would like to invite to dinner, i would invite paola caelio, do you know this one? no, here it is for me it would be so interesting, and i also like such a writer, werber, i think, would ask him when he would write the next part of one or another of his books, it’s so interesting to read, and i would like a continuation, such
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interesting personalities, i was it would be interesting to just chat, although, probably, such great writers and philosophers are probably not very interested in answering questions like, you know, do you know how to cook, what signature dish would you treat your guest? i'm probably not as good at cooking as my mother, she knew how to make pies, you know, the same complex dishes, like cabbage rolls, some kind of sorcerers, these are the kinds of dishes i don’t know how to cook, but in principle, if i had time, i would cook them. something tasty. irina, let’s turn 180°. question from the yellow sector. please tell me that you are an associate professor at the department of music squadron at the belarusian state university of culture and arts. do you have your students sing
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during lectures? certainly. i immediately went out and rushed off. well, of course, that's not how it happens. i don't have many lectures, so lecture classes, i literally. because - to be honest, for the first year
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this year we recruited excellent guys, only i have two such students studying for the first year, whom i can already be proud of, i haven’t taught them anything yet, but they are already so famous, one of nikita belko, if you know such a young artist, he is a laureate of numerous international competitions, he has an excellent command of the instrument, he is an excellent musician, and by the way, he also studied with my director vasily georgievich senkov. here is nikita, he just grew up with me in front of my eyes and was in my studio, working out, recording some songs, well, that is, this is what they say about the continuity of generations, maybe someone saw, someone heard, but look, take an interest, because guys, here it’s very important to be interested in life, you know, you also need to have a flexible mind, not lazy brains, when you want to be interested, when you say: oh, we don’t know any belarusian performers there, well, that’s a shame.
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club of editors of any nation needs bonds, this flight is a bond, a bond of ours society, for 3 weeks we lived with this topic, we followed, we worried, but the most important thing we were proud of was truly national mobilization.
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shuki on tv channel belarus 244. all girls love to dress beautifully, and what can’t you imagine your wardrobe without? you know, without sneakers, this may
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sound strange, but i really love sports shoes, i feel very good in them, and i want to run, i just want to run so bad... to run, i used to be an athlete in the distant past, i i ran a lot and 2 km a day - that’s very good, well, somehow it helped me stay in shape, now i like to swim, what do you usually carry with you in your purse? i carry a notepad, a notebook, a pen, of course, well, this is probably the main thing that should be in my purse, the question is in the purple sector? it's on your right. very often artists resort to the services of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons. how do you maintain your youth, triple beauty? well, i already said, sports, good mood, love. these are probably the three
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main factors that influence the external view, well, not just girls, girls, men, people in general. we turn 180°. yellow sector. in 2016, you decided to run for parliament. why? what was the reason for this desire? change the world for the better. i think that the main goal is for people who see that they can bring help to people, answer some pressing, topical questions. of course, i wanted to help and solve some issues, maybe not everything happened the way i wanted, because, nevertheless, changes were made to the copyright law related rights, and i’m very happy about this, i would like it, you know, it’s always very important that
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the law works, yes, when you understand that in reality it doesn’t work out that way, then something needs to be changed, something needs to be... introduced there are some amendments to this law, changes, this should be an initiative, so in my case, i think that it was not in vain that i spent 3 years in the house of representatives, and i was very interested, this is a difficult job, i suppose, to some questions, well, i wasn’t ready, to be honest, it’s only after living and getting this experience that you can understand how responsible and complex work this is. this is a job, would you like to try yourself in some government position? everything can happen, but everything has its time, probably to each his own, at this stage i understand that i really want to show myself to the world as an artist, as a singer, and i still have so much to tell
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people, and i i understand that there is still so much unspent energy, strength and desire, and i cannot express in words exactly what i feel... at concerts, you see, when i perform and i see that people are smiling, they they experience all these emotions, feelings with me, it’s so great, i’m also a leader, i lead, i lead the whole department, can you imagine, that’s why it turns out like this, i combine business with pleasure, and i found such a golden mean, but if more , then i simply don’t have enough for my artistic activity. we return to the purple sector 180° back. hello, my name is valeria. there are quite a few songs about belarus in your repertoire. what motivates you in your choice? everything i do, i do according to my heart. and probably
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my already rich experience, let’s say, from the height of my years, i can say that... every artist should have in stock a song about their homeland, a song about the most important thing, probably, in a person’s life, and i’m happy that i have there are many such songs, and i don’t get tired of singing them, and i ’m just amazed at our belarusian and not only belarusian authors, by the way, i have a song about belarus, it’s known... people, our belarusian authors keep listing these magnificent talented
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people... they write in different ways, it seems so simple, you can already write something new, yes everything has already been written, and even i remember these , well, that is, i can just long the first lines back in childhood, i sang where the homeland begins, a beautiful song, and i never cease to be amazed at how relevant these words are today and... i want these sing songs and i want you to love them, so that you listen to them, so that they penetrate into your very hearts, so that they instill in you love, pride, this real, healthy, sincere patriotism, because for you are the future and you are our hope, i say this sincerely from the bottom of my heart, i really believe in you guys, i want you to become real professionals to serve your country. because service is not only in the army, but we treat this, everyone in their place, everyone at their post, there are so many
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wonderful interesting professions, titles, you know, and i am proud of everyone, who carries out their profession with honor, who works for the country, for the people, for the people, but what is the correct way to love your homeland, in your opinion, your homeland? you need to love in such a way as not to betray, to love honestly. hello, my name is sasha. you do you like active or passive recreation? oh, i love every vacation. to be honest, i would love to plunge into the atmosphere of some water park. i really love swimming. and i can admit that when i get into the pool, i relax. i'm resting. both soul and body, at the same time i do sports, there is physical activity, but i get some kind of adrenaline, this is a buzz, that
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is, i feel that i am working on myself, and my body is celebrating this joy, you know when i'm on the move, so this is probably some kind of ideal option, but i can’t afford to go to the water park, because i have a complex that they will recognize me and look at me for a long time, that is, there is such a moment in... but i love active and some kind of recreation, i would love to go fishing, i i haven’t fished for so long, i’ll tell you honestly, but not winter fishing, i don’t like the cold. we follow the sporting life of our country. belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup - the most unexpected couple: zhlobin metallurg and
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brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again; never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series. and we are reviewing the most interesting event. the british runner raskuk, known on the internet as the strongest miracle, set his sights on the record a year ago; he wanted to run across africa from south to north. two-time champion.
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hello, my name is nastya, if you were offered to star in a film, what kind of film would it be? this was my big dream from childhood, which did not come true, i still dream of acting in a movie, i’ve probably already reached the point where i’m ready to play myself, how do you feel about envy, maybe you wear amulets against the evil eye? to be honest, i have no attitude towards envy, i think that it is a very harmful trait, it is advisable not to suffer from it, it is like a disease, probably, and this feeling should be taken from oneself simply and... if someone feels that it is appearing, yes, at least some, this is something that, it seems to me, destructively affects our health and
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our state of mind. just a thing dear to me, which, you know, there are some things that we wear, yes, i don’t like any additional decorations, but here’s a scene, let’s say it suggests that i’m wearing something i love for myself, as if happiness, yes, that’s happiness, happiness, that’s what i tell myself, many people say that in this life
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you have to try everything, there are such things: things that you haven’t tried until now? yes, there are such things, but i think that thank god i didn’t try them, i will never try drugs, i think that this is absolutely not you even need to try, because everything that clouds your mind and generally harms your health, everything that seems to have a detrimental effect not only on you, but also on those around you, that is, you bring harm not only to yourself, but to everyone. well , it’s clear that there are just a number of other bad things that don’t need to be done, i just need to distinguish between what is good and what is bad, everything that is good should be done and done with joy, always according to the first word, says: yes, i have, i fell, i did push-ups, i want, i can, i love, i will, the best, always ready, yes, these are the best slogans that
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everyone should know, well, just go ahead, in one word: anything that brings harm to you and god forbid those around you, you should never try anything. to your left. the next question is the yellow sector. what would you do if a child asked you a question that you couldn’t answer? interest ask. well, i probably wouldn't answer this question. i have three, yes, three such questions that i may not answer. that's right, you can. somehow got out, cheated i would probably answer your question this way, but tell me about the best advice that you were given in life, there can be a lot of advice, the main thing is to be able to use it correctly in time, i
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was given a lot of advice in my life, wise people, smart people, talented people, you should always learn something good, probably this is the advice i would give you, because there cannot be too much good, too much good, this is probably such an immeasurable feeling that the more the better, even if there will be more good things in your life, i have been following your work for a long time and i even have your autograph, i would like to know from you - what is your favorite song in your repertoire? you have such a bright appearance that you need to become a singer, i ’m telling you right away, i have a diamond eye, you don’t sing by chance, no, i dance, and you dance, well, and then you can sing, you can combine both another thing, by the way, is the scene, she loves the texture,
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you are very textured, thank you, i love all of mine. the main thing for me is that the song is as positive as possible, there are songs that are sometimes complex, but they always have faith, hope, love, well, the main components that allow me to still put hope into the song, i, when i go on stage, it’s important for me to instill in people this state, again, joy, faith in everything good and bright, beautiful, so that everything will be. ..
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thank you, this signal means that the time for questions to the heroine has expired. irina, now to you. i have to choose the best question of this program, i will choose the question that valeria asked me, i remember this beautiful girl, please pass the microphone to valeria, where do you study, in what class? and i i’m in the eleventh grade, secondary school number 86, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest, please come to the site, i’m very pleased that i have
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a gift with meaning, this is my album, which contains a lot songs about belarus and it’s even called, how can you not love my land, listen, since your question was about... irina, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question, okay, what do you want to become, my name is anya, and i would like to become psychologist. but i also really like journalism, i would like to convey dry, heavy psychology to people in some simpler, understandable language, so i would like
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to become an actress, oh, how interesting, what are you already studying for this? well, now i’m studying at an acting school, and i also had quite a lot of experience on television. you are so good, in general, i wish you all success, good luck and dare, dare, dare. so, honored artist of the republic of belarus irina dorofeeva, today we are visiting the program 100 questions for adults, i'm waiting for you at the entrance to the site. tell me, which of the questions asked today was the most difficult for you? i was ready for anything, i tried to answer sincerely, that’s why.
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