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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:15pm MSK

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live news in elizaveta lokotko's studio. hello to this episode. ceremonial events presenting awards for contributions to the development of the country. belarus celebrates labor day. 19 dead and three dozen injured. an expressway collapsed in china. the life of the stage jadwiga poplawska
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celebrates the 75th anniversary of the people's artist. the day of spring renewal of bright hopes and deep respect for all professions. belarus celebrates labor day today. the president congratulated belarusians on may day. the belarusian people have always been famous hard work and a businesslike approach to business, which allowed us to equip our state and maintain peace in our native land. - noted alexander lukashenko. today, when global competition for markets and resources has intensified, it is especially important to strengthen our common home, increase the wealth of citizens, and ensure a happy future for our children and grandchildren. this is possible thanks to a conscientious and responsible attitude towards the assigned area of ​​work, perseverance in achieving set goals, and an innovative approach to solving everyday problems, the head emphasized states. a significant factor in strengthening the belarusian model of social development is. i am confident that by continuing the traditions
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of the generation of winners, we will secure for the republic of belarus the glory of a strong, modern and technologically advanced country. on this festive day, i thank everyone who is dedicated to the cause and daily through their work contributes to the prosperity of our homeland, the congratulation says. the first of may is a good tradition for us that unites many. belarusians love and know how to work. the history of independence only proves our satellites in space flight of the first cosmonaut of sovereign belarus marina vasilevskaya. giant factories operate despite any sanctions, the fields are well-groomed. all this is daily great effort. traditionally, this is a day off for the entire country. concert programs and performances by creative and dance groups are planned in the capital and regions. sports competitions, fairs. in the morning, a laying ceremony took place at the stela of minsk - hero city. at this moment
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, ceremonial events are starting in victory park. may 1 symbolizes the imminent arrival of summer, therefore, for many, this is an occasion to meet with family and loved ones. belarusians organize picnics in the fresh air; at the state level on this day, labor laureates are honored, as well as enterprises and their teams for high performance in their work. today the score boards of the mogilev and gomel regions will open ; the honor board of the brez region has already been updated. also on the eve of labor day. more than 20 enterprises and organizations, winners of the competition based on the results of work for 2023, are listed on the grodno regional board of honor. 20 residents of the region were also awarded this honor; they became laureates of the grodno region person of the year award. the certificate of conferment of the title was presented at ceremonies at the regional philharmonic society. among the winners are representatives of various fields from agriculture to sports. this is a very big responsibility, first of all.
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confirm the results that we have, therefore constantly move forward in technology, including introducing new, new approaches, what we are doing today, not standing still, but running, are noted on the regional board of honor also includes the city of grodny and four districts of the region, ostrovetsky, slonimsky, ashmyany and grodno. labor day traditionally brings a number of innovations to belarusians. our economic commentator anton malyuta will tell you everything in order. let's start with the cost of living budget. it is recalculated once a quarter: in february, may, august and november, traditionally upward. so, the new meaning of budget.
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various raises are automatically considered, as well as certain social benefits, for example, age-related pension supplements for those aged 75 to 79 will receive an additional monthly payment of 78.5 rubles. and for a group of 80+ the amount of the supplement will be 157 rubles. benefits for families raising children will also increase, so at the birth of the first child they will pay 10 subsistence minimum budgets, and for the second and subsequent children already 14. bpm. and this is an announcement of what will happen at the end of the month. on may 28, the conditions for assigning family capital and its early use will change. now, in order for large families to open a deposit account in a bank, it is necessary to confirm the employment of the head families. an additional condition for the assignment or
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early use of family capital will be the creation of appropriate conditions and a favorable climate in the home for children. if children in a family are recognized as being in a socially dangerous situation, family capital will not be assigned. and the right to early use will not be granted until the reasons that led to the recognition of children in a socially dangerous situation are eliminated, after which it will be possible to apply if everything in the family has returned to normal , assign family capital, or apply for an early order. by providing support to families, the state counts on the family’s active life position in ensuring their well-being and raising their children with dignity, so such approaches, of course, level out , let’s say, the responsibility of the state. family responsibility. we will talk about all the innovations of the family capital on air, but in the meantime we are enjoying the long weekend. may has the most holidays. we started to rest today, the next week is also short, may 9 is victory day. and then radovnitsa is on tuesday, may 14, which means we have
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four days off. true, the non-working day on may 13th will have to be worked on saturday 18th. and a sign that summer is already close, the summer season is at the start, which means that the benefit for senior citizens is in force. with a pension certificate , train rides will become exactly half cheaper, this measure is valid until the very end of october. thank you, anton malyuta about the innovations of may. another protest against the law on foreign agents broke out in bilis. demonstrators hit garbage cans and threw bottles to law enforcement officers. police and riot police tried to push the protesters away from the parliament building. the action turned into a clash between security forces and the crowd to disperse the activists. according to the georgian ministry of internal affairs, more than 60
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people were detained, six law enforcement officers were injured, pro-western media brought people into the streets, and then the treatment of a healthy protester was shown on air on the georgian opposition tv channel. in staged shots.
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pensions for almost 3,000 ukrainians, in particular we are talking about internal migrants. according to the country's pension fund, these citizens are not were able to undergo physical identification and confirm their status. let me remind you that it was previously reported that the average pension in ukraine in 2023 was 5,385 hryvnia, about 140 dollars, while almost 3/4 of ukrainians receive less than this amount. eight contracts worth $12 million. a new trade facilitation agreement and an agreement to work together, creating joint production and attracting investment in promising projects. this is the result of the official visit of the prime minister of belarus to egypt. speech during negotiations talked about our country’s readiness to make a significant contribution to ensuring food security in egypt.
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they discussed the creation of a grain hub and also noted significant reserves for cooperation in industry. we began our joint work with projects in the region. industrial cooperation, organization of assembly production, equipment of the minsk automobile, minsk tractor plants, are certainly interested in expanding cooperation. in this area, in total, for example, over the last decade there has been more than 40,000 agricultural tractors have been delivered, and we are ready to do everything possible to ensure that tractors and other agricultural, trucks and equipment are produced in large volumes in egypt and are used for supplies to the domestic market. so to the huge middle eastern and african market.
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belarusian enterprises are ready to more actively offer their goods to the egyptian market. there are already agreements to participate in exhibitions of food products and agricultural machinery. the best young lawyers from all over the country were identified in minsk. the results of the annual fimid legal olympiad were summed up at the academy of the ministry of internal affairs yesterday. this year, cadets, students of law classes and special lyceums for the eighteenth time... from the capital to participate in intellectual, scientific creative competitions. six teams competed for the title of best in the final. before that , they all passed a serious selection in two semi-finals. the olympics program includes the presentation of teams, a blitz survey of captains, and a test of knowledge of the history of the belarusian police and the great patriotic war. and more questions law and law. the participants also performed performances based on classic modern works with a reference to legal topics. of course, this is one of the events for us.
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it’s so interesting to simply see history, social studies, films, fables, business cards, to show yourself how. we cooperate with these classes in order to ensure that the children, as early as possible, become involved in their future profession, possibly a lawyer, and of course, it is very important for us that the future profession of a law enforcement officer . this year we reached the finals very strong teams. these guys have already decided on the choice of their future profession and they are
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motivated. according to the jury , the alliance team from the capital's school number 116 named after frunze performed best. they became winners of the olympics. second place went to students of the minsk regional cadet school. a team of schoolchildren from mozyr took bronze. today is the anniversary of the people's artist of belarus yadviga poplavskaya, soloist.
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ussr, conductor, folklorist, co-founder of the belarusian state folk choir.
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he also instilled a passion for music in his children. edviga graduated from the belarusian conservatory twice, in the piano class and the composition department. she wrote songs and arrangements both for the ensemble and for her solo career. the broadcast will continue the sports review; we will tell you about the developments at 15:00. let me remind you that the tv news agency project is available on all social networks, as well as in our mobile application. qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you later.


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