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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 1, 2024 1:00pm-2:06pm MSK

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public ban for speculation, we had abnormal heat in 2010 and 2015, then the volume of water flow decreased by half, streams dried up, ships were stopped at pripyat, the dnieper western dvina shallowed, in such dry years, yes, our water system suffers from the heat, but even after them, our reserves remain at the level stated above, and we use only a tiny part of them. calmly. respond to the hype around fashionable topics on the internet, some people need a constant alarming background in society, and the topic of ecology is used as another way to ensure: treat water with respect. belarusians have no reason to worry about every drop, but there is no point in pouring water as if there is no end to it. remember to let your tap gurgle, sometimes small rivers dry up and never believe people who are trying to convince you that there is nothing valuable in our country. everything has been here for many years. it is so intelligently
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arranged that even water brings money and health. i’m marina karaman, and we figured out what our underground storage facilities are filled with, everything is clear, see you later. everything you wanted to know about the connection of history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izislav is associated with the emergence of one of the most ancient cities in belarus . this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragnedi and yaseslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned, and instructed.
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another important shrine of the monastery is its power, we will tell and show it in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus24 tv channel.
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vasily trafimovich voronyansky, one of the leaders of the partisan movement in territory of the minsk region during the great patriotic war, born on august 25 , 1901 in the village of dekanka, poltava region, participant in the civil war and battles near the lake.
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in september 1943, the plane on which voronyansky was flying to moscow came under fire. the commander of the partisan brigade received a fatal injury. soon after the death of kambrig , the partisans received a radiogram informing them that the partisan brigade, the people's avengers, had been named after its commander and organizer. today , streets in minsk and lagoisk pleschenitsa bear voronyansky’s name.
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hello, the program is on air. sas is authorized to declare, i am its presenter nadezhda sas, i welcome you, i remind you that this is a program for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. we will talk about the struggle of the collective west with anti-globalist politicians in europe in today’s program, immediately after the digest of key events in world politics this week. april 24 all-belarusian people's assembly. held its first meeting as a constitutional body, the meeting approved candidates for the post of chairman of the supreme council, his deputy, as well as the presidium of the supreme council. president of belarus alexander lukashenko was elected chairman of the seventh all-belarus people's assembly. delivering a speech, the belarusian leader spoke in detail about the role and
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place of the supreme national assembly in the updated political system of the state, the socio-economic achievements of belarus over the years of sovereign development, as well as the situation in the world around the country. in addition, on april 25, delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly approved a new military doctrine of belarus. the solution was adopted unanimously. the doctrine states that belarus is a peace-loving country and does not threaten anyone. it is important that it now contains a provision according to which minsk is ready to act as a platform for the peaceful resolution of conflicts and the launch of a global security dialogue. encroachments on territorial integrity are named among the main threats to the national security of belarus. and the constitutional system, sanctions, outside interference in internal affairs, the imposition of a political course on the republic that does not meet its interests. american authorities agreed with niger's demand to withdraw its military contingent from the african country. in the coming months, more than
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a thousand us soldiers will be sent to different parts of the world. currently, american soldiers are stationed at a base in niger, which cost more than $100 million to build. there they... use drones to monitor extremist activity in the region. the closure of the american base was one of the results of the change of power in niger and its new foreign policy orientation towards cooperation with russia. a week ago at more than a hundred fighters from the african corps of the russian ministry of defense arrived in the capital of the country nemea. they will train and assist the national armed forces. us president joe biden signed the bill. military assistance to ukraine, israel and taiwan in the amount of $95 billion. the measure, he said, would provide vital support to countries so they can protect themselves from threats to their sovereignty. almost 61 billion dollars are intended to help ukraine, while more than a third of the amount -
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23 billion will be allocated for replenishment us reserves. 13 billion 800 million are intended for the purchase of weapons for ukraine, and more than 11 billion us dollars in the region. 7 billion 900 million dollars will be spent on maintaining the functioning of the ukrainian government, and 26 million on overseeing the assistance provided to kiev. in 1917, american congressman hiram johnson said: truth becomes the first casualty of the outbreak of war. in recent months, the liberal establishment of the european union has been talking about what counts. himself at war with russia, still cold, but things are clearly leading to a hot one, along the way they shut the mouths of all those who are trying to warn ordinary europeans about where the globalists, out of touch with reality, are dragging them, about how the truth and calls for peace have become markers of
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kremlin agents in the eu , and what kind of hunt they launched for politicians who oppose the war, will be discussed in today’s program, i am glad to welcome you, oleg sergeevich, a member of the chamber, is already present in our studio.
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greetings too, hello, i’m very pleased. alexander davidovich, please, yours answer. i have been a member of the federation council information commission for many years.
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support the fifth column to make a coup and then collect power and resources in these countries , yes roman, thank you very much, oleg sergeevich, i think you agree that demonization has been going on for quite a long time, and for belarus these are not empty words, 2020 has shown. those efforts that the west made to overthrow and deprive belarusian
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power and alexander lukashenko, his team, who fought for the future of the republic of belarus for many years, and i know that in this week was extremely important for the belarusian people of the entire country, the event, the entire belarusian people's assembly, you were present, and i want you to share your impressions, well, this was also discussed, namely informational. because today the west lies every day, right now, here we are standing in the studio right now , they are lying that again russia and belarus are preparing some kind of attack on lithuania, on poland, and by telling their citizens these tales, they continue at our borders accumulate a huge amount of weapons, technology, the polish leadership has already agreed that they are asking to install nuclear weapons on their territory, that is, this is also an element of the information war, they are preparing their population for...
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russians, belarusians, ukrainians and from the rostrum of the european parliament, he released a white dove , and you know what is surprising, at the moment the european parliament can only be compared with the senate of the roman empire, or with the council of elders of sparta, where they most often talked only about war, although, alexander davidovich, you will agree with me, this the institution was not created for this; in general , this institution was created for economic and cultural cooperation. at present , and in general, the entire european union has turned into an appendage of nato. before our eyes, it is becoming a military-political bloc. war, war, war, weapons, money for weapons, and propaganda, silencing opponents. this is what the european parliament, the european union as a whole, and the council of europe are now interested in. at
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one time i was a delegate representative of the russian federation parliamentary associations. council of europe, and i, unfortunately, observed this wild deformation, uh, of the statutory goals, objectives, for which europe was once united, and this led to the fact that the positions of people within europe were divided. moreover, it must be said that there is no consolidation, no unity within the european parliament itself and within the council of europe itself, and we see centrifugal forces as people begin. understand, look back, where this policy leads, what it will lead to, a policy of confrontation, a policy of lies, a policy of evil, this leads to the fact that european economic achievements are being lost, cultural ties are being lost, traditional century-old ties with eastern neighbors are being broken, all this leads to degradation, to the degradation of
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human development, so we see that the information war itself... which we are talking about, it bursting at the seams. oh, russia gate in the european union there are hysterics about russia’s alleged attempts to influence the result of the elections to the european parliament, we will tell you in more detail in our story. russia gate is a new concept of the european union directed against moscow. belgium suspected russia of trying to interfere in european elections. these so -called attempts by the kremlin are now being investigated in the belgian capital. the prime minister of belgium reported the details of the case. alexander de krol. according to him, the investigation is based on a declassified report presented by european intelligence agencies. the politician noted that interference in elections is carried out with the intention of weakening democracy in the eu and weakening support for ukraine, which in turn is one of russia’s goals. there is no evidence in the arsenal of european officials, but there are suspicions. according to foreign media reports, the voice of europe company,
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which owns the news site of the same name, was allegedly an intermediate source of financing. candidates in the european parliament elections who showed sympathy for moscow. according to the german publication spiegel, politicians from germany, france, poland, belgium, the netherlands and hungary received money either personally or through transfers in cryptocurrency. the purpose of the operation, again, according to western media estimates, was to support candidates needed by the kremlin for elections to the european parliament and propaganda activity. the instigator of the scandal was the czech intelligence services, who spent more than 6 months without legal grounds. spied on the publication's journalists and european politicians who came to prague for interviews, the story was brought to the public plane by the czech prime minister, petr fiala, the most unpopular head of government in the eu, while at the same time giving kiev the contents of his army's warehouses without a trace. yes, roman, a question for you, why do you think the most unpopular
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prime minister in the european union, czech petr fyaala became the main instigator of the witch hunt. the whole country, the czech republic is such a point, the very westernmost point in central europe in... the east, but now he doesn’t want the american transatlantic world through our government through prime minister feu they already
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want prague and the czechs to be the westernmost eastern point of the west, this is simply a retention of power, but through... they decide, but they shout the most, because lithuania depends most on the united states, what do they decide? yes, they are not america. why is this policy being pursued? also understandable. the brussels authorities cannot
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admit that the european people hate them, they hate them for sanctions, for starting a war, for not solving the migration crisis that has covered europe, and it will become even worse. the more warriors there are in the world, the more migrants there will be in the european union. and... they will also accept millions, millions of muslims, millions from other countries, because the united states of america continues to start a war, so they attribute their unpopularity supposedly to russian intervention, the same poverty, which is now beginning there, economic problems, who is to blame, again supposedly russia, supposedly belarus, in fact, their short-sighted policy, not aimed in the interests of national europe, we dream, i have said more than once... our president, by the way, has said about this first thing, that we want to see europe independent, we dream of a strong independent germany, of an independent
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poland, which does not lie in front of the americans, and if lithuania were independent, the next day there would be excellent relations between belarus and lithuania, and since they are not independent, they do not listen to their people, which is why they carry out such a stupid one wonders why the current actions of the united.
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to keep themselves in power by bringing down their ratings , understanding that in this way they want popular right-wing politicians. on the other hand, there is still a part of the population that still allows itself to be deceived, that still follows the lead of the current government in the eu, but they are a minority. is not always an evil, for example, the two french parties you mentioned do not have the same electorate, individually they are able to reach more a wider niche than if
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they tried to form it.
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just discussing the so-called russia gate, and we see what threats were showered on parliamentarians allegedly accused of some kind of conspiracy, threats of prosecution, the threat of deprivation of immunity, the creation of a special special commission that will investigate all this, although in fact the boy - well, no, the boy is different, for example, qatargate, when they actually really admitted - the european parliamentarian that they took money, they took bribes from qatar, because they had to vote correctly or promote the topic of football, but here there are no facts, no evidence, somewhere someone at the airport, some american intelligence services saw some correspondence on the phone, somewhere someone spoke wrong, although on what basis are they rummaging through things comments. we
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once imagined, all this is reminiscent of macarthyism, here is our short historical background, what kind of term is this? please remind us. mccarthyism, the policy of administrative and judicial prosecution in the united states in the late 1940s, mid-1950s, arose in conditions of heightened international tension and the unfolding of the cold war, and was aimed at fighting the left and left-liberal forces, in particular the us communist party. in 1947 , the house un-american activities committee prepared a list of individuals suspected of communist views. by presidential decree they were prohibited from entering public service. what is happening today is very reminiscent, but only with reference to what surrounds us already in the 21st century, it is very important to note and quote words of one respected politician: a world
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order based on...
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buildings that is engaged in information warfare, including those associated with dragon capital, it is headed, that is, these are, of course, representatives of the so-called globalist establishment? well, i must say that that onslaught and that hysteria, that so-called neo-actism that we talked about, is precisely connected with the fear of the european bureaucracy about possible changes in the european parliament, really since the sixth. there will be elections on june 9, and indeed there are forecasts, at least nine out of 27 countries will give the result that now frightens eurodemocracy, the eurobureaucracy, since they, this european, so-called elite
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, no longer reflect the aspirations of the voters themselves, since, as we know, people vote not with a tv, but with a refrigerator, the european refrigerator is becoming empty due to the wrong, stupid european policies. and what is left there remains, it becomes more and more expensive, people cannot help but notice it, they protest against globalism, they protest against this crazy green agenda, they are protesting against the fact that the crumbs that still remain are given to the arsenal of ukraine, and not against severing economic ties with the eastern neighbors, with the eastern neighbors with belarus, with russia, which led to. .. the use of which produces cheap goods, cheap gas, from which cheap electricity is obtained, from which they are obtained,
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all this will affect the results of the elections of the european parliament, this scares the european elite, and this causes such preventive reaction, suppress, hide, shut up, keep silent, but i... suspect that nothing will work out for them, i agree with you, it is important to emphasize the deep meanings of what is happening, were heard from the lips of alexander lukashenko during the all-belarusian people's assembly, let's hear direct speech directly now. is there any real benefit today from western-controlled supranational structures that have mushroomed all over the world, international law. osce, united nations, world health organization, etc., not were able to prevent a single bloody conflict, their main task is this.
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the european peace fund generally allocates funds for the war in ukraine. think about it, there is not enough money, the peace foundation sponsors the murder of people. yes, alex sergeevich, this is hypocrisy, a lie, this is the transformation of international institutions into an instrument of one country, this is simply the destruction of international law, i am convinced that this is what unites many countries of the world, belarus and russia are at the forefront of the struggle for so that international law returns. i remind you that on the air of the program sas is authorized to say that in today’s program we are talking about the struggle of the collective west with anti-globalist politicians in europe. member of the european parliament from the dutch forum for democracy party, marcel de graaf, known
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for his harsh statements regarding the criminal ukrainian regime and the european dictatorship, continues to declare the cynicism of the eu leadership. let's hear direct speech. the israeli presidency bombed the iraqi embassy. apparently they want to punish iran for its support of russia, so i want to say to all eu citizens: this is what your leaders are doing. they boast about our freedoms but force people to get vaccinated, they praise our democracy but demonize and censor the opposition. they talk about our prosperity, but in fact they rob people and replace savings with digital points. they proclaim peace, but soon our sons will die in ukraine for their interests.
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prosperity, although the head of european diplomacy, barel, is still in the illusion that europe is a garden surrounded by trees jungle. his arboretum is already half rotten and disgusting. it was the disgusting hypocrisy of europe that led to the destruction of relations with russia and belarus, with china. to the military conflict in ukraine, she is being driven out of africa, most countries in the asian region do not trust her, and most importantly, because of total lies, her own citizens no longer believe her.
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yes, thank you, roman, alexander davidovich, many, of course, are looking forward to the upcoming elections in the united states of america, in your opinion, will they change the current situation, because that, naturally, again, the history of the previous elections is repeating itself, and today they are trying in every possible way to knock mr. trump out of the race, to condemn him, accuse him of all the sins, in general, that happened and did not happen, but... should we expect a fair fight? well, what kind
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of fair elections in america we all saw in the last presidential elections and in general the rules, laws, legislation of american voters simply puts voting by mail there indirectly, some kind of electors and so on, but i’m not talking about that now, i think that we one should not delude oneself, because america is not governed by the president, but by the military-industrial complex, transnational corporations, business, international business and the unification of interests - weapons manufacturers in the first place, so yes, the state, yes, as in english they call themselves that, so to say that no matter who gets elected, if trump gets elected, everything will change immediately, it’s unlikely why, because this very depth of the state is aimed at a unipolar world. at what is outdated and what will no longer be, it is aimed at what is on the mountain
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shining city, this is the united states of america, which in one person are legislators and executors, and judges and executors of those who do not comply with these rules, which is why, unfortunately, in the west they stopped talking about international legislation, and began to talk about an order based on rules , what order?
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in an equal family of countries around the globe, it doesn’t matter whether the country is small or large, whether it has a thousand-year history or three hundred years, everyone should be equal.
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if you pronounce a transgender person in the suffix, you will be sentenced to up to 7 years, this is what we want from this monstrous nightmare to move away, but we want to save the whole world from this monstrous nightmare, therefore our standard, our stable position, firm, confident position that all states should have equal rights, live in one safe world, it will ultimately give results much more than any elections in any... western country, it’s time for us not to wait at all for the results of elections in any country in the usa, including, to hope that someone will think how we live here is good or bad, no one but ourselves, good for us doesn’t want to, no one will care about belarus and russia except ourselves, in europe a long time ago we need to understand that europe should
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be independent, strong, and not look at who wins the white house, the result of the us elections is one, whoever didn’t win, trump, biden, he’s on... europe is even bigger, and trump will tilt it, saying that pay more there, pay more here, america doesn’t owe you anything, and biden, who will continue the same policy shifting the problems of all wars onto the europeans, when they understand that pressure is useless when they understand that sanctions don’t work, the war won’t work, you’ll never win, really become sad, the leaders of russia and belarus responded, you will be destroyed, no one will carry out their own, then there will be dialogue. in order for dialogue to begin faster, we need to be strong and ready for dialogue, have russia and belarus ever refused any dialogue or negotiations? the question is different: the president spoke about this, that belarus constantly offers both negotiations and dialogue, we just want to conduct dialogue on equal, on equal terms in the interests of both sides, and
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not as before, you do what we tell you, and this is called dialogue, there will be no such dialogue anymore, and belarus and russia are just those countries. when we never rejected either dialogue or peace initiatives, moreover, not just peaceful initiatives, we always did everything to ensure that there was peace throughout the world, especially in europe. right now we will hear a direct speech from the head of the republic of belarus. destabilizing wars generate thousands of refugees. who benefits from this? those who direct overseas watch this bloody action film. decades long, looks at the profits. western transnational businesses, mainly anglo-saxons, have become significantly richer in recent years. this is true, but tell me, have washington and london become stronger in
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terms of political reputation and authority in the international arena over the years, no. on the contrary, we see how the image collapses. already today includes almost 2/3 of the planet’s population, and almost half of the economic turnover that occurs on the globe, and the brix union shows how to develop and what path
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the economic unification should take, we have already said today that the european union has been created. no one is threatened, this is the power of unification, so there are practically 20 more applications for brix membership, which is ultimately one of the ways. why the world will become uniform, calm, safe and comfortable if
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such associations develop that are not aimed at suppressing peoples, not at commanding and subordinating the lives of others, their own lives, but how people should live in peace, tranquility and good neighborliness, and i would also like to remind those politicians... who are trying to tear their peoples away from their own, from their families, because we were a family, to those politicians who are trying to snatch people out, pull them out from good old ties, throw into the supposedly good embrace of the west, i want to remind you of one saying that the dog that bites the hand that gives food licks the boot that kicks it, and that is waiting.
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a huge number of countries that support us, that refused to impose sanctions, that look and understand that russia and belarus are pursuing a fair policy, that it is beneficial to them, by the way, now russia is fighting for its independence, for the independence of belarus, this is also a fight for the independence of other countries, because they look and see that they can say no to this american policy attempts to deliver. on knees. oleg sergeevich, well, you know, was in the plan for the script of the program, which he wrote and quite an interesting blog.
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i would like to discuss how politicians and public figures friendly to belarus and the russian federation became victims of repression in the european union. so i would like to remind you, briefly, the case of matteusz peskorski and the case of janusz niedzwiedski. please go to the screen. mateusz pieskorski, polish opposition politician, leader. banned in the country by the smena party, was accused of collaborating with russian intelligence in promoting the interests of moscow and manipulating the sentiments of polish society, created a political party, established several non-profit organizations, was arrested in may 2016, and 3 years later released on bail. janusz nadzwiedski, polish human rights activist and journalist, often commented on news with a russian news agency, visited crimea and was an observer at elections in russia, detained in 2020.
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respect, these are people who show, this is real, what kind of democracy is in europe, and i am in europe, so these people evoke i
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’ll tell you that for many of them belarus and russia are open, including to receive political asylum, there are such facts, i ’ll tell you that many people stayed in belarus, came, are tired of the pressure, they moved from lithuania, tired of that there is no freedom tired of lies, tired of what ’s going on there, we come here too... this is a religious holiday, and i really liked it when someone posted this picture from the americans and signed: i’m glad
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that there are still countries like this russia -belus, where else can i escape from this? just instead of darkness, it seems to me that today for many of my friends in europe who are raising children, they understand that every day it becomes more and more difficult to raise an adequate person, because this is a crazy propaganda machine, it fascinating, especially when it concerns the unformed child’s psyche, and many, i am convinced, that sooner or later they will simply change their place of residence, absolutely true, one of the pan-european agendas, so to speak...
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relationships, they do not support an attack on the family, they do not support an attack on children, and indeed it seems savage, unheard of, for example, here in russia or belarus, when three-year-olds come to kindergarten monstrously dressed or monstrously undressed, you don’t understand who the uncles or aunts are, they start asking boys and girls, whether they want to be boys and girls, this is a crime, this is a crime against their own nation, this is a crime...
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a church that takes firm positions, it begins to be attacked and reproached, this is unacceptable, believe me, i have a medical education, i assure you , a person can change a lot, a person can change his hairstyle, religion, he can change his political views, but he cannot change his x and chromosomes, mom and dad put in x and chromosomes, even if you crack, they are right up to the...
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slovakia will also adopt these convenient laws, but this system needs to quickly make processes faster. yes, thank you, raman, well, i hope that europe will remember what sovereignty is and will try to return it before it’s too late, oleg sergeevich, final word, please, i wish europe
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well, get up from your knees, become independent. we want to see real leaders there and we want there to be peace on our continent, and for there to be peace, the fate of europe must be in the hands of a european, like the fate of belarus, in the hands of belarusians, the slogan of an all-belarusian people's assembly, one of the slogans, it was time that chose us, but there is another one that lukashenko said at the first all belarusian people's assembly, i wish this for europe, this slogan, the fate of belarus will be decided only by its people, god grant that the fate europe was decided only by europeans, thank you. i believe in the mind of man, i believe that man was created in order to be happy and for subsequent generations to be happy. i believe in the intelligence of europeans, americans, and many other residents of other countries who, when choosing their life, they choose life and choose goodness and comfort, preferring them in war and
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hostility. by the way, we are already seeing the fruits of this choice, and i hope that ultimately people around the world will choose the most useful, the most... i won’t say: on may 1, 1950 , a crowd of young men with armbands with the image burst into the town of masani in the state of wisconsin hammer and sickle. they seized the local library, the police, the city hall,
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hung posters everywhere, and nationalized the board of local commissioners. hamburgers have been replaced on restaurant menus with potato soup, and the central square was renamed red square, where a show trial of the priests was held. the cinema showed a film in russian. well the next day. it turned out that this was all a performance staged by a far-right organization, the american legion, in order to show ordinary people what would happen if the communists, with the support of moscow, seized power in the united states. now in the west the public is being frightened by the fact that russia wants to conquer them, on the contrary, through the hands of the far right. last time there was hysteria amid screams, the russians are coming, ended with the caribbean nuclear crisis, i really wouldn’t want this time sobering up to come again only a moment before the pressure was pressed.
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with their roots up, approximately sixteenths , and by the method of exceptional planting, which was not the case in the last century , even the undevils managed to plant these trees, and napoleon’s family managed to reproduce such an interesting miracle here in volkovysk. artifacts from centuries of history are a real puzzle for us as time travelers. is it namitka or namitka? and in the place where we found him, in this, in this area, it is called. syrpanok is the headdress of a married woman. and the most valuable exhibit, in my opinion, is presented directly here. oh, this, this is a decoration. number seven is not a decoration, it is a musical instrument, nothing
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more than a pity, dating back to the 11th century. the task of our guides is to ignite your desire to touch the belarusian culture personally. and it’s also mandatory that when they built a new house, then... they had to take four stones from the old one, they were placed around the perimeter of the house, in the four corners, a log frame was already placed on them, i counted that everything good that was in the old house will definitely go to the new house, travel with the belarus 24 tv channel, we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science, i remember when a person on ten pages describes the use of apple cider vinegar for... treatment of cancer diseases, this can simply have catastrophic consequences, it’s clear why. we share interesting facts, but there were many errors in the assumptions of ancient thinkers, for example, galen even believed that
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the center of the cardiovascular system was the liver. the ancient people liked sour wine, they began to add it to food and use it in medicine. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. and today our cardiologists have.
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treat your health wisely, learn about possible diagnostic and preventive measures in our country, which are aimed at...
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young girls about the state of the reproductive system in general, the state of women's health, about planning a possible further pregnancy, about the possible risks of delayed maternity, about those available today medical, preventive measures applied and also about social measures taken by the state to protect health.
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