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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 1, 2024 2:05pm-3:00pm MSK

2:05 pm
today, all kinds of conditions are provided so that you can combine both motherhood and childhood, and it is probably worth noting that, probably, not a single career or profession will make up for the happiness that motherhood gives. our country has been holding a leading position in the ranking of the most comfortable countries for motherhood for many years, but how do we manage this? yes, indeed, olga, this is true, the protection of motherhood and childhood in the republic of belarus is.
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is it possible to somehow replay the game so that i’m still in belarus and someone else is taking over? it is forbidden, let’s be honest, i want you to see the enemy as a task, tougher, tougher, do you really want to go on a mission with me, i don’t want to go with anyone, father benjamin offered his help to the state in the fight against the enemy, the germans don’t have such weapons yet, so the documents are not available under no circumstances should they get to them, the germans are opening churches in the occupied territories, two priests, two novices, you and your father.
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and you don’t have to go far, it’s hidden from there. map, if one person dreams all the time, as the church explains it, this dream weighs on you, this is a girl, she died, you are her.
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i need a priest, get up, get off, look for everything, forward, forward, forward, hands up, get up,
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damn it! please, mr. oberston, you want it,
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but who doesn’t want it? and we’ll pretend that you shot at our soldiers, if you tell us everything, it’s better to say right away, why are you constantly attacking, but you don’t know about ours.
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my aunt's schnapps, personal supply, well, that's a different conversation, you'll free your hands.
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well, you say that you are going to serve as a new priest, look around, the germans will give you documents, and go and live in heaven, i did, i really should i was driving alone, and this fool followed me , well, a nun, a nun, she fell so in love that it’s easy to sharpen her ears, but to me you’re a woman next to me, it’s easier for her, then? she’s not a scout, what a scout, but in a bunk, you’d better talk about the plane, tell me,
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scouts, what a blessing that we met you, we really need your help, help, we’ve been surrounded for two weeks,
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someone would help us, freely, savchenko , feed the boy, there is, let’s come here, come, come, comrades of the red army, i don’t know you, give your names, military ranks, archimandrite veniam, i am not a red army soldier, i am acting on behalf of the intelligence headquarters, sergeant arina prozarovskaya.
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thank you, the clergyman has been examined, he has recurrent bronchitis, there is no danger of infection for the personnel, okay, what did she say? 5 km from here is the village of sosnovka, perhaps the germans are holding two of our intelligence officers there, one of them has secret information, we need to free him, even if this is so, we are out of ammunition, there are probably more germans in sosnovka than us, absolutely right, major , balance of forces unknown, which is why it is necessary to check prozorovskaya’s information and conduct reconnaissance. savchenko, sergeev, ryazantsev, parish, you will go to the road leading the village. sosnovka, organize an ambush, the purpose of the ambush is to take the tongue, as soon as you take it, immediately deliver
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the tongue to the detachment’s location, there is to take the tongue and deliver it to the detachment’s location, comrade lieutenant, allow me to go with the group, you need to take the tongue unnoticed, without shooting, this is with me it will work out better, join the group, comrade sergeant, there is a chance to join. hands, when my mother arrives, soon, you won’t have time to turn around, and the germans will let her through, they will let her through, where will these germans go, and how will she know where to look for me? katya, don’t worry, mom will be back soon, you’ll get settled in the meantime and meet some new guys, right? trust me, everything will be fine, well, let's go, don't stay,
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don't know where to send them? probably, in kiev, mom, not in kiev, no, not to kiev, you
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are being taken, yes, so that it was delicious to me. katya, katya, excuse me, have you seen the little girl here? katya, katya!
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what are you doing, where did you run, to your mom, she me waiting, mom, now it’s yours to work for the good of your homeland, you know, he’ll come back to you soon, there’s war, there’s danger, well, where did you run, i’d go to church now, send mom a note, she’d come for me, what other note? good morning, hello!
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and you are beautiful, there were no trojans in the butt, but we are villagers, if you want to smoke, i won’t refuse, i’m sorry, i won’t untie my hands. your commander was untied, he established this, so thank him, what kind of commander do i have, i don’t have any commander, let’s save money time, will you say that you are a nun, and that
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you met shapkin? in kiev, you fell in love with him, as they say in poland, it’s a sin, well, yes, we’re all human, then you went for your loved one, enjoyed the happiness, then you didn’t know that he was a scout, then you didn’t know what kind of plane he was looking for either, sir: yes, well, what a scout, well, we have love, we’ll open a church, people will bring food, i’ll put it on the table, we’ll drink, we’ll have mercy, well, what a plane, why did he shoot at our soldiers then, but he was drunk, well, they beat him us men, well, we are sinners, so what?
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do? he didn’t speak, do you see what they did to him? my assistant is tired, sleeping, when he
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rests, he... will take care of you, if you don’t tell everything, you will feel very bad.
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hands up!
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i also know german, maybe not, we ourselves, you wait there, let’s go, tigers, wow, how much, yes, this is all a brisk, a real mushroom picker, my dad taught me, i had one like him, he knew all the mushroom places, back in august began. collect yura, and all your relatives are in sosnovka, no, there are dergachas, you need to go to them, it’s dangerous here, i’m with you i want to beat the germans, yur, you still have time, i won’t go,
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you need to protect your family while your dad is at the front, there aren’t many here, but... they will come in handy anyway, hide it, thank you, a true comrade, guardian angel of the path raphael spasiraku, join. their path to their own happiness is incredibly interesting in its own way, complicated, and this
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talent was given to me at the age of 40, and i say that it was given to me because that’s how it was, i made my first work, i made it by accident, i i felt like i wanted more. each story is a motivation to change your life to to the best. old old coaches played a big role in our development as individuals, as people, as i would like, i would like to continue the work that they once started, thanks to the difficulties that i had in life, i achieved what i have now, life experience you can’t get anywhere anyway, you need to live it, look at the belarus project on our tv channel. we know exactly how to start the morning right. breakfast should not only satiate, but also delight, because food, oh, how it affects our mood, and if you cook in
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pleasant company, then it’s double the pleasure. together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast. what are we having for breakfast today? oh, today it will be a very interesting breakfast, we will prepare quiche with mussels. i hope we have a great time today and prepare a real breakfast. champion and get a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day. well, masha, our breakfast is ready, you will have enough energy and vigor for the whole day. was it difficult to prepare? honestly, no, i didn’t even expect it to be like this easily. arm us with this recipe. watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel. they don’t know why the gestapo are holding the priest and the nun, but they saw them. well, is everything clear?
2:31 pm
savchenko! announce a general gathering, may i ask what you are going to do? the information was confirmed prozorovically, we must free our intelligence officers, we have few people, there are about 50 germans in the village, we will fight not with numbers, but with skill, you are already nonsense, madness, some incomprehensible girl, maybe she has been working for the germans for a long time, maybe this provocation, comrade major, as an officer, i ask you to put aside your emotions, think logically, there are 15 people left from the regiment, we don’t imagine strategic threats for the germans, why do you need such a complex combination, to lure us out, to sacrifice your man, the game is not worth the candle, people can barely stand on their feet, if we take the fight, there will be losses, perhaps there are always losses in war, sasha, i won’t let you ruin people, please contact me according to the rules, this is a pure gamble, you have no right to take risks, lieutenant gavrilov, according to the regulations, i.
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my task is to get out of the encirclement, but no one set this task for you, the combat task is set by the senior commander of the combat formation, that is, me, it’s good that the lieutenant is in command, this major is kind of indecisive, what does indecisiveness have to do with it, what do you care they didn’t say, but what should they have told me, morozov shimansky, okay, then
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you... out of formation, unfurl the regimental banner, yes, comrade red army soldiers, you and i have been through a lot, we are tired, we... but i remind you that we all took an oath and must defend our soviet homeland to the last drop of blood, the interests of the homeland require that we release our intelligence officers, they are captured by the germans, the number of germans in the village of sosnovka is orderly.
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the detachment begins to move quickly, perhaps the germans will pursue us, we should not return to them the main group, united to let them catch up with us, the case of my death, comrade major takes command of the detachment, prosy, comrade red army soldiers,
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allow me to participate in the operation, with dignity, but in there will be a fight. only trained people, father veniam was a career officer. fine. savchenko, give father veniam a reserve carbine and two rounds of ammunition for it. eat. more questions, comrades red army soldiers. i'll go to the bridge, and you stay here. with all due respect. comrade major, you are a military doctor and do not have sufficient skills to conduct combat operations, we will leave in 5 minutes, disperse.
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hello, you will speak, of course, it’s me, i’ll be happy, you just don’t torment valerka, i told your officer, we have love, your... dir also tells a lie, then cry and behave like dog, he is not my commander, my lover, my lover, my grandfather, chesovchik, teaches me
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that people are like clocks, no, no, but you know,
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scheiße. we postpone our conversation, he won't
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say anything more, kill him. let's go to the basement quickly. don't shoot, i'm going to kill her, make up your mind,
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damn you bastard. be careful, how is he? bad, very bad, there is a chance, if we take it to the hospital, perhaps take an ax, chop some sticks for a stretcher, there is a chance to chop some sticks for a stretcher, you don’t know, he was silent, and what can’t be seen from him? thanks that
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i helped you out, everyone always helps you out, what are you talking about, yes, if i were the only one with the germans, you wouldn’t lift a finger, but comrade major, comrade major urgently, comrade major. yes, nothing, sasha, nothing, nothing, everything is fine,
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what, sasha, sasha, what are you, what are you, sasha, you, we need to, we need to do something, if i knew it would change, sasha, what are you doing, but... wait, stop five. savchenko,
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i told you that i’m lucky, you won’t get lost with me, but i didn’t believe you for a fool, come on. you haven’t seen this main thin german who is still alive, you two are staying here. behind me, they deliberately lured
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us out and repulsed their scouts. i'm very sorry, mr. oberstorm fuhrer. i wrote here what was in the drawings, not in detail, but the point is, if the germans catch up, i’ll destroy them, the spokes will be sorted out, what did you think of this, what advice do i want to give you, what other advice, go to this lieutenant. petrov, look closely, he
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will kill anyone for you, i saw it in his eyes, it’s like, you promised to have an affair with me, and i’m often a girl, now one thing, then another, that’s my nature. commander, yes. germans on tail, three kilometers we still have a truck, you will drag me, they will catch up, we can change more often, i can carry rapists, and velichka can too, yes, velichka, i can, they can’t catch up with something, i’ll stay, how can i
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stay like that, you’re the main thing in the group , take care of zoya. “i handed her an important paper, comrade shopkin, you don’t have to, we need to think of something, comrades, commander, gather people, we have to leave, the halt is over, everyone stand up, how are we leaving, go, comrades, well, how can that be? " badyushka and you?"
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2:49 pm
the task is completed, congratulations, yes, it’s strange that the second task seems to be everything that was ordered done, there is a stone in my soul. because of him, because of him, because of shapkin, probably now there will be variety in my dreams, remember, i
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told you, sometimes there is only one way out ... yes, do what you should and live with it , it’s hard, yes, you’ll ask for another assignment, i’ll ask, you’re a good person, good luck to you too. savchenka, when you smoke it’s easier in your soul, well,
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you smoke fucking cola, then yes, but you get used to them. well, it’s easier for a while, well, yes, but give me a poperus, be a weasel, yes.
2:52 pm
thank you, did you give me the technical information? yes, as soon as we landed, a courier from headquarters came to us. well done, well done. well look, now we live here. there's a warehouse on the ground floor, pick up your suitcases, get yourself in order, let's go and see you off. here we have better premises, everyone has their own room. you have the sixth, you have the seventh. in 2 hours , comrade vorotynnikov will arrive to see him.
2:53 pm
hello, fellow instructor, katya, everything is fine. i had no doubt where house number four was, the date was on schedule, okay, thank you, but what happened, i see something it happened, they treated you with confidence, they gave you a chance, but you, what did i want to run in, i, you, yes, well, why are you in trouble? here is the address of the kiev-pechersk lavra, nezenaidi monks, your child is at the address, this is your handwriting, well, mine, well, katya
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told me everything, what did she tell you, about your plan, katya runs away from us, comes to church , waits until the germans occupy the city, fills out the address in the telegram, sends it to kiev, and you come for her, come on... there is silence, she didn’t run away, she didn’t succeed, so this will remain between us, but if if the slightest suspicion arises, you will answer to the fullest extent, this is what i will remember for you, okay? that's right, freedom.
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yes, with the nuns, you came up with a great idea, to be honest, it was vienna who gave me this idea, when i found out that the germans were opening churches, i immediately remembered it. in my opinion , it’s an excellent cover, he doesn’t want to come back, he wants to, he asked for a new assignment, it’s great,
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but you say, it’s a hook, it’s not a hook, only love for the homeland can motivate a person to a real feat, and if it’s not there, then there’s no hook won't hold back, real feat is, first of all, a renunciation of the personal. but not everyone who works in intelligence is a patriot, agrees, well, not all are good intelligence officers, for example, this is your prozorovskaya, prozorovskaya, so she had an ideal situation for revenge, but she did not take revenge, and why? i was afraid to interfere with the completion of the task, that’s right, i still think there is no need to put it. before such a choice, i think this couple needs to be separated,
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perhaps you are right.
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belarus captivated them at first sight, the first time in general, probably, when you get to the republic of belarus, you are impressed by the cleanliness, first of all, cleanliness, neatness, now having lived here for 7 years, i understand that this is, in general, the merit of the people, such hospitable people, well, you don’t always meet who
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are ready, well, to give everything to you, so much so. belarus is so generous and of course the beauty of nature , i was also impressed by these european streets, it’s as if you were in prague somewhere you really liked. watch in the project glance at belarus on our tv channel.
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