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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 1, 2024 8:35pm-9:01pm MSK

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somewhere to drink some coffee, maybe some kind of laundry, that’s what we have leftovers here, valuable, we’ll hang it here, probably now, as it’s fashionable to say , it will be here, how is it all happening, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you very much, watch the project i am from a village on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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they were born in different parts of russia, fate brought them to belarus. today in the new issue of the project a look at belarus - two amazing people and two destinies. each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus.
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edgar retz was born and raised in kamchatka, a fabulously beautiful, harsh region. when he started a family, he decided to move to a more comfortable living climate. having arrived in our country for a few days, they decided to stay here. today edgar and his family live and work in grodno, in a cultural place. in the center of the festival. i came from russia, from the far east, from the kamchatka territory, the city of petropalos-kamchatsky. at the time of 2015, my wife and i decided that we would move from kamchatka, since the climatic conditions there are quite difficult and this the question has been brewing for us for a long time, that we need to choose some new location to live. and in 2015. the husband and wife decided to go on vacation.
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we flew to moscow, looked at the central part of russia, and traveled there. and right during our vacation, my wife suggested we go to belarus, where, by the way, i had never been before. we took tickets and arrived in minsk, we lived in minsk for a couple of days, saw what it was like there, and we liked it. belarus is the country that makes you fall in love with itself. this is true, because i was before this, unlike my wife. who at least once visited here in childhood, then for me it was all the first time, but nevertheless, the feeling of some kind of kinship and closeness was present, because well, despite the fact that i grew up in russia in the far east there are also quite a lot of belarusians, we also talked about belarusian goods. it should be noted that belarus and belarusian goods are treated with great respect in russia.
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it will start with me, my sons, in principle , are focused on this work, work in the international field, promoting interests of the russian federation abroad, and i wish them, of course, great success in this, so that all their plans, all their ideas come true, for me this is important, as for a mother, well, like for any mother, the success of their children is more important than my own success, my children, of course, come to me very often, my youngest son lived here with me for the first year, while it’s not...
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it’s very warm, of course, when you come from moscow, it’s still winter there, but here it’s spring, it’s already something... then it begins to bloom, it’s incredible, plus the atmosphere, plus the nature of belarus, it’s conquers absolutely everyone, all those who have visited me here are sick of belarus, really from the heart, from the heart, and i don’t even compare it with any other countries, because here there is some kind of unique atmosphere, unique people, well-disposed, very friendly, very hospitable, very clean cities, this is noted... absolutely everything, delicious cuisine, of course, this is also important, and nature, the storks, this of course, well, captivates everyone’s heart, of course, i fell in love with brest with all my heart and all my soul , i feel like i'm here at home, because i’ve been living here for quite
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a long time, almost 5 years, and i know every street of it, i know every house of it, i know these people, in fact, bress... has become dearest to me, very dear city, and i always think with regret, to be honest, that i will have to return someday, people in belarus are simply unique, this is in fact, i say without any flattery, without any pathos, i am always amazed these people , first of all, with their altruism, i travel a lot around the country, around the brez region, around brez region, everywhere i come across people who have an open soul in an hour without having any additional things.
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dear friends, welcome to us at the festival cultural center, here you can see that right at the entrance we are greeted by a belarusian and a belarusian woman, these costumes are made... in the grodny system and they welcome our guests. here you can see our permanent exhibition
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dedicated to the festival, and i will remind you that our center, the festival cultural center , is called a festival center for a reason, it is dedicated to history festival, which takes place every 2 years in the city of grodnoe, this is such a brand event for our city, i always celebrate it. on the walls you can see stands that are dedicated to the history of the festival, from... the first to the current eighteenth year, this is the twelfth festival, now we will reveal a secret to our friends, we have already allocated a place here for the thirteenth republican festival, which took place in grodno this year, how the festival appeared in my life, it appeared in september 2021, when we celebrated the city day, the city of grodno on... as part of a delegation of diasporas, we were invited to a general holiday
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dedicated to the city day, several diasporas gathered there at once, it was the polish diaspora, lithuanian, ukrainian, there was chinese, jewish, we were from the russian side, then i first discovered for myself that there was such an institution, at that time i didn’t know about it yet, since i was in grodno on visits, by and large, having been here i... liked it place when, of course, i found out that the head here was leaving, then of course i wanted to collaborate, and i established contact with the cultural center, and the cultural center is the parent organization of the branch of the festival cultural center, and we agreed that they would look at me, and i would look for myself this work, as far as it’s mine, because of course this area was new, and from the side of the cultural center there was also, let’s say, this... a great credit of trust is my address, i understood it from the very beginning, i understand it now, because i actually came from financial
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spheres, i was not connected with culturally, well, except, if you don’t talk about this social activity, of course, it was new to me, nevertheless it turned out to be so close to me that somehow quickly enough i began to get involved in it, except moreover, i have very good personal contacts with diasporas, we worked together at the festival before i arrived, so it was not difficult. we can continue this interaction, and in many ways it’s even easier somewhere, already when i became the head of the festival of national cultures here for more than 20 years, and it is significant for all of us, for the residents of our country, and not only the residents of our country, but also for our neighbors, those who take part in the republican festival, that is, such a holiday that unites peoples, here we are in grodno decided to let me have one like this. people, but there was a house where our diasporas could unite under one
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roof, this is how the idea of ​​​​creating such a cultural center was born, which is called festival in honor of our own one of, i won’t wash it words, the main holidays of our city, because as i always note, this is a brand event for our city, but not otherwise, and everyone knows festivals of national cultures, including outside grodno and even outside the republic. for me this is a new round in development, in general, and in my personal development, because the cultural center is a festival, due to the fact that it is multifaceted, here you have the opportunity to try yourself in completely different directions, we have the opportunity to work with diasporas, and work with artists, creative people and organize cultural events, so you yourself. you participate in the development and preparation of the concept of an event,
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in addition, sometimes you yourself often participate directly in this event, and this is both responsible and interesting, so you discover it for yourself and you develop yourself in this area, having previously worked in the insurance business, i really liked the fact that this business is also multifaceted, since insuring some... insurance, that is, you you must understand the terminology, you must understand these processes that occur at certain enterprises in order to offer an adequate insurance product, just like in this, i found similar points for myself, what i now need to delve into and what i like about it
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i need to understand the processes here in painting and photography, that is, it develops me. i have to communicate with a lot of people, and this is a positive moment for me, because i am a sociable person, i gain a lot from communicating with people here. in addition, when communicating with diasporas, you need to understand that each nationality is unique in its own way. working at a festival, and i’ve been working here for almost a year, i come to the conclusion that you know, in my life everything is not by chance, everything is not by chance, so... this segment of my life, this new round, he too, i i think, and i’m already practically sure of it, it’s also no coincidence, and it gives impetus to my further development, i just see it, i feel it, i feel it, we are glad to welcome you to the russian center of science and
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culture, this building has already existed since 2014, in general, for quite a long time, next year we will... celebrate the tenth anniversary of our center, which we are of course very happy about, will you get to know us as people, ordinary people? the flight was broken, the next day the boy with timid curiosity entered the living room, which he had not been in since i moved in as a strange city guest, who seemed so angry to him. now yesterday's song of this guest captivated the boy's ears. we have. and a cinema hall, which is also a concert hall, we have there is a library, maybe it is not very big, but nevertheless cozy, a lot of fiction literature, first of all, we receive from moscow, and we transfer this literature to our partners, these are schools, brez, grodno, these are museums, this is a public organization , these are libraries, we
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are trying to equip them with what the modern russian... publishing house now represents, here we have several classrooms, an educational and methodological center , including where children study the russian language, prepare for entering russian universities study history. one of our classes, where children gather every evening, directly study the russian language, prepare for admission to russian universities. the classroom is equipped, as you can see, there is all the necessary equipment, but like all our premises. and it is also multi-format, we often gather here with the guys, participate in round tables, participate in some international projects, recently joined a forum, for example, on the battle of stalingrad, which took place in several countries, moscow was the main venue, we sometimes host small career guidance film screenings here for college kids, in general, this is any of our venues, not
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only this, but any of our offices, it is multi-format, and we work with the guys. at these sites on completely different topics, i received my appointment in moscow, i was the head of the department for belarus, moldova, ukraine, at that time ukraine was still with us, i was directly involved in this work after i returned from chisinau, having worked there for 5 years, i'm very glad that i i have been working in brest for 4 and a half years, i hope that i will work here for some more time, because the plans do not end in abundance, they are only increasing, the range of work is increasing, partnerships, friendships with people with... sandy ones in general in the region, if we talk in general about our tasks, then of course, this is primarily the movement of russian culture, because russian culture is close to people here in belarus, but i want to say, since i worked in other countries, in general russian culture has always been interesting v different points. never in my life have i
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regretted my choice, that i began to do this work, probably on the contrary, i consider myself a very happy person, because not everyone... is given such a chance to do this work, and often my loved ones, my family don’t understand this, they don’t understand my suitcase mood, yes, when you ’re sitting on boxes, you’re about to go somewhere again, my mother tells me this: i can’t imagine how you sat here, went again on these boxes, this there to rebuild, arrange everyday life, well, that’s all it’s difficult, but i can’t imagine my life in one place anymore, although i love my hometown very much, i’m from the moscow region, it’s already difficult for me, i come before... the fact that i had such a chance to do this work, i’m very grateful to the people who helped me at certain stages, i am very
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grateful to fate that it turned out this way for me, to my parents, of course, who probably brought me to this one way or another, after a while you begin to understand that this is what , then, yes, there are some kind of supporting points that, that you are so interested in this or otherwise, i’m happy that i’m doing this and i hope that i’ll be doing this for many more years... there are, of course, nuances that i regret, each of us has them, but i regret that, for example, there are few i studied languages, now yes, i feel that if i still knew two or three languages ​​there, it would help me, when you know the language, you know the culture of the people, yes, it’s interesting, i regret this, i regret it , that maybe at one time i didn’t study some kind of playing musical instruments, unfortunately i don’t have any hearing, here, but i wanted to. would have been able to play, that a little more, probably, it was necessary to study art, world art, sometimes i feel some kind of lack of knowledge in this area, but nevertheless, i am sure that
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this work, my current work, has given me a lot , and i am happy to be a diplomat serving for the benefit of my fatherland. childlike curiosity and genuine interest, and absolute sincere honesty. emotions of the heroes, hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything, are you ready to meet our hero, how are you do you think why the children chose
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you to talk to, i hope i can answer their questions, a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions of the younger generation, how do you differ at work from yourself at home, it seems to me, solely by appearance , i’m not turning from some... grymza into a cute cat, no, i’m either a grymza everywhere, or a kitty everywhere, how do you feel about being pitied, extremely categorically negative, pity is not the same as sympathizing, pity is arrogant the feeling is a feeling of superiority, look at the project 100 questions for adults on tv channel belarus 24.
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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's sum up this day together: a holiday of the world of labor, we celebrate today, laying on, concert and processions on...


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