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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 1, 2024 9:00pm-9:41pm MSK

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evening and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let’s sum up the results of this day together: a holiday of the world of labor, today we celebrate the laying on of hands, concerts, processions, awards for the best in the profession, and what other changes can belarusians expect, spoiler, many payments will increase, may 1 not only belarusians celebrate this, but europe does this.
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dynasties whose total experience is three times longer than the history of may 1st itself. in belarus, the cost of living budget has increased, which means many important payments have gone up. we are also waiting for changes according to family capital, but don’t forget about the big weekend. notable may innovations have been collected in a special review. work for the benefit of people and the country. minsk at the republican olympus of honor. city of achievements, city of opportunities. we will show you in panorama from different angles. the eightieth anniversary of the breakthrough of the enemy blockade by partisans of the polovskaya-lepel zone during the great patriotic war, the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the memorial complex, the breakthrough is celebrated in the north of the country, about heroes whom we will not forget. panorama report. german leopard, american abrams british mastif. captured nato equipment was displayed on poklonnaya hill in moscow. starts of the seventh round
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of the major football league. bayern misfires in the semi-finals of the champions league. the contracts of the minsk dynamo hockey team for the next khl season and the preparation of the belarusian national team were buried on the baydar kgno for the olympic qualifying regatta. sports day program at the end of graduation. peace labor may. these words rightfully unite generations. labor day is a good tradition that... belarusians love, history our independence is proven by this: giant factories are operating despite sanctions, we are fully self-sufficient in food, and we are increasing exports. a brand made in belarus is known on all continents, and we are also a space power and the owner of the peaceful atom. and today the president congratulated belarusians on may day. the belarusian people have always been famous for their hard work and managerial approach to business, which allowed us to equip our own. states to maintain peace in
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their native land. today, as global competition for markets and resources intensifies, it is especially important to strengthen our common home, increase the wealth of citizens, and ensure a happy future for our children and grandchildren. this is possible thanks to a conscientious and responsible attitude towards the assigned area of ​​work, perseverance in achieving set goals, and an innovative approach to solving everyday problems. a significant factor in strengthening the belarusian social model. development is social partnership and constructive dialogue between government bodies and the trade union movement, which is celebrating its 120th anniversary. confident, continuing traditions of the generation of winners, we will secure for the republic of belarus the glory of a strong, modern and technologically developed country. on this festive day, i thank everyone who is dedicated to the cause and daily through their work contributes to the prosperity of our homeland, the congratulation says. let me note that
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more than 4,100,000 people work in the country’s economy, of which over 20% are young people. celebrations in honor of may 1st took place throughout the country today. we have... the opportunity today to live and work for the benefit of our native country, there are already thousands of menchan residents, who came to spend this day in the belarusian capital, invites victory park, every sector of the economy has something to be proud of, for this there are exhibitions of achievements, children are carried away by interactive games, someone
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demonstrates artistic talent, in a festive atmosphere of many thousands, expositions of labor collectives, to the capital they came to workshops, offices, and just friendly people. companies, the corporate spirit reinforces a good mood, we are like real workers, the upmgaz team and the ministry of energy in general are a friendly a team that always supports such events. i represent the energosbyt branch, my colleague represents the minsk cable network branch. energo employs more than 1000 people, but this does not prevent us from collecting from all branches. the atmosphere is pleasant, the mood is good, we wish everyone a good mood. work, the famous slogan, tested for decades and is relevant today, they will say this from the stage on the first of may, all participants of the holiday will repeat this, they have not broken a long-standing good tradition, children launched doves into the sky, peace, my friend!
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olga mikhailovna filmanovich, leading economist of the logging workshop. doctors, teachers, farmers, industrialists. today , words of gratitude from the main stage on may 1 were addressed to representatives of labor dynasties from all regions of belarus, the total experience of many is three times more than the history since may 1 itself. it's nice to shake hands with people who, first of all, are top-notch. great specialists and pass on this experience, love for their work, love for their profession, pass it on to their children and grandchildren, and this continues, and there are such dynasties in our country so many. vladimir and nina prozheniki came to work at the mogilev chemical fiber enterprise more than 35 years ago. today, the head of the family,
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the head of the department, his wife, an operator of an ultrasonic installation at the niti production, both sons, denis and konstantin, work at the flagship of the chemical industry in mogilev. conditions are comfortable for labor relations for families raising children, and what is
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very important today are the conditions for improving the contract form of employment. in our state, such purposeful work on orientation has been built youth. we are second. every year we hold a republican job fair in the country, more than 34,000 jobs for our guys, it is very important that every fourth of the guys who visited our job fairs has already previously agreed on employment. today's holiday will become an additional source of energy for its participants. the may day recharged us for new successes, and there will certainly be many of them. in all areas, and it’s doubly pleasant. will talk about the achievements of this anniversary year, the trade union movement of our country is 120 years old. alexey kondratenko and andrey gordoboev, tv news agency. in mogilev , true patriots found well-deserved awards. these people made an important contribution to
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the development of the economy and social sphere. on may 1, their names were included on the regional honor board. a number of enterprises have received awards, for example, the joint-stock company magatex. stroitrest number 12, technolit and flax slides exceeded all production targets by 146% and our salaries were higher than the average in the republic of belarus. for people, now it turns out to work, work and work, you need to go beyond the wires, so we have made a great benefit of technology, the level of production, and accordingly do more, better, taking into account import substitution, well, we have a year of quality, respectively, and better quality, as for volumetric indicators, we are 104 .5% - ip based on the results of the first quarter, the mood is definitely fighting, people want to work, i want to express
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my gratitude to the aa magatex team. based on the results of the year’s work, diplomas were also awarded to the laureates of the best products of the republic competition belarus, the contribution to the economy of such enterprises as mogilev, the mash elevator, lenta and the zarya agricultural complex was noted. the republican olympus of honor is filled with new heroes, shining among more than 60 laureates. according to the results of last year, minsk is a leader in socio-economic development among belarusian regions about the achievements and new opportunities of the city, report by alexandra goitan. what is the name of the city in which you and i live? where does the homeland begin? pupils of the 584th kindergarten of the capital will learn from the interactive exhibitions of the museum, a map of crafts and belarusian attractions, a corner with authenticity and pastoral. over the past
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3 years, 10 kindergartens and four schools have been opened in minsk. construction is currently underway on two more secondary educational institutions and three preschools. he is building two kindergartens in the pervomaisky district. it is also called the eastern gate of minsk. years of running this facility, and preschool facility number 7 will be equipped according to the latest modern requirements and we very much believe that children will be able to receive a decent education here. the necessary infrastructure is being built in each area of ​​minsk. housing is being built in new neighborhoods, with gardens, schools, and clinics nearby, with an emphasis on quality and accessibility. in recent years, the capital's kurosovshchina microdistrict has grown in size. and such important social facilities, so with the opening of the surgical building of the eleventh hospital
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, the possibilities for providing medical care to the population will expand, the commissioning of a modern hostel for medical workers will help to secure valuable personnel locally, the updated school is a necessary gift for families with children. minsk is a healthy city, another postulate that the belarusian capital invariably follows is new approaches to treating patients, innovative developments, digitalization of medical institutions and affordable medicine. these are all important investments in people's health. a new children's clinic number 14 is already functioning, a block and a hemomodule for the mmpc for surgery and transplantology have been commissioned, the fifth city clinical hospital has been reconstructed, significant investments have been made in the children's infectious diseases hospital. today we are located on the territory of the new surgical building, the eleventh city ​​clinical hospital, which will begin to treat patients in the coming days. in recent years. minsk has added thirteen new facilities in the healthcare sector. among the significant medical new buildings there are now
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more than ten objects. a city of opportunities and investment attraction. among the regions of the country, the capital accounts for more than 30% of gdp. the driver of economic development of minsk is a powerful industrial complex, which includes more than 200 enterprises. foreign economic activity and the police are developing very actively. our main partner, yes, russian federation, but... at the same time , the people's republic of china, too, we see good dynamics in the growth of trade turnover, we also have countries such as kazakhstan, uzbekistan, in general, we work with 205 countries in the export of services, and in the export of goods more than 100 countries, literally these for 2 years we have been building our new plant for assembling buses and trolleybuses with the minsk automobile plant, we are participating in the development of our innovative planar enterprise, and we already see that this is our experience in the development of technology. in the city of minsk received a very good return in the economy in tax revenue, in the creation of new
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innovative products, and of course the creation of new jobs, this is the second platform that shows good dynamics. minsk city technopark is the largest in the country. this is a promising platform for those enterprises that specialize in the production of bio-nanotechnologies, microelectronics, medical equipment, optoelectronic and laser technologies. airfield, nemarshandsky garden, slutsk hotel, plus three metro stations, the most the expected premiere of this year, but the hard worker olesya, our mechanized complex, is ready to pave new tones. minsk is a city with distinctive architecture, it is all about hospitality; at the end of last year, our capital became the most popular destination among tourists. russians and from kazakhstan a lot of people have been coming from kazakhstan lately, and so you know everything is the same as before,
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in fact, that is, neighboring countries, spain, great britain, just recently there was a small group coming up. of the total population. average the age of working men and women is 42 years. by the way, women are employed mainly in the service sector, 62.5% versus 37.5. but production, already a male sector, here 2/3 of the workers are the stronger sex. and about the most
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interesting figures, the nominal accrued salary exceeds 2,161 rubles. growth over the year is more than 19%. if we talk about the top highest-paid industries, then information communications is traditionally in first place, with insurance and scientific and technical activities also in the top three. labor day traditionally brings belarusians and a number of innovations, the cost of living budget has increased, and therefore a number of important payments, for example, child benefits. we are also expecting changes in family capital in may, but for now. don't forget about the big weekend. all the details were collected in the report by anton malyuta. let's start with the cost of living budget. it is recalculated once a quarter: in february, may, august and november, traditionally upward. so, the new value of the budget of the subsistence minimum per capita is 418 rubles. 73 kopecks is it 3% or 12
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rubles higher than the standard that was in force before . following the bpm , various raises are automatically considered, as well as certain social benefits, for example, age-related pension supplements for those who are between 75 and 79 years old who will receive an additional 78.5 rubles per month. and for the group 80 plus, the supplement will be 157 rubles. benefits for families raising children will also increase, so at the birth of the first child they will pay 10 subsistence minimum budgets, and for the second and subsequent ones. already 14 bpm. and this is an announcement of what will happen at the end of the month. may 28 the conditions for assigning family capital and its early use will change. now, in order for large families to open a deposit account in a bank, it is necessary to confirm the employment of the head of the family. an additional condition for the assignment or early use of family capital will be the creation of appropriate conditions
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and a favorable climate in the home for children. if children in the family are recognized as being in a socially dangerous situation, the right of early use will not be assigned or granted until they are the reasons that led to the recognition of children in a socially dangerous situation have been eliminated, after which it will be possible to apply, if everything in the family has returned to normal , to assign family capital or apply for an early disposal. the state, by providing support to families, counts on the active life position of the family in ensuring their well-being in the decent upbringing of children, so such approaches, of course, well, let’s say, equalize the responsibility of the state and the responsibility of the family. about all innovations we will tell you more about the family capital on air, but in the meantime we are enjoying the long weekend; may has the most holidays. we started to rest today, the next week is also short, may 9 is victory day, then we will be happy on tuesday, may 14, which means we have four days off. true, the non-working day of may 13th will have to be worked on saturday the 18th. and
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a sign that summer is already close is at the start of the dacha season, and this means that the benefit is in force. for senior citizens. with a pension certificate, train travel will become exactly half cheaper. this measure valid until the very end of october. thanks anton for the details of the may innovations. labor day unites not only belarusians; it is officially celebrated by 142 countries around the world. true, this does not happen peacefully everywhere. in lyon and paris. severe dispersal of arrests took place on labor day in turkey; in istanbul, police used
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pepper gas and rubber bullets against protesters. the reason is that the city governor did not allow taxis to celebrate may 1st in the square, but representatives of trade unions and political parties decided to hold a procession anyway. more than 200 people were detained. in greece , may day was also met with protests; several thousand people took to the streets of athens, demanding improved working and living conditions, higher wages, measures against inflation, and the repeal of laws that prohibit the right to strike. today we want to send a message to working people that the time has come to say no to exploitation and poverty, to say no to high prices.
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they held their may day in warsaw today, although the theme is anti-war, the participants of the action oppose poland’s involvement in ukrainian conflict and demands an immediate stop to arms supplies to kiev. on the posters there are slogans: today our tanks, tomorrow our children and stop the americanization of poland. people are chanting: this is not our war.
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to wrap up an army of half a million, equip it with the latest types of weapons, including offensive systems, this is of course a serious threat. today, the polish elites, who
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imagine themselves as the new organizer of a crusade against russia and belarus, are openly putting forward plans, projecting power, threatening us, this requires a serious strengthening of questions security, well, belarus has already hosted the russian one. nuclear weapons, in addition, in the armed forces of the republic of belarus there are military units that are equipped with appropriate carriers that can use these tactical nuclear weapons if necessary, i think that this will be a good deterrent for the aggressive aspirations of warsaw. may is a victorious month, a sacred date for... many nations is already very close, it would seem that a lot of time has passed since the second world war, the meaning of the confrontation and the struggle for our values ​​are more relevant than ever.
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captured nato equipment was exhibited on poklonnaya hill in moscow, more than 30 exhibits in total. in a real battle, the miracle of western technology turned out to be not so durable. now this iron will become museum exhibits and a signal from russia to the west. like, don’t play with fire and do n’t... it has high firepower, shooting accuracy and good protection, it is in demand in the export market. today, similar vehicles are in service with 14 european
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states, and more than... 200 leopards were delivered to ukraine, but judging by the fact that today the german leopard stands on poklonnaya hill, does not growl on the battlefield in donbass, its protection is not so strong, the ssu has already lost more than twenty similar vehicles, the main threat to the leopard has become russian drones , the most vulnerable point is heavy weight. they are quite large cars, the silhouettes of the cars are very large, the tanks are quite heavy, they get stuck, the car is serious in any case.
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well, besides this, the guidance system and instruments that did not want them to get to us they also removed their hands, that is, in fact , the equipment is outdated for the format of the current war, where both fpv drones and our lancets are used, which burn them well, here you can also see the swedish sv-90, the british mastiff armored vehicle and the finnish btrkh-180, essentially the entire geography of nato military supplies to ukraine, the british media have already called this exhibition a signal from russia to the west, let us recall that the british prime minister promised to send kiev air defense systems 1,600 missiles and financial support in the amount of 500 million pounds sterling, and the us president recently signed a package of aid in the amount of $61 billion, against this background the exhibition of lost nato equipment in moscow looks like a mockery of russia over the allocation of new military aid to ukraine. daria belausovrovsk, alexander lyubitelev,
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tv news agency, moscow. belarusians know the value of peace, we sacredly honor the feat of hero-liberators, the eightieth anniversary of the breaking of the enemy blockade by partisans of the poloskolepel zone during the great patriotic war, the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the breakthrough memorial complex celebrated in the north of the country. in may of '44 there were fierce battles here, 17.00 partisans against the sixty thousand-strong nazi army. about courage and love for the motherland, report. the convoy arrives at the breakthrough memorial complex, a place of national memory and a symbol of unparalleled courage. during the great patriotic war, a nationwide struggle broke out here. children studied in schools, newspapers were published, they worked in factories, the partisan region became a bone in the throat for the invaders, and the order was given
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to destroy it. a huge territory was in in the fiery ring of the enemy, surrounded on all sides by fascists, cut off from the outside world, they bravely stood to the end. in the sixteen partisan brigades that were operating at that time, there were 17,185 people, the partisans’ weapons were many times weaker, there were only 21 guns, and of small caliber, reconnaissance was working, it was clear that the germans would not leave our zone alone. in the spring of '44 to this area. the sixty-thousand-strong army of punitive forces has been brought into power, the village of the old village and poperino are forever inscribed in the history of the great patriotic war, there were fierce battles, the command of the partisan zone gave the order to break the ring of fire and lead people out of the fire blockade, so courage defeated death and became immortality, words that , along with the feat, were frozen in marble and bronze,
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events eighty years ago. today they came to life in reconstruction, the entire line of defense was burning, the enemy forces were significantly superior, but it seems that the impossible happened, on the night of may 4-5, 16 partisan brigades broke through the enemy blockade ring and brought 1,500 civilians behind them residents. half a century ago, during the celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders , a memorial complex was opened in the ushashchi district.
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young people have prepared a video message for future generations, with one request: to take care of the world. the capsule will be kept in the ushachi museum of people's glory named after hero of the soviet union vladimir lobank. the video will be edited and shown in
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2034 on the day of the celebration of the ninetieth anniversary of the breaking of the enemy blockade by partisans of the polac-lepel zone. a feeling of pride for our ancestors and a sense of patriotism and a feeling unity of all. and i think that both 85 years and 90, 95 will become increasingly larger in scale . an important date for every resident of the ushachi district will continue to be celebrated tomorrow, with many events on the initiative of local youth, but how could it be otherwise, their grandfathers fought here, who at the cost of their lives gave us peace, which we must save. marina romanovskaya, mikhail khristoforov, television news agency.
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a hotline about deficiencies in road maintenance will begin operating in belarus. a single number is now on your screen, you can contact it starting tomorrow. call on on weekdays from 10 to 12 from 15 to 17 hours, after processing the information on each fact , measures will be taken to eliminate shortcomings, there is also a chatbot on telegram, where you can also report problem areas. equal opportunities and development of every corner of our country are a priority of state policy. today we’ll talk about ruzhany, important documents and the treasury of the grand duchy of lithuania were kept there. the castle of the sapieha family, which attracts tourists, and the modern urban village has everything necessary infrastructure for the comfort of local residents. in a word, ruzhany is a real place to live.
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we are in the historical center of the urban village of ruzhany on september 17 square. the first mention of ruzhany dates back to 1552. today , about 3,000 people live in oruzhany. it is very important that there are jobs in the village that will ensure the well-being of our population. sanatorium ruzhansky is one of the leading sanatoriums in the republic of belarus. ruzhana agro is the leader of the agro-industrial complex of our
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countries. ruzhany furniture company, whose products are known far beyond the borders of the state. housing construction is an important factor for the development of the village, especially. provides an opportunity for young specialists to gain a foothold in the field. an important factor for a comfortable life in the village is the provision of timely , quality medical care. city hospital, clinic. there are two kindergartens and a secondary school in the village, with about 500 students. it is worth noting that the graduate this school is me too, me. i’m more pleased that my son is studying at the same school, there is also a children’s art school in the village, there is also a multidisciplinary center, creativity for children and teenagers, a cultural and leisure center, and all the social infrastructure has been created for the harmonious development
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of children. wherever i am, i always say with pride that i come from ruzhany, and the main attraction, the pride of the residents of our village, of course, is. ensemble of the sapegov family. in 1598, the chancellor of the grand duchy of lithuania lev sapieha acquires the ruzhany estate and erects a defensive castle at the beginning of the 16th century. the castle was built according to the principle “my home, my fortress”. it was from this moment that we can consider the beginning of the heyday of our village. the main state archives were kept here, the treasury was kept here, and even the relics of the patron saint of the grand duchy of lithuania, st. casimir, were kept here. over the past year, we received about 40,000 organized tourists, and 2,000 of them were tourists from abroad. now we are near the st. peter and paul church. kruzhansk land
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is rich in the names of famous people, the names of which are included in the book of memory of our earth. among them, the name of the rector of this temple, john of navrod, stands out, whose activities during the great patriotic war were disgraced as a feat. there was a camp for prisoners of war on the territory of the church; operations were carried out in the church itself on the altar under the images and icons. ruzhany is a unique place, a place where history still lives, this is the place where i was born, the place that i love and which i am proud of, this is the place of my life, the place of my future. belarusians
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have learned to love their own and work for the good of creation. this year, the country plans to build at least 4 million square meters of housing, including one and a half million of them with government support. what is the secret of global construction and how to make sure that quantity keeps pace with quality, you give a special project of the tv news agency to the country. year quality for our company is, first of all, responsibility for the results of our work. i came to construction at an already mature age, as they say, a conscious choice. i liked the fact that you could see the results of your work. when , step by step, a house is raised, built, well
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, i have been working in construction since 1988, what we worked in the last century now is a very big difference, now the modern level of materials, technologies, this allows us to do our work efficiently, when you see the results of your work, in the form of high-rise buildings, hospitals, kindergartens, you feel joy from this. you drive around the city and see what your house is there, what’s there your house is standing, today stroitrest number two is an open joint-stock company, this is the construction of a facility of any complexity and in the optimal time frame, i have been living in pinsk for more than 40 years already, i came here from the primorsky territory in 1983, a lot has changed, why houses have grown , schools, kindergartens, hospitals, kindergartens, cannot be compared with that period... when i came here, here in every, one might say, in every house there is a piece
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of my work, it’s all very pleasing, it’s as if everything has been built for our children, to our grandchildren so that they live in a beautiful, comfortable city. today the operetta star natalya gaida celebrates her 85th birthday, the people's artist of belarus was congratulated by the president, she came to minsk from sverdlovsk to pick up her husband and colleague, dreamed of a career as an investigator, graduated from law school, but became the heroine of the leading roles of the muscomedia theater. a healthy qian with... serca aniel.


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