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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 2, 2024 6:00am-7:01am MSK

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a war film directed by igor ugolnikov, the start of filming has been announced for august, the release of the film will coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the great victory. the majority of the film crew will be belarusian actors and specialists. news, analytics, expert comments, interesting facts, watch the program events on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. good morning belarus, good morning, beloved country, ekaterina antonova, tatyana matuseevich, today we will spend the morning of the 2nd day of may with you, traditionally our couple meets thursday with you. by the way, if you, dear friends, are waiting for summer, just like we are waiting for it, then we inform you that there are exactly 29 days left until the hot, berry-watermelon, vegetable, green-salad season, we... have counted everything, yes, we’re starting the countdown, but in the meantime we’re immediately enjoying the beautiful spring, this warm may, i would even say, the last month of spring, it’s just some sort of weekend and holiday, but really, we started celebrating yesterday, yesterday it was labor day for us, yes, and today we are already entering working day, by the way, the sun has already risen at 5:28 and is working at full strength, across the republic this morning up to 10°, and in some places even up to 12, during the day up to... six with a
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plus sign, but more detailed information as always will be during the broadcast, so don’t switch anywhere, yes, wake up right now, let’s start with perhaps the most spring composition, i would say, a verosov classic performed by the young star ksenia goletskaya, now we’ll hear a voice in malinovka. malina in kikiza heard a voice, three new forgotten dates, three perches, birch trees bridge, on a quiet river without a name, i ask you for an hour. howl to go to the horse to me, when once
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in the birch market, when the squeegee takes the howl, raspberry vazhare, and thought of god knows where, and the pebbles by the shore swayed and sang to the robin then, atom of what we were silent about, forgive you, rosy hour, let me go quietly , like darak, birch, raspberry valzare, like dorokrai, birch, raspberry!
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to the east, the pain left my heart, the river disappeared into the distance, youth rushed, but the song seemed to be in front of my love, the robin returned to me again, i ask you, the pink hour is on... quietly to me, like a darakram, a birch robin , aka a robin, by the way, it is easy to confuse it with a flycatcher, but those who have heard the robin’s song will never do this, and there is such a folk sign that if robin, then only the worlds will litter in this dwelling. peace, in fact,
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it seems to me that it’s very offensive when you are a robin, and they confuse you with a flycatcher, don’t ever do that, well, friends, since we’re talking about birds, i’ll remind someone, and let someone know that in belarus is chosen annually: winged symbol of the year and the bird of 2024 was declared to be the hooded crow, but by the way, now we see the hooded crow everywhere in cities, even on our screen, by the way, yes, yes, here it appeared, and until the sixties this bird settled only in the swamps, in floodplains of rivers and forests, she flew to people only for food in winter, yes, now we won’t tell you that crows live 16 years and so on, other information, just remind you that scientists compare intelligence.
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a law on the responsible treatment of animals has been adopted, all the details are in our story correspondent alesya boyarskikh. mara will let you know that matvey leichonok, a correspondent for good ranitsa belarus, a man who teaches us every thursday how to understand art , has his own exhibition, so we’ll dive into his work very soon. well, we’ll also find out how the belarusian folklorist poet zhanna dark emilia changed this world. plater plater meet the morning with our new hero of the column about professions, storekeeper yuri krishtopchik. we all know that money loves a bill together with our purchase, let's learn choose quality products so as not to waste money. today
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we have cabbage on our agenda. and we will definitely contact the city of mogilev and find out how to make potato jam correctly now, attention. that's what, yes, we made it from potatoes, but, in my opinion, there is no jam yet, we need to start, yes, indeed, you heard right, there will be jam just from potatoes, well, today we are nowhere without premieres , in our studio the leader of the skynet group ivan ponomarev with a landmark work in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from german fascist invaders under the life-affirming title “i am alive.” all details after 7:00 am. and after 8:00 am we will meet sports commentator andrei kozlov. thursday is a day for exciting sports news, so be sure to stick around. well, right now i think it’s time for gourmet recipes. today for breakfast, this is anatoly moiseeva, omelette poulard. good morning, today for breakfast
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there is a culinary hit that will please everyone. today we will cook some culinary magic. which until recently was available only to visitors of french restaurants. the pular omelet is named after a certain annet pular, who prepared this dish at her hotel. we will need eggs, milk, dried garlic and vegetable oil for frying. take three eggs at room temperature and separate the yolks from the whites. the whites will be whipped, so you need to take a larger container for them. add a little milk and a pinch of salt to the yolks, mix with a whisk until smooth, this will be the first layer. pour a pinch of salt and a little dried garlic into the container with the whites. beat with a mixer until stiff peaks form, the mass
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should be very airy and pleasing to the eye. pour the yolks into a heated frying pan with vegetable oil and distribute them evenly over the entire surface of the bottom. after 20-30 seconds, when the yolks are a little baked, put the whipped whites on top, carefully distribute them, leveling them with a spatula, cover with a lid, leave at a power slightly below average for 8-10 minutes, then touch the whites with your finger, if they don’t stick, the omelette is ready , to serve, cut the fluffy poulard omelette in half and move one half to the other so that the sunny yolk... the layer is from top to bottom, decorate with fresh herbs, such an omelette is a pleasure to eat, it is very tender, airy, and most importantly, it looks very attractive, i am sure you
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will definitely like this recipe, bon appetit! the tv news agency presents an overview of popular print and online publications. many countries are moving towards global electrification of transport. according to the international energy agency's forecasts, by 2030 the global fleet of electric vehicles may to grow to 145 million. urban electric transport is being dynamically updated; our country is interested in increasing electric mobility. in 2021-2025, a comprehensive program for the development of electric transport is being implemented. at the moment , an extensive network of charging stations has been formed in belarus, there are already more than 1 of them. at the same time , the development of electric transport and the expansion of the network of charging stations are indicated. as one of the important tasks in the current five-year plan, the newspaper sb belarus today found out how
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the documents are being implemented and what is in the plans. last week the president signed a law on business issues. the document was published on the national legal internet portal. it is aimed at establishing simple, understandable conditions and incentives for organizing and scaling your business, creating a competitive environment between various legal forms of small business. establishes an updated business architecture and provides for two categories engaged in business activities: legal entities and individuals. kinds activities that individual entrepreneurs can carry out will be determined by the government before july 1. why this law was adopted, how it will affect business in the country and what bonuses are provided for consolidating your business, writes the respublika newspaper. day of the national flag, coat of arms and anthem of the republic. belarus in our country is celebrated on the second sunday of may, and if several years ago state symbols were placed
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mainly on administrative buildings, as well as on days that were especially significant for the republic, then on everywhere lately. increasingly, the colors of our flag and images of the coat of arms are present in items of clothing, stationery, and cars. at harvest time, the flag is proudly raised on the harvesters by the leading workers of the harvest. on the eve of a significant holiday, correspondents from a rural newspaper asked readers why it is important to respect and protect. in our country, the french louver may move the famous painting by italian artist leonard davinci monalisa to a special underground room due to the disappointment of visitors, writes about this bilta news agency. the famous portrait of a mysteriously smiling woman is the main attraction of the louvre, attracting travelers from all over the world. however, museum visitors pay 22 euros to see the masterpiece, stand in huge queues for a few seconds of viewing and... remain disappointed, after a recent survey it turned out that tourists, having seen the painting, remain in most
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cases either very disappointed or call the meeting with the work torture. is susceptible to any disease, he requires more attentive care, which means he cannot attend a regular child care facility. this is where sanatorium-type kindergartens come to the aid of moms and dads, where children are under the supervision of highly qualified medical personnel. the daily routine is structured in accordance with the age characteristics of the children. therefore, it is important for us to build a chain of relationships with parents, medical staff, and teachers. in order for this to create a unified health -saving space. each sanatorium
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the kindergarten is specialized for any disease. azbuka sport spent the day in the garden for children with weakened immune systems. our tasks as a sanatorium garden are to increase the child’s body’s resistance to harmful factors. basic health activities include morning exercises, physical education, and breathing exercises. conducted in kindergartens. hardening activities, for example, learning to swim in a pool, but these are not all the differences between a sanatorium kindergarten and a regular one; wellness massage is carried out during each child receives a massage of the musculoskeletal system according to indications; we have the following technique: biaptron therapy using methods for preventing orv. we have two physiotherapy rooms. where children receive physiotherapeutic
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procedures in terms of rehabilitation after illnesses. of course, the number of groups in such gardens is less than in ordinary ones. special attention is paid to nutrition; it is served four times a day with daily addition of fruits and vegetables. and if, for medical reasons , a child needs a certain diet, then he a separate table is being prepared. as you can see, in sanatorium-type kindergartens personal attention is paid to each child.
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on the belarus tv channels, one of the belarus 24 satellites continues the live broadcast of the good ranitsa belarus program, good morning to everyone again, who has just joined us on a positive note, we are celebrating the second day of may, by the way, the weather forecast echoes us, a little more about this, ekaterina antonovo has all the accurate information. katya, what do the weather forecasters promise us for today? yes, tanya, y i want all the accurate and most pleasant information regarding today . because it finally became as warm as we wanted, it started yesterday, but look what wonderful numbers i have to announce now, today in the capital +21 +23 the sun will shine brightly, not even cloudy, in brest the sun is also shining, brightly and there it’s up to 26 plus, but it’s just summer, something real has arrived there, in vitebsk
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it’s traditionally a little cooler, there it’s cloudy with clearings and up to 19° warm, but i’m sure that the present... which arrived here in may, will come to vitebsk. let's move on, the sun will shine brightly and +22 +24, today during the day in gomel, in grodno until 25 with a plus sign it will also be sunny, cloudy with clearings today in mogilev + 19 +21. i can’t believe that we are announcing such weather and such temperatures at the beginning of may, and you know, if you believe the preliminary forecast of weather forecasters, then on sunday, despite all this, the degrees will drop, and significantly. up to 14 is just a plus sign, but by the way, i think it's there is already a long-standing synoptic tradition, when before orthodox easter , no matter what date it falls on, it always gets a little colder, yes, now we are all living through holy week, each day before easter has its own rituals, for example, today is maundy thursday, it is also called holy thursday and usually on this day it is customary to clean the house, go to
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the bathhouse, you can paint eggs, by the way, today you can start preparing the stove and treat, and indeed , this time begins on thursday when... you can prepare something for the holiday table, and also we can start spiritually prepare for the bright sunday of christ, which orthodox believers will celebrate on may 5, and by the way, live broadcasts of the festive services will be shown by the belteleradiocompany tv channels. on saturday , may 4 at 23:30, the belarus 1 and belarus24 tv channels will begin showing the celebration of christ's bright sunday. metropolitan benjamin will lead the service at the holy spirit cathedral. yes, lent, which lasts 48 days, then holy week, and easter is certainly a special time for good spiritual deeds, and this is also a good start to continue these deeds all year round, so let’s now talk to you about good deeds. a law on the responsible treatment of animals has been adopted in belarus, well, all the details are right now in the story of our correspondent, ales boyarskikh. we are responsible
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for those we have tamed. belarus has adopted a law on the responsible treatment of animals, now our little brothers will become more protected. for a long time there was no law on the protection of animals in belarus; they tried to pass it several times, but the draft was sent to finalization, but at the beginning of this year everything changed. we have noticed how recently cases of cruelty to animals have become more frequent and owners do not have a responsible attitude towards their pets and, of course, we are concerned citizens. we have repeatedly drawn the attention of the entire parliamentary corps and the country's leadership to this, so it was decided to create this basic law, which will group itself with all those regulatory legal acts that existed at the moment and will introduce new requirements for owners. now the law has such a category as a companion. we are talking about a pet
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to which a person feels affection. in addition, the law applies to official, laboratory, and also. separately selected animals used in cultural activities and in the field of physical culture and sports. it is now established at the legislative level that all owners, when walking their animals, are obliged to clean up after their pets. and if we observe the opposite situation, then such non-parental owners can be called to administrative responsibility. standard provisions will also be adopted for shelters, for temporary holding facilities for animals, and for hotels, in addition. the decree will regulate the rules for breeding cats and dogs. the law enshrines increased requirements for keeping dangerous dogs. a dangerous dog will be recognized as a dog that... committed some kind of violent act, injury in relation to an individual or another animal, and this was fixed by the decision
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of the authorized body and in connection with this we we oblige the owner of these dogs to take a special course. a legal ban on companion animals visiting educational, healthcare, cultural, physical education and sports facilities, as well as food stores. the exception is the guide dog, but at the same time there will be establishments in belarus whose owners are not against visiting with pets. the law supports such a popular trend as petfriendly at the legislative level, and the law allows cafes and other public places to enter there with animals, but obliges the owners of these establishments to warn at the entrance that animals are allowed here so that people who have some kind of allergy understand that there is some risk to their health. every year , from 2 to 3,000 unwanted dogs and cats end up in the city’s fauna, mostly from captured and
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abandoned animals. we tied a golden retriever to a bench, wrote down his name, what vaccinations he had, and even had a collar and leash on him, and there was a case, tied to a tree, near the bench we quickly found an animal, but... a tree is more complicated, since the entry into force of the new law on the responsible treatment of animals , the deadline for returning a pet will change if the previous owner is present. today , we warn all new owners who take animals from us that within 6 months, in accordance with the civil code, they will have to return this animal if their previous owner is found. and... with the entry into force of the new law, this period will change, it will be 1 month. the main provisions of the responsible animal welfare act come into force on january 1, 2025. this is done so
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that there is time to develop by-laws. gets project for the right region in the day of belarus. but this is also a relic of a very ancient lake, which was of enormous size.
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it is clear to god that the snow has melted into the damp
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earth, the rain has fallen on the road, the storms of spree, the sun is warmer, the ice is worn away, the crops have fallen, the gloom of every day has jumped on us. cinematic dedication eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. the plot of lenter will tell about the unique actions of the belarusian partisans, which gave important tactical
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advantages to the soviet troops during the film, it’s worth seeing it with your own eyes. yes, and by the way, don’t miss this one , well, right now we invite you to visit an interesting exhibition in china. well, let's go to it. the shanghai pudong art museum and the madrid prado presented a joint exhibition. on display 70 original oil paintings from the prado collection, including masterpieces by european masters. among them are works by itzaan, veronesi, el gre. corubens, one of the most interesting is the matridian copy of monelise. previously , art historians attributed the authorship of this painting to one of leonard’s students, but in 2012 experts found out that the original from the louvre and this copy from prada have similar underpaintings, which means that they were painted in davinci’s studio at the same time. the 15th-century masterpiece was exhibited in a separate room and supplemented with multimedia materials. they they talk about the stages of restoration of the canvas,
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what... interesting work the restorers do and how much amazing unique things can be unearthed in the layers of paint, i wonder if someone will try to find the difference, or if this is just a separate work that can be admired in the same way as the same monoliza, well , in any case, maybe the queues will become smaller, just like the original, yes, because there is another point where you can look at very similar works, who knows, it is still unknown who wrote it, yes all maybe still. it may turn out, and you know, they will preserve traditions well and in our country they know how to do this like nowhere else, but, for example, every summer for many seasons in a row, bards, poets, fans of art songs gather in a picturesque place on the banks of the chergirinsky reservoir. this year, from july 26 to 28 , the big bart fishing music festival will not only retain, but also expand its multicultural format, so in the summer everyone in chechevich goes to chagerinka, but you know, dear friends,
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expand the format and... this is surprising talent also great members of the creative team of the good morning belarus program. the other day, our correspondent, author of the column the art of understanding art, matvey lichonok, had a personal exhibition. and we want to note that the guy is 21 years old, but now a real journey into the world of an adult graphic artist awaits you, an artist who made people remember the watercolor of his hand literally poured the sun onto a sheet of paper. so, let's look at a special review from... on april 26 , a personal exhibition of matvey leichonok under the sun opened in minsk, the author invites the viewer to be transported in the warm time of childhood, remember grandmother’s baskets at the doorstep, the sour taste of unripe antonovka and simply enjoy the beauty of nature, which, as the master admits, is the best painter. the concept is very simple, i don’t like philosophy in art,
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how... strange, i don’t like some kind of art-historical, in a bad sense , art-historical approaches, about symbolism, various things in a picture, in fact, when an artist creates and works, sometimes he enough for inspiration is just an apple on the window or some flies flying nearby and indeed, in most of my works i don’t put absolutely any meaning, it ’s not there, it’s just a moment, the direction closest to the master is impressionism, this is what is called painting here. now, it does not imply long work on the canvas or preparatory sketches, the artist must capture the condition of the object, its temperature, color, sometimes even humidity. matvey coped with this task perfectly, the chosen material helped him. watercolor for me is a lifestyle. i once said i i will never paint in watercolors. now i can’t live without watercolor, just as i can’t live without water, and really the influence of the watercolor technique is the water, how it flows, how it behaves.
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you can’t control the retrospective of the artist’s works. a huge team of professionals helped organize it, in particular the first intellectual club in minsk, which has been helping young and talented people develop for many years. of course, there are some roots in the past, because my mother draws quite well, his grandmother is good at it, my husband, my uncle drew beautifully, but they are both self-taught, in general. he is a graphic artist, it would seem that there should be as little color as possible, but he simply cannot perceive himself without it. not only friends and family came to support the young author, but also the artist’s first teachers. matvey is energy itself, very strict with himself, basically
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always. his work, it seems to me, is very unique, it is always a joy, it is so optimistic, i would say, the colors are so bright, it seems very cool. what is this there is life, we are connected by many things, first of all, matvey was such a versatile student that at one time he dreamed of becoming a doctor, in general, we remember him not only for me, but for all the teachers of our gymnasium, for his stage performances, and we all remember his sparkling dances, most of all songs, it was very unexpected when suddenly he devoted himself to art, to plunge into the literal sense of the word... the sunny exposition will be available until may 22 in the galleries of the university of culture, they say that a person cannot live without water live for a while, so matvey, apparently , simply cannot live without watercolors, of course, a fantastically beautiful painting, and
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it’s really amazing, a graphic artist gives such color, such coloring, however, i also really liked in this phrase the fact that watercolor he also cannot live without water, yes, if someone has ever written, at least tried to paint pictures. he understands what i'm talking about. in any case, we congratulate matvey on this important event in his life, i am sure that some number of years later, maybe perhaps, not matvey himself, but someone else, new, an employee of the dobritsa belarus program, will review his work, approximately in the same way as matvey does in his section the art of understanding art. in any case, we wish our colleague every success, well, right now i propose to be transported to the world of corals. the netherlands has found a way to save coral reefs from... at the arne zoo , special aquariums with a capacity of 8 million liters have appeared for endangered species. they began to grow new healthy colonies that can be returned to their natural habitat if necessary. the project
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was called noah's ark. it was launched by the global coral conservatory, founded in 2019 . her plans are to create a coral bank in aquariums throughout europe. this will save reefs that are important to marine life. inhabitants, and also prevent coastal erosion. well, let me remind you that over the past decades the area of ​​reefs has been halved and, according to scientists, by 2050 our planet may lose up to 90% of corals, and i like that we are so far from australia, yes, we we very often say that it is there that the coral reef, the largest, but under the greatest threat of destruction, is located, and in the netherlands they think, what’s his name, well, there are coral reefs all over our planet. save, this is such a coral health resort, a coral hospital, whatever you want to call it, but it’s not in vain that the dutch are working on this issue, because scientists believe that if measures are not taken in time to save coral reefs, they can completely disappear, that’s what is immortal, dear
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friends, this is poetry, june 6 will turn 225 anniversary of the birth of alexander pushkin, the russian house in minsk invites you to participate in the youth project pushkin readings 2024, so if you... from 6 to 25 years old, do not miss this literary opportunity, yes, look for all the details on the internet, well, now we’ll talk a little more let us remember emilia plater about those who once changed this world for the better not only in word, but also in deed. emilia plater was born in 1806 in vilna, spent her childhood on the liksna estate in the then vitebsk province, was educated at home, i became interested in reading, history and mathematics, and wrote. rode a horse, learned to fence, shoot a pistol, and as she grew up, she became interested in belarusian folklore, collected and sang folk songs, tried to compose similar ones, learned belarusian folk dances. having learned about the uprising of 1830
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, emilia created a small detachment, which was quickly joined by volunteers, 60 horsemen, almost 300 riflemen and several hundred peasants armed with scythes. she was recognized as a leader. according to ancient rituals , the maidens were knighted. in the first battle the rebels defeated the infantry of the tsarist troops. emilia, inspired by success, decided to take possession of the dinoburg fortress, but her plans failed and her detachment had to retreat. although the rebels won victories in many battles, they faced defeats more often. however, for her courage and determination, emilia plater was appointed honorary commander of the company in the infantry regiment and received the rank of "captain", an unprecedented case for a woman of that time. emilia was very upset by the defeat of the uprising, with the hope of reviving it, she went to warsaw, however on the way she became seriously ill and soon died. for a long time people did not believe in her death and made up
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legends about her. her exploits were glorified by poets and artists. adam mickiewicz, having learned about emilia’s exploits, wrote a poem to which he gave the title “the death of a colonel.” she was called the belarusian joan of arc, she entered... in her climatis, emilia plater, a woman who changed the honor of one of the varieties of a delicate flower, the world is named. i won't say anything. new, if he emphasized that we can change our personal world ourselves, and it’s enough just to sometimes put the phone aside and chat with family, this is the idea pursued by one italian restaurant veroni, which invites visitors to temporarily give up mobile phones, restaurant employees lock phones in a special box for the duration of dinner, just like at school, yes, but not everything is like at school, look further , the reward for enjoying ordinary values ​​is a free bottle. guilt. the new concept has proven popular among
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restaurant patrons, who enjoy spending time socializing with each other. marvelous, yes, we need a person, some other person, an outsider, who would help us put this very phone aside and communicate like this purely in human language, we ourselves can no longer do this. yes, it would still be great if we did this ourselves without any bonuses of help from outsiders, but nevertheless, a wonderful initiative, and in general, dear friends, you also take note when you even have dinner in a circle. and put down your gadgets, turn off your phone, chat, and if you say, yes, we ’ve been in touch all day, we already know everything news, and you just keep silent, sometimes silence is also more valuable than gold, well, right now, dear friends, we are offering a virtual trip and we will go to syria, because there the ancient citadel of syrian aleppo was reopened for visitors, a unesco world heritage site suffered due to the armed conflict and the earthquake that occurred in february about... the fortress is located on a high hill in the old city, the first
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fortifications appeared there back in the 20th century, in the 12th century the citadel turned into the richest city. inside there were palaces, bathhouses and mosques, tombs, arsenals, areas for training soldiers, water tanks and granaries for storing grain. the fortress had its most significant role during the crusades, serving as a stronghold for succession. either the crusaders, or the muslims, yes, it’s good that this object is returning to us as a tourist one, but right now i propose to continue our journey, but not through tourist objects, but through professional ones, and let’s find out how the storekeeper, yuri, starts his day krishtopchik, my name is. i work at a gas equipment plant in the sales department,
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my position is storekeeper, i wake up at 5:30 in the morning, wash my face, brush my teeth, have breakfast, i arrive at work at 6:30 in the morning, get the keys to the warehouse, open the warehouse, then turn it on there’s light everywhere, i’m going to change into my work uniform. at 7:00 our working day begins. this is my workplace, i start work by receiving documentation. my responsibilities include: organizing work, receiving and storing goods in the warehouse for import and export of products. i am also the foreman of my brigades. i came to the company in 2016. the first year i worked as a loader, the second year as a forklift driver. i have been holding the position of warehouseman for years, combining
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the duties of a foreman. here is a warehouse for finished products, where goods are stored with the subsequent sale of our products. i graduated from alexander sergeevich pushkin university, faculty of physical education. good physical fitness helps me participate in competitions at our plant. i take prizes in arm wrestling. same tug of war, thanks to sports, i have developed such qualities as endurance, determination and responsibility, all this helps me replace the master during his absence, i love my job for good working conditions, my social protection, good wages for what values ​​me management. our team is friendly and knowledgeable, ready to help at any moment. during this time i made many good friends and
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acquaintances. my profession is important in that the products we ship reach integrity and safety, so that a person purchasing our products is satisfied. i love my job because it makes my country's mornings good. i ruined the village in the heights, i want parazdytama.
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my love last for my little one you 're snatching my sodochka you're talking about this night you're going to give me a sodochka supply and my sodochka you're snatching up my sodochka you're snatching a sodochka from me you're snatching me up , how our forest was once upon a time, how we mooned over the ground over and over again, and how we fell yes, i have experienced, i have experienced, as much as i have tried the heat, i think, i smell it, i wish i had a memory of the past hours, i will live and
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sweat the days, how many times have we fled, yes, our mary is only for two. them you only you want only you my love after my little girl you take my soda you about the night you about this night you take the time from my soda a post on my place you take the time from my soda you're a good thing you're a wet word
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we recognize you from architectural memories belarus from different eras and styles. temple near mosara - this data is laconic, navat infused with the spirits of the italian renaissance, as it were, in
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a kanfiguratory way. let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that it lived in was a turning point. this is exactly the 790th reptiles known to rach paspalitaya, and since then we say that there has been a strange end to the floating style of baroka, and all the city's crowns here are taking us away from the paeina so stupidly well, after the document , the architects were the myastsov admyslovian architect chakhovich. who he is is unknown. glyadzice ў praektse, architecture of belarus. if there were more european trots in the past, then just at the 18th century we gained a higher level, we gained the strength to show something new and aryginal. on our tv channel. we are dealing with expeditions in the depths of our country, with the ever-growing emotions and
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positive emotions. all the same, what is the folklore expedition with the paradoxical numbers 590. far away. and once again the vitebsk region has passed away. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. let us admire the greatest glory of the church of the holy trinity. geta temple was known in 1999 on the basis former tsarkovna-prikhodskaya school. so let's go to pragalinka, let's go to the heights, let's hum in the spring, let's walk in the winter. come, come, spring, come, come. the sleep of the spring rye spikelet, the wheat snap, and let's give the old traditions a new life, spring sustracats, summer calls, and green. the heroes
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of this program chose to live outside the city, why do you need it, and where does the money come from, the two favorite questions, i would really like to look at what a school looks like, which is no longer a school inside, they see more there opportunities, use them to the maximum, you have 26 steam. chickens 130 chickens, who else do you have, cow, cow, cow, ducks, what, what you don’t have is free time that can be spent on laziness and despondency, i understand, that’s for sure, no, not on depression, there is no time to be discouraged or lazy, yes, the presenter’s task is to find out why rural life is still better than city life, then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange this when here... in the future we are a reception room we are doing here somewhere drink some coffee, maybe some kind of laundry here is what we
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have leftovers here, valuable things, we will hang them here, probably as an exhibition, now how fashionable they say it will be here, how it all happens, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you huge, watch the project i'm from a village on tv channel belarus 24. belarus, good morning, country, we tell you again, we, ekaterina antonova, tatyana matusevich, continue to wake up, together we do this, by the way, live on tv channels belarus 1 , belarus. 24. on just in case, i’ll tell you again that the calendar says thursday and may 2nd. well, we move on to the news, a series of discussion platforms
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are being held by the belarusian republican youth union and the youth parliament at the national assembly of the republic of belarus as part of a new joint project, a youth gathering. a new youth project started in belarus on april 26. these are discussion platforms for the first secretaries of the territorial committees of the belarusian republican youth union and members of the youth parliament at the national assembly of the republic.
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the first youth gathering has already taken place in minsk, but after that the regions took up the baton. in each district of the country, quarterly, on the basis of an educational institution. culture, enterprises and organizations there will be discussion platforms to discuss the main theses of the country's socio-political life, state youth policy, problems and vision for solving current issues. but, by the way, one of the most pressing issues for all inhabitants of the planet is always the issue of weather. well, we won’t go through all the points of the globe, but by region, by our cities, we will tell you what the temperature is in these morning hours. so, attention, in the capital of the republic of minsk this morning it is not higher than ten, while it is sunny and no precipitation. it’s a degree warmer in bris,
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it’s +9 +11 and the sun is already shining brightly. cloudy with clearings and dry weather conditions this morning in vitebsk there +7 +9, up to 9 with a plus sign in gomel it is also sunny and dry there. +8 +10 in the city of grodno, also the dry weather conditions are not yet higher. nine the thermometer rises in mogilev, it’s cloudy there with clearings, although i wouldn’t be so sure that it’s not higher yet nine, because it seems to me that these are still temperature indicators for such an early morning, at about 6:00 am, and now it will become warmer every hour, every minute, i will explain why i declare this responsibly, i when i arrived at makayonka 9, we have a board that shows +13, and this was at 5:00 in the morning, perhaps the atmosphere.
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today, synoptic indicators in our country will increase significantly, but we will still add a fly in the ointment to this bug, we will, because our viewers should know everything, the fact is that by the end of the week, and as is usual before easter, the weather will worsen a little, but in any case this is not a reason not to go to the store to buy, well, for example, white cabbage, here’s how to do it correctly, how don’t spend extra money, cabbage on cabbage, yes, forgive me, in any case, this joke will be told right now by our regular “shopping” column. today we choose white cabbage. this vegetable is distinguished by a high content of potassium and calcium, and in terms of the amount of vitamin c, white cabbage is not inferior to orange and lemon during heat treatment, vitamin c is destroyed, but fiber, minerals and vitamin k remain, which promote wound healing and better blood clotting. in
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addition, cabbage contains polyphenols and antioxidants. which reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and some types of cancer. let's figure out how to choose this healthy vegetable. we will evaluate the hardness of the heads of cabbage. if the cabbage is quite hard and elastic, if the leaves fit tightly to each other, this indicates that the cabbage was grown with using appropriate technologies, nitrate content, everything is in order. if we observe the opposite process, when we squeeze a head of cabbage, and it is... softer, looser, then all this will indicate that spoilage processes are beginning, so such cabbage should not be consumed. as for early cabbage, here too the cochins should be moderately dense; too loose cabbage may indicate a high nitrate content. remember that the size depends on the variety, but it is better to focus on medium- sized cochinas. cabbage along with watermelons is a vegetable that
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absorbs nitrates like a sponge. it will do everything in order... to last as long as possible during storage, so if we are talking about large cabbages, then it is better to eat them in the spring, when the nitrate content in them naturally decreases during storage. keep in mind that the largest amount of nitrates accumulates in the stalk in the upper covering leaves, so remove them before cooking. make sure that the outer leaves are intact without damage. black dots are a sign of rotting. if it is cracked or overripe, such a specimen will not be suitable for storage. and, based on the name of the vegetable itself, white cabbage, a high-quality vegetable will be those cabbages that, when cut, will have such a rich, white, uh, with a yellowish, perhaps, tint of color. everything that concerns the green, especially the emerald green flowers inside the cochin, will not cover, it will all
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still speak of the presence of a large one. amount of nitrates. so, good white cabbage is dense, its appearance will not raise any questions, no black spots of damage. it is better to choose medium-sized cochinas and remember, the cabbage should smell like cabbage, tasty and healthy purchases. cabbage should smell like cabbage, it’s hard to even argue with this phrase. and if you didn’t take an elastic head of cabbage, but a loose one, then you should think about it and reconsider what is written on the price tag. could it be iceberg cabbage? but i know that on the other hand, very often many people like the cabbage to be soft in a salad, but you have tatyana lifehack, answer me, i just have it, i want to share, you just need to add lemon juice, i know that if you squeeze lemon juice and then rub the cabbage with your hands like this, it becomes soft, but at the same time remains crispy, continue, and i don’t know what recipe life hacks, we’re done here, yes,
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well, it’s too early to make sauerkraut, so let’s move on to other information. let's move on to the first hour of the live broadcast of good ranitsa. belarus is slowly ending, but there are two more to go, so be sure to stay with us, because after 7:00 in the morning we will definitely call our colleagues from mogilev, in a week, they probably had a lot of interesting things happen, so we’ll ask about everything, but we’ll give this little seed, they’ll tell us how to make potato jam correctly, we i still don’t know what it is and how to cook it from my life hacks for cooking cabbage. let's move on to life hacks for cooking potatoes, but that's a little later, we're also nowhere today without premieres, today in our studio the leader of the skynet group ivan panomariov, co a landmark work in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. this work is under the life-affirming title i am alive, we will learn all the details about it after 7:00 am. after 8:00 am we will meet our sports columnist
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andrei kozlov studios, because thursday is the day for interesting sports news. well, right now we are passing the on-air baton to our colleagues from the tv news agency , we will return to this studio again immediately after the news release, we will be happy to say hello to you again wounds. belarus to the meeting, if only i could learn to understand you, without words, if only i could learn to breathe under water, on the fire itself, my heart would fall asleep, it covers you with your wave, i must not reach the crossbar, my hand is tearing us apart.
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you know, sometimes i want it this way, but i don’t know how to find it, you know, sometimes i’m straight. i’m losing my way, i know that you know how much i want to be with you, to be always with you, i know that you will hide me from everyone
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with yours, if you can’t reach with your hand, they’ll tear us apart like that.
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good morning, thursday, may 2, information day for belarus 1 and belarus 24, begins television news agency, watch in the pavel lazovik studio. issue: a symbolic road train will pass places of military glory along the route of the immortal feat of the great patriotic war.


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