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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 2, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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this growth is largely attributed to the higher yields that banks offer on long-term irrevocable deposits in local currency. so in march , the average interest rate on new deposits in rubles with a maturity of over one year was 12.9% per annum, while on time deposits it was 9.7%. the exchange rate of the belarusian ruble strengthened against the russian and yuan and weakened against the dollar and euro. so, the current rates for the national bank. a dollar costs 3 rubles 26 kopecks, the euro is also added, its rate is 3.49, 10 yuan costs 4.44 belarusian, and 100 russian - 3 rubles and 48 kopecks. and finally, the world economy is predicted to experience a period of weak growth, the imf said. as the head of the organization noted, the american economy is moving forward at all times, but it is unlikely that this will last long. in china , prospects for further growth are clouded by issues related to the property market.
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productivity growth in europe is lagging , reflecting less significant investment in new technologies than in the united states. weak global economic growth is named problem number one. another one, it's a hard time government debt. and that’s all the economic news for this hour, good luck in your business and see you later. the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus24 continues with the program “zone x”. i'm yuri shevchuk. hello. i gave money to scammers and almost fell into their net again. a minsk resident found trading courses on the internet and contacted the teacher in messenger. the interlocutor said that the training
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takes place in real trading conditions, explained how to register on the crypto exchange and replenish the balance. following the advice of the curator and fueled by the illusion of making money, she regularly invested, investing a total of over 1000 rubles. when the account allegedly accumulated more than 70 thousand, it was blocked, and in order to withdraw funds they were required to deposit a similar amount. i came across an advertisement on the internet that... that law firms, all sorts of them, are engaged in refunds, well, different ones, as if on different portals, i contacted a lawyer, the lawyer told me that i would have to pay 20%, they promised to help for 20% of the amount that the woman wanted to cash out, virtual earnings on the platform by that time was already more than 70,000 rubles. the money had to be paid on the day the contract was concluded, but the woman understood:
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the meter of the polotsk highway near shachi. according to preliminary information, the forty-seven-year-old truck driver lost control and drove into oncoming traffic. after this, the car slid into the left roadside ditch. there he flew into a tree as a result of an accident. the driver died. a passenger was injured in an accident in the lezninsky district. the accident occurred the day before on the twenty-fifth kilometer of the r-21 highway. previously, a peugeot driver when overtaking on at the intersection collided with a nissan that was turning left. in an accident.
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the passenger of the last car was injured and is in the hospital. two young men decided to show off and practice their fighting skills on the fence, as a result: a criminal case. the director of one of the city's organizations contacted the police and said that unknown people had broken the company's fence. the damage is almost 500 rubles. at the same time, the hooligans were caught on surveillance camera. soon they were detained by nineteen-year-old and seventeen-year-old local residents, one of whom had already come to the attention of the police, during confessed to everyone. now they, at least. you will have to pay for repairs. two fires occurred in gardening communities in the derzhinsky district, and according to the ministry of emergency situations, in both cases the victims violated basic safety rules. in the first case , the household building was on fire, it turned out that the owner’s son decided to restore order on the site and, having collected dry grass in one place, lit a fire. an instant and the barn almost burned to the ground. the second chipe occurred in st romantika. this time the losses were more significant; a private house was on fire. it turned out that the man wanted to flood. but the coals are weak
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were smoldering and he decided to add gasoline to the fire. a flame immediately broke out, the owner got scared and ran outside for help. rescuers arrived on time and in both cases there were no casualties. and in pinsk , a man was rescued from a fire in a dormitory; before the arrival of the ministry of emergency situations , a neighbor found the victim and carried the victim out into the corridor of the block, but was unable to publish due to the heavy smoke. rescuers came to the rescue, they carried the victim outside and handed him over to doctors. the fire destroyed the sofa, damaged the interior decoration, and smoked the walls and ceiling in the room. in the loninets region, rescuers were looking for a pensioner. a woman got lost in the forest. the missing person was reported around lunchtime. emergencies ministry soldiers promptly. arrived at the place of the call, the footprints were visible on softer ground, having gone further, a large puddle appeared on the way, after which there were no traces, the woman turned into the forest, the thicket was quite remote and difficult to pass, after several hours of searching the pensioner was found, just searching eight pieces of equipment and 24
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people were involved; rescuers came to the rescue in the slides to a child, his leg got stuck in a bicycle frame; according to a nine-year-old boy, while riding, his leg jumped off the pedal and got stuck. in the structure, with the help of special tools, the boy was freed, and after medical assistance was provided, he was allowed to go home. this was the project zone x. our news is on the project’s youtube channel on instagram. have a nice day, stay on the bright side with us on belarus-1. see you in the evening and sum up the results of the day's crime chronicle.
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morning, beloved country, ekaterina antonova, tatyana matusevich, we continue to wake up in your wonderful company, together we celebrate a new day, this is thursday, may 2, by the way, according to tradition, thursday, it is our couple who welcomes you on the air of the tv channels belarus-1 and belarus 24, by the way, dear
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friends, if you are looking forward to summer just like that as we wait for it, we report that there are exactly 29 days left before it, but nevertheless, while waiting for summer, we enjoy a beautiful spring, this warm may, i would even say, the last month of spring is just some kind of continuous day off and holiday, yesterday we celebrated labor day, in honor of this we rested, yes, and today we are already entering the working day, and by the way, the sun has risen, this happened a long time ago, at 5:28, it is already working at full strength, in the republic this morning we are promised up to +12°, during the day up to 26, a little we'll talk more about the weather a little later, and a little later we are waiting for guests in this studio, today with us... with a landmark work in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, he will premiere a video under the life-affirming title "i'm alive" "a little later at the end of this hour, in the third hour after 8:00 am we let's meet sports commentator andrei
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kozlov, because thursday is a day for interesting sports news, but while our mogilev colleagues are in touch with us, we welcome konstantin titomirov and svetlana. good morning, what can you tell me? good morning belarus, good morning, colleagues, dears, good morning, let's begin our news review. now we can safely talk about it, fans of two-wheeled transport have officially opened the 2024 cycling season. the mass ride in mogilev spanned sections of almost 9 km in length, it attracted thousands mogilev residents, they say there were about 10 thousand people, we haven’t counted them yet, traditionally whole families and work collectives took part in the bike ride, at the finish line the cyclists were treated to a large-scale entertainment program with demonstration performances... enjoy
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the wide concert program, in general, it turned out to be a wonderful spring holiday, by the way , as part of the city bike ride in mogilev , a real art object appeared and it is also a working bike rack, quite unusual, electric, this height a kind of ferris wheel for two-wheelers. transport 4 m, here you can place six bicycles. they also thought about security; the bicycle is attached to the base of the unusual parking lot with special belts, but if you are afraid for safety, you can also attach your own lock there, well, such an interesting contraption. well, it’s beautiful, i’m talking now not only about the bike rack, but about the following news: tall, slender and self-confident, this is how we can say about the 24 contenders for the title of the very best girl mogilev. the selection remains unchanged, these
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are age from 16 to 24 years, height above 170 cm and no tattoos on open areas of the body, but the necessary parameters are only the beginning of the requirements for the new miss mogilev, although the competition is considered a beauty contest, bright appearance is just that. such a pleasant addition to the main qualities that this owner of an important title should have, so the girls talked about themselves, their hobbies, talents, goals and dreams, and also showed, of course, their skills in defile. the first stage of the casting of miss magilev 2024 has been successfully completed, and for almost all the contenders, however, there were comments from the jury members, now the girls are expected. becomes a kind of
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preliminary stage of selection for the miss belarus competition, well, our mogilev residents have already become its finalists more than once, but i was personally present at the selection and i can say that the mogilev region is a beautiful region, however, we have wonderful girls. let’s move a little from beauty to delicacies right now, because a unique sweet development was presented by schoolgirls from krichev; they prepared jam, attention, from potatoes, and the jam was absolutely sugar-free. by the way, this innovation became the winner in the republican competition of 100 ideas for belarus, the jam was recognized as the best in the category of agro-industrial technologies. what is the secret, what is the benefit of such a new product, you probably need to see it, not hear it, well, we suggest you watch our story. yes, colleagues, thank you very much. for your news, for joining our broadcast, to me in every way case, i think that many of our viewers
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right now need a recipe for this same potato jam, i hope we learn it from the plot, look, we came up with potato jam, our idea is that we prepared potato jam with the addition of berries , that is, we did not add sugar, we got the sugar under the influence of an enzyme that is in the berries, this enzyme broke down the starch into sugar and we got sweet jam, sweet potatoes. the idea arose among high school students in organic chemistry lessons. we contacted organic chemistry and there we had the topic of breaking down starch into glucose, and we decided to do something based on what is taught in the tenth grade, take something from organic chemistry. a manicure is not a hindrance, but you need to make an effort, like in potato pancakes. then they are added to the heated potato mass. grated berries and enzyme, it is the enzyme that raises the most questions. in
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principle, the enzyme can be replaced with sugar. low heat, just a little time and the potato jam is ready. all preparation takes only about an hour. the teachers believe that the project was a success. well, it’s always nice, when you work on a project for a long time, to see the results of your work, as well as the results of your children, it’s certainly very nice. we are proud of them, the potato and cherry jam is excellent, the blackcurrant jam is also great, everything is different, but very tasty, a well-deserved victory in the 100 ideas for belarus competition. adjust the tv volume to maximum, because while you were doing business, nastya rutskaya prepared for you the top most positive news from the online space, on the air nothing
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you will find out news in the next 5 minutes. how many pull-ups did the record holder from japan perform in 24 hours and in which country can you see hundreds of thousands of tulips blooming at the same time? in belarus, the timing of the entrance campaign to secondary specialized educational institutions will change. documents from ninth grade graduates to study in susa at the expense of the budget will be accepted from july 20 to august 3, on a paid basis from july 20 to august 13. for those who enroll in full-time, distance or correspondence courses at budget after the eleventh grade of school or vocational school. the company will take place from july 20 to august 6. some paid students need to take entrance examinations, for
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them the deadlines for admission are from july 20 to august 6. 24 hours 9 minutes and 30 seconds, this is exactly the amount of time an athlete from japan, kento odachi, did pull-ups, that’s the name of the man who broke the world record for the most pull-ups in 24 hours among men. during this time, he performed 8,940 pull-ups, which is 300 pull-ups more than the previous record. another unusual record was set by american david rush, he drank a liter of lemon
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juice in less than 14 seconds, thereby improving his previous one. immediately for 3 seconds. the man does not recommend that viewers repeat such an experience. according to david, after drinking a lot of lemon juice, his stomach hurt for a long time. raj has already set more than 250 records in various world disciplines. all of them are as non-standard as this one. for example, he managed to walk 5 km 470 m with a guitar on his chin and held a chainsaw on his forehead for more than 30 minutes. while david has no plans to stop, he intends to continue to write his name in history. istanbul is blooming and smelling. turkey's largest city hosts an annual tulip festival. hundreds of thousands of bright flowers turned the city into a colorful work
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of art. tulips can be seen everywhere, in parks, squares, alleys, courtyards and even on highways. real designers have created whole paintings out of them. the organizers promise to plant about 8 million flowers in the city as part of the festival. virtual tour of the news we will continue reporting tomorrow at the same time. and today that's all. i was with you, nastya rutskaya. bye bye. good morning belarus, good
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morning everyone again, we are in a wonderful mood, we are celebrating the second day of may together. the day is thursday and, by the way, not only we are in a wonderful mood, but also the heavenly office, which my colleague katya will tell you in more detail right now, let me confirm this information, that everyone is in a wonderful mood, look at the numbers, how it's nice to voice them. so, in minsk today in the afternoon +21 +23 and it will be clear, it will be warmer this afternoon in brest up to 26 plus, also without precipitation. in vitebsk it will be cloudy with clearings plus. 17 + 19, but we are not surprised, in vitebsk we are traditionally the coolest, while the freshness of spring is still felt there, here in gomel, real summer is +22 +24 and the sun is also shining clearly. in grodno up to 25 with a plus sign today during the day also no precipitation, in mogilev cloudy with clearing +19 +21, while you are rejoicing, i
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will still dilute this joy a little, if you believe the preliminary forecast of weather forecasters, then by sunday the degrees will drop, and significantly to 14 with a plus sign, these will not be night or morning indicators, but daytime ones, but i think that this is already a long-standing synoptic tradition, when before orthodox easter, on which no matter the date it falls, it always... gets colder, we are ready for this, yes, we are ready, we wouldn’t want to, but it’s a fact, now we are all going through holy week, every day before easter has its own rituals, for example, today is maundy thursday , it is also called clean and usually on this day it is customary to clean houses, go to the bathhouse, paint eggs, easter cakes, bake, yes, but also spiritually prepare for the bright sunday of christ, which orthodox believers will greet on may 5th and, by the way, live broadcasts of festive services will be shown by beltelerokpaniya tv channels, for example, 4 may at 23:30 on the tv channel belarus 1 and belarus 24 will begin showing the celebration of christ's bright sunday , metropolitan
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veniam will lead the service in the holy spirit cathedral. lent, which lasts 48 days, holy week, easter is certainly a special time for good spiritual deeds, but at the same time it is also a good start and it is worth continuing the deeds all year round. in belarus, for example, a law has been adopted on the responsible treatment of animals. all the details are right now in the story of our correspondent ales boyarskikh. we are responsible for those who have been tamed in belarus to adopt a law on the responsible treatment of animals. now our little brothers will become more protected. for a long time there was no law on the protection of animals in belarus; it was introduced several times they tried to accept it, but sent the project for revision. however, at the beginning of this year everything changed. we have noticed how recently cases of cruelty to animals and irresponsible attitude of owners towards their pets have become more frequent. of course, concerned citizens have more than once drawn
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the attention of the entire parliamentary corps and the country’s leadership to this, so it was decided to create this basic law, which will group you all those regulatory legal acts that existed at the moment and will introduce new requirements for owners. now the law has such a category as a companion. we are talking about a pet to which a person feels affection. in addition, the law applies to service, laboratory, and also separately allocated animals used in cultural activities and in the field of physical culture and sports. it is now established at the legislative level that all owners, when walking their animals, are obliged to clean up after their pets. and if we observe the opposite situation, then such careless owners can... be called to administrative responsibility, standard regulations will also be adopted for shelters, for temporary animal holding facilities for hotels, in addition,
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the decree will regulate the rules for breeding cats and dogs. the law enshrines increased requirements for keeping dangerous dogs. a dangerous dog will be recognized as one that has committed some kind of violent action or injury in relation to an individual or another animal. this was enshrined in the decision of the authorized body and in connection with this we we oblige the owner of these dogs to take a special course. there is a legal ban on visiting educational, healthcare, cultural, physical culture and sports facilities, as well as food stores by animal companions, with the exception of a shepherd dog, but at the same time in belarus there will be establishments whose owners... are against visiting with pets, the law supports such a popular trend as pet-friendly at the legislative level, the law allows cafes and
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other public places to enter with animals, but obliges the owners of these establishments to warn at the entrance that animals are allowed here so that people who have severe allergies understand that there is some risk to their health. every year from two to three thousand people fall on the fauna of the city. what is his name, what vaccinations does he have, and he even had a collar and leash on him, and there was a case where he was tied to a tree, near a bench we quickly found an animal, to a tree is more difficult, since the introduction of the new law on the responsible treatment of animals , will change... the deadline for returning the pet if the previous owner is present. today , we warn all new owners who take animals from us that
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within... 6 months, in accordance with the civil code, they will have to return this animal if their previous owner is found, with the entry of a new law, this period will change, it will be one month. the main provisions of the law on the responsible treatment of animals come into force on january 1, 2025. this was done so that there was time to develop by-laws regulatory acts. we will talk about the diversity of belarusian cuisine. the recipe for this cheesecake was found in the book of radevilovsky recipes, translated to our employees from polish and now we can use it to treat everyone to this cheesecake. according to the guest. cutlet ne osvizh
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is not a cutlet at all, it is equated to fried meat, all because it is made from chopped pork. let's dive into holiday culinary traditions. and, of course, we bake easter cake, only here in this area it’s not called easter cake. if in everything in the world, easter cakes are easter cakes; in everyone's life, they are easter rolls. we will also introduce the viewer to the history of this or that area of ​​our country. nesves go to see the castle, the farny church, everything connected with the radivils. by the way, pay attention to the letter p on the caps, which means gave birth. watch the food project anywhere on the belarus24 tv channel. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. i remember when a person described the use of apple cider vinegar for the treatment
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of cancer for ten pages. this. it began to be added to food and used in medicine. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. and today our cardiologists have the opportunity to extend. the most important organ of the human body. we have long established clinics where we mainly use our own mechanical prostheses, this is absolutely our prosthesis, which is absolutely no different in hemodynamic parameters from western models. watch in the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel. let's go on a trip to belarus. this town was built from 94 to 96 of the last century.
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it is unique in that the concept of a pedestrian zone is fully implemented here. with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions. good afternoon, masha, how many years ago, oh, don’t even count it, i really really miss your bread. but in general, it’s very cool that it’s available, wax, we know where to buy it, and eggs, that’s it, we sit and get creative, visit the bright sights of our country.
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six scaragod traditions and justice and memory preservation zhytkavik, vetka, pinsk, dragichynsk, gomel and maladzechansk districts. six karaganda sennaya znahodzitsa ў spіsse elementў intangible cultural decline of belarus. antonava, tatsyana matysevich, we continue to welcome a new day.
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the release of a new musical work coincides with the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, you became one of the authors of the composition, which is really very difficult, it is imbued with worries about the past, so if we talk about your family, did the war affect your family, close people, of course, of course, one of my grandfathers, the other, fought at the front, reached berlin, were wounded, slightly seriously wounded, my grandmother and my grandfather met one of them at the front, she was a nurse, she him..
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many residents of our country in the soviet space grew up on good films, sergei bondarchuk, they fought for their homeland, and there, the fate of a person according to sholokhov, and there is the same difficult film, at least for me, which i still can’t finish watching. i can watch it from start to finish fragmentary, this is lem lem germanovich klimov, go watch, this is a very difficult movie, but it is very truthful when this film was shown abroad, by the way, some comrades of the same germans, british you...
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that’s just what the story was, he tells that when he calls his mother, he says: mom, don’t worry, i ’m alive, that’s the word, i’m alive, she fell somewhere inside, i walked with him for a long time, in the end this song was born, which we dedicated to victory, then a music video appeared, which our viewers will see today, it too quite complex, quite heavy, literally leads the viewer along the brink of life and death for three minutes, 3.5 minutes, tell us this idea, how you came up with it, do you know? i was lucky, we met the guys from the stalin line, the shuravi reenactors club and the soldiers of victory, we shot a video on the theme of the afghan war right in paradise, with them, this was our first work, the first experience when i voiced the idea of ​​​​shooting
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a video in the great stink , of course, everyone responded, the video was truly popular, because they took part in it very different people, from large businessmen to a simple forestry driver, a deputy and rectors of a faculty, an institute, in general... very different people, they all arrived on a saturday, their day off, someone brought their real german equipment, that is, two real bmw motorcycles, yeah, it was all serious, all the guys were really equipped, that is, everything was very serious from the point of view of history, well, the company is wonderful and, to my surprise, we filmed all this work in just 4 hours, this was a record for us, an idea with the main a child, boys, how old is he, 7-8 years old, yes, probably so, to be honest, i even think about it. well, because you know, the idea arose very spontaneously, because we just rewrote the script on the fly, when we arrived at the set, when i saw this boy in
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a military uniform, he had a sweatshirt thrown over him, and i said, damn, let’s do this i’ll take it off, because this is an interesting idea of ​​the edge, firstly, this is war, blood, after all, it’s an adult matter, here there ’s a child, a child - this is a big contrast, and in this whole picture. blood death, here after all, he squeezed it out at the end of the clip, he remained alive, as a symbol of preserving our future, but children also fought then, they fought on an equal basis with adults, absolutely yes, ivana, tell us about the names, about the director, who is it? stood on the other side of the cameras, we had, you know, such collective creativity, the idea was mine, we had such a cameraman as alexander dorozhko, a wonderful person, in fact, the whole team that worked on the idea of ​​​​shooting, by the way, this is a team that was ready very quickly reconsider all ideas, yes how are you...
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an employee of the ministry of emergency situations, a colonel of the ministry of emergency situations, here, the employees of the military registration and enlistment office are also guys with ranks, so everything was organized for us, in the best possible way, we have repeatedly, by the way, filmed on the stalin line, and this is such a place. where you are not always lucky with the weather, how were things with you, we were lucky because we postponed filming from april 6 due to rain, yeah, so the twentieth arrived, when we were already approaching the stalin line, it was raining everywhere, there was an assault warning, and i thought, oh my, what should i do when we arrived on the complex itself, surprisingly, there was sun, there wasn’t a drop of precipitation, that’s when we finished filming, that’s just it, guys, we filmed, it started... the school wind started to rain, mysticism. well, probably, everything should have
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turned out this way in order for us to see this wonderful, complex, but important work today. dear friends, we want to remind you that today we talked with the leader of the skynet group ivan panomariov, well, right now the long-awaited premiere of the video for the musical composition i'm alive. we watch them sing overhead. leaden ride, and from this song you can’t wake up sometimes, never, never, how many of my brothers are left here forever, young soldiers, all of whom have been bent for eternity for absolutely, completely. with everything, with everything, i'm alive, you hear,
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mom, i'm alive, you hear, mom, i'm alive, you hear, mom, i'm alive, i'm alive, i'm alive. i'm alive, you hear, mom, i'm alive, you listen, mom, i'm alive, mom, i'll be back, whoever thinks about what's burning, people are here in the package. they stood up, stood forever, forever,
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forever, yes, falling like sows, behind my back, and they will come still alive and complete the formation they'll come for me, by... i'm building, i'm alive, you hear, mom, i'm alive, you hear, mom, i'm alive, you hear, mom, i'm alive, i'm alive, i'm alive. do you hear, mom, i'm alive, do you hear, mom,
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i'm alive, mom, i'll come home, mom, i 'll come back alive, good morning, belarus.


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