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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 2, 2024 8:10am-8:15am MSK

8:10 am
rubon, well, then on the morning broadcast there will be economic news, we will tell you about the developments at 9:00 on a successful day, there will be an overlap of types of activities. the ip will be submitted for public discussion, the leader among belarusian countries in terms of foreign investment volumes has been named and the global economy is facing a period of weak growth. to belarus 1 and belarus24. economic news in the studio olga onishchenko, good morning. in belarus, a project has been prepared with lists of types of activities for individual entrepreneurs, the ministry of economy noted. and on may 15 they will be published for public discussion. in addition, meetings will be held in business associations. let us remind you that in the country. law on
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business issues, according to the document, the government must determine the types of activities that individual entrepreneurs can carry out. for those species that are not included in the list, registration of individual entrepreneurs will cease from october 1. entrepreneurs working in these areas will be able to determine their future status before january 1 , 2026. main priority and the main goal of the law that we set was to enable entrepreneurs to scale their business. in a simple accessible form, re-register it into legal entities, and then continue to grow and grow, this is precisely the main goal. the ministry of economy called the free economic zone the largest volume of accumulated foreign investment. ses grodna invest became the leader. at the end of last year, its residents invested nearly $900 million in their production and facilities. for comparison, for example, investments residents from minsk amounted to 250 million. this year in grodno. kss plans
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to implement several new large projects, including the construction of a railway terminal in the svisloch region and a production building for the production of packaging containers in slonim. for the current year , it is planned to increase investment in fixed assets by almost 6% and increase exports by about eight. belarusian exports of scientific and technical products and scientific developments amounted to almost $56 million at the end of last year, according to the national academy of sciences of belarus. promotes growth. export, international cooperation of our academy with other countries. we work with more than 80 countries, our main partner is russia. three scientific and technical programs are currently being implemented with russian colleagues, and direct interaction with scientific organizations is developing, including the russian academy of sciences, the kurchatov institute, and centers in dubna and kolkovo. among other countries , the cooperation of belarusian scientists with china and the far arc countries was noted. at the end of last year, belarus became the main exporter. meat
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during the year, almost 3,000 tons of meat products were supplied, as follows from rosselkhoznadzor data. this is about half of the total volume of meat exports to the russian market. the main share of 65% is meat and by-products of cattle. about 30% are poultry products. brazil is in second place in terms of export volumes. the country supplies just over a hundred thousand tons to russia. paraguay comes next with a significant lag. deposits of the population in the national. continued to grow in march, as evidenced by data from the national bank. time deposits in rubles increased by a little over two percent and amounted to over 8 billion rubles. the population's interest in long-term ruble savings is growing; the volume of new bank deposits in rubles in march amounted to over 800 million, of which 46% were long-term. this growth is largely associated with the higher yield that banks offer on long-term irrevocable deposits in... so in march
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, the average interest rate on new deposits in rubles for a period of more than one year was 12.9% per annum, while time deposits 9.7%. exchange rates , the belarusian ruble strengthened against the russian and yuan and weakened against the dollar and euro. so, the current rates for the national bank. a dollar costs 3 rubles 26 kopecks. the euro also added its exchange rate to 3.49. 10 yuaniya costs 4.44. and 100 russian 3 rubles and 48 kopecks. and finally, the world economy is predicted to experience a period of weak growth, the imf said. as the head of the organization noted , the american economy is moving forward at all times, but it is unlikely that this will last long. in china, prospects for further growth are clouded by questions related to the real estate market, productivity growth in europe is lagging behind, reflecting less significant investment in new technology than in the united states. weak global economic growth. named problem number
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one, another one is the difficult time of public debt. and that's all the economic news for this hour. good luck in your business and see you soon.


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