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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 2, 2024 9:00am-9:10am MSK

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news live on belarus 1 and belarus 24 in the studio pavel lazovik, good morning in this episode: up to 26 degrees without precipitation, due to dry and warm weather conditions in all regions of belarus, a restriction on visiting forests has been introduced, dissatisfied people are being pacified and...
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the main preparations for the main christian holiday for orthodox believers today are maundy thursday. it is safe to work day and night to complete the sowing campaign by may 9, this is the task the president set for farmers. given favorable weather conditions, spring the relay is on time. now over a million hectares have been cultivated in belarus. the main work with corn is intensively carried out in the nesvezhsky region. at the sveklovichnaya experimental base, for example, up to 80 hectares of land are cultivated per day. updated equipment to help machine operators.
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the deadlines are on time, the sowing structure has not changed much, corn occupies 600 hectares of the farm territory, this is about 25-30% of the total area, livestock farming is required, a certain volume of feed procurement, so we are embroidering this crop for this volume, the total sowing area is 600 hectares, today we have already weeded out 300 hectares, we are moving at a good pace, by the ninth of may all the corn will already be sitting in the field, the corn is running out, we are moving smoothly to the preparation of haylage, everything
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is there, the machine operators are ready to work, also local farmers are working on potato plantations, there are already about 2,500 hectares under root crops, sowing of sugar beets is being completed, about 10% of the area remains, and there are also annual grasses, flax, vegetables, grain growers are preparing to harvest feed. employment, work experience in team, patriotic education and guaranteed payment, for the benefit of the country. to work and young people, to provide an opportunity to earn extra money in their free time from studying, and , what is much more important, to gain their first invaluable work experience, one of the directions of social policy. this year it is planned to provide assistance in finding employment for at least 40 thousand children. the bulk of the funds will be used to pay for labor, the rest to purchase work clothes, tools and equipment. join socially useful activities and gain work skills, our young people can... throughout the year, but
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more often they take advantage of this opportunity during the summer holidays. on the information portal of the state employment service, we will keep current organizations that are ready to hire guys. separately, we will maintain a list for minors, those employers who are ready to hire them , of course, this information is presented as fully and widely as possible, and contacts from employers. offers to work as part of student teams detachments, the demand for such employment among young people is growing every year, for example, last year in the student brigade movement. we are just
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revising the lists of these types of work, which previously had age restrictions on them, from sixteen, we are making this threshold lower, in order to be able to maximally satisfy this demand of young people for labor, in addition, we definitely take into account individual labor employment, labor teams together, which are financed by our ministry of labor and social protection, well, our labor camps and recreation, together all this allows us to provide opportunities for young people. it's good to spend the summer. the ministry of labor and social security reminds that in our country teenagers can work from the age of 14, subject to the consent of one of the parents. from the age of 16, children make this decision on their own. employment is possible only during free time from studies for
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certain vacancies. the memory that connects generations across the country continues to mark the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus. dialogue platforms, meeting with veterans, specialists traveled along the route of the immortal feat of the great patriotic war. the patriots visited the mound of glory, laid flowers at the foot of the memorial and observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims. we are students of the belarusian state pedagogical university named after maxim tank,
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faculty of history. and it is very valuable for us to be in this place, to preserve the historical memory of our past. it is very important for us, as future teachers , to promote and show this idea to children. the patriotic road train has just begun its the path in the navigator new routes to places of military glory and memorials in the minsk region, participants will visit khatyn and dalva, and will also lay flowers at the monuments to the heroes and victims of wartime hardships in the molodechensky and kletsky
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regions. a symbol of unity and determination, a holiday of blooming sunny spring, the country celebrated labor day on a large scale, the capital’s victory park became the common republican platform, thousands of regional residents and guests from other countries came here, every sector of the economy has something to be proud of, exhibitions were organized for this achievements, in
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a festive atmosphere of many thousands, expositions of labor collectives, doctors, teachers, farmers and industrialists came to the capital in workshops, offices, and just friendly groups, words of gratitude. from the main stage on may 1st to representatives of different professions, the total experience of many is three times longer than the history of may 1st itself. we, like real workers, the upmgaz team and the ministry of energy in general are a friendly team that always supports such events, conditions that are comfortable for labor relations for families raising children, and what is very important today are the conditions for improving the contract form of employment. it has been built in our state. such purposeful work on youth orientation, we are holding a republican job fair for the second year in the country, more than 34,000 jobs for our guys, it is very important that every fourth of the guys who visited our job fairs has already previously agreed on employment.
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motivation for further fruitful work has been replenished with new heroes at the republican olympus of honor, among the laureates is nesvezhsky area. and at the very least, on the honor board there are more than forty of the most productive employees of agricultural enterprises, healthcare institutions and education, based on the results of 2023 . we took first place among agricultural organizations.


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