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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 2, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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for labor relations in terms of families raising children, and what is very important today are the conditions for improving the contract form of employment. in our state , we have built such a targeted work on youth orientation, we are holding a republican job fair in the country for the second year, more than 34 thousand jobs for our guys, it is very important that every fourth of the guys who visited our job fairs has already .
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in honor of may 1 , labor veterans, production leaders, workers were honored in nesvezh dynasty, young professionals, a new fountain was also opened in the city center. the clash between mucus gas and may day in paris saw thousands of demonstrators march through the french capital, joined by pro-palestinian groups and anti-olympic activists. as a sign of protest against the upcoming one. during the summer olympics
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, isa participants were waiting for the olympic rings, clashes with the police began, and the demonstrators were dispersed with tear gas. 45 people were detained, 12 police officers were injured, it was hot in lyon and water cannons were used against protesters tear gas. clashes occurred in nantes and others... in french cities , many reasons for discontent have accumulated, these are the level of wages and working conditions, among the political demands for a ceasefire in the gas sector. may day demonstrations in the us in new york and san francisco saw residents gather to speak out for workers' rights, but the focus remains on student protests in support of the gas sector. more educational institutions joined the protesters. police continue to demolish tents in campuses, applying. and on the campus
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of the university of california in los angeles , pro-palestinian and pro-israeli demonstrators clashed, sticks and fireworks were used, and the police used stun grenades in the heat of the columbia university. the clashes took place at the city college of new york. and today the us congress passed a bill according to which funding will be denied to universities where anti-semitic rallies take place. it's hot on the streets in georgia, protests against the law on foreign agents have again escalated into riots and demonstrators they tried to storm the parliament, blocked one of the exits from the building, the barricades reached the height of the second floor, and a fierce confrontation unfolded through the broken building.
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it will be warm and dry, today the temperature will reach 26 degrees, from tomorrow it will be a little cooler, no rain is forecast, light fog is possible, the wind is weak and unstable, at the beginning of next week the air temperature will drop during the day to about 15°, at night +2. dry
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weather has a negative impact on the fire hazard situation; you cannot make fires or drive into into the forest in cars and conduct tourist rallies. due to warm weather conditions in all...
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8:50 metropolitan benjamin will address the believers with the word holy sunday of christ. the schedule of easter broadcasts is also available on the beltelerokpaniya website. and these are the main news of the tv news agency project, available on social networks in the mobile application qr code on the screen. watch our broadcast at noon for developments. lucky day.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around
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the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries of azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan. uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkeya, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia. arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish for the izerspace-1 satellite. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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a continent of great opportunities, belarus is paving the way to africa, let's talk about our interests in... not oil, but also gold, the country has begun extracting peat for fuel and more, all the details are in our report. and in the new month with a new cost of living budget, what else changes in may, let’s summarize the main thing. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy, olga onishchenko is with you. hello. belarus goes to africa, develops relations with distant countries arc, that is, promoting our products there in the current realities is one of the priorities. this is a huge sales market, which is also convenient for us because there is a continental
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free trade zone here, that is, you can sell freely, without customs duties between all countries, and establish cooperation with one or all of them. egypt is one of the key players on the continent, we have been working closely for a long time, we paved the road to africa at the highest level, and consolidated partnerships with numerous visits of delegations. during these days in cairo, an impressive government landing party led by the prime minister, one-on-one negotiations with a colleague in an expanded format, a business forum, an extensive program, they talk in detail about the prospects for supplying our equipment to the region, especially since the service center of the minsk automobile plant is already operating here. but what next? svetlana lukinyuk from cairo. this can be called in one word: renewal, accelerated industrialization. concerning.
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at the meeting, we already discussed mechanisms for interaction of cooperation between companies of the two countries in export and import,
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and we are ready to compensate for the import of goods lost in belarus due to sanctions, in particular to supply our products, mainly fruits and vegetables and medicines, in turn we are ready to buy machines and your agricultural products , we hope to expand cooperation. we have working groups in industry as well as agriculture. today at the meeting they discussed the creation of grain and feed hubs in egypt using belarusian technologies and a capacity of up to 1 million tons. i believe that this direction should become one of the main ones for the relevant structures for the coming time. we understand the importance of this issue, the importance of ensuring food security, and of course, i think that the large volume of the market in egypt and neighboring african countries, our experience and...
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new niches for cooperation. here in africa, like in the middle east, there is a specific mentality. you need your product to be believed in. this region is developing dynamically, first of all. it is important to note that the countries of this region, for the most part, turn to us if there was a certain time is calm, there was a certain time of some kind, there may be some fears or embarrassment, then i would say that in the last year we have been feeling movement forward, our technology has been known here since the first models, the prime minister of egypt will say so, in every village
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there is a belarusian tractor, but today we are bringing energy-rich machines, yes, last year we sank a little, but... for this year the plan is 280 tractors, the general director is determined to increase this figure, the first 20 tractors are already here, so the movement has begun, let’s believe that the volume is minimal we will reach at least 500 units per year in the next 2 years. traktorny is looking at joint assembly in the future, but here it is important to work on customs duties so that it is simply profitable for business to bring parts and assemble finished machines here. we traditionally bring citrus fruits and vegetables from egypt, recently we have added canned and frozen ones, and our supplies are steadily growing. traditionally , about a million dollars worth of milk powder, our dairy products, were supplied to egypt, but in 2 months of this year already 2 million supplied powdered milk pokhta,
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and here we really saw that there is interest, especially since in egypt there is about one and a half... this is either a dump platform that works at a construction site, so we see here everything is being built around, here is an excellent field the use of our equipment, or concrete mixers, again we are talking about construction, or perhaps a fire superstructure, an event to save people from fires, so this synthesis of cooperation seems to me to be the most promising for the work of the minsk
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automobile plant and our partners in egypt. we are constantly working on how to raise our name. and is waiting for an egyptian company on the minsk-cairo route. in general, relations between the two countries have always developed in the spirit of friendship and respect for mutual trust, and the current negotiations have only confirmed this. it is important to note the coincidence of the positions of our countries in the international arena. on the most important issues of global and regional politics. belarus is ready to continue interaction with egypt on all current international issues. i would also like to express my sincere gratitude the country's leadership for assistance in the prompt evacuation of our citizens and members
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of their families through egyptian territory in november last year from the gas sector. we call egypt ours. we are also opening belarus to egypt, children from this country have already come to us for recreation and recreation, earlier and this year we are also waiting for them. svetlana lukinyuk, alexey yunosh, alexander moguchiy, area of ​​interest, cairo, egypt. now let’s talk about natural wealth, which belarus is not deprived of, the main thing is right. look for him. in our country is in the peat extraction season. the most valuable minerals, its reserves are among the world leaders, and what is important is that we process it ourselves. these are fuel, fertilizers, raw materials for medicines and even cosmetics. the demand for peat products in our country is constantly growing. no wonder it is called our black gold. the industry plans
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to produce about 2 million tons of peat by the end of the year, which consists of 15 beltop gas plants. this is also an export product. the profitability of briquettes is solid, you can get 50%, but peat is beneficial to our farmers. alexey kondratenko saw sporting interest in the peat industry. the endless expanses of the pukhovichi region combine technological and climatic conditions in the extraction of peat. in the spring , special equipment goes into the fields, then you need to turn over the peat again, machines in the fields, the wind and the sun help dry it, now the dried...


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