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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 2, 2024 12:10pm-12:40pm MSK

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particular caution should be exercised when crossing pedestrian crossings, i will give you several recommendations, first of all, do not under any circumstances enter the roadway without the need to move only on a bicycle or pedestrian path if there is no one on the sidewalk, and my personal recommendation is how what you have just done is dismount when crossing the roadway. conditions are favorable, our citizens very actively use personal mobility devices and bicycles, so the state traffic inspectorate is special pays attention to this category of road users; pedestrians who operate personal mobility devices must move at a speed not exceeding 25 km/h. traffic police will monitor compliance with the speed limit using photo cameras. she changed her profession and now.
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construction equipment, i am an electric and gas welder on automatic semi-automatic machines of the sixth category, the work is very bright, sometimes it is even difficult, but we can cope with it, the difficulty is when new components appear, that is, we need to invest more in it like attention and responsibility, it’s not always possible to ride, but... when you sit down,
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you feel some kind of freedom, everyone must do their job, then the quality will be maintained, perhaps we will be able to compete more not only in the republic, but with other countries, and products will be produced better, more reliable and of higher quality. mom, dad, i'm athletic. family, a big celebration of sports and a healthy lifestyle brought together students of the capital’s gymnasium number 7 from their parents, master classes were held for them on basketball, volleyball, chess, professionals explained the basic rules, showed interesting techniques, and taught the secrets of mastery. i am a graduate of this gymnasium, my son studies at this gymnasium, we always love to attend sports events, we have a wonderful gymnasium, it organizes a lot of things, it’s always interesting and exciting, i play basketball. for
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about 30 years now, my son has followed in my footsteps, now plays in the bkm team, in his eleventh year of birth i have been practicing for three or four years now, so if there is basketball, we are always nearby, i like the fact that you can go to the court at about any time to throw, i don’t know, you can spend time with friends, but there is someone you look up to, dad, 2 years ago our club started working in within the framework of volunteers. project in the gymnasium, i have children from 5 years old to 16 years old, that is, these are students who have not even entered the first grade, these are children who are just planning to enter gymnasium number 7, and also already students in the tenth and eleventh grades of gymnasium number 7. twice a year our gymnasium hosts various tournaments, prize tournaments, where children receive medals, cups, well-deserved prizes in various categories, not just a sports festival, this festival takes place as part of an interesting city sports competition for the family. and,
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of course, this was preceded by a huge colossal work, special athletes, a teacher and a master class in volleyball, well , a city competition, yes, they conduct and teach children and parents, first we taught a master class to the student, then to the parent in volleyball and basketball, then a single battle between them as well. honored masters of sports came to support the guys, moms, and dads. by the way, the gymnasium itself pays special attention to sports training. my colleagues will further talk about sports, projects of the tv news agency, also available on social networks in the mobile application kr code on the screen, new information at one o'clock in the afternoon, see you, arina sabalenka will fight for reaching the finals of the prestigious wta thousand series tournament in madrid, the second racket of the world the day before in the quarterfinals beat the russian prodigy mira andreeva, who just recently turned 10. in the
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champions league, he was one step away from the elite final four. after winning by a minimal margin in the first match, the hungarians lost away to the danish olburg 28:33. i would like to note that the belarusian hit the dotchan goal six times. the polish kielians of belarus artem korolka also this year remain without a ticket to the final four of the handball champions league. despite the victory in the first game over bagdeburg, the return game was defeated 25:27 following a penalty shootout. niklas goal füllkrug brings victory to borussia dortmund in the first semi-final match of the champions league. the german club minimally beats the parisians, who were unable to impose their games. the return match will take place on may 7. let me note that the bundesliga secured an additional ticket ahead of schedule thanks to getting into the top 2 best associations in the uefa coefficient table.
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brussels 1958, it was here that the first post-war industrial exhibition in europe was held from april 17 to october 19, its scope was impressive. but she went down in history not only as expo-58, but also with unexpected attendance statistics, the soviet pavilion broke all records. the mechanical engineering stand evoked genuine admiration and surprise. only 15 years have passed
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since the devastating war. in england , food cards were recently abolished. europe's economy is still was recovering from the devastating consequences, and the soviet union, which suffered the most in world war ii, demonstrated unique machine tools, advanced agricultural machinery, airplanes, a nuclear icebreaker and a whole line of cars, from cars to dump trucks for transporting super-heavy loads. the maz-530, a load-carrying dump truck, became a real sensation at the exhibition.
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from 1933 to 1941 this area was called krasnoe urochishche; there was a forest in the forest where the twenty-sixth tank division of the red army was stationed. at that time there was already a military town, residential buildings, soldiers’ barracks, and tank workshops. on june 26 , 1941, the germans were here, from october 1941 to june 1942, the germans for...
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any capacity to repair equipment, especially trucks, the problem of transport was acute to restore the national economy, there were only three factories in the ussr that produced trucks in moscow, gorky and yaroslavl. early in the morning, in the workshops of a car assembly plant under construction, one could observe
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a familiar picture. milling machine operator mikhail koleda, having assessed the pulled out parts by eye, literally dived under studebeck several times already. there, together with his partner, he tried to apply his know-how. and responsible. moment, trying to start the car again, but she was silent. if only fritz could come here, mikhail said in his heart. they say the germans brought equipment from mercedes-benz to assemble their cars, and many of the parts fit. “it’s not for you to drive the krauts through the swamps, to collect foreign transport,”
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the partner remarked meaningfully. the door in the hangar opened to them, they were already pushing that there was no real fritz, but he found it among the prisoners, a specialist, not without pride, said a young guard. mikhail said so froze in the greenhouse from surprise, fritz, a specialist, with his hands raised, no doubt that they had brought him to be shot, and nodding his head in fear repeated: “i, i, fritz.” soon the essence of the problem was explained to him with gestures, the drawing and details were laid out in front of him, and the work began to boil.
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our population is good people, time has passed, they no longer saw in these prisoners the fascists who mocked them, but simply people who are guilty of something, but still they are people, and they not only saw the prisoners as people , but they helped, fed and even saved. they received various equipment, the cranes were bad, it was bad, the excavators were piecemeal, everything was found to save the lives of these people.
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the assembly of imported domestic trucks is an important government order. on august 9, the state defense committee adopted resolution no. 6360 , classified as secret, on the organization of an automobile assembly plant and a tank repair plant in the minsk area. after the liberation of minsk , there was a base here in the red tract, but personnel were needed, so
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former partisans came straight from the parade that took place in honor of the liberation of minsk on july 16, 1944. the central committee of the komsomol adopted a resolution on the conscription of youth from all over republic for the construction of the minsk automobile plant. according to the decree, it was necessary to organize the assembly of imported domestic trucks already in the fourth quarter of 1944. and the task was not just completed, it was exceeded, they worked in three shifts, some of the trucks were sent straight from the workshops to the front. the other for the needs of the national economy. from september 1944 to october 1946 , broken equipment was repaired here at our plant, and machines, components, and parts were assembled. came to us from america under the lentlist agreement. these are macs, studebakers, chevrolets. about
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5,000 cars were sent to the front from our plant; in total, more than 18,000 cars were assembled and repaired during this time. by the end of the war , more than 10 thousand american cars alone had been assembled, and this is essentially where the history of the minsk automobile plant began. it's not yet time to drive american cars. this was stalin’s verdict at a meeting in the kremlin after the defeat of the nazis at stalingrad. you need your own car, it should become the basis the country's truck fleet. the yaroslavl automobile plant was commissioned to create such a car. the new yaas-200 was demonstrated by the ussr leadership already at 45 after the victory parade. stalin liked the car and ordered it to begin mass
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production. the yaroslavl team actually managed to create it in a year. by those standards, the technical base and production capacity. the plant quickly launched the production of the new yaas-200 truck, which the country desperately needed, with a bear on the radiator grille. but minsky was most suitable for assembly car plant specialists arrived from the yaroslavl automobile plant. the design was transferred already in january 1947. a prototype of a car from the yaroslavl automobile plant arrived at the plant, with the bear emblem on the hood, i from 205. in the first post-war year of 1946, the plant was already a full-fledged enterprise, where not only vehicle kits were assembled, but the plant began producing its own
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cars. february 1, forty-six. equipment is included in the process of preparing production and manufacturing a car at the equipment that we manufacture, according to
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the developed design documentation, well, the management of the chief technologist, the designers who develop, on this equipment all car parts are manufactured, from the nut to the cabin parts, the event was... the creation of its own design service at the minsk automobile plant in november forty fifth. it was here, in the first post-war years, that the belarusian car under the mas brand was born. cabin, driveshaft , axles. we have already done all this ourselves. and by november 7, 1947, on the thirtieth anniversary october revolution, the first five dump trucks under the minsk automobile plant brand came out of the factory gates. mas 205a. on the radiator grille there was already our belarusian one, which became
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a special sign, a business card of the domestic mechanical engineering industry. this will then be the maz 500 , awarded the grand prix in brussels, the mas-530, the latest modern cars. then we developed our own car. 205 became a great labor victory for the entire team of the enterprise; it is very difficult to compare the car 200 and today’s car 6430, it was all done by hand, mostly assembly, and as such equipment, according to markings , everything was done, as such equipment. there weren’t any, but there were many times fewer parts, the old mass was 200, the frame was wooden, the lining
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was made of plywood, but it was a car that the national economy of the republic so needed, it only took a year to put it into mass production, more our automobile plant began to attract attention, it’s an old... factories, now you can call them, at that time, i remember, mas drove through the city of minsk, well, people even ran after him, in order to trace his path and look at him again, the company was preparing to launch the first conveyor belt in history, from the time of the organization of the minsk automobile plant from the production of the first cars to the present. the time of cars and buses, the brand of the car, it has not lost its relevance, to this day it
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does not lose its relevance at all levels. in november 1945, in the radio house on revolutionary 3 , a new program was being prepared for broadcast. the broadcast network not only expanded, the very nature of the programs changed. information reports, which until recently were the main ones in radio broadcasting, gave way to news.
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the republic has continued progress in the production of european factories such as siemens, teefunken, dkv. how is the adjustment at the production facilities, telling us this year 's creative work, the adjustment of the new bicycle plant, how is the future. plant management holds such meetings every day. literally every stage of the work had to be discussed. the first
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workshop of the new building under construction had to be erected as soon as possible. the site began to be developed in early november, and it is 27 hectares of land, communications were failing, but now the task was becoming more complicated, the installation of equipment had to begin, its arrival from germany was expected any day, but how to do it? the walls are just being built, there is no roof, it’s winter. all meetings. at the circuit map, the chief engineer outlined the plan. in order not to delay the process, we decided to carry out all the work simultaneously, continue the construction of the workshop, and begin installing machines on the already completed part of the site. there is no roof, it is snowing, all work is also under a canopy. since this was carried out in
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wartime conditions, our experience there were already industrialists when enterprises were evacuated to the urals and siberia, so this equipment was evacuated from germany in the same way, and at the same pace, literally in parallel with the construction of buildings , the installation of equipment was going on. this is a colossal work. on the twentieth of december 1945 , the first train with equipment from germany arrived at vostochnaya station in minsk. it was intended for the minsk bicycle plant and began to arrive as reparations from the dkv plant in the city of zshopau. it was subject to dismantling, as it supplied weapons to the wehrmacht. we waited equipment from the branobor plant from
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brandenburg. it was on it that a bicycle was produced, which, thanks to its characteristics, became a european brand. and such equipment literally began to arrive in whole trains to minsk, and sometimes sets of equipment arrived that even the military and military equipment had to be involved in unloading so that these machines could be stolen from the railway platforms. and again, the heroism of the people, the use of military equipment, the use of soldiers allowed more than 600 trains to be delivered within two weeks, and they could not simply be unloaded and placed at the stations, they had to be taken to the plant and it was advisable to install them in the place allotted to it in order to avoid any... additional
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work, at the same time the country needed transport, especially low-cost to produce and economical to use, a simple bicycle familiar to citizens. its application in the national economy could become the widest. since the adoption of the resolution of the council of people's commissars of the ussr on november 6, 1945, on the organization of bicycle plant in the city of minsk, the countdown began. another new post-war enterprise in the republic, a motorcycle and bicycle enterprise. literally a couple of months later, the plant designers were already demonstrating the first model - the b16 bicycle. there were not enough qualified personnel, there was not enough lifting equipment, and so on, the ingenuity of the working engineers came to the rescue everywhere. who
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participated in this case, created on the basis of the technology of the german brand brenobor, it was improved and brought closer to local conditions. the bike turned out to be more more stable than its german counterpart, strong, reliable, and the commission liked it so much that after modifications the model was immediately put into mass production. here's a bicycle, the one that they started producing in minsk, it would be


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