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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 2, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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the school is a secret military facility, communication with family and friends is prohibited, we want to give you a chance. you will benefit your homeland, you will receive
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forgiveness from the state, any disobedience to the commanding staff will be dismissed as treason, she will study along with how is this so, dear comrade, now the country also needs her, the girls said they are spying on, spying on intelligence officers, and you are a creature i’m like that, don’t push yourself, i already forgave you, so it’s in my calculations. i love you very much, promise me that you will be alive, no matter what happens, be alive, okay, i promise, in life the mistress of the right officer can find out the plan of an entire army, if the intelligence officer has a fiancé, he must understand that they will kill you, but i have a fiancé and i would like to, but i’m not interested in what you wanted. katya, mom,
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what if a german comes to moscow? sakhari, you have a note, i wrote the address in it, kiev pechersk lava, you don’t know where to send them, to the southwest, probably kiev, to my mother, take me, take me with you, take me, my mother is there, take me with yourself, my mom is there, what are you doing, where did you run? oh, i’d like to go to church now, write a note to mom. as a rule, a bunch of notes, fills out the address in a telegram, sends it to kiev, you come for it, comrade petrov, but there was no plan, to remain silent, if i have the slightest suspicion, you will answer to the fullest extent, this is what i remember for you, clearly, yes sir.
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comrade the head of the facility, they called me, and if you want to treat me to swiss chocolate at the headquarters, well, thank you. just got back from lunch, great, come here, i want to talk to you about women, excuse me, but about our girls, you would give gold to someone, i mean, well , like in sports, first place, second, third, but i didn’t think in this direction, why aren’t women interested. no, of course i’m interested, but can i still drink some tea, please, thank you, well, after all, well , in my opinion, prozorovskaya, this is your gold, good, silver, delyagina, rustic,
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in my opinion, well, this is your opinion , bronze. samoilova, well, it’s not an acquired taste, but the big one, i see, doesn’t look good to you at all, no, that is, it doesn’t look good, why are you asking, but i like it very much, very much, there’s something to it animal, don't you think, maybe i didn't think about it. is there something between you? in terms of? yes in the literal sense? comrade vorotynikov, there are no personal relations between me and sergeant velichko. well, is she, is she a subordinate? comrade instructor,
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do you find her at least a little attractive? well , yes, perhaps she can be called attractive, a little bit. this is good. that you admit this, because you will have to marry her, at ease, comrade cadets, in 10 minutes you have classes in the first classroom, velichka, prozorovskaya, come here. sit down, comrade instructor, you too, i know that you don’t like each other very much, but now we have been given a very important task, i think that only you,
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together with comrade peter, can complete it. the german reserve division, one of the most trained and combat-ready units, is stationed in the strip. information has been received that this division has the latest weapons at its disposal. prepared for testing in battle, your task is to obtain as much information as possible about these developments, photographs, drawings, test plan, is it clear what our legend is? you ethnic german from danzeg, irma steiner, you sell food, came to organize food deliveries to germany, you are a married couple from western ukraine, angelina rusna, you and goronechno are a secretary rolled into one, instructor, driver. the fact is that it is difficult to obtain such documents, especially since we ourselves do not know what we are looking for. we have one small clue. six months ago, our intelligence officer was abandoned behind the front line, he had documents in the name of an officer of one of the defeated divisions, he was sent for reorganization and distributed to polotsk. what is his position? it is unknown, the department
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he was in charge of was bombed, everyone died, all the documents were burned, but a small fragment of his personal file remained, from which it became clear that he was studying. intelligence is not an end in itself, the most important thing is to get it clearly, but i want to clearly outline the search for as much information as possible about developments, so contacts with german officers should be as productive as possible, is that clear? sorry, this is what you said at the very beginning, will we have to sleep with the germans? yes, is everything
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clear? so sure, so sure, so sure. actually, i don’t drink cognac, i learned to smoke, will you learn to drink? you see, submariner, smile at him, your smile shows that you are in big trouble. it’s true, you’re a scout, you have to get the hang of it, you don’t know how to get the hang of it,
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you’re failing assignments, remember the exercise, the tension of releasing justification, zaankom, yes, volodya is still missing in action. it’s easier, well then go meet him, let’s act, right?
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i can’t, i see volodya in my early twenties. i was on a mission in france with the man i loved, we were betrayed, one of ours, we ended up in the hands of gentlemen officers, we were interrogated, we were silent, they knew that we loved each other, they moved from words to deeds, they treated me gallantly, in front of his eyes they tied me to the bed raped, and two stars were cut out of his back. we were silent, do you know why? because our love, our lives, this is all very
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important, but the idea is more important. you once wrote a letter to the city party committee asking them to dispose of you according to their own discretion. yes, would you write such a statement now? yes. order.
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so matilda said more modestly, whatever suits you, the suit suits you very well, thank you, just the collar needs to be adjusted, you don’t need to manage anything, okay, i won’t, let’s go take a photo, what are you doing, well, we’re spouses, i’m getting into character. good afternoon, comrade instructor, may i address you? i allow you, i explained to you a thousand times about katka, but there was no plan and i wasn’t going to run away with her anywhere, well, i just gave instructions, well, who knows what, the train will explode or something, but what should she do, well, kids, i didn’t shout if only you could do it ivan, but not may i. you don’t trust me like the devil from ladan, you put someone else in charge of katka and you think that i
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’m hatching some kind of plan like a snake, and we, by the way, have a task on how a high-ranking sergeant will work, put aside the hysteria, there is stop being hysterical, comrade instructor, comrade instructor, this is from katya for you, katya came out herself. by the way, she's used to you. and you’ve been here for a whole month, okay, i, you should have gone to see her at least once, what kind of hotel you brought, here are our spouses, excuse me for interrupting you, that we’re here, i understand, i understand, i understand, please, focus, let's focus, okay, attention,
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so the chin is a little higher, okay, that's it, the passport photo is ready, now let's move on to family photos, please, let's move on, let's move on, so, make yourself more comfortable, feel at home, so very ok, ok, let's sit down, let's set the record straight, i'm listening to you, comrade lieutenant, oh, how good. how good, now then with katya, i think that your actions were completely justified, although no, well, you’re a mother after all, a little like that, they forgot, great, good, that’s it, thank you, and you so, one more thing, i don’t consider you an enemy,
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it’s true, it’s true, i treat you well, so... oh, how good, how good, now, so i hope we’ll complete the task perfectly, of course, attention, excuse me, something is wrong, of course i apologize, you are husband and wife, yes, well, how, how... come here, comrade petrov, i don’t bite, that means you will work for the good of the reich, i hope not just work, what's your name? friedrich, there is a place to relax here, fredrich, there are two restaurants and an officers' club in the city, you often go
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there? no, my rank is too low. you still have a long way to go. fredrich, i heard that tomorrow there will be a concert in the city, that’s right, but not in the city, but outside the city, in an officer’s estate, it’s far from here, if you go along the road, you won’t miss, the estate is on the right side, on a hill , thank you, happy, friedrich, all the best, mrs. sta, let them through. you work well, keep your fortune, tomorrow it will be needed, since the concert is at the officer’s estate, it means this is not just a soldier’s feather, there will probably be high ranks, oh, it turns out that we have a choice, just like in
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a restaurant, today we have sturbanfüri pessovsky and gaubür on the menu. submarine, put it aside, now is not the time for jokes, we’ll find somewhere to live, you go to bed, and i’ll prepare the camera that will be in the bag, and don’t forget, we need as many photos as possible, okay?
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no one i know, i told you, they left early, why did you freak out, these are scum, they ’re killing our people, they’re cheerful, happy, smile at them, at least smile here, they should take a photo of everyone, maybe that’s it? that's enough, we're on a mission, this is not the place for personal experiences, tomorrow we go to the commandant’s office to register, then we open
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an office, you have lunch in a restaurant, alone, yes, there will be signs there, only for germans, if someone comes up to meet you at the restaurant, you proceed according to plan, if not, we’ll see in the evening, there will still be dancing, but now sleep, eat, let me... go, you know, the first feeling you get in minsk is security, this calm feeling of security, and we are different countries, but we have a union state, and how since this year opens up opportunities for some...
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other coup attempts, you are in your twenties, well, you probably heard that there was the only country that survived, tell me the project , don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel, good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya, this is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people, hello, my name is svetlana, my name is oksana, i am the administrator of the zoo, it’s very nice, well, lead me, rabbit hares, rabbit hares. the secrets of a good mood, the favorites of all adult children - these are ours raccoons, raccoons, three raccoons, we live with margosha, dougie and rocky, what a star she is,
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when i’m old and retired, maybe i’ll get myself chinese chickens, girls, you all understand what everything is, and many more interesting educational stories , here we are...
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i can’t sleep, i studied the photographs, you said there’s no one you know there? yes, but you still need to establish who was more numerous, the pilots or the tankers, in this photo, i generally mean, yeah, it’s time for you to go to bed.
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lead to shoot two red pieces of shit, suddenly they report that the execution has been replaced by the gallows, you see, one says to the other, they are running out of cartridges, please sit down, thank you. did you notice the girl at that table? i'd like some tea, please. let's come and get to know each other. good afternoon, fruley. good afternoon. how do you find this hole? no
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comparison. how do you know that i am from danzeg? i'm a secret police officer, so i have to be aware of everything that's going on. otto drexler at your service. very nice, irma steiner. this is my friend. irma. hans. please have a seat, thank you, would you like to order something, thank you, we just ate, can i ask what your plans are for tonight, no plans, we arrived yesterday, today i registered at the commandant’s office, now i understand how you found out about me, i want to open
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my actually, i do deliveries. it's a good thing, but it won't be easy for you. why ? barbarian country. there are a lot of nuances. i would appreciate it if you could tell me about this. oh god, unfortunately i have to go. it’s a pity, i could use the advice of a knowledgeable person. come over tonight to our officers' club. there we can talk calmly, with pleasure, it seems to me that i saw you yesterday at the estate, yes, i was there, you were with a girl, a blonde, this is my assistant, angelina, it would be nice if she could come too, she from ukraine,
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they can. yes, it's true, but here we set the rules, she can come, we are waiting for you at 9:00, see you soon, gentlemen. you need to inhale, hold your breath, well, you yourself taught us, when you’re nervous, inhale, i’m not nervous, i’m silent, that means, i’ll wait for you outside, and if he sees who and what, my
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raganos husband. and this, if someone is interested in seeing me home, i’ll at least draw my face, if i’m lucky, let’s hope.
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i hope i haven't interrupted an important conversation. no, mr. drexler's jokes make me blush. i didn’t leave only out of respect for his high rank. as far as i know, he...
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gunthor von ricker is at your service, for you it’s just guntar irma steiner, for you it’s just irma, what brought you to this city irma, commerce, i have a company supplying food in germany, a worthy occupation, probably , i like to read, i like it more i don’t know how to count centners, but my dad thinks that...
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of course, my father thinks that weapons are not for a woman, but all my life i’ve dreamed of shooting a marshal.
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irma, do you love nitsha, do you like weapons? i
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have never met girls like you in my life, how can i despise you, take me home, please. i live here, it's a beautiful house.
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it was a wonderful evening, yes, we will see you again, with pleasure, good night, good night. i do not know him. major luftwaf and 66th division. good contact. will they be sent to the front soon? did you find out when? not yet. fine.
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where's the big one? at the club, i left without her. how can we live without her? well, no one is courting two girls at the same time. rest. leave it, angelina, you are so beautiful,
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thank you, thank you, i look forward to our next meeting, me too. me too, goodbye. not him, the staff whip, but he doesn’t wag his tongue, hee-hee, please, keep quiet, he invited me to an overnight picnic, that’s what i
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thought, if arina already has contact. then maybe i’m turning my back, or i’m thinking something wrong, a good pilot, if new developments are not in his field, he maybe it’s useless, go on a picnic, well , don’t rush, make eyes at him, talk to him, and then you’ll see... it’s clear, you shouldn’t smoke so much, it’s bad for your health.
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seht ihr, wie das gemacht wird?
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how were you feeling? you tossed and turned a lot at night, went out to the kitchen and sighed. i thought maybe something hurt, everything is fine, i was thinking about arin, but about arin, i feel sorry for her, arina is a delicate nature, she has nerves, but that means i don’t feel sorry for me, sleeping with the germans is like drinking a glass of water, so you think today is mine the staff officer will come, well, the picnic and all that, i told you, remember? i remember, i have to go, go! allow me to prepare for the task, but what is there
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to prepare for? well, what, pack your things, i ’m going overnight, i need to go to the seamstress, pay for the elegant ones, i have to be beautiful for my captain, right, go. wait! “i don’t like it myself, but this is our task, then we carry out, you understand, why are you telling me all this, well, well, i want to cheer you up, cheer me up.”
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this is love hans. who knows, gunter? who knows. how are you doing, ricart? what exactly are you interested? you haven’t left this fidgety little girl for a week now. trexler, choose an expression. irma steiner is a decent woman. yes, yes, sorry. good in bed, drexler, calm down, gentlemen, erma steiner is an ethnic german, one more offensive hint and you
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will regret it. as for the ethnic german woman, she is from danzig, her mother was probably in the bed of some dirty pole.
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the week has passed, and we are still at zero. taciturn when we talk about war, monasteries, they pose my specific question, let’s go on a picnic, everyone is here, talk, he says, that my husband won’t let me in, she said, she laughs, she says, and i’ll order it. arrest me, let him sit in the kutus for another day while we rest, then we’ll call him, let’s say there was a mistake, he’ll come pick me up tomorrow, i need to decide, either go, or goodbye, oh, we took too long, i would have sent him right away, it would n’t have mattered was, now he will be offended, let him start,
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the source of life organization was established in germany, its task was to stimulate the growth of the birth rate of true aryans, and also to increase ... the population due to the labeling of children from the slavic peoples, children were taken from families in the occupied territories and were subjected to germanization. now ukrainian neo-nazis are taking their own ukrainian children to eu countries, but this is different. in one case, they forcibly remove children from parents who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting for russia. in others, they turn a blind eye to
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how civilized countries in... this is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world, happened in a week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films - pearls
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of belarusian cinema. and, of course, an online journey through our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24/7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening.


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