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tv   100  BELARUSTV  May 2, 2024 3:25pm-4:30pm MSK

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mzhylem at once uzvodzyats utulny trohpavyarkhovy house. acrama development of ancient thought, paselak praudzenskiy camps and galloun lacquer land on the right tarfyanog football. the gears are new to the sport and the plant itself. last year, for example, there were 29 teams from all over the republic of belarus, including a team from the city of st. petersburg. this year we will begin construction of a stadium for the event.
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soils that are used for agricultural needs. today it is supplied to 21 countries around the world. for the last year we supplied 150,000 tons of various peat products worth $12 million, while the asian vector is actively developing, in particular, several full-fledged trains were sent to china. products from... imported meat tarf industry acanili and mushroom amatara production of coated materials for growing champignon in the wake of the brest region apricots and other products geenas of the country. aleksey kandratsenka and anatol dalatovski, telenavin agency. matyvatsyya for further captivity, new heroes papal republican alimp pashany. seleta pakaryts yago went to the nyasviska district. and nyasvizha himself is over 40.
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probably to each of my employees i want to say a big thank you to them for these achievements. our kindergarten is the flagship of education in the nesazh region. for many years we have been keeping the bar for winning places in the region. it’s very gratifying that our team was noticed, that our work was highly appreciated, i’m very proud, it’s very exciting to be among the very best people in our non-secular society. z goday holy pratsy ў nasvezha we have welcomed the great creators, the great-grandmothers of the city, young specialists and veterans, and the city itself has fallen and the holy new fountain. yon jumps over the central square of nyasvizh. holy shit in dzyarzhynsk arganizavali themed competition for the little one. cots and husbands have been given the most holy practice, in any technique, material or genre. the creative team competed for more than 100 young masters...
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fiery hands, musical drive, as a student of dance practice, students of the belarusian state university dzyarzhaўnaga ўnіversity of physical culture, 8 already 15 years old, supracounіchayutsya with 12 gymnasiums of minsk. future ballroom trainers give lessons in spartan-ballroom dancing to students of tutu classes. the practice follows the instructions of the teacher of the gymnasium, the coach of the court in dance sports of the highest category , valyantsina grabitskaya. the birth of the supracounitstva right-handed concert of the young anthem.
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the third year is already directly conducting classes, preparing concert numbers, going to events with children, helping them there in choosing costumes, and in the fourth year they have pre-graduation practice, they already directly work entirely as teachers, as coaches in a team.
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everything that modern belarus lives today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene of events, current interviews with famous
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belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the tv channel signal is broadcast. and discover belarus. belarus and uzbekistan are looking for
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new points of interaction; after the historic visit to tashkent of the belarusian leader, a delegation led by the minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan arrived in minsk. tell us the details. the countries have reached a new level of partnership. more than a billion dollars, new products also help promote equipment and under the brand made in belarus, among them an unmanned tractor will soon appear, what is known about this? when developing software, special emphasis will be placed on the security and navigation system, the main thing is to take into account the wishes of farmers, because the drone will get to the field on its own, the smart machine can be started from the remote control, the maximum speed is 38 km/h, it can work 24x7. it is planned in belarus. filming a film about the legendary partisans of old man minaya. who will work on the project when it premieres?
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this is a joint work of the national film studio belarus film and the russian studio voen film, headed by igor ugolnikov. the start of filming has been announced for august, the release of the film will be timed to coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the great victory. the majority of the film crew will be belarusian actors and specialists. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. look in the program. events on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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music, dj, hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come out to us who will answer all your questions. andrey dmitrievich, why do you think children ask strange questions? children ask strange questions, primarily because they still have a lot of their own. and not much that is foreign. why is it more difficult with children than with adults? because they are spontaneous. are you ready to come out to your children? yes, definitely. well, then i wish you a successful conversation. so, today our guest is the rector of the belarusian state university andrey dmitrievich is king. andrey dmitrievich, i want to warn you, according to the rules of our program, you have the right
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to refuse to answer a question three times, and be attentive to the questions, at the end of our conversation you will need to choose the best one, now, according to tradition, tell us what you think is necessary about yourself , you have one minute, time has passed, i am the person who teaches asking questions to a greater extent than giving answers to them, he... teaches, tries, at least to do this, ignorance, because ignorance is the most important thing knowledge, i try to teach silence as creation, by the age of 50 he wrote about 50 books, one of these life mottos is, you need to think fruitfully, love, create, everything, great, you did it in one minute, we have 100 children each in our studio. your question, let's see how quickly you can answer. so, first question: red
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sector. hello, my name is nastya. what ritual does your working day as a rector not go by without? there are many rituals, many, many meetings, but perhaps one of the main rituals is to always listen to different points of view on one same question. what is the most unusual thing in your office? whoever looks at unusual things with whatever eyes may seem unusual is a certain cube, one of the folding kind, which consists of anatomical drawings in english, even when i was a teacher for foreign students in the subject of medical biophysics, it has always accompanied me for about twenty years now . next, the purple sector, hello, my name is,
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hello, is it true that now higher education no longer has such values, as before, experience becomes more important than a diploma? i would say that something is always changing, but in relation to education, i would say that it is always the investment in yourself that is the most reliable, even in comparison with the most reliable. banks, higher education is always something that comes with a very sincere, inner desire to learn, to master. knowledge about the world around us, and above all about oneself, because a person is perhaps the most important goal of education, to change in order he could realize his mission, this, in general, will never somehow be less important than even 100, 200 and 500 years ago, it all depends on how you
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feel about it.
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developed, i think, this is not only at our university, a whole system has been developed in order to support those students who need it, and these are different levels of support, and of course, a lot depends on how the student himself perceives his condition if he understands that this is the beginning of his journey, and he will be much more
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to value the part of the time that he spends behind the student bench as self-education, he invests in himself, because otherwise value will never be formed, then the black sector, you will have to turn around, a person is always scared by something new, something that scared you when you have been offered to become the rector of bsu, i think that the usual things, first of all, will i cope or not and... will i let down or not let down those people who have their hopes in me, especially since i am still a perfectionist in life, i need, if you do, then do everything as it is at its peak, at the maximum, on the one hand this is good, on the other hand it also destroys itself a little, so how does the school assessment system differ from the university one?
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well, of course, there are their own points, their own scales, but in general, eh... and the schoolchild is already at a higher level of the first stage of higher education, the second stage of higher education, master's degree, student, of course, he must demonstrate the level of his education, and this and test tasks, these are the answers on tests, on exams, well, everything is the same as at school, as you are used to, it is clear that there may be different criteria, but the principle.
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that it was not only interesting that the student could look at what he was studying with different eyes, starting right from the first year, which is why in this regard those who are accustomed to having everything given to them find themselves in a certain difficult position when they need to prove themselves , you need to be active, in general , the university, to some extent, is breaking these same stereotypes. they know everything about their small homeland and generously
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share this knowledge with the viewer, the very first sites of primitive people, they are open it is in polesie, all the historical milestones of europe, they are all connected like this irina chespoles. happy childhood and youth, calm and measured life. to the homeland, the homeland is everything that is around us, we must live in it and must love, treat it as human beings, this is cohesion, unity, understanding the pain or
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needs of another person, it is in the character of the palishuku, watch on the belarus tv channel 24, we set off on an expedition through the corners of our region, we will be filled with positive emotions and positive emotions. that's all there is to it in advance folklore expedition with paradoxical numbers 590. things happen again and again in the past in the viciebsk region. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. let's jump in honor of the greatest glory of the holy trinity. geta temple was built in 1999 on the basis of the former royal parish school. so, let's go to the prague and to the heights, and we'll start hooting in the clear.
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world of science, i remember when a person describes the use of apple cider vinegar for the treatment of cancer for ten pages , it just might have catastrophic consequences, it’s clear why, we share interesting facts, however, there were many errors in the assumptions of ancient thinkers, for example, galen even believed that the center of the cardiovascular system was the liver, the ancient people liked sour wine, they began to add it to food, use it in... . medicine, we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them, and today our cardiologists have the opportunity to extend the life of the most
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important organ of the human body, we have already created clinics for a long time. we use our own mechanical prostheses, this is absolutely our prosthesis, which is absolutely no different in hemodynamic parameters from western models, see the science project nearby on the belarus 20. four tv channel. what's the craziest thing you did as a student? well, when i was a student, i had to skip classes, so i don’t know whether this is recklessness or not recklessness from the point of view of today, i remember once when i was still teaching. i spoke at the military school, it was first year, our group was sitting in the classroom in the evening of self-study, everyone somehow really really wanted to eat. and
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the regulations were such that you still had to wait quite a long time before dinner, and two classmates were sent to get food, but you couldn’t just leave the confines of the room, moreover, if you were caught and stopped, then this was a minus one day from vacation, it was called goodbye vacation, and yet we went and bought apples for the whole group there.
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i'm really very, let's say, somehow reacted emotionally to the student’s uncompleted assignment, but it’s true that i later apologized in front of the class, of course, i try to behave in the same way with my subordinates, but sometimes you have to raise your voice, that’s true, but you can now just shout out loud like that, huh?
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university, here, but due to the fact that there is a special atmosphere, atmosphere, ah, attitudes towards knowledge, towards one’s future profession, are very large, traditions of scientific, student research, there is also internal competition between students, so as not to end up underachieving, and not end up somewhere at the back of the whole group, so this all together makes you more
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responsible. approach to learning, and accordingly, those who graduate from the university are, well, recognized specialists. which faculty currently has the highest passing scores? faculty of international relations, faculty of law, you are the first rector who did not graduate from bsu, why did you decide after school...
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to transfer without additional payment to the budget, subject to passing the difference, the academic difference in the second year, which , in fact, i managed, that’s all , a i had no special plans at all to become a rector, not even close. i heard the following words: students live happily from session to session, but how did you live when you were a student? i will say this, in the interval between sessions, and during the session we also lived happily. fun - this does not mean that we recklessly, recklessly spent every day, without thinking about anything that was happening around, even in the student anthem it is written, yes, have fun while you are young, because life goes by very quickly, i am against
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stereotypes here , there are those who study daily, it gives pleasure and it’s also fun, he approaches the session completely without any kind of shaking of his arms and legs, because ah-ah, there’s a baby, everything is gone, but no, of course, those students who are not motivated, of course, for them, a session is a big, big stress, this is a big obstacle, if you are overly cheerful, then be ready to face fear, and could you also remember the most difficult exam of your life, if the exam was an exam during your student years, then i remember ... course in higher mathematics, mathematical analysis, i liked this discipline, i studied almost excellent, but before the exam itself, during the session, i had an outfit, i couldn’t prepare for a day, i went without reading just one section,
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of course i came across a question on this section, here i am, since i answered the first one well question, i solved the practical part there, but it was clear that i swam in general... i wasn’t oriented, then, taking into account my previous merits, they gave me a b, well, it was a difficult exam and it was kind of not very pleasant. it’s no secret that students are often written off, and how do you what do you think is the best place to hide a cheat sheet? in my personal practice, how...
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did you use cheat sheets, well, i used them twice, yes, and do you think you are good at copying? no, i think it’s bad, and i’m an amateur compared to those who do it regularly, as in general in any other craft.
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let's move on to the purple sector - it's to your right. hello, i’m ivan, belarusian education is often somehow underestimated, they say that it is not practical-oriented. give reasons why it is belarusian. will education be more promising than foreign ones? firstly, a lot of attention is paid to education and attention to the quality and standards of curricula, textbooks themselves,
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we do not follow some seven-minute trend, fashion, which many countries then abandon, in general, we have retained this progressiveness, let’s say evolution. development of education, fundamentalism, that is , today we actually have a specialist in universities, if he -
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i would say that he doesn’t like doing something that doesn’t bring real results, well, for example, sometimes there are such forms of meetings when they talk and talk, but there is no result as such, i’ll give an example, i have lunch for about 3 to 5 minutes, this is already an established habit, that is, well, this does not mean that who is behind me - it’s chasing, i simply don’t like wasting time on things that don’t need to be spent on, that i will usefully spend the most important resource in
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a person’s life on something else. the next question is from the red sector. who is your ideal student? describe his portrait. hair color, eye color, height? no, i'm kidding. perfect for me a student is one who tries to get to the bottom of things on his own. using different means.
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in natural scientific disciplines,
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educational, be it chemistry, biology, physics, expensive equipment is required ; money was spent on its purchase, operation, consumables, and they are also taken into account when calculating this cost of training, so it is not may be the same, precisely because different funds are invested there so that the student... receives an education, there are such faculties on which there is no budget set at all, why is this happening? the fact is that, as a rule, all budget-funded places are strictly regulated by the request from the economic sector, the public sector of the economy, which comes to universities through the ministry of education. it is probably stupid to teach people on a budget who then, well, will not, say, work.
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who, whom they want to see. the black sector is distinguished by amazing curiosity, what does bsu have that no other university has? very good question, there are things that make the student involved in not just what surrounds him, but also involved in his own.
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in the thirties, from the bowels of the bsu in the form of separate faculties they were separated, and then received, let’s say, the status of institutes, in the future universities, 12 modern universities, can you imagine 12, this is a pedagogical profile, economic, national-technical, so bsu stood at the origins of the creation of the national academy of sciences. i’m not even talking about the structure, the structure of the university includes six, for example, research institutes, these are, for example, those technologies in the field of radiophysics that today allow us to develop our own satellites, nanosatellites and launch them for educational and scientific purposes, in the world, for example, there are no more than 100
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universities in total that can say that they have developed from a to z your companion, bsu is one of them, so bsu is much more than just... couples, the educational process, yes, couples, the educational process, audiences, they are in any of the 50 universities in our country, but there is only one university, a leading university, a certain patriarch who in in general, he can say that he does this, that, and that, which no one else does.
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the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, why do you need it, and where does the money come from, the two favorite questions, i would really like to look at what... a school looks like, which is no longer a school inside, there they see more opportunities and use them maximum 26 piglets, do you have 100 hens? 30 chickens, who else do you have, ducks, a cow, a cow, a cow, ducks, what, what do you not have,
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is free time that can be spent on sad laziness, i understand, here this is definitely not the case, not for depression, not for science and there is no time to be lazy, yes, the presenter’s task is to find out why rural life is still better than city life, then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange this, when we do it here in the future... reception we're making guests here somewhere to drink some coffee, maybe some kind of laundry, that's why we have valuable satka here, we'll hang it here, probably an exhibition, now it's fashionable to say it will be here, how it all happens, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause and smiles, thank you very much, watch the project i’m from a village on tv channel belarus 24 only for...
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here, not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic fish blende, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america , floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house-ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness even enchant. the most demanding travelers. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. hello.
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hello. they often write on the internet that you are the most open rector in communicating with your students. it is true that you answer all messages. students on social networks? i would say that openness does not mean presence on social networks, although i actually have accounts since 2009-10 on facebook, vkontakte, and sometimes conduct classes there, so i always want to, in general, somewhere and well to reach a level of communication beyond the purely businesslike. this is a completely natural platform for in general, communicate with people, although this is not
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easy, since there are only 24 hours in a day, as a rule, i answer late in the evening. what's the strangest message you've ever received? the most unusual message, well, i would probably say, not so long ago one student, a foreigner, wrote to me in such... not quite correct russian, even asking for help, i explained to him that he needs to do this, this and that, so he wrote to me a second time, thanked me and said that i did this, but somehow i’m not doing well it worked out, that is, we started a certain conversation with him, but i was surprised on the one hand by the seriousness of this student, on the other hand by something else like that. well, defenselessness or something, childishness, which was read behind the meaning of the messages conveyed, so
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this is what i remember, there are also business proposals, sometimes they come there, say, from publishing houses, this is a common normal practice, i have the following question for you: more often than not, a university parents choose, not the child himself, how to accept?
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he, of course, needs to collect information, so to speak, from my immediate circle, friends, girlfriends and others and others, take all this together and then decide alone with myself, after all, what i want more, because there are cases when, unfortunately, already being a university student, a young man , well, he changes his trajectory and takes away his documents, goes to another university, for example, there are many such examples. i myself, when i was the curator of a group, had a case when a girl in her first year, well, doesn’t study and doesn’t study, and doesn’t study and doesn’t study, she doesn’t seem to be stupid, when you start communicating, so parents were especially dad, very directive, he said, you'll go there there, in the end, of course, she finished her studies, but through overcoming herself, although a person
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initially could... probably realize himself more effectively with a greater efficiency in another specialty , at another university. we are moving to the black sector, to your right. how do you feel about grades? are grades an indicator of intelligence? i am , of course, a supporter of having an assessment system. another thing is how it is supported, that is it part of the criteria that evaluate us? when a teacher, for example, says to a girl: well, or in the class there and girls, boys, here you draw the vase you want, when they drew it, she says, well, is it even a vase, it doesn’t look like it in any way, it’s a bad match for you , next time the girl will draw such a vase, of course not, like this, such an assessment criterion, of course, should not be, we must take into account not only what we see,
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for example, if we take a student, very often...
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hello, my name is masha, and i believe that a person who is closely associated with science has a fairly serious character, and you can call yourself a romantic, a romantic person, well, it’s hard for me to say, but i still consider myself not a romantic but a realist , because often, when they ask me some things, how i feel about it, i answer simply as a fact, there are no offenses, there is information, do you have an act that you consider the most romantic, there are enough such actions, give an example, such as a confession.
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the form, yes, here it is tied here now, it is quite understandable, it has a very, very weak relation to science, if we talk about a more profound, i would say, the deepest feeling in general, because a human creator, created in the image of god, yes, whoever knows, there is love, this is...
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all sciences, i would say, moreover, in my personal practice i always proceed from the formula of love, which i once read from a very famous one. next is the purple sector to your left. hello, my name is roma and i don’t know where to go, what direction or should i choose a specialty, that’s what you think, which professions will be most
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in demand and promising in the future, and which possible ones will disappear altogether? the world is becoming different due to the fact that the speed of data processing, the volume of data processing is increasing, they seem to expand a person, but at the same time. close a person’s path to himself, and a person slowly becomes a robot, more and more dependent on robots in reality, on the very bots with which we are somehow dealing, in my opinion i am deeply convinced that those important professions are those that are in one way or another connected with helping a person find himself in this world, and some routine professions that with a high degree of probability may disappear.
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to be somewhere with yourself, just take a walk, a stroll, or a swim, but the most important thing is not to absorb tens of megabytes of information in the form of someone’s data, some cases, to completely get away from this informational, not even noise, screaming, which we all live in and...
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as a rule, these are those students who do not have their own internal, let’s say, goal setting, when a person understands what he wants in life, and already at this age , by the age of 22-23, of course, a person understands what he wants, a normal person perceives distribution as a way to improve his skills , because i repeat once again, there is a list of conditions that protect a young specialist.
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it is many times less than what they pay, for example, in countries, even in neighboring countries for the same specialty, this means that it is not because we are cheap. we somehow value education, because the state, on the contrary, invests its funds in order to support a person who studies in the so-called paid form of education. if the state has its own, relatively speaking, stake in, yes, the training of paid students, then why shouldn’t it have certain rights? logical? here is the answer to your question. but at the moment there is no solution yet, so whatever you are told or heard somewhere out there, always trust
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trusted sources and your own inner voice and opinion. on your right purple sector. hello, my name is egor. if they start distributing paid students, are you afraid that many will go to the same russia, for the same price for training. well, well, actually the rector. as if he is afraid of little, yes, because every day you make a responsible decision, you understand what can be, what cannot be, and people also calculate this and understand perfectly well, provided that education in universities of the republic of belarus, i even i’m not talking about our university, the belarusian state university, which, in general, is higher in the row criteria, again the same.
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bears responsibility for your actions, for your decision, what comes first for you, family or career? well, of course, family is always in first place for any person, i would say so, the question is that today the world is such that, for example, my wife, she is also no less busy than me, well, maybe less busy, but... at least she's not.


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