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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 2, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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like new, yes, yes, new, found the right pechele, how did you feel? oh, great, i rested, i even fell asleep, yes, she fell asleep, she snored, but i liked it, despite the fact that they walked more in my heels, legs, hair, but cool, i advise you to do it somehow, well so, let's continue the adventure, taste it now. i want to tell you how we make these barrels for honey, in this case it’s a barrel, it’s made from linden, but before we put honey here, we take this natural wax, which we produced at in our apiary, right there, which means we melt this wax. look, it’s now
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starting to drip, it’s dripping right away, then i disperse this hot wax over the inner surface of our barrel, it has soaked the inner surface, and this surface is already ready for you to safely pour honey in here, you can try it girl. now you and i are going to try to put a bee on this tank, an ordinary bee, but in order to put the bee, we have to heat it up, oh god, yes, i’ll hold it, one, two, three, so, press harder, okay, ok, ok, say, when everything, everything, everything, nothing, nothing, nothing, has burned down, let's do it. so let's see, listen, how beautiful
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it turned out, well, okay, there are such black pecheli that give delicious meth, girls, dear, we want you to take with you, well, at least for my first time, small plates like this, souvenirs, so they reminded you, please, here, here is our beloved. and also the name of our farmstead, that’s right pechenka, here, there will be honey cheese, of course, grace, it was very pleasant, thank you big, we invite you - to ours on the leaf we say, here are pancakes with cottage cheese, but the most important thing is here and on our table there is honey, ours, from our apiary, and i thought it was condensed milk, it’s no, it’s yes, it’s may honey.
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also, raspberry honey is also light, very tasty, very healthy, very good for the heart, thank you very much for the wonderful costume, now we feel like mine is a real red one.
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from the first cosmonaut to participation in the creation of the station, with such projects we will shake up the industry, i think that we will see joint flights of russians and belarusians, they did everything according to our program , they did it well, there are already results, space is yours, as we understand it, space is ours, more accurately predict the weather, track air pollution, for a huge camera on the satellite there is a belarusian matrix. the retina for the cosmic eye, the integral produces its crystals in such conditions that not even a speck of dust gets in, we can see different elements of the crystal in each millions of components, they are like dust, 5 times thinner than a hair, the far arc is undoubtedly an important vector for our country,
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huge markets and prospects, the assembly plant, which cooperates with mtz, has already received more than 800 applications from local farmers, of course you could guarantee our food... safety. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on tv channel belarus 24. my history, nature, culture, faith, people, generosity. once you hear it and you won’t forget it again, it’s all right here.
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in the summer of eighty-three, the central newspapers of the soviet union came out with an official message of very laconic content. in in moscow, during an espionage operation , the atache of the us embassy, ​​louis thomas, was detained. during the investigation , materials were obtained. completely incriminating the american diplomat of carrying out intelligence activities incompatible with his official status. for illegal espionage activities, thomas was declared a nongrad person. it was difficult for the uninitiated reader to understand that behind these laconic messages
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there was an operation code-named retribution, carried out by belarusian security officers together with the kgb of the ussr to incriminate agents cia. the reader did not know. and another thing, its beginning went back to the distant post-war years, when the special services of the bssr managed to carry out operation rocket, it will go down in the history of intelligence as unique , it will be put on a par with such operations as syndicate-2, trust, monastery, berezino, but how are they were connected with each other. it was here that the american intelligence school was located, which, literally from the first days of the fall of the reich, began preparing agents to be deployed into the territory of the ussr. among the audience were former fascist collaborators. personnel
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the schools were regularly supplied by so-called belarusian centers headed by fugitive leaders. they settled in europe after the failure. paris, london, west germany, belgium. nazi henchmen reappeared on the political scene. boris ragulya, but already as a member of the bnr rada. she also settled in bavaria, having moved from prague, liberated by soviet troops. nikolai abramchik, president of the bnr, franz kuschel, who organized in western germany.
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an ordinary, unremarkable house in the very center of post-war minsk. sociable neighbors shared at that time. with each other last. for the residents of the entrance, the two men who lived in one of the apartments are simply front-line soldiers who make something with their own hands to sell. everything is clear, it’s a hungry time, but the neighbors had no idea who these two really were, and what was happening behind those doors? radio operator. with the operational pseudonym ben checked the equipment for the last time and tuned in to cleanliness.
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the time was approaching for a communication session with the center, which was located in munich. there they were waiting for the next information from their agent karl. he once again checked the cipher with the encrypted message: was everything done correctly? soon the information that had already been requested several times from munich was broadcast. about the beginning of the development of a number of civil servants who worked in the passport offices of the capital. there was a great need for such people; it was planned to recruit them and transfer them to western germany for use as instructors in an intelligence school. other information was also leaked about the existence of an underground anti-soviet organization in minsk. communication with her was established, but money, means of communication, and weapons were required. and in the ministry of state security of the bssr was waiting for a contact. he turned out to be a certain zorin,
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abandoned by the americans in april 1953 to the territory of the republic. 20 thousand rubles of stamps for falsifying documents and instructions were confiscated from him. all this was intended to support the anti-soviet organization. the contact was lured out as a result of a radio game. she has been for more than 2 years. cia in order to identify the presence of its agents in the republic, to find out the tasks assigned to it. the operation was called rocket. at a safe house in the center of minsk there were converted cia agents with the operational pseudonyms karl and ben. graduates of the intelligence school in kauov boeron. timofey ostrikov acted under these names during the period. sss and gennady kostyuk, participant
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in the battle of the belarusian regional defense. recruited personally by boris ragulya. at the agreed time, they transmitted the next disinformation prepared by the special services of the republic. as part of a group of four people on an american military aircraft, intelligence agents were parachuted into noliboki pushcha in the ivinetsky district molodechno region. on the night of august 27 , 1952, but the reconnaissance activities did not work out; the group managed to transmit only two radiograms about a successful landing and location to the intelligence center in munich. this circumstance was used by the intelligence services to start a big radio game with the cia after her arrest. one agent with the alias joe died in the shootout. fin, as a reserve birth attendant selected from among the belarusians forcibly taken to germany,
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was released. there were no bloody deeds recorded against him. as a result of the operation, the missile in which karl and ben became participants, 73 radiograms with valuable information were received from the cia. it was possible to contact the agent, who handed over a letter written in secret with the task of the group to send 63 radiograms with disinformation to the american intelligence center. the period of change in the ussr in the mid-fifties, the radio game was over, but the american curators did not forget their agents exposed by the soviet intelligence services, who had to go through camps. 30 years later, at 83 , contact was made with agent karl again. it was louis thomas, from
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asha of the american embassy in moscow, in reality, a cia station officer was supposed to make contact with karl. one day in the summer of eighty-three, timofey ostrikov, aka karl, received a letter with strange content. dear friend. let's meet soon, i promise you to compensate for the long separation with hospitality, we remember you well, we remember our dear karl, the answer to the letter sent to gomel, where here... he lived at the american embassy, ​​we received it in a couple of days, it was prepared not without participation belarusian intelligence services, a meeting itself soon took place in one of the moscow squares, at which karl was given a box of kholodok candies, so popular in the ussr. at the bottom were instructions on how to act in new conditions. at this
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moment, kgb officers arrived. thomas was caught red-handed. thus ended two unique operations, missile and retribution, another operation with a participant from a graduate of the intelligence school in kau in boyron ended in failure. late on a september evening , people quietly entered the house of one of the residents of the village of yarmalichi. knocked on the window. pulling back the curtain, the owner peered at the unexpected guest for a long time and finally recognized him as a former classmate. before he had time to open the door, a yankee literally burst into the house, his face drawn, his clothes dirty, a machine gun slung over his shoulder. it was clear from everything
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that the former friend had to hide in the forests for a long time. finally, he sat down by the stove and with nervous movements began to take documents out of his inner pockets and throw them into the fire. the flames swallowed the mandate of the bpr, a photo of its president abramczyk and franz kuschel with inscriptions of dedication. they were given out by yankee before being transferred to territory of belarus.
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the cia was sent to the territory of the bssr in september fifty-one, the task was espionage, sabotage, organization of an underground printing house for printing anti-soviet leaflets, but this plan was not realized in order to create national liberation forces in belarus. they took him
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quietly, they just poured in some potion. the fiasco was expected and welcomed by the bnr. in may 1953, its president nikolai abramchik was officially informed by representatives of the us government that it could not agree to its recognition as recognition of independence belarusian state as long as there are normal diplomatic relations between the united states and the soviet union. from the active use of collaborators. refused to serve as cia agents. american intelligence was moving to new methods of espionage. diplomatic missions came under the radar of the soviet intelligence services . the confrontation between the intelligence services of the leading world powers entered a new period of the cold war.
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by 1953, the bssr state security and internal affairs bodies had practically eliminated the main forces of the anti-soviet underground. the actions of individual groups and lone terrorists no longer posed a threat to the security of the republic. and new alarming messages were received from overseas agents in the kgb of the ussr. the cia strengthened military-technical intelligence. the target of espionage was the belarusian military district and the western borders of the ussr. the soviet union stood.
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tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects our tv channel. so what is it like, belarus? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival.
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generous, picturesque and monumental, sporting and team. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active ones. energetic, inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to
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understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on the air, watch us every day, because we do belarus is closer. they were born in different parts of the world, i came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty, my husband sergei was the first to come here for work, he really liked it here, i was born in telinogradey, that is, so to speak, there is a little history there, first there was tselinograd, then akmala, everyone found something for themselves here, here is ours.
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very close, let's do it again, the winner of which league gets the larry o-brien cup? nba. nba. this sports equipment is installed at a height of 2 m 43 cm for men and 2 m 24 cm for women. what sport are we talking about? let it will be volleyball. watch the intellectual sports show "head game" on our tv channel. broadcast on the belarus tv channel adzin
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pratsegvayuts naviny. heads of the minsk region, elizaveta lashkevich is with you. good evenings and a short story: the relay race, the agricultural sector is engaged in the cultivation of gas crops, and the work on the fields of the pastures ended on may 9. the successes of those who have made their way to the top, new heroes on the republican alimp of pashan, surrads and laureates of the nyasviska region. ignitions.


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