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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 2, 2024 6:15pm-6:30pm MSK

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the third year already conducts classes directly, prepares concert numbers, goes to events with children, helps them choose a costume there, and the fourth year they have pre-graduation practice, they already directly work completely as teachers, as coaches in a team, preparing children for competitions,
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gymnasium no. 12 is one of the most dance establishments of education in minsk, classes are held here for students from the first step to 11th grade. there is a group for fathers and mentors and ardent rouha, every year that comes to more and more people. darechy, i'll give you an important date the gymnasium is scheduled for 45 years from the day of sleep. that's all, mostly on our site afternoon evening. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous people.
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exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia. croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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i asked myself the question many times: where does this desire to create and give beauty come from? probably, after all, this came with me from childhood. my parents, my grandmother, they spent long evenings making crosses, embroidering, knitting, this craving. she probably walked for a long time
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all my life. our ancestors used to do it, now we do it. without the past there is no future. our history is cultural values, this is what shapes a person’s consciousness, where he grew up, where he lives, what country he is in. therefore, only we, the slavs, are engaged in handicrafts that give people beauty, only. we are such a hardworking people, in the early nineties , new types of cultural institutions were created, such as houses of crafts, it was the time of perestroika, a difficult time, people had nothing to eat, they we stood in lines using coupons, took clothes for ourselves, food, but still... that love and
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soul of people, it remained, and we wanted our traditions, our historical past, to not only be preserved, but also to develop. a historical past without traditions cannot be a full-fledged nation; people cannot live without it. what are you guys embroidering today? we are embroidering bereginya for the holiday of bereginya, which will take place in june. we have in october. in 1999 i was offered to head a state cultural institution, october house of crafts. for... 25 years, i am its leader, i am a patriot of my country, a patriot of my business, because i love it, guys, and what will you do here in the workshop today, with all my soul, with all responsibility, i take this , what i do, and of course,
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i direct my team towards this. year we received the status of a legal entity and we had... who could tell us something, she is always with us, a person always has a personal relationship with his business, she somehow in her own way to lead, a little strict, but in a kind way, a little demanding, but in a good way, despite such modern trends, the craft is still very popular now,
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now everyone is trying to wear an embroidered shirt, walk in a headdress made of straw, carry a story on hand... . some kind of decoration made of clay, since it is in demand by people, it means it is important. i am very glad that we maintain this fashion, this is what distinguishes us. i wonder what you are doing here today? today we are making fakes, this is how it is, swan. today in our house crafts there are nine creative workshops, seven for children and teenagers and two amateur associations. this is a talisman that revives amulets and makes wedding paraphernalia, and another amateur association, a loop, by the way, girls, i ’m already thinking about it, just in case, maybe someone takes it there, which is involved in charity, this is an association
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of knitting lovers, women completely different ages, professions, who knitted for premature babies, we had one problem, we had nowhere to meet, we knitted. at home, but to get together, knit, distribute threads, exchange some new patterns, collect a parcel for our kids, we had nowhere, i of course turned to tatyana vasilievna with a request to help us with this, so that we would have the opportunity to gather at the base our regional craft house. tatyana vasilievna responded with pleasure, and not only that, she became our active participant. we knit things from pure wool yarn that... warm and stimulate the nerve endings of our premature babies when i knit a sleeveless vest, a cap and socks, then you always think about the good, about what will help this child, this thing that i will knit with my own
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hands, will give him health and he will grow up to be a good and worthy person, a citizen of our country, myself: i am a native of the town of oktyabrsky , i was born here and i’m proud that i live here, i was probably lucky that when i graduated from the mogilev cultural education school, i had a lot of offers to stay in mogilev, you know, i have grown into my roots in this native, i was drawn here because that my roots are here, my ancestors lived here, i... should do a good deed for my small homeland, not only give people joy, but also be here to captivate everyone, to involve everyone in the creative process. here, in our small village, everyone is a matchmaker for each other, we are
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such close people here, and even if some kind of trouble suddenly happens or help is needed, then of course everyone strives. respond, how are you, fine, fine, everything, how’s your health, anyway, i’m infinitely glad that i have my own here. my support, who i am now, i owe it to my parents, they invested in me the maximum of what parents could probably invest, who love their children, who really love their land, but the time comes when parents become frail, old, and of course, our support is important to them, i, as a devoted daughter, i always find a moment. from my such a fast-paced life to help them in word and deed, and in general
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i just can’t wrap my head around it when i leave my parents, the elderly, the infirm, unattended, this is first of all inhumane, it is our son and duty to i still have to finish watching them, my work is my calling, so work really doesn’t leave me even at night, i even... at night, when i sometimes get up to drink water, some creative thoughts just come to me when i wake up in the morning, then, of course, i build a plan of action for the day, the peak is still what i and my team have achieved. in the seventeenth year, we became laureates of a special award from the president of the republic of belarus for spiritual revival. we have two ma' in the craft house today.
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it's clear that god will melt away the snow damp earth, papsavala raza darogu, perevaly spree, jumping in the warmer sun.
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every day we jump, everything is clear, the geese are crowing, the tar on the oak tree is worn out, the sun is falling, the gloom is spreading, the cranes are crowing, and the winter is disappearing like smoke, her meadow, krallya, like hell...
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was established in germany organization is the source of life, its task was to stimulate.


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