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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 2, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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in germany , the source of life organization was established, its task was to stimulate the growth of the birth rate of true aryans, as well as to increase the german population by germanizing slavic children. children
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were removed from families in occupied territories and subjected to germanization. now ukrainian neo-nazis do not take their own ukrainian children to the eu countries, but this is different. in one case, they forcibly remove children from parents who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting for russia, in others, they turn a blind eye to how civilized countries steal children from ukrainian refugees.
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in the format of the union state, the regions of belarus are developing cooperation with russia. alternative energy. belarus can produce 350,000 tons of pellets per year. by may 9, 8,000 people will receive social support. and a big film premiere on the eve of victory day. the military drama dugout was released. the program "events" is on air. in the studio of alena lopo. hello, the third belarusian-latin american forum, which took place in moscow. we will ask our columnist oles vysotskaya what the parties agreed on. belarus is ready not only to supply products, but also to share technologies and developed competencies in various industries. we rely on such an exchange in trade with latin american countries. they presented their trade and economic potential at the forum. in total, these are developments in
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agriculture, mechanical engineering, science, medicine, i mean primarily technologies in the field of agricultural development , many latin american partners are extremely interested, since we traditionally have good expertise in this area since the times of the soviet union, this concerns cooperation in the field of technology for the assembly of our engineering products, naturally, these issues should have their own business component, they should be beneficial... brazil, argentina, colombia, other countries of central and latin america. minsk and arkhangelsk intend to reach $100 million in mutual trade. a large delegation of this region... headed by the governor, what will become
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the strongholds in cooperation? this year, the belarusian-russian trade turnover is preparing for new record numbers; the cooperation of the regions is betting on the development of the union vector; the visit to minsk of a delegation from arkhangelsk is proof of this. by the way, the head of the russian region arrived in minsk on the first direct flight from arkhangelsk. let me remind you that from april 25, flights between cities are regular. planes fly once a week on thursdays. 2.0 km in 2.5 hours, a good signal for business and tourists, working more actively, relaxing will now become easier, well, since the twentieth year there has been a systematic increase in the volume of mutual trade. over the past year, i would like to note that a record trade turnover between our regions and our country was achieved - 145%. we have a trade turnover of 84 million us dollars, these are significant figures that show the necessity and necessity of this work that we did today. for further work in
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industry, agriculture, and subsoil use, 100 km from arkhangelsk , the only diamond deposit in europe. and they are used in enterprises that provide mining. belarusian equipment, mining dump trucks, and of course, we see further cooperation in this management as promising, since the project for the development of the lomanosov deposit, a diamond deposit, will still be provided for the next 40 years, so cooperation will continue for at least 40 years, there is a prospect of going into mining already mine and, accordingly, continued employee participation in the use of mine equipment for diamond mining, belarusian equipment can widely used and... in peat extraction, peat briquettes are intended to become an alternative source of heat in the russian region, local boiler houses will rely on it. the region is also interested in supplies of belarusian logging and municipal passenger equipment. the supply of elevators is of great interest. there
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is now a major renovation of public utilities, which also affects residential buildings and social facilities. belarusian builders can provide assistance in the construction of new ones. work in the east and work in primorye territory, we are building social facilities in voronezh and other cities of the russian federation, then we absolutely emphasize again that we are competitive, our builders are already accustomed to this type of life, so they are ready to come and build the necessary social facilities, i mean first of all. .. these are preschool institutions, these are schools, so to speak, in this direction, in this direction. another important area of ​​joint work is the modernization of industrial enterprises in the region. belarusian machines and equipment can become good help. in addition, arkhangelsk is an important cargo transshipment hub in northwestern
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russia. for belarus in the current conditions , this is a strategic task. and this is only part of the common interests. the parties agreed to increase cooperation in the field of science. education, sports and tourism. belarus smolensk region of russia is in search of new points of growth in trade turnover. the prospects for cooperation were discussed in the vitebsk region, where the guests visited. on the route of the russian delegation is the arshan flax mill, a logistics complex, as well as a center integrated engineering in the field of water supply and sanitation. in the twenty- third year, the foreign trade turnover of belarus and the smolin region amounted to $4.4 billion. since the beginning of twenty-four, noticeably.
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according to the growth, it is precisely from the synergy of close interaction of points of contact that a huge number, from culture, education to industrial enterprises, have already agreed that we will open a huge dodomu and belarusian flax store in the center of smolensk. we consider smolensk as a gateway to the russian federation, the possibility of entering industrial products and some production projects, and our colleagues consider us as a gateway to the belarusian market, the most effective one is being worked out. options for interaction there is a need to form a promising mechanism between manufacturers of goods and logistics companies, among the areas that need to be developed are also tourism and children's health. belarus is ready to subsidize owners of pill boilers. the country is actively developing alternative
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energy sector, as experts have calculated, 21 plants can produce 350 thousand tons of such fuel pellets, we are waiting for details from you. we are ready to buy pills from belarus. central asia, china, turkey, but most importantly , the energy sector of our domestic market paid close attention to them. the fuel is not the cheapest, but it has many advantages. in recent years, the production of pills has been opened in old roads, kupol, columns, and one of the first in this energy niche was the borisov forestry enterprise. here the equipment produces 4 tons per hour. two types of tickets - industrial ones for boiler plants or housing and communal services, as well as household ones, they are lighter and more practical. and does not leave the halls. household pellets in the borisov experimental forestry are produced from debarked waste from sawmilling, that is, they are sawdust chips, which makes it possible to achieve a decrease in the ash content of the ash output and an increase in heat transfer. packaging is produced in bigbed, weighing per ton.
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packaging of 15 kg is in greater demand among the population, due to the fact that it is much easier to use in home heating. borisov suppliers of wood pellets for domestic industry has prospects and exports. we sent our granules to the cement materials plant in zhodinsk precisely to conduct such a small implementation experiment. uzbekistan, kazakhstan, the russian federation, well , we are trying some volumes, we are starting to work. the housing and communal services sector of belarus is looking at pellets as the optimal type of fuel and is of interest to cottage owners. we have about 2000 tons, this is used in the form of firewood, naturally, this firewood can be used not... in the form of firewood, but in the form of pellets, here a fairly high level of labor is released,
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the productivity of boiler equipment increases, here we can say that we already produce boiler equipment that can automatically produce thermal energy without the participation of personnel, in fact this equipment is quite expensive if you compare it with the cost of gas equipment, it is many times more expensive, so the state, seeing this problem, will offer the population a subsidy; in the minsk region there are 154 heating sources that operate. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news from the economic sphere and not only on the website of our tv channel our main values ​​are people and fair treatment of them. this is decisive in the development of social partnership between the authorities and public organizations. the leading role among them is played by trade unions, how the interests of working people are protected today, why the trade union movement
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in belarus is one of the best in the world, let’s ask valery kursevich, chairman of the belarusian trade union of industrial workers industry, belprof-mash. valery viktorovich, hello, hello. the other day they celebrated labor day in belarus, what meaning do you personally attach to this date and what do you associate may 1 with? you know, may 1 is a universal holiday, a holiday of man and labor. human creative work, no matter what a person does, what profession he is, so this is really a very important holiday for the entire trade union, we always treat and honor a working person every day, but on this day we especially pay attention to veterans, pensioners, we pay attention to dynasties, there are a lot of labor dynasties that work at our enterprises, so this is such a significant day.
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trade unions are the most massive public organization in the country today, that’s what, what role do these associations play in society today? you know, the head of our state said that trade unions are the foundation of civil society, they are truly a connecting link, we are 4 million trade union members, so we are everywhere, we are close to the worker, we are close to his needs and aspirations, and first, to whom in production, in the workplace. whoever a trade union member turns to is, of course, the trade union leader. we resolve issues of
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labor protection, monitor the provision of personal protective equipment, working conditions, living conditions, the level of wages, and a number of other points that are important, this is the organization of cultural and mass sporting events, so everything in general is the role of the trade union as such a connecting link, we really are close. we are together and we unite with this slogan, this is what we live by. an important step in protecting workers' rights - this is the creation of primary trade unions. tell me, in the organization you head, do you have any features that other industries don’t have? the bilsh trade union unites more than 280 thousand trade union members. these are workers at our mechanical engineering enterprises, enterprises subordinate to the ministry of industry, military industry, light industry and gosstandart. it is clear that this is very...
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for the well-being of workers, i want to brag about one of the norms that is implemented in our collective agreement of the belarusian metallurgical plant, when setting up registration for a woman's pregnancy at 12 weeks. she can go on so-called prenatal leave with payment of an average salary, that is, we have such agreements with the employer, we really have clear interaction with social partners, and we are always proud of this. the protection of workers' rights is doubly relevant today, when belarus is under pressure from outside,
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so how did trade unions react to the sanctions rhetoric? you know, any sane person understands that... any restrictions, sanctions are evil, therefore those unfounded restrictions that were introduced by a number of countries, of course, were received with a storm of indignation by our workers, all of us , trade unions. if we remember 2021, then on may day, may 1, a rally was organized near the walls of the american embassy, ​​where thousands of trade union members came and... expressed their dissatisfaction with the introduction of restrictions, you can also recall more than millions of signatures of trade union members against the imposition of sanctions, since the sanctions limit the development possibilities of the enterprise and its stability work, so more than a million signatures were collected in opposition to the sanctions, we also
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recorded videos, i myself went to the enterprise, for me personally, for example, the sound of a working conveyor is the most... bringing home my position that sanctions are evil, it is necessary it’s normal to work for the benefit of all the people. as for import substitution, what kind of work are belarusian industrial enterprises doing in this direction today? import substitution can be interpreted as a guarantee of the sovereignty of our country, so
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enterprises carry out modernization, yes, when sanctions were introduced, this prompted additional measures.
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enterprises for the long term, but the long term is a guarantee of the fulfillment of the collective agreement, a guarantee of an increase in wages, the fulfillment of all accepted obligations, therefore the teams are aimed at high-quality work, it has always been carried out, there is no need to say that
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something went wrong somewhere earlier, always under the brand made in belarus - this is a quality brand, so there’s a special emphasis. in the year of quality, this impulse has been given, a lot of modernization is taking place at our enterprises, this is encouraging, we are sprouting new types of equipment, and modernization means better working conditions, better productivity, quality, and, accordingly, an increase in the well-being and satisfaction of our workers; there are really few examples of such structured, efficient, effective work of trade unions as in belarus in the world, who can boast of such experience and who is interested in the experience of belarus? in the world, well, here the words are few, probably cannot be used, there is not a single trade union center like we have in belarus, indeed, even if we look at the adoption... of local legal acts, normative legal acts, then all legislative, normative and legal acts pass through the federation of trade unions of belarus, we also participate by submitting our
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proposals to the labor codes, to the tax code, so the role trade unions are visible everywhere, even if you remember, look at the national council, at the national council the minimum level of the minimum wage is adopted, this is also with the participation of trade unions the amount of the minimum wage. accepted on level of the national council and then documents are already sent for approval to the council of ministers, for approval, therefore the role of trade unions is high, we know how to negotiate, and many colleagues from the neighboring country not only come and learn from us experience, how to achieve the desired cohesiveness in a peaceful, calm way results, we really have something to be proud of, we have...
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this is the program of the event for belarus24 and we continue: the international medical exhibition healthcare of belarus 2024 was held in minsk. what developments were presented at our columnist elena putus knows about the forum. it was a presentation of the medicine of the future. more than 160 exhibitors from eight countries, belarus and hungary gathered at one site. india, iran, china, russia, egypt and south korea. smart operating scooter chair for people with disabilities, medical simulators. belarus was represented by leading manufacturers of medical equipment,
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diagnostic equipment and pharmaceutical products. many developments are already being used in practice, including the hemostatic drug alufer bel from center for transfusiology and medical biotechnology. it is planned to release them in the form of a napkin impregnated with alufer. this. very convenient for various injuries to stop bleeding, quite accessible for civilian medicine, and quite accessible for military medicine. all projects are at the intersection of biology, physics and it, the trending direction is artificial intelligence. the united institute of informatics problems and the academy of sciences of belarus presented a decision support system. they plan to soon introduce it into the central health information system.
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we hope that by combining them, they will give their results at the beginning of the twenty-fifth year, because the first stage should end at the end of the twenty-fourth, this will make it possible to get away from unnecessary paperwork, this will enable our employees to quickly receive all the necessary information about patient, which today requires a certain time in order to receive it. let me note that the forum was held for the twenty-ninth time and was dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the healthcare system belarus. carefully preserve the historical. memory to honor the feat of the people in the great patriotic war and take care of living witnesses of those terrible events. today, war veterans are provided with comprehensive support, including financial support. what payments
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are provided in belarus? first of all , this is material assistance; more than 94% of veterans, former prisoners of concentration camps and family members of military personnel who died during the war have already received it. by may 4, help will reach everyone, and this is more than 800 people, 10 have been allocated for them, we are not limiting ourselves, but the measures also include an examination of the social and living conditions of veterans, and this examination has already
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been completed in our country. country, all the wishes of our elderly people are, of course, satisfied. material assistance for victory day is one of the most significant measures to support veterans. it is paid starting from the twenty-first year, by presidential decree. a big film premiere on the eve of victory day in belarus, the russian film dugout was released in wide release, where a pre-screening took place presented the picture. the first movie to be seen was in brest. the film was presented by a creative team led by director mark gorobets and performer. this is the story of two friends, a digger from germany. from our days, the hero of a russian emergency doctor and a black film are transported to the forty-first and come face to face with the war. we put relationships, friendship at the forefront, the main relationships placed them in the circumstances of the great patriotic war, that is, what was most interesting for me when i
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read it. would anyone have thought 85 years ago, that today we will make a movie about two russian and german friends, where one actor is russian, the second is a real german from berlin, the filming took place last year at the site of real battles of the great patriotic war, the main locations are forests in the pskov region, trenches and bunkers were built there two warring sides, and also recreated the battle with the participation of dozens of units of retro equipment, no matter what nationality. it doesn’t matter what religion you are, what matters is what’s inside you, what human concepts you have and what is inside you, and this movie, this movie is about it. pre-premiere shows become classics for the brez audience. in the twenty- third year, local authorities entered into a cooperation agreement with musfilm. now russian directors bring military patriotic films to brest even before their wide release. another
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new product, this time musical. the premiere of the song “we can do anything” took place in belarus; what is the composition dedicated to? who is its author? the song is dedicated to a significant event that recently took place in our country, this is the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly. the authors of the composition were famous belarusian artists evgenia aleynik and yulia bykova. the new product sounds in the voices of young performers, star participants in the factor byy show and masters of the belarusian stage. we can do anything if we are together.
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by, as well as on social networks, i say goodbye to you, all the best, getting to know belarusian enterprises and giving...
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