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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 2, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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a weekly socio-political talk show is on the air, today we are talking about a not very pleasant and not very popular topic, fortunately in our country, we will talk about corruption. in our studio, as always , competent experts are hosting this broadcast, kirill kazakov and alena syrova, but as always, you can.
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we really are fighting corruption quite successfully, although, as we actually said with alena before the broadcast, corruption really either needs to be led, or defeated, and both are impossible, because after all, it is based on human weaknesses, and people, well, sometimes they make big mistakes, thank god that after all, our country has established some rules by which, let’s say, dishonest officials have to exist, and in general, of course, filter ... so that these officials, strictly speaking, do not get into power, because you look at the same ukraine, yes, where corruption becomes practically synonymous with power or survival, or europe, which prides itself on the fact that it is there included in some lists where there is purity and, of course, exceptionally honest conclusion of contracts, you read about the same ursula fondelein, how she concluded contracts with fizer, you understand that, well, it’s absolutely not the same story that they tell us about. however, we understand perfectly well
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that corruption, well, in principle, really is such a manifestation of crime, which is, well, characteristic of humans, and of course, our task is to fight this as much as possible and , most importantly, probably minimize the damage.evich, let's start with you, actually saying corruption, how detrimental is this thing to the economy in general, in what terms, not that we are talking, yes, of course, corruption, the economy, are closely connected somewhere with something...
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countries there somewhere, corruption 10-12% , countries in transition are closer to 15-16% and more than 30%, these are the defining countries. belarus, according to our national statistics, corruption, or rather the shadow economy, which is the equivalent of, perhaps, lost income, is determined at the level of 10-12%. although our opponents value it several times higher, therefore, we are talking clearly, if we are talking about an economic indicator of billions of dollars, therefore, but...
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that this has a positive effect on the overall image of the authorities, but nevertheless , it is impossible all the time to be insured against the fact that such people will borrow some positions. anatoly maryanovich, how is it possible to educate a non-corrupt manager, is it possible to do this somehow? and georgy vasilevich, you know, he gave such a percentage, i had this story in soviet times: the fight of dishes during translation, yes there is such a gap, there is a percentage that seems to be built in anyway, and there is such an error. we also live with this error,
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or is it possible to somehow reduce it? it must be admitted that since 2015, the academic discipline of anti -corruption has become mandatory. academic discipline for all institutions of higher education, this is gratifying, because in the anti-corruption mechanism, anti-corruption education and anti-corruption education still play a significant role. over the years of teaching of this discipline, i came across a fairly wide audience and those people who undergo retraining and advanced training in our country, this is not like a manager, who also occupy responsible positions, these are students studying and obtaining the first higher education.
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there is the police, there is the prosecutor's office, there is the department of financial investigations, there is the investigative committee, everyone is investigating corruption cases, or let's say, the police are initiating an investigation, there is an investigation, there is a very important point here, excuse me, i’ll interrupt, it’s not knowing that semenyanik is an eyeless child, we have a coordinator, this is
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the prosecutor general’s office, which is, well , not only supervisory, they are the head in general, our task now is simply the loudest and so... parents of a fairly serious rank, who have more than one hundred people subordinate to him who really look at him as an example, an example of what one should strive for in terms of career and so on, they allow themselves not only in this case to receive the bribe that i’m talking about, well and
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come up with schemes on how to get it in such a way as to remain unpunished, involving not a single intermediary in this, what bribe he was caught with, 2000 rubles. 2000 rubles, that ’s what, well, again, come on... it’s a stupid question, but it’s of great interest to people who watch the program, the most corruption-prone area of ​​activity, well, you said construction, what else? construction, housing and communal services, essentially the budget sector, where there is money, unfortunately, there is a queue of people who want to get it dishonestly, it’s the same businessmen, of course, on the one hand, and officials, representatives of government agencies, on the other hand, well, in general, we are also like this before the program...
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i just wanted to add a little that in this case i am speaking not just as an expert, but also it turned out that corruption or economic security is the area of ​​my scientific interests, this is the topic of my dissertation, and moreover, at my previous place of work, when i headed the institute of personnel industry, it was the prevention
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of the corruption component in the system the ministry of industry was within the scope of my competence, so well, it was so straightforward that they didn’t think about something just a little bit, so to speak, but that’s the point. but in principle , the corruption component is significant and very resonant, well, as for our respected prosecutor’s office, yes, when it comes to these high-profile cases, and let us also remember together with you recently the largest, most high-profile cases that they were spheres? i can answer that taking into account the public danger of corruption crimes. we do not consider a bribe, it
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the size, as if the severity is, of course, based on sanctions, articles of the criminal code, yes, and if we talk about those areas where the most corruption crimes are committed, i will support my colleague, that indeed where financial and material resources are concentrated, there most of all...
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when we see that this official’s financial wealth does not come from his legal, so to speak, income, then certainly our citizens, they see, yes, where he lives, what he drives, where he rests so further and so on, raise fair questions, questions for this person, and of course law enforcement officers pay attention to this and...
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criminal cases and people were convicted of about 1,200 corruption crimes, and in 2023 there was a certain increase in such crimes by 16%. 1,253 of them were registered, so if you are conducting an analysis, in connection with what this is connected, i will also note in order to confirm this figure. of course, the more corruption is taken into account, the more corrupt people are involved, of course, every year
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somewhere around 750-800 officials are identified who committed a corruption crime, in 2023 there was a certain increase, there were 923 of them, reflecting on the statistics, we can say that this figure is of course connected, and we are talking about this that... this is due to the effective work of the law enforcement unit, that is , the better we believe law enforcement officers work, the more they identify these corruption cases, the more, as they say, the statistics. well, how did you manage to improve your work, did you find the key to these schemes? yes first of all, i’ll say that if you suddenly start investigating branches, branches, branches, do you find more? yes, new elements of the crime are being identified, again, some new episodes are being uncovered during the investigation of the criminal case, i will note that - last year, the investigative units opened about
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3,165 criminal cases for the sake of interest, with the main category, i will say directly... this is probably 40 percent of theft through abuse of official power, every third crime is a crime related to receiving a bribe, here it was noted about receiving a bribe there about a million dollars there 2000 rubles. i will say that the world does not stand still, the form of receiving bribes is changing, the subject of receipts are different cryptocurrencies, that’s what i wanted to say, again i will say that currently... the committee is investigating a criminal case, it is connected specifically with receiving a bribe in the form of cryptocurrency, and let’s say, for four years, the person who received this money is about 160 episodes, the total amount is 600,000 rubles, that is, in principle, an impressive amount, probably, and i will say that this form is changing, that is, people understand that, let’s say
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, they think that in some form the subject of a bribe, let’s say, someone will not see, will not recognize. well, everything is visible, everything leaves its mark, and sooner or later the crimes are revealed and the person suffers a well-deserved punishment, in addition, i will say that taking into account the corruption crimes that were, let’s say, criminal cases that were initiated last year, e about 70% - this is damage caused to the state, this is about 40 million rubles. these so-called corrupt officials, let’s say, think that time will not reach them there, as they say, they will be in the dark, as it were, this is not so.
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people don’t consider them criminals, well , it’s like you were forced, you have to solve the problem, you brought it there, gave about 200 dollars, about 200,000, this is the story, how do you characterize these people, what kind of people are they, do they carry punishment, of course, they bear responsibility, of course, criminal liability, we have an article for giving a bribe, mediation in bribery, and it should be noted that such persons, there is a note to these articles, they are released. in the event that a bribe is extorted from these persons, in the event that the person who gave the bribe, but realized that she did not act entirely correctly and voluntarily declared the crime committed and actively contributed to the detection of the crime, this category of citizens and persons, she is exempt from criminal liability, this also needs to be understood, but most importantly, what are
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persons, they essentially are, provoke these officials to receive this bribe, therefore, probably, in russia they followed the path. yeah, well, because you come, i’ve heard so many stories like this, yes, for example, again, you come, they tell you, look, here’s the money for you, take it, decide, and as if many people break down psychologically, they really provoke you, so this story exists, tell me, well, how would such stories come across, or again, this is a story so that ah, well, listen, well, the one who gives, he doesn’t guilty. you know, you touched on this topic correctly, in my practice there was a case where , let’s say, a representative of a commercial structure, on the contrary, he came, let’s say, provoked the person so much that he brought, well, just for show, a bottle of whiskey to congratulate someone on the holiday , so he put money in an envelope, the man was weak-willed, as if, well, they went to
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congratulate him on the new year and a gift, he, moreover, he is.
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subjects, we also need to work like this, evgeniy fetrovich, look, very often it’s still there about 15 years ago, we had all the corrupt officials listed as representatives of the ministry of education and the ministry of health, now we have learned that, for example, they are already afraid to put flowers on an exam, or to put a box of chocolates there, this is the story, it continues in the sphere of corruption, or indeed our teachers are doctors, these chocolates, there are 20 dollars for an appointment, it somehow got away from us, or not, you know, such facts are revealed.
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authorities, well in this case by us, operational prevention, that is, when we we see such a situation, or we suspect such a situation exists
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, we must go out and speak in the relevant healthcare institutions, education, and other institutions, i would like to note that over the past year, my unit sent relevant letters with minimal risks, which we believed, perhaps there is at this enterprise. is it really possible to send letters with suspicion that the senior traitor ivanov ivanov is taking bribes, is there something here that i don’t quite understand your logic, these letters are like
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a consequence of quite significant global operational work carried out, and we not only the results of the hordes are non-public, they cannot be voiced, the results of the hordes, of course, if they are illegal, when we legalize the materials of the hordes on the basis of the relevant norms of the law. knew the relevant enterprise, saw it, understood what was happening at his place, to give consent so that the head of the enterprise, so why, so that he understands what is happening at his enterprise, take it and detain it, from the point of view prosecutor's office, as i would like to complement my colleague.
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as soon as the crucian carp grows up there, right away, the word preventive, every military man knows it, i want to say that you are right, firstly, we need to use the resource, today government organizations have created an anti-corruption commission and their main task is prevention, i want to say that the law of 2015, unlike previous editions, included this norm as one of the principles of carrying out, so to speak, anti-corruption, anti-corruption work, and if a manager who...
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on behalf of or in the interests of a legal entity, and these materials are considered solely by the judge of the economic courts of the republic of belarus, and if you look at who gets in, these are primarily the heads of private enterprises of business entities, well, not only, let's give it due, as many heads of state structures do,59. well,
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i wanted to note here a fundamental point that my colleagues may not have touched on, the fact is that they are repressive in a good sense measures, they are not, well, clearly a tool for eliminating corruption as such, the world shows, in general , our so to speak law enforcement agencies, the legislative ones have now taken this path, the most important component is prevention, i would refer here to the norms of the new law on corruption, in my opinion, 30-12...
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confirm and confirm this information, because to be honest, we have, let’s say, cases that are being investigated, these cases are primarily related to the commission of a crime in the field of agriculture. in the field industry, in the construction sector, that is, these are three categories, which are areas in which, in principle, most crimes of a corruption nature are committed, and i will say, i will say objectively, that in fact this is the category of persons who would come to the attention of the investigative committee and cases would be investigated, relations between some officials and law enforcement agencies are minimal, you can almost say they are non-existent, i will ask our editors to remove our chat, that’s where the question came, well probably, after all, it’s closer to you, yes... you, because good, good afternoon, if there is a video fact that a police officer is stealing fuel from a government vehicle, where is it better to turn? well, let’s write in such a way that many things here seem to be sometimes people who are offended in general , in principle, write about the authorities and in general, in principle, write about life, but still there is such
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a story that happens, where? you know, we have built a system to combat corruption, basically at all levels in relation to any official. if a police officer, then go to the police, well but it’s just the logic, as i understand the question, that’s the person i think it means to say it’s useless or not no, of course not, it’s not
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useless and my colleague correctly said that in our system of internal affairs bodies there is an internal security service that really examines such facts carefully if they exist. and rechecks, therefore, in all cases, identical, similar, different, but at the same time, a full check will definitely be carried out in this kind of cases, and there is no need to be afraid of this, you need to contact, alena, i would like very much essentially, i’ll say so, colleagues, i apologize, i’ll add, you ’ll excuse me, there is a very significant factor, look at the nickname, there’s uh, there’s no full name, company, address, so sometimes people are afraid to identify themselves, i’m just, well by type of activity.
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well, quite well-known, quite a few high-ranking officials, is it worth talking about it, well , from an ideological point of view, from a political point of view, the head of state has repeatedly stated that independence... no matter what heavy shoulder straps are on someone’s shoulders, have already been facts about such persons, or some serious position or someone in business today works closely with the state and generally has contracts, if there is a corruption component, the decision will be tough, i’ll explain why, today we face a very difficult challenge, externally influenced threat to the integrity, security and sovereignty of belarus, we saw that corruption gives... yanukovych before the revolution, and subsequently led the country to
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war. at one time, one of the main complaints against the authorities in ukraine was that the horrific the growth rate of corruption crimes, no one fought them, it got to the point that an acquaintance of mine was building a plant in ukraine, the regional prosecutor and the main authority came to him for negotiations in one region, in the same car. and they asked who will you negotiate with, the prosecutor’s office or the thieves? this is what it is. happened under yanukovych in ukraine, so by and large the people did not stand up for him, it was an illegal coup d’etat, but this subsequently leads to the bloodiest consequences, so we must understand today civil servants or persons who have a certain level of income, that we have a very great responsibility for preserving the sovereignty of the country, for the destinies, for the fate of our fatherland, well, let's be objective if we look at belarus like this. after all, our civil servants live more modestly, the highest vds, even
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people, even if you look at these government settlements, the security guards are building more houses in certain neighboring ones, security guards, and you understand what property is, you understood, it needs to be maintained, if you they settled in a security house of 500 m, a personal house of 2.0 m and a servant's house of another 500 m, all this needs to be maintained, having a salary that is not even small in certain republics - 5-7 dollars, you have to spend several per year. where does this money come from? that’s all, that’s all the mathematics, so in belarus in this regard , the hands of power are still cleaner, this is objective, but why does the head of state declare the highest level of corruption, i, as a proxy in the elections, paid a lot of attention to this in the fight against corruption because it's at stake the security of our country and we want a peaceful sky, we must be decent, we must fulfill our duties efficiently and in no case overthink it, look at your speech.
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syria, libya, lebanon were successful countries in their time, a number of countries were destroyed, today in ukraine, do you think they are rich?
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he got rich, yes, he built himself a house, but he caused such damage, he seemed to have stolen, maybe several million dollars, somewhere maybe several hundred thousand dollars, and the losses could be billions, well listen, we’re talking about the ideal world, there is no ideal world, by the way, about ideal people who live with high ideals and really understand what you are talking about now, what if... so to speak, he brought into his factory there a company that
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would supply, i don’t know, nuts, roughly speaking, not the highest quality, and the product eventually fell apart, but with a rollback, well, it’s as if he doesn’t care, you know, in the majority they raised a very serious and controversial topic, just recently there was a quote from the head of state here about large enterprises, look what it's like today there are contenders or a fact, i will voice it as a representative of the industry. today, based on the effective activities, especially control, repressive, in a good sense , law enforcement agencies, today many leaders are simply afraid to take responsibility.
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if necessary, i will voice it, although i would not like to, when it seems like yes, price, logistics, there is a signal from a competing company that a large belarusian enterprise purchased components, but as a result of these purchases, yes, that is, which, so to speak, at a low price, service maintenance has become many times more expensive, and equipment has begun to break down, so this is a question not only of the managers, but also of management and technical specialists; it is very important to separate it. the right to give the leader the right to take risks, by the way, the head of state also spoke about this, you see, the story here is that it seems to me that you several times said the word repressive in the good sense of the word, but when we really have a punitive body and also in the good sense of the word, which controls any of your actions, it seems to me, any the leader, he must also
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understand perfectly well that, excuse me, it’s such a story that i have to be responsible for every action i take, they simply won’t eat it if they are responsible before the law.
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a fairly well-known or loud arrest of some official is asked: look, for example, he was under surveillance or his actions were monitored several years before the moment when he took a bribe, so he took a bribe of a thousand dollars, let’s assume, yes, and he was detained for this and will be tried, these 2 years, why should he they let him do it, again, maybe the question is not competent, but really, when he did it the first time, it was impossible to stop him, why? you know, often the goals of operational development, i will use this word, at the stage of just starting, or at the stage of fixing the receipt of 100 dollars, are much grander, much more serious than this 1.00 dollars. over time
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, law enforcement officers will return to the qualification of this $1.00, but i am convinced that if applied to practice, here is your example, yes, it is... speaking, in these 2 years, how much would he take? firstly, no matter how much he took, and secondly, and here is the point that especially when we are talking about the heads of top enterprises, about top officials, over a long period of time they could have changed more than one position , they could be appointed to these positions, including
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by the head of state, this also casts its shadow, in fact, well, it’s like each of these corrupt officials is stupidly setting up the president, you see, the state is a very complex mechanism. several million people were dispossessed, collectivization and so on, the same thing, let's organize a small october, somewhere someone will get hit by a steamroller, so we still treat the personnel, the people with care, so that there are no mistakes. so that someone does not snitch on someone, again they say correctly, this is operational work, sometimes a more correct decision is to identify a wider network, identify
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the organizers, where will his property go if he is here in belarus, the main thing is that he does not have money withdrawn from belarus, so listen, our system is quite competent, we still have cross-control law enforcement agencies and there are a lot of people who work out of uniform, so work is being done in this regard, you just need to be aware. that today is a time when for such crimes, even by, let’s be honest, ukrainian and russian standards, a bribe of 200,000 rubles is required. it makes them smile, their pens are more expensive, you know, but for such crimes there will be very severe punishment, here we are again talking, i ’m trying to give an example, here is a person who, relatively speaking, i’ll go back to the same thing, has been taking bribes for 2 years, he is being monitored operational development, just again people ask, well, okay, so he took 100 dollars, in the end... he was detained, a criminal case was opened, he was brought to court, but everything would probably be confiscated from him, right? well, i will say that, well, firstly, i will note that the work
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of law enforcement agencies is a scrupulous work, it is not necessary, as they say, to mix it with something else, that it is very easy to do, it is not easy, to identify a crime, it was it is correctly noted that this is a latent, hidden crime, and in order to reveal it it is necessary to do a tremendous amount of work for the initial stage, for identification, but ours, let’s say, is the work of the investigative committee. this is to consolidate the evidence that was obtained during operational investigative activities, to obtain new evidence for the department, which is what we are doing, identifying new episodes that say, for 2 years a person has been taking bribes, we understand that he is engaged in this work, therefore, we find out all these points scrupulously, we also find out during the investigation, all these facts are are documented, why i will also draw attention to the fact that it is not always possible to publicly voice the crimes that are committed, so to speak, by corrupt officials, because those that are collected, this, let me say, will once again draw attention to, this is a scrupulous work that needs to be consolidated, testimony the same accused, that i took
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a bribe without being combined with others in the case, in principle these are simple words that a person said and refused, therefore it is necessary for the investigative bodies, the internal affairs bodies to carry out their work, again to consolidate these the evidence is precisely based on his testimony, i’ll immediately note that these crimes that they commit, these corrupt officials, let’s call them that, yes, by their proper names, call them, that uh, in relation to those persons , a measure of restraint is always chosen in the form of detention , this is one of such effective measures, in addition, as you correctly initially noted, that the property that directly belongs to his close relatives, this property is all seized, the court decides the fate of this material when it considers the case in court, i’ll be honest, the sanction of the article is very severe, in addition to the fact that the punishment in the form of imprisonment, there is also... a fine , but i’ll immediately say that for a crime against the interests of the service the minimum fine is 300
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basic to 5,000 basic values, that is, we understand 12,000 rubles. a person will need to, again, convert state income by court decision, that is, this is a very serious punishment, ours, let’s call them pseudo-corrupt officials, who understand that taking bribes, they think that this is for them it will be good for some time, not good, they will bear responsibility, i say again, they will bear very serious responsibility. we have legislation, the law on operational investigative activities, which spells out, as it were, all the moments, how to do it, who does it, and so on, and the prosecutor exercises supervision over the activities of these subjects accordingly, while he also authorizes the operational activity, and your example .
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they saw the conditions in which their colleagues were kept, that is, i would say that the hope that you, such a white fluffy one, will
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work in a library, no, this category of people. benefits in these places, so to speak, they are not distributed to them either, that is, this is all very serious, and you think that you will slip through the coal and coal eye, well , you can’t, well, look, it’s the same with us, you’re the first, well, the first term is, let me now take a lot, i’ll serve it, i’ll get out, i’ll use this shit, first, second, if i took something, i’ll pay it off, in the end, well , somehow, something else is impossible, moreover. i will ignore the consequences, but you need to understand that you you will serve and, so to speak, then you will enjoy these benefits, you will walk around all the time, well, look around, this is this, this is not the case, this is this, these are the facts that are in our, in my, so to speak, availability, i according to the system ministry of industry, i say the lucky ones who went through this are not there, families are destroyed, the image is destroyed, and the leaders created it for decades,
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family, children, that is, this is a collapse. in general, well , so to speak, the worldview, that is, you, you are put into the category, not even of losers, but of criminals, despite the fact that they cope with the whole family, that is, this is a very serious factor, many do not understand this, well, besides, if we are talking about finances, then almost everything is confiscated, but probably there are cases when they manage to take them abroad, these are the cases that are recorded how often and how cryptocurrency is understandable, you know, given that, say, such persons, probably...
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and the main order came out that the membership of the belarusian red cross in the international... federation was suspended, but at the same time, everyone who needs our assistance, migrants from ukraine, from the middle east, from other countries, we provide humanitarian assistance, thanks to the legislative work of our parliament
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, today our security forces, our law enforcement officers, have all the necessary legislative tools to effectively prevent and severely punish for committed acts. we will continue to work. and we will be ready to cooperate and communicate with our international partners, but only on an equal basis, of course, the belarusian heart and the latest technologies with which we must carry out cultural and economic expansion throughout the world, and i am sure we will see how belarusian brands, belarusian cuisine, belarusian dances will be no less recognizable than sushi, kimano, everything else, about
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