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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 2, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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to create cultural and economic expansion throughout the world, and i’m sure we will see how belarusian brands, belarusian cuisine, belarusian dances will be no less recognizable than sushi, kimano everything else, markov’s project is nothing personal, watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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this is a panorama of a live broadcast and i will tell you the main events of thursday, may 2, sergei lugovsky. hello. the most pressing popular topic is minibuses, convenient and fast, but always according to the law. passenger transportation is under the control of the president. today we are waiting for the premiere of the new season of the television project. a monstrous tragedy in odessa, as a harbinger of terrible things. in honor of the exploits of our victorious heroes, a new memorial sign was unveiled near the pronya river. see also in our issue. the country is completing
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the reform of belarusian entrepreneurship, what is proposed to business, conceptually and technically, we will tell you the details. to objectively assess the situation and identify the most pressing problems, members of the council of the republic today held a single day of receiving citizens in the gomel region, feedback in the panorama plot. time to come to the negotiating table or alexander lukashenko’s calls for peace. belarus accepted from ukraine and what is the west doing for a ceasefire? spoiler: nothing. details in the new release on the form. an obstacle course, forced marches, sparring sessions, a real test of courage. at the tactical training ground of the capital's omon police in garany , tests were carried out for the right to wear the black beret. poland continues to announce its preparations to repel aggression from outside. russia and
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belarus, but purchases billions of dollars worth of offensive weapons, about mysterious maneuvers in the disposition project. tournament of three hockey teams: kazakhstan, russia, belarus. will the belarusian team be able to repeat last year's success in winning the trophy? we'll find out on saturday. but today is the starting day of the kazakhstan hockey open. and anna eisman will tell you the latest news from astana. in belarus, work rules for entrepreneurs have been updated; the changes apply to individual entrepreneurs who are asked to scale their business, namely to transform into legal entities. the innovation will not affect all entrepreneurs. individual categories will allow you to conduct your activities as before, in the status of an individual entrepreneur. what types of work will be reserved for micro-businesses? the question is still open, but very soon the public will join the discussions. the government
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emphasizes that the innovations are not intended to increase tax time for business; the main task is to streamline the work of entrepreneurs, create clear and transparent conditions for running their business, and at the same time financially support small medium-sized businesses. the president also directed the legislator towards this. what is the number of entrepreneurs according to the ministry of economy? will the new law affect and what conditions will be created for business without pain? a new business structure, a different scale, state support mechanisms, all this is prescribed in detail by the new law, it has already passed all stages of consideration, including at the highest level, now it’s up to the government, the council of ministers has a clear deadline: 2 months to arrange everything dot the i by approving a new list of permitted activities. it will affect about 40
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thousand individual entrepreneurs, that is, less than 20% of those whose activities are not will be included in the permitted range. it is not yet clear who will remain; only the approaches that the developer follows are known; it is recommended to leave mass types of activities on the list, and this is just one example. if this is some type of activity where, in addition to an individual entrepreneur, he also has hired employees, yes, then of course we were there too. is aimed at being more inclined to keep this type of activity on the list. if we understand that in this type of activity the implementation of social standards is tied somewhere, primarily in the regions, right? that is, again, this is the criterion that
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says that we must also take into account consumer interests, that is, at the forefront is not someone’s immediate benefit, but the interests of everyone, the state, society and business. previously, it was possible to maintain a balance. frankly, not always, and the entrepreneur sometimes could not withstand any criticism. individuals every now and then took advantage of loopholes in the laws, increasing the scale of their business, and in fact, splitting the company into multiple individual entrepreneurs. others, on a larger scale they advocated for fair competition, the services are sometimes provided the same, and only the tax burden cannot be compared. the government assures us that there will be more of it now than before. such prerequisites have arisen for a not entirely fair, equal. yes, even here the word equal competition is more appropriate, for example, the so-called self-employed compete with individual entrepreneurs, individual entrepreneurs with organizations, and it’s no secret that the institutions of individual entrepreneurship also began to be used to minimize tax
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obligations due to the fact that, as a rule , the tax burden of an individual entrepreneur is lower, and we came to the moment when we needed to streamline the structure of the categories of persons who... are engaged in entrepreneurial activities and, accordingly, to them appropriate regulation applies. more than once , the president insists on a fair approach to doing business; it is at his instigation that the country is beginning a major reform of entrepreneurship. the results of this work business conditions should become clear and transparent, and most importantly, order. numerous dialogue platforms, discussions with business unions, a strong government word, and finally, a presidential verdict. there will be a business audit.
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so, by july 1, it will become clear which of the ips will be able to work as before, and who will be left out of the micro-business brackets; such individual entrepreneurs will no longer be registered as of october 1; for types of activities not included in the lists permitted for individual entrepreneurs, businesses will be asked to engage in a new status legal entity. they emphasize that this is not an obligation, but an opportunity, including going through all re-registration procedures as simply as possible. there is a so -called mechanism.
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person inclusive, the law establishes the requirement that such a mode of operation must be maintained at the level that exists today for individual entrepreneurs or micro-organizations with the choice of mode in favor of the business entity, plus a commercial
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organization can be registered at the place of residence of the individual, individual entrepreneur, while the payment for utilities remains at the same level as for a citizen. they will also provide support not only to small businesses, as was the case before, but also to mid-sized businesses, plus new types of support, for example, reimbursement of part of the capital costs for the implementation of investment projects, the development bank will help. in short, all the preferences are known to the decimal point; all that remains is to dot the only types of activities that will be reserved for individual entrepreneurs. in 2 weeks, on may 15, a public discussion of projects starts, so welcome to national legal internet portal. however, regardless of who is included in these lists, individual entrepreneurs will be allowed to continue working in their usual status until the end of the twenty-fifth year. olga onishchenko and roman filyutich, tel news agency. transparency. all business conditions today's tv premiere is dedicated to the order of our common security - minibuses, it is convenient and
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fast, but is it always according to the law, the new season of the project is under the control of the president, let's start with the popular topic of passenger transportation, see immediately after the panorama, the other side of passenger transportation, they could independently put flights in front of regular ones. yes, and there is a result. our entrepreneurs who leaked illegal activities
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began to leave the country. let's ride with the breeze, but according to the law. let's conduct our own little experiment. a joint project of the state control committee of the telenews agency. under the control of the president. watch it on thursday after the panorama. belaya rus is launching a new large-scale project “time of the strong”, experts, analysts and leaders public opinion, hundreds of dialogue platforms will be held where the results of the all-belarusian people's assembly will be discussed. this decision was made as part of the celebration of the first anniversary of the party. on may 2, 2023, belaya rus was registered by the ministry of justice and has already been able to become a truly people's party , gathering more than 50 thousand people under its banner.
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more than one question remains. chairman of the council of the republic natalya kachanova worked in the zhlobin district executive committee. her deputy, management and members of standing committees in seventeen districts in the regional center.
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everything is completely flooded, i can’t plant, all this water drains from there, it goes here, it goes over like this, along the knurled line, then everything is in the same place, and that is, i can’t get into the garden, no matter how i don’t plant it in this place, they roll away with some kind of drainage pump there, it flows into this pipe over there, all the time, in short, that’s how they fight, you see, they dug up there for me and it’s bad for me to drive , the utility will come here to pick me up in the garage. services are aware of the problem, the area has been inspected, discussed options for a solution, a year and a half ago they promised to drop the issue, but things did not go beyond words; local residents delegated svetlana petrusyova to the chairman of the council of the republic for help. water in the house, water in the garden, water on the streets, in winter this is generally impossible, that is, constant calls
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to the hotline to get rid of the problem, well, we hope that there is something wrong with today’s reception. will change, find a source of funding, make a project estimate documentation taking into account all the nuances to help people with sanitation, this the principled position of the speaker of the upper house of parliament, voiced to local authorities, not a single problem should be left unattended, today's reception, of course, everything that people come to us with, we will definitely take control of, this is our tradition, we never abandon an appeal without attention, but i think that local authorities have a lot of work ahead of them. by the way, the condition of the road and issues in the housing and communal services sector are among the top requests. the road theme is also voiced by raisa shalamova. in addition, the pensioner offers reconsider approaches to issuing certificates for the sale of surplus agricultural products from farmsteads. this is a relevant topic for rural residents. i am encouraged that the issues i
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came with will now be resolved. how to create a separation between people?
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no deeply problematic issues were registered, but a pressing topic of medical care was raised. the head of state pays special attention to the work of this industry, especially in the regions, locally, and in the countryside. i should note that today's visitor, she has already addressed quite often, but here, well, the problems are not of a systemic nature, individual aspects of the work of health care, explanations were given to the applicant and the attention of local authorities was drawn to... in general, such a more careful attitude to these problems. yes, sometimes applicants just want to report their problem, just talk, but you can’t push people away, just like you can’t make decisions right away, only after understanding each case in detail. for our citizens, every question that people come to an appointment with is important. one of the main goals is
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studying those problems, their presence of systematicity or, conversely, absence. systematicity in these issues, in order to further analyze them and prepare a proposal for the adoption of legislative acts that will solve these issues in a systematic manner. 17 districts and gomel - a single reception of citizens today has covered all regions of the gomel region, it is this form of work with people that allows us to identify the most pressing problems and see general trends in their development. unified days of travel to... regions for work with appeals from citizens are of a regular nature for members of the council of the republic, and as a rule, we generally cover all the administrative centers of a particular region, in this case the gomel region, after which we will have a meeting of the presidium of the council of the republic, at which the results will be summed up, and we let’s just look at the most typical, classic questions that citizens of a given region ask, in order to
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generally track, perhaps, some patterns. the work being carried out is colossal; in the last year alone, the council the republic received more than 7,000 requests, all of them were taken under control from the moment they were received until the issue was resolved. natalya ignatenko and andrey yastrebov, telenews agency. monstrous tragedies and inhumane massacres in the odessa house of trade unions for 10 years. on may 2, 2014, supporters of the already completely puppet kiev regime brutally dealt with opponents of euromaidan. ukrainian nationalists herded opponents of the coup into buildings in the city square and then set them on fire. a lot of those who tried to escape were burned alive, they shot, beat, mocked, those events became one of the symbols of ukrainian
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nazism, the organizers of the bloody action were named today by the head of the movement another ukraine, and viktor medvedchuk, but no one was officially punished for the massacre, while those who ideologically became followers of the criminals are in power , waiting for justice is pointless. as stated in the russian ministry of foreign affairs, retribution will overtake the perpetrators of the crime in the house of trade unions in odessa. according to the chairman of the federation council valentin matvienko, following the results of the svo, a large tribunal will be needed, where all the crimes of the kiev regime will be collected. olga davidovich, about a crime without a statute of limitations. these terrible images spread around the world exactly 10 years ago. recording the deaths of dozens of people live, screaming. an example of the inhuman cruelty of the kiev regime, this will forever remain in the memory . on may 2, 2014, residents of odessa, mostly
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old people and women, were then driven into the building of the trade union house and burned alive, and those who tried to escape by jumping out of the windows were mercilessly shot and beaten here . officially, 48 people died then, including causes of death, gunshot wounds, vapor poisoning, burn shock, injuries due to falls. another 200 people were injured. in addition, that day, in clashes on the streets of odessa, six more died at the hands of the nazis. may 2, it seems, was like the day after a wonderful holiday, the day of solidarity of the working people of all, temporary peoples, but since the fourteenth year, this is a terrible date of revival. nazism and fascism on earth did not fit into the format of perception as in the city of odessa, in the city of a hero
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who took upon themselves the suffering of the great patriotic war, suddenly this rabble was reborn. in fact, the kiev regime repeated what hitler’s executioners perpetrated on the belarusian khatyn 81 years ago. it was not by chance that neo-nazis chose odessa for the most monstrous massacre. odessa residents believed that they could defend their rights, but the authorities dealt harshly with those who disagreed, at the hands of radicals. the burning of people became a planned , coordinated act of intimidation, developed by the leadership of the kiev regime led by alexander turchynov, at that time, acting president ukraine. under the chairmanship of turchinov , 10 days before the tragedy, a meeting was held to prepare the operation of mass murder in odessa of opponents of the coup.
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the discussion was attended by the former head of the ministry of internal affairs avakov, the head of the sbu nalyvaichenko and the secretary of the national security and defense council parubiy. the oligarch kolomoisky was involved in consultations. according to medvedchuk, the date of the operation was originally set. may 2, the day of the football match. this explained the presence of a large number of ultras and more than 500 radicals of the right sector. they are organized brought to the city. in their hands are machine guns and molotov cocktails. in their heads there is ardent hatred for those who disagree with the revolution of dignity. this is a brutal crowd that attacked opponents of euromaid, boldly knocked down peaceful protesters in a tent city. the remaining activists were driven into the house of trade unions by random passers-by. delivery of performers to the place. provided by avakov, parubey, kolomoisky and his assistant igor palitsa, who led the action on the spot, and was
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appointed governor for its successful implementation. odessa region on may 6 of the same year. however, finger is not the only one whose career took off after these bloody events. what can we say about punishment, no one suffered it. for example, parubiy, the future deputy is a successful businessman. in addition to setting fire to his fellow citizens in the house of trade unions, as the head of the ukrainian national security and defense council, he is accused in russia of carrying out a punitive operation in the donbass. as the commandant of two maidans, he is responsible for the anti-maidan protesters tortured in basements and the execution of his own heavenly hundred. long-lived in the ukrainian cabinet of ministers, resigned as minister of internal affairs only in 2021, went into the shadows and returned to commerce, which he was engaged in back in the nineties, but he was getting a pretty penny not only from his old business; in the midst of the north military district he bought the largest hazelnut orchard in transcarpathia, with an area of ​​900 hectares. the tragedy of may 2 is probably the most terrible, most tragic day in my life, not 50 years, i have not seen anything more terrible, because i saw it with my own eyes. i am
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a participant in the kulyakov field, and accordingly, we tried for a long time to reach out to the maidan authorities, but we didn’t think that it would all turn into such a tragedy, we didn’t think that they would kill, we did not think that the punitive action would take place in the peaceful, cheerful, bright, joyful city of odessa, so for me, of course, may 2 is a shock, a horror from which we recovered for a long time, a fair punishment for me.
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well, his thought can be highlighted separately: calls for peace. this applies both to our southern neighbor and to western society. the accepted concept of national security and military doctrine also confirm this. we do not plan to attack anyone, we call on the entire planet to do this. how often does our commander in chief spoke about peace, what specific solutions he proposed to stop the conflict in ukraine. more about this in the new issue. during the recent visit of the president of belarus to the russian federation, a very important signal was sent to the west from the united states: it is time to sit down at the negotiating table and negotiate peace. lukashenko and putin made it clear that the time for dialogue has come, whether the united states, the west and ukraine have heard them, consistency.
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how many times and how did the belarusian leader call for negotiations and propose a ceasefire? many times, and the commander-in-chief did not he simply spoke, but offered specific solutions. suffice it to recall the first three face-to-face meetings of russian-ukrainian delegations on the territory of belarus. then lukashenko personally guaranteed security to all parties. just sit down and talk. the process was later frozen. since ukraine pulled out of the negotiations. it seems to me that no one called for peace more than the belarusian leader. i will give a short chronology to back up my words with facts. in 2014, belarus became a platform
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for signing documents regulating the situation in donbass. minsk agreements. then our president literally united the conflicting parties, cordially opening the doors of the independence palace in the center of minsk. these events went down in history forever. on october 17, 2014, during a press conference with russian media journalists, the belarusian leader said: the fighting and death of people in eastern ukraine must be stopped completely and irrevocably. it is necessary to start restoring towns and villages in ukraine. if this is not done as soon as possible, the consequences can become truly catastrophic. the leadership of ukraine and its west. “but in vain, today the calendar says 2024, and square is one step away from the point of no return, all these 10 years, thousands of refugees from ukraine have been crossing the border of belarus, saving
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their own lives and their children, we are helping them in a brotherly way, these are our people, and these are also the words of alexander lukashenko. by the way, only from february 24, 2020.” after the start of a special military operation and the failure of the negotiation process between russia and ukraine, alexander lukashenko continued to talk about world. i will give an important thesis about his speeches. november 23, 2022. yerevan, cst summit. lukashenko calls for urgent measures to be taken to end the conflict, i quote. we must stop, we must stop this, then there will be complete destruction of ukraine. february 16 , 2023. minsk, meeting with foreign and belarusian journalists. do you want peace in ukraine? let's start
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talking about peace tomorrow. and the guns will stop firing, but you, the west, don’t want that. march 31 , 2023. minsk - message to belarusian to the people and parliament. alexander lukashenko called for a stop. military operations in ukraine without the right to move equipment and regroup troops by countries. he warned of the threat of a third world war with nuclear fires. october 27, 2023. working trip to minsk region. the head of state called for an immediate stop to hostilities in ukraine and holding peace talks on earth. we need to sit down at the negotiating table and come to an agreement. no troops are moving. who does not shoot, no one throws up reserves. and one more important thing a prediction from the first one made last year. i warned zelensky that if something goes wrong somewhere or for some other reason, they will forget about you. here
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you go, the middle east, the internal situation in america. what happened, the poor guy is walking around with his hand outstretched. and again the belarusian leader looked into the water. at the end of the issue i will ask a rhetorical question: so what? what the usa and the west did to stop the war, allocated a new tranche of money to ukraine, sent tens of hundreds of weapons and equipment, or the leadership of their countries daily calls for peace, yes, yes, yes, they talk about peace, they talk, they turn off the cameras, they continue to do everything so that this war ends only when the last ukrainian dies. but the west does not hear anything, the anglo-saxons have completely different goals, they are not about peace, they have been about war for centuries, their democracy is destroying , destroying countries and peoples, now they have begun to shake georgia in order to change the government
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to establish a puppet regime, the manual is still the same, in tbilisi pro-western media continues to bring crowds of people into the streets, protests against the law on... agents became mass riots. the day before, everything escalated into a clash with the police. demonstrators tried to storm parliament. they blocked one of the exits to the building and erected barricades. law enforcement officers had to use special equipment. only the dawn managed to restore calm. 63 people were detained, six police officers were injured. and what is very interesting is what we all observed on the maidan.
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naturally, europe has already warned georgia about the consequences, and you know how, like in ukraine, in 2014, they say the document will create serious obstacles to european integration on the way for the country to join the rainbow family of the eu. i would like to note that the strictest laws on foreign agents were adopted in the usa, france and the uk. the anglo-saxons begin to strangle all their vassals. everyone they fed must now.
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airfields, naval bases, and training grounds are being improved at an accelerated pace , and forward bases are being created for the advance placement and storage of equipment, weapons and materiel. we record this not only thanks to space reconnaissance, but also earth. it is obvious that the territory of poland and the baltic countries is purposefully turning into a military springboard for its possible.
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the opposite picture: neighbors are not only massing forces to our borders, but are purchasing offensive weapons in large quantities. fresh examples of conflict, words and deeds in the disposition project. disposition is on the air, this is gagarin, let's go. surely many people know that poland has built a huge fence on the border with belarus. warsaw itself, along with the baltic. countries are trumpeting loudly about some kind of defensive engineering
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barriers, minefields at their borders, they are generally preparing for aggression from minsk and moscow, together for the suwałki corridor, neighbors fear for some other areas, and expect our furious attack. the western media strongly supports this position in their society, focusing on preparing nato exclusively for defense against barbarians, and you will not find widespread discussion or detailed analysis, for example. warsaw’s decision to purchase 360 ​​anti-radar missiles from washington, the pentagon dryly announced this, in the states sometimes they don’t worry about context of the news, but this one... is about the strengthening, and enormous, in some cases even inexplicable, strike-offensive power of the polish army. the state department has decided to approve the sale under the foreign military sales program to the government of poland of extended-range anti-radar guided missiles, as well as
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associated logistics and program support items, at an estimated cost of $1.275 million to the security cooperation agency. anti-radar missiles - these are those products that are designed to destroy radar stations. the weapon is used primarily to break through air defenses. aggression today begins precisely with the use of such models. poland's purchase of several hundred anti-radar missiles at once is not a bid to strengthen its defense, but to prepare to suppress the enemy's defense. read. we, we were assigned to the enemies in warsaw, not for an organized retreat, where is the lordship and where is the retreat, warsaw signed a contract for the supply of 120 tank bridge layers, and the designs will be capable of withstanding american abrams tanks of all modifications. this information also
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passed by as if in passing, precisely because it speaks eloquently about true ambitions. ambitions sometimes lead to dramatic embarrassments. it became known in april. duda made a corresponding statement at the three seas initiative summit in vilnius, but what is more surprising here is the open reaction of the polish ministry of defense. the president, unfortunately, sometimes raises some issues without consulting the government, as was the case in this particular case. pavel zalevsky, deputy minister. it is significant that the military did not even pause, look for contacts with the duda administration, they immediately recorded a conflict situation for show, this is with their own president, maybe they were really tired of when the army develops unbalancedly, in favor of the rules of political games, where the main
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principle is to do whatever you want, as long as it’s against minsk and moscow. all this trouble, of course, doesn’t make it any easier for us, but we won’t rejoice. i’m torn and to help neighbors overcome disagreements we can advise to hold an all-polish people's assembly, where it would be quite appropriate to discuss broadly real problems for warsaw in the field of security, but that’s why they won’t hold it, who will let ordinary people speak out, they’ll blurt out something else, they’ll say we don’t need a war with our neighbors, and the bridgelayers for the abrams are not needed, and then doody will blush in front of the states for his people. and you know, such persistent stubbornness of the west to start a new world war makes us again understand more and more consciously
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what our grandfathers and great-grandfathers had to go through, to our heroes, our winners, to stop this fascist onslaught. a memorial sign dedicated to the events on the pronya river during the great patriotic war to all those who fell here in the fight against the fascist invaders was solemnly opened in the area. the location for the new memorial sign was not chosen by chance in 1943. the nazis created a serious line of defense here. it was about 20 km deep. soviet troops managed to take pronya, but at a very high cost. search engines are still raising it here. remains of red soldiers armies, chaus, this is a long-suffering land, the front stood for 9 months, 330,000 people died, were missing, this is a terrible tragedy, these numbers simply defy normal
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perception, but the people survived, the people survived, they revived the land, revived the villages, unfortunately, not all .


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